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Yeah, other than freezing credit, there’s not much you can do. It’s a toothpaste out of the tube scenario. It’s basically too late. The offerings always suck and are basically only there so they can say they’re doing something for you.

Other than that, harden your privacy in general. Yeah, it doesn’t help for breaches like this because you can’t hide from your doctors, but simple things like having an alternate email address makes it a tiny bit better.


Thank you. I’m going to check it out.


Thanks. I wholeheartedly agree. I was just looking for recommendations from the community based on experience.


I actually own a chromatic tuner, and it stays at home with my guitar. Sometimes I’m elsewhere and need a tuner. Which for the record the recommended Tuner app is phenomenal, and very accurate.


Thanks for the rec. I tried it last night and am very happy with it, better than what I expected.


Yeah, that’s the one that came up in my initial search. The recommended app Tuner is pretty damn good.


People like to ntpick and fight. GrapheneOS is one of the best options (realistically of just a few) out there, and it’s pretty damn good and simple to get into.


I’m an old fart that grew up on these games too. They were what I lived for. Kings Quest 1 blew me away. Then 2 had me hooked. 3 was another level and felt so big.

I collected their catalogs and dreamed f what would come next. There was a box art for KQ4 they showed in the catalog that didn’t make it to the actual box. It was amazing and I wished I had that.

I also played Space, Police, and Heros Quest, but Kings Quest was my jam.

E-Mail-App for Android with Exchange / Activesync

I need my work emails on my mobile. They only work with Exchange/Activesync. IMAP is not an option. Is there a good, privacy respecting app for Android out there? I would like if I could use the same app for my other E-Mails which all use IMAP. I now use Gmail, but I hate the unnecessary connection with the big G. I’d also...


I can’t comment on their privacy, but I thought of Nine when I read your post. I used it back before the Outlook app supported folders. I think it was a great alternative and worked better than anything out there… Mind you, it was years ago.

Also, have you thought about using a different user profile for just work? I know you’re asking about apps but you can gain some privacy from segregation too.

Reminder: The DMV uses photos for facial recognition

This is half a decade old news, but I only found this out myself after it accidentally came up in conversation at the DMV. The worker would not have informed me if it hadn’t come into conversation. Every DMV photo in the United States is being used for AI facial recognition, and nobody has talked about it for years. This is...


Have you read Means of Control (Byron Tau)? He tracks the evolution of all of this and how we got to where we are today. Yes, 9/11 fast-tracked it but there’s so much more to it. Highly recommended.


JMP is my recommendation too. I don’t think you can pause it, but the cost is so low it might not matter.


They advertise way too much and way too aggressively.

I understand your feeling, but I think massive advertising is needed. This is high level marketing, basically telling the general public there is another way other than big tech. Most people don’t know this to know there are options to choose…so they don’t.


If you need more storage, the secondhand market is better for you anyway.

Though I just saw a 7 pro with 512GB on Woot for under $500. That’s a decent deal.

Regular Pixel 8s are going for 500 on a deal.


Proton and Mullvad are the only 2 I’d trust. I suspect that they get similar results.

Proton has gotten a lot better since launch, but it’s always a moving target with these things. I really only have issues with some store sites that just don’t load with a VPN, which only tells me I don’t want to shop there.

TV recommendations

It finally happened. My ‘dumb’ TV died for good. Looking for recommendations on a new TV. I’ll be hooking it up to a media PC anyway, but I still want a TV with a good panel and absolutely no microphones, cameras, or baked in ads (Looking at you roku). If anyone knows any good ‘dumb’ TV’s too, I’d be very...


I’m interested to follow the comments here. TVs are not a one size fits all product and very tough to choose between at times, even without privacy in mind.

My gut is that the choice will be panel based, with the option to turn microphones off.

I’ve been looking at the LG C3 and would not connect internet and then turn the mic off. If there’s better options I’d love to hear them.


The problem is that YouTube music is vastly inferior to google play music.

I’m not a fan of services that make themselves worse and then charge you for it.

The paid experience is a decent one, but it isn’t the same as service that I want. I want to control what I watch and not be fed what they think I want to watch.

But I don’t disagree that paying for a good service is worth it.


They are very much in sync. Even though each game and story is independent, characters have history and the games are part of that.

Enjoy! It’s a great series


This looks like you asked AI to make a keyboard 😂


This is a good discussion point, rather than an arms race discussion of ads vs adblockers.

Some key points to make are that Google is making a crap ton of money from ads, they are keeping most of it so creators must resort to sponsorships and patreon. Google additionally makes money by selling your profile data.

It’s not like I have a true answer to your question, but a “workable” system should consist of: Google makes money Creators make money Customers are reasonably private The concept of making money isn’t about making the entire system worse, just so you pay for it not to be

My problem with Google is they don’t really care. They’ll burn it all if it makes them money until it’s dead.

There could be some key features that get implemented on a paid tier, but paying is just ads vs no ads.

An equally valid question would be, what can YT do to incentivize you to pay? They could ad features only available to subscribers, but they really don’t.

I would make it a semi walled garden, with free and premium content. Subscription tiers would be for customers and creators alike. Vimeo has a good system (though not perfect) with feature sets only available certain tiers. There’s incentive to upgrade if you want those features.

Here’s a big differentiator though. YT has this magic algorithm that feeds you what it wants to. Creators have no say in that (nor do customers). But if I post a video you like, I want you to watch more of my videos, not videos from somebody else similar to me. YT takes full control, and sends people away just as fast as sending them in. Why would I pay for that?

Platforms like Vimeo don’t do that (I’m not advocating vimeo, they’re just the example I think is most comparable). Wouldn’t having some level of control over that as a viewing customer and content creator have value? No, let’s just slap ads on it.

I can also argue that this goes against my final criterea point, that YT just made things worse with their algorithm and this is just paying to remove it. There was a day where subscribing to a channel meant you got to see their videos. No bell ringing needed.

And I’m sorry I just vomited my brain into these thoughts and wall of text. If you made it this far, bless you.

But this is why I don’t use YT directly. I was with vanced but ended up with newpipe, because its a simple scraper. That fact not only removes ads, but it gives me control of what I watch with my time (which has value). That is the lesson YT forgot, and the root of why any of this is an issue.


I don’t know that to be true based on what I’ve heard. But assuming it is, it’s still clearly not enough for a creator to survive. So a “fair” payment is still required.


I get that. I am mostly there too, but people go where the people are. I’ve tried Rumble and Odysee but there needs to be an exodus from YT by creators. I thought that would happen, but people stick with what they know (fear of the unknown).

Hell, it took me a long time to jump to Lemmy. But the Reddit train went too far so I’m gone. But even now the #1 sub I was in is not represented in the fediverse so I’m SOL. Kind of a tangent, but you get what I mean.


If the best description of something can only be broken down to “reddit liked it” then either the person doesn’t know how to describe anything, or that’s an accurate description in itself.

I watched the first episode and found it not interesting. Certain things were good and others bad, but I just didn’t care and was waiting for it to end.

Apparently I’m in the minority as fans seem to flock to defend it. To each their own.


That’s fair. I just figured when they introduced the characters and world building and I didn’t find most of it interesting, then the following would be similar.


For proton? They’ve always offered more storage on a paid tier over free. Plus they give you additional storage every year you’re subscribed.


Worth is subjective. It sounds to me like it’s not a fit to your criteria so I wouldn’t recommend it.

Personally, I like it. I actively use email, drive, calendar, and VPN. Yes, they’re all separate apps so it’s not like its a true ecosystem, but its really the closest to a suite of products you’ll get in the privacy world. Mostly though, I like what the company stands for and how they treat their customers.

Biggest issue I have is their password manager. It’s been improved since I’ve tried it but it wasn’t great. The main issue I had was it sharing the same password as the rest of it’s apps. No. I want a single password manager password I can remember and then a unique, complex password for apps. So I use a separate password manager.

I also don’t use their aliases. I tried to switch over and just didn’t like how it handled the headers and how it worked with my sieve filters. One day I’ll probably make the switch, but it just doesn’t seem worth the time when Addy is $1/mo.


Thanks for the recommendation. I see there’s gesture typing support if you load a library. Which one do you use if any?

janbartosik, to gaming avatar

A coop PvE game for two dads and three sons?
A shooter, preferably. Any recommendations, guys? The youngest lad is 10, so as little violence as possible. Thanks 😉



Ninja Turtles Shredders Revenge is up to 6 players. Technically it’s tons of violence, but it’s cartoony. You can do online or couch coop too.


I appreciate this list. Half of them I’ve never heard of, so it’s a treasure trove to me.

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