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I don’t believe that the NSA has a portal giving them direct access (probably naive).

They definitely have a secret agent 🕵️‍♀️ nerd on the inside providing intel on the structure. Maybe inject exploits or guide them when needed.

They definitely have a direct e-mail address to cloudflare legal to serve national security letters that cloud flare is obligated to comply with. Which is a portal with extra steps, but which cloud flare can raise a fuss if they notice the requests are turning into vacuum cleaners, and not union membership research.


Why waste time being warm blooded creatures? Heat up planet and let air keep you warm 😎


Worked for dad, and grandpa, and his grandpa!


I think the phrasing is wrong. GoG wants a public document detailing the legal estate transfer. Can’t just email them a death certificate and claim your a beloved grandson.

People have died because of wills. Shit gets messy.


It’s protocols over platforms. I’m not too worried about the protocol.


Most important part of the blog post:

We are planning a 3rd party security audit for the protocols and cryptography design in July 2024, and also the security audit for an implementation in December 2024/January 2025, and it would hugely help us if some part of this $50,000+ expense is covered with donations.


Far stronger position to have a mod that requires fall out 2 and 4 installed, instructions for how to merge assets from both games.


Exqueese me? How does AI impact electrical use? Cause last I heard we’re supposed to be cutting back on energy usage.


The Emperor has extended you an invitation to journey to Terra on a black ship Harry.

Oh boy, I’m going to be a sanctioned psyker!


Won’t somebody think of the multi colored econo-wives???


Your starting build is also important. White Christian rich lady is basically “story mode”


Not an expert but I don’t think it’s as simple as “fastest swimmer”.


Appeasement is at this point an ingrained set of neuron pathways in every human. If only history or game theory could teach us the optimal strategy for when your bigger sibling comes to fuck your day up.


Didn’t even know there was a hellblade 1


Oh and it’s for big gov to decide what’s a legitimate reason? It’s still bullshit that we can’t own surface to air missiles for property defense, A LEGITIMATE REASON!!!



Don’t know about the surgery part (maybe zer0d her med bills) but he’s definitely showing her off.


We historically feared satanism too. Should probably post their commandments “so that the kids know what to watch for”. Right next to the biblical ones.

  1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
  2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
  3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
  4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
  5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
  6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
  7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
  8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
  9. Do not harm little children.
  10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
  11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

Stockholm syndrome is made up but posts like these keep convincing me it’s real.


You can do your part to get that info off of Twitter.

Get a separate browser just for Twitter use. If there’s info that’s only on Twitter re-post it elsewhere.


They’re just saying things you don’t want to hear /s

Does a VPN used on a smartphone with Wi-Fi disabled (mobile data only enabled) provide any sort of protection?

I’ve never completely understood this, but I think the answer would probably be “no,” although I’m not sure. Usually when I leave the house I turn off wifi and just use mobile data (this is a habit from my pre-VPN days), although I guess I should probably just keep it on since using strange Wi-Fi with a VPN is ok (unless...


Protection from what?

If it’s your phone leaking your location, then yes and also disable location services and Bluetooth as well.

You mention interference. Mobile data can be interfered from miles away at the phone company. Same for your home internet.


Step 1: don’t use a computer

Step 2: letters to your friends need a probable cause warrant to be viewed

Step 3: invite your friends over for dinner, or go hangout with them



Guys, I think all these computers took military funding. Wake up sheeple.


Buying stocks and then selling them.

The selling part is the bigger problem. Give your shares of Walmazon to your kids.


Sony got the “ you should be grateful it isn’t a play station exclusive”


Tor network could always use more obfuscation.


Getting “Tor is pentagon spyware” vibes from OP


Proton is the only one I know of who takes mailed cash.

This was all an opsec problem. And not even an “exposed my ip address because a software bug leaked it” it was an “here’s my usual email address in case I get locked out”.

The cops didn’t need to break into proton email. They just asked the backup email address for that stuff.


Or at least have it transition into a cooperative or employee owned in his will


It’s a much slower change than a single executive wanting a bigger payout yesterday.


Data encoding into DNA. Let everybody have a subconscious Wikipedia search engine


Its in the first sentence:

Apple and Google have removed apps that promised deepfake nudes

The apps promised to fuck other people over. Your other suggestions have other uses than making fake nudes.


Depends on their legal status. Could they get sued by a victim?


A minor who gets her face turned into porn wouldn’t be able to sue because it’s not photoshop, it’s AI. /s


If blood draw is done properly it should be pretty uneventful.

Permanent damage could get a lawsuit to compel a less risky procedure by the cops.


It’s not casually allowed. The courts have determined there can be minor intrusions into your body under strictly limited conditions including after a warrant. Arguing that the whole thing is crazy is pointless because you have no constitutional protection once a judge certifies the circumstances necessitate it.

The prosecutors are the ones pushing to get rid of the warrant requirement for blood draws.

You have the option of refusing the breathalyzers, but most legislatures have the automatic clause that you instantly get treated as failing the breathalyzer test.


Bethesda communicated beforehand for script extender Skyrim. Gave them an NDAA and allowed them to update the extender before the anniversary update release.

Don’t know why they didn’t do the same for Fallout

andrew, to privacy avatar

Proton: "Introducing Dark Web Monitoring for credential leaks"



It’s cheapish, and automates something that you should be doing. Easy way to add value to what you pay for


Are they amateur trying to catch a predator?

Under the FISA expansion, what exactly should I worry about, how do I manage privacy?

Hello everyone, with the unfortunate passing of the FISA expansion, I was left with a few questions. I tried to research it, and to me, it seems like they are beefing up surveillance with routers and ISPs (correct me if I’m wrong.) Aside from having businesses stalk you when you use their WiFi (connected with ISPs.)...


The reauthorization expanded it to anybody with a computer who passes on communications with the computer.


Censorship resistance means shit all if you’re signing everything you write with your IP address.

As opposed to my unpaid lemmy server admin learning about how his/her life is going to be shit if they don’t cooperate with gov agents.

Same result, but notice the extra step with lemmy?

There are no clients approaching nostr from a privacy respecting perspective. All the advice is “just run it on TAILS bro”.

When a client comes out that can bind to a VPN, or only send traffic to an onion address, then I’ll be interested.

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