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You should see an increase, but likely small. Since the end point increased and since the curve only increases between upgrades, that means that all points before the end point must also increase. However, most of the benefit is now granted in the first half of the upgrades possible, so at your level the increase per level will be smaller than it was before.


There are a few games that you might miss out on with this method. Some devs (it’s not many) list their games at what they think is a fair forever price and will not ever offer the game at a reduced price. Again, this isn’t a lot of devs, but one notable one is Wube, makers of Factorio.

I generally agree with your method, mostly because I have a large enough backlog to be able to wait for sales, but it is also worth doing research on some devs to see if a sale will ever happen.


The section with the burning buildings and the big guy in the middle of the court yard just past the shallow water?

If that’s the section you mean, then you can safely come back after progressing the main line a little more. Getting the axe and the beating the guy on the horse are good pre-requisites. That will align the difficulty to be more consistent with the main line path.

Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices (

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in...


You added a zero somewhere.

Also, it seems like justices are charging on the order of 1 million, so a billion dollars gets 1000 judges. Still plenty for them to get whatever they want.


Oh, wow, sorry. It’s just Thomas that’s throwing it way off. My bad.

Also, I wasn’t disagreeing with your point at all. You’re absolutely right. Just that somewhere you had an extra zero, but it doesn’t change your point at all: judges are cheap and a billionaire could easily buy them all for a small fraction of their wealth.

Colorado Republican Brutally Grilled By Local News Anchor: ‘Why Is Abortion Good For Your Girlfriend? Bad For Other Women?’ (

Colorado congressional candidate and sitting State Rep. Richard Holtorf ® received a tough grilling this week at the hands of local 9News anchor Kyle Clark over his apparent hypocrisy when it comes to abortion rights....


That’s just how numbers work. Those aren’t exponential increases, they are proportional. 30% will always be 30%.

There’s no benefit to sensationalizing the math.


This would be campaign spending, not military spending. Even if it was, the budget is decided by congress, not the president.

Some these Russian trolls are so terrible.


Just to clarify, other than the naming, those games aren’t related, right?


Thanks, songs of syx looks interesting, what are your thoughts?


Is it similar to rimworld then?


This is kind of the opposite of that idea though. This is saying that not everything put on the screen needs to be computed from the game engine. Some of the content on the screen can be inferred from a predictive model. What remains to be seen is if that requires less computing power from the GPU.


Try a “cold” sear from this video:

Should allow you to use butter for the process.


I think those are the Church of Satan principles.

Some may prefer the Satanic Temple’s tenets:…/there-are-seven-fundamenta…

Either way, I agree, LA should be required to put up the beliefs of all religions if it will require even one.


Been waiting for Steam releases of 16 and Rebirth since they launched. I’m guessing I’m not the only one.


Square has had a lot of popular games past FF7. Just in the Final Fantasy series, they’ve had good success with ff9, ff10, ff12, ff14, and ff7 remakes. All of the others in the series are usually pretty well liked too. That’s just their final fantasy main line series however.

They also have Dragon Quest, Tomb Raider, Marvel’s (both good and bad), and Kingdom Hearts. They also published Nier: Automata; but I’m not sure how much that counts as their game.

All of those series have had successful and unsuccessful games, based on objective sales figures. It seems you may be thinking that SquareEnix == FF only, but that’s not really true. And sure, the FF games have a lot in common, but so do the Halo games, the CoD games, etc. That’s because they are all part of the same series and it is expected that they have similarities.


Is it possible the worm starved to death?

gmr_leon, to games avatar

What kinds of games might you recommend with deep worldbuilding and interaction that aren't RPGs?

I like worldbuilding and stories, and I like when they're mixed with the interactivity of games, so RPGs seem like they should be a natural fit. Problem is, I dislike the stat-heavy, grindy progression of many RPGs.

I enjoy point & click adventures and visual novels but they're often more limited in their interactions. What kinds of game might I be missing combining the two?



Subnautica has a pretty interesting world to explore. If you don’t like the survival elements, you can can turn them down or off.

Hardship space breaker had a somewhat interesting story. Not deep world building and definitely more focused on the game play, but still pretty good lore.

Another vote for the outer wilds. That’s really the best game in this area.


The first game became significantly easier as more stuff was unlocked, so beating a round wasn’t quite so tough by the end.

I know you were exaggerating, but I think it was 10 completions that were required in total, with new stuff unlocking pretty consistently past the first, so much so that the strategy was evolving significantly between the first and the last.

Didn’t they also release a god mode version if you just wanted story as well?


I didn’t realize it was so many for the epilogue. Might have to go back to now. Thanks.


It is OK for politicians to do things that help the general population. If that makes them favorable in the election and people vote for the politician, that’s OK too. That’s a democracy. Politicians are supposed to make and use the government to help people.


This idea of triple I is going to be corrupted and backfire if it becomes organized. What I mean is that instead of great games like Stardew or Terraria (just to name 2 as examples) being labeled as triple I, we will instead get Ubisoft marketing their next open world as triple I only because it is based on a “new” IP. That new IP will likely be a warrior type character fighting for justice while assembling a crew of interesting characters to help them in their mission in a never before seen world filled with friends and foes alike… Blah blah blah.

Triple I will soon mean triple A, but for new IP. Triple I should be a designation bestowed by the community on outstanding indie games. It should be subjective and unregulated, otherwise it will lose its meaning and that’s exactly what large studio’s want.


Fluid networks don’t allow mixed fluids though. How would you mix in the tank?


Oh, right. Duh.

Good idea, thank you.


The game used to let you do that, it was a nightmare since there wasn’t any warning when connecting pipes.


Ahh yes, I forgot that Biden was the only person that determined who got elected to the a completely separate branch of government.

You can just say that you’re a republican or a foreign agent and that you don’t like Biden. You would sound more believable.


Obama left office in 2016, he was one of the most beneficial presidents since JFK or Carter. The next most beneficial president is currently in office. Neither of them are perfect, none of them have been. But the last 2 democratic presidents have been amazing.

If you truly believe that Biden has done nothing, then you’ve either been duped by propaganda or you just play a Democrat online.


Biden is a great candidate. He’s done a amazing job help the American public, probably 2nd only to Obama in recent history. Right wing and foreign propaganda has unfortunately been very successful at making people believe that he hasn’t done anything. Making that statement jokingly is not ridiculous.


Yes, I completely agree.

I haven’t seen that book before, is it good? Worth reading?


I agree with most of that comment.

I also think it is important that we distinguish idealistic goals and candidates from pragmatic goals and candidates.

Yes, I and many others would prefer the more progressive candidates and if I had my ideal scenario, I would be able to vote for a better candidate than Biden.

Technically I do have that option, but practically I don’t. If I evaluate my practical choices, which is what is done in all elections by most voters, then Biden is a great choice for president.

Having to choose the best practical option is what probably always happened in all elections ever. Unfortunately, it is exceedingly rare to have the option between the two best candidates of their age. Maybe the voters for the 2nd and 3rd president had this choice, but probably not.


I’ve heard that if there is a mortgage on a property and it is seized by the government that they don’t need to pay the mortgage. Supposedly the lender would have a new claim against for the remaining amount on the mortgage.

I don’t know if this is true, it is not from a verified source.


Game play is better, but similar. The improvements make it a fun challenge to take down the monsters piece by piece. I didn’t enjoy the game play of the first nearly as much.

The continuation of the story is good, but not as intriguing as the first. If story in the first was 10/10, this one is 8/10; so still pretty good.

If you enjoyed the first one, this one is definitely worth playing. There will also be a 3rd and having played the 2nd game will be required to understand the story.


The story of the present day in the first was bland. The story of the past was interesting to explore. I agree about the side quests, I skipped them entirely in the first, but some of the side quests in the 2nd were worth doing. The 2nd does a good job of listing which are side-story and which are side-fetch quests.


I’m not sure Arkane and Bathesda could be considered as indie devs at the time of release. Bathesda had released Skyrim the year before.


Even Arkane alone at that time wouldn’t be considered indie. They had done a few contract jobs for major releases, like CoD, before developing Dishonored.

Biden Transcript Calls Into Question Hur’s Memory Claims: The president was never even asked about the timing of his son’s death (

A transcript from a special counsel’s interviews with President Biden about his handling of classified documents shows that the Democrat repeatedly insisted he never deliberately intended to retain sensitive files, according to reports, while also shedding light on some of the exchanges that led to a bombshell claim about...


Yeah, but since 2021 Biden has been just sitting around in some fancy mansion at the center of DC, giving some speeches and sometimes traveling around the world/country on a private jet with a chef and personal security. He’s got such a simple life now he should be able to remember and reminisce about all moments in his life. What else could possibly be occupying his time? There couldn’t possibly be anymore significant issues to occupy his time. Oh, and for like a year before moving to DC he took a big tour around the whole country, just talking to people.


I thought the sarcasm would have been obvious…

Brokkr, (edited )

It was rather difficult to understand the point of this essay. It doesn’t state its thesis until about the middle. The first half is a philosophical review of automation games, taking a detour to explain what the word automation could mean (why?) to eventually arrive at the conclusion that tech bros (incorrectly associating them with Silicon Valley, which is focused on hardware, not software) are bad. The reasoning for which seems to be largely an opinion stated as fact with the supporting evidence being that these games are unrealistic.

I found it difficult to engage with these ideas because the linkage between them is so incredibly stretched that it is hard to see the connection at all.


Yeah, that fucking clown of a politician trying to create policies that would only benefit his voters (well and everyone else, but clearly he doesn’t care about those people). If this passed, and thankfully it won’t because the Republicans in congress will be sure to protect the public, then it might actually get him reelected because people might think that he was good for the majority of Americans. That would be so awful.


People have given you a lot of snarky or rude answers, which isn’t warranted. I partially agree with you, but partially disagree too.

For ToTK, High resolution doesn’t matter a ton because the game is well optimized for its intended platform, for playing on a switch can still give you great vistas and pictures. This is where I agree with you.

However, the difference between 30 and 60 fps makes a big difference in this game. Controls, motion, and fights all feel a lot smoother and natural at 60 fps. And while vistas and pictures still look great, a lot of the game has additional beauty when in motion. The improved frame rate does make a difference and can enhance the experience for a game that deserves it. The people who made this game clearly put a lot of thought and creativity into and the switch isn’t always able to deliver that experience to the players. Think of it like going to an indoor play with sunglasses on; it may still be enjoyable to but some of the experience is lost.


If you want a stroganoff, go for a mushroom version then, which means get rid of the olives and tomatoes. Add a little Dijon for acid and flavor.

You keep saying vegetarian, but the context implies vegan. What is your goal? If only vegetarian, then add some cream or butter. Adding cheese changes it from traditional stroganoff to generic American casserole, which can be delicious.

Right now I’d say your recipe is half way between a mushroom casserole and a chili. Those don’t sound like good combination. Pick one and commit in that direction. Also, using canned and frozen veggies in an instant pot is going to result in some very mushy food without their distinct flavors. You might want to opt for the fresh versions of some things, namely onions and mushrooms.


Sometimes you can select which version of the game you want in steam. It might prevent you from connecting to the servers though.


Sometimes a country’s customs screening is in a foreign country, but US customs does not have a preclearance office in Amsterdam. Countries typically don’t have screenings for people leaving the country.


That’s the definition I’ve always heard too.

I think the confusion happens because like and lite sound similar. In another language I don’t think this would be a common confusion at all.


I’m not taking a side in the debate of Steam vs others but has Steam ever negotiated an exclusivity deal of a 3rd party game?


Have you tried Factorio? If you want something that you can invest some time in the then that might be what you want.


I love Star Wars for its stories, but I don’t think a SW reskin is that interesting. There are a few places where I could see it maybe working because the SW setting could justify additional gameplay elements (city - > star system builders with a heavy automation and trade components, sekiro-like).

Instead we need SW games that tell their own stories well in a modern format. That does not mean a KOTOR remake. The bioware format had its time, but a remake in the same style is going to feel dated by the time it comes out.


I feel really bad for anyone who pre-orders this. It probably means they don’t know of its development history.

Hopefully it’s great, but this is definitely one that I want to see in action before spending anything on it.

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