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Unoriginal sins: why does Russell Crowe keep making exorcism movies? (

This week, a new Russell Crowe movie is released. The film concerns a demon that comes to inhabit a person, and the struggles of a priest to cast the demon out. You might have seen its poster, in which Russell Crowe wears a dog collar and clutches a crucifix....


I definitely would have strapped that stool of strength to my butt if it let me.

I am scared to flirt with girls.

I don’t have any issue talking to girls when the intent is not romantic/sexual. OK I have met someone, first few conversations went alright, how do I transition to something else without being embarrassed and feeling like a dick? Like, if I want to say something technical or communicate for something else, everything is fine....


It takes some growth, but once you realize that girls are just human beings themselves, it becomes a lot easier. Nobody expects perfection from other humans in casual conversation. If you say something stupid or fumble your words then laugh it off and keep going. People like people with a sense of humor who don’t take themselves too seriously.


I ordered an iPod from Alibaba back in the day and it was most certainly not an iPod. I think they’re more reliable than back then, but who knows. It’s always a gamble ordering from those kinds of sites.

One time I ordered a PS2 kit from some janky-ass Chinese site. The kit converted it into a flip top and included a CD that would let you play burned games. After a couple months of it not showing up, I figured I got ripped off, which I half expected anyways. 3.5 months later the kit showed up at my doorstep and actually worked. Haha! I used that thing for years after making the conversion.


She wanted to sleep with me within like 5 minutes of joining the party. I guess I was playing as a real hard-ass.


He said in the post that they don’t.


I don’t think the writing is particularly good, and it is particularly problematic in Act 3. The pacing falls apart, all urgency disappears

Overall I disagree with you. I loved the writing in the game, and the companion back stories are rich, and full of tragedy. But I completely agree with you about act 3. We’re smack dab in the middle of literally trying to save the entire world. We just defeated a major contributor to the master plan. We finally travel to Baldur’s Gate, close to accomplishing our goal… and we stop all of that to help a little kid find their mommy, investigate dangerous toys, and go all detective mode for a missing prostitute. I couldn’t figure out how to get into Baldur’s Gate because I had rejected all of those story lines. They felt completely out of character, and not something I had time to worry about with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. I think that they really could have used a smoother transition from act 2 to act 3.


There’s a setting, I think it’s called eaves drop mode, where you will automatically listen in on any conversation that another player initiates.


You might enjoy the Pathfinder games then. I’ve only played Pathfinder Kingmaker, but it has a real-time combat mode. I spent 3 weeks doing nothing except playing that game, so I think it’s fair to say that I enjoyed it. I did not use the real time combat mode though, so I can’t say how well it works. The game is good, but it’s definitely not as polished as BG3.


That’s what a backstory is though, it’s what happened in their past, before you met them. If you’re experiencing it with them then it’s their current journey. I did feel like I was able to reach meaningful and entertaining conclusions to all of the companion’s personal stories after hearing their backstory. But I never played any of Larian’s other games, so I don’t have anything to compare BG3 to. For me it was a completely new style of game, and one I enjoyed so much that I consider it to be a masterpiece, and the best game I have ever played. That’s saying a lot considering I’ve lived through the entire evolution of gaming, starting out with an Atari in the early 80’s.

Anticorp, (edited )

That sounds like a fun project, although I’d recommend XP over Me. XP has a DOS emulator, and it’s a lot easier to configure drivers for.

My favorite games from that era are Star Wars: X-Wing and Wing Commander: Privateer. Both games stood out as exceptional back then. Warcraft was also an excellent game. Command and Conquer is worth checking out too.

Edit: I’m pretty sure I played the first two games on Windows 3.2, so I’m not sure how they’ll play on Me or XP.

Edit 2: Silent Hunter is another memorable game


4x is pretty common for desktop gaming these days. Laptops are hardly an indication of our gaming progress.


That’s why I still have RAM pairs from every computer I’ve ever built in a box in the garage. I’ll probably never use them again, but I spent so much money on them, and it took so much research to get the right ones, that I can’t bring myself to throw them away.


Oh yeah! How could I forget Duke Nukem? Wolfenstein 3D was pretty rad too.


Sim City games were so cool back then! I hate what they did with them as they progressed.


I never did play Squadrons. I joined the Army right after the X-Wing era and had a several year gap where I didn’t touch a computer at all.

Now that I think about it, if these are straight-up DOS games then you don’t need Windows at all. You can just load MS-DOS and then run the game straight from the command line. I think you’re right that XP broke a bunch of old DOS games. It’s been so long that I completely forgot we were mad at Microsoft for the removal of DOS back then and the move to an emulator only experience.


Why do they need any of that? The transporter can rebuild a person from scratch. Why not just transport them and use their previous pattern record to remove the injury or illness?


They’ve already changed the design of these dryers so that the water from your hands is sprayed on the floor instead of collecting at the bottom of the dryer.


That cartoon looks way more human than Odo ever did. Haha


I did just use auto selection like always, and didn’t pay attention to what was chosen. I’m guessing it was mostly booze and that’s why it happened. You saw this when the game first came out? This is the first time I’ve seen it in 2.5 playthroughs.


It’s a fun little addition. This is the first time I’ve seen it.


That’s fun. Someone said this was just added back in February, so I’m guessing there’s a specific number of booze as supplies that you exceed to trigger it, while still being less than “all booze”.


I really never understood the ladies’ reactions towards Kahn. Is he considered a very handsome man?

If you fail to pull Gale through the portal, can you recruit him later?

I failed the strength check despite being a paladin and using inspiration. I never saw him again even after getting through nearly all of act 2. I’ve asked this before, maybe even in this community, but no one gave a concrete answer, likely because the game was still new.

Anticorp, (edited )

He’ll also just stand around near the entrance of the grove on the left side of the road, just past the gate. I didn’t even know existed my first playthrough until I was through with the Underdark. Then I read about him online, went back, and found him there.


Walmart is not low cost. The cost of shopping at Walmart comes from cheap items that look like their branded equivalent but are specifically made for sale at Walmart’s low pricing and only last 10% as long as the real thing, stolen wages from your community’s citizens, small businesses run out of town, decreased property values, and so many other negatives. There’s a valid reason why homeowners almost always fight against Walmart opening in their neighborhood. It’s a trash store that costs a lot of the back-end. Costco on the other hand sells quality goods, treats their employees fairly, and has great warranty and return policies. Don’t shop at Walmart, it is a threat to your community.


The vast majority of people couldn’t do anything about it. Those who could do something about it profited from it, and therefore did nothing.


Did they though? When wages have stagnated for decades? It’s really easy as a middle or upper class person to say “what’s a dollar here and there?”, but as a poor person it’s the difference between running out of money before payday or not. The long term cost of shopping at Walmart is greater than the short term savings, but poor people generally do not have the luxury of thinking about the long term.


Well yeah. People’s entire life savings are wrapped up in their houses. We all saw what happened in 08 when the housing market crashed. It would cause absolutely massive fallout if people’s largest asset that they’ve been investing in their entire lives lost a bunch of value. It’s unfortunate that they’re not more affordable, but devaluing them would be catastrophic.

Anticorp, (edited )

I’m all in favor of preventing corporations and investment firms from purchasing houses, and also foe heavily taxing private home ownership after the first one. I think that would bring the demand down to reasonable levels. The houses would still appreciate due to increasing population levels through birth and immigration, but it would hopefully keep it in the affordable for average people realm. It makes sense for your largest investment in your entire life to appreciate. It absolutely doesn’t make sense when a home triples in value in 3 years. That is causing its own financial catastrophes.


Slowing their appreciation seems like a better solution for people who bought in the last few years. Having their homes lose value in a controlled manner would ruin some people. They’d not only lose money on their life savings, they’d be trapped, unable to ever move without paying even more money, or filing bankruptcy if they don’t have more money to lose.


Your question starts from a false premise though, that nobody except for the wealthiest can afford to own a house. I’m from the USA, not Canada, so I had to look up the statistics for your country. You’re definitely facing a crisis, and if nothing is done, then your statement will probably be true sooner, rather than later, but it’s not accurate today. The prices of homes up there are certainly preventative for working class families, but depending on the area there are still middle class citizens buying homes. It would be disastrous for them if their homes - which have traditionally been the one source of financial stability - suddenly plummeted in value.

I totally get your sentiment since we’re facing a similar situation down here. Something needs to be done. Ideally that something doesn’t completely screw over millions of working class citizens who have made all the right moves, have been disciplined and financially wise, and through no fault of their own find themselves on the shit end of the stick yet again.

I think blocking investors and corporations from buying houses is a good step in the right direction, and probably making them sell the houses they already own too. That alone would open up a lot of inventory and stop the massive appreciation we’ve seen over the last half decade. That of course carries its own set of challenges though. What do renters do who can’t afford to buy a house, or don’t want to buy a house, when they suddenly have no more rentals available?

Idk man. I’m glad that I’m not the one who has to sort these problems out. My only point is that I hope they consider the millions of working class citizens who already own homes as they plan their solutions.


I used to run a cooking blog, so I’ve watched dozens of world renown chefs prepare steak, and I’ve tested many different methods myself. The most popular and tasty method by far is to brush the steak with olive oil and sear it over high heat, finish cooking at lower heat, and then baste it with butter when it is finished. You can either baste it with butter in the pan, adding aromatics as desired, or just brush it down with butter and let it rest. There’s an internet trendy reverse sear method where you bake it at low heat first, and then finish it over high heat to obtain the sear, but the butter would still be applied after all of that, as the last step before resting.


Here’s a reverse sear recipe from America’s Test Kitchen. Their recipes are heavily tested and usually outstanding, although frequently over-complicated. If you don’t want to invest all the time into it, then you can just use their baking instructions and do your own thing for the seasoning. I haven’t heard of using an air fryer for cooking steak, so you’re on your own there. If I had to guess, I’d say it might dry it out a little, so maybe not the best approach.


for-profit company says it wants to make more money


Those are completely different models. Dumb post is dumb.


where you listening to me, or were you watching the woman in the red dress? Look again.


They were quite optimistic about Wesley’s development.

Wil Wheaton should use this guy’s portrait when catfishing.


Part IV is the one I’d really pay to see in theaters.




Dang it!


If the transporter kills you, then whatever “you” are is gone. What is replicated at the end of the transporter is just a facsimile. It acts like you, and thinks like you, but it is not you. You are dead.


The theory doesn’t work if you don’t believe that you are more than the sum of your parts. If there is no soul, then the transportation or duplication presents no issues. But if there is a soul, and it dies when your body is shredded at an atomic level, then whatever comes out the other end is not “you”. Your soul goes on to whatever the next plane of existence is. Unless somehow the soul is also able to survive the transportation event, in which case it’s fine. The issue Bones and others like him had is that they didn’t believe that the soul survived the event.


The 4th one is cold, man. Why you gotta do Alexander dirty like that?


I get that. I’ve been using Arch on my laptop and have wanted to switch my gaming desktop over to Arch for a couple years now, but it already works well and I don’t want to go through the entire installation & set-up process again. It’s been on my rainy day list for all this time, but I always find better uses for my time. In your scenario it sounds like your current setup might not work well for you though, so perhaps just bite the bullet and go for it. If you back your home directory up somewhere then you can just copy that back over to the new home directory and that’ll at least save all your documents, pictures, and that sort of stuff.


Plus this isn’t even a bug. This is from not paying attention to Jaheira, and then not talking to her after you kill her best friend. Although, they could give a little more explanation for the people who weren’t paying attention to her requests.

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