@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar



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I didn't know where else to ask rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

How do you shave your balls? Every time I’ve tried with my trimmer it pinches and tears my sack and I’m too traumatized to try it again unless there’s a full proof bloodless method. Usually I just pluck as many as I can tolerate while I’m sitting around watching YouTube or somethin. But it’s such a pain (literally)....

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Shaving Creme might work, since there are no blades involved

Try to get one that is not to agressive for your skin, maybe on specifically for more intimate parts

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Letting the mask slip, once nobody seemed to be looking…

Religion. Not even once

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

It is in the supply chain, but there is something on the horizon:


This is an actual EU regulation with some very good parts in it. This surely wont solve everything, but it creates precedent and can be given more teeth to bit with in the future.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

I cant wait for some conservative idiot to spin this in the worst possible way. Mixed in with some lies, whataubout-isms and straw-mans for a delicious disinformation-coktail!

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Just like a regular brand one, because this is just an upsell on an otherwise mediocre product.

Its like an overpriced skin for a hero you never play

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

They ARE the cancer, so its just self-preservation

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

The only moral abortion is my abortion

Never forget that conservatives think when push comes to shove, they will be exempt from following the rules of suffering they created. As long as it is not themselves or a loved one suffering, they will never care.

Also important: A lot of conservatives see women like pets, whose reproductive freedom is something they decide for them. You would never consult your dog if you bring them to vet for a sterilisation after all, and why would you? Objections of your pet would just get in the way of your decision. For republicans, the only difference between a dog and a women is that one cant, the other shouldnt allowed to vote.

In the end, like always, conservatism is antithetical to happiness and progression of the human race.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

The only risk of war is coming from China, like all things Taiwan

For a lesson in what happens when you trust dictators or authoritarian countries in regards to security:

Maybe take a look at Ukraine to get a clear picture of what is in store for you, if you lack defensive capability…

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

If it only was JUST the use of concrete…

In China, real-estate and owning a home is a big show or success in life and therefore highly desirable.

Over the years the construction sector ran rampant, building homes faster then they could be sold by banks to bidders. A lot of these homes are so shoddy, they are starting to fall appart while people are living inaide them (google “tofu-buildings” and see for yourself, its horrific).

With high ammounts of corruption and in-party dealings, China continued to overbuild, using up massive ammounts of concrete on buildings with the lifespan of an average laptop. If they would build highly efficient buildings to house the massive population with high quality and affordable rooms, that would probably justity the high us of concrete and material.

But they are not…

And here we are now, locked in a perpetual cycle of building and breaking stuff, because a lot of finances and political positions are entwined with constructionnand lland-dealings.

The CCP could intervene, they are the fake-communist authoritarian rulers after all and their word is law. Im just not sure they want to. Or know how.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

There is currently a massive movement against the far-right in Germany

Revently a meeting was leaked, where the AfD went just mask-out-the-window and openly talked about deportation (They call it “Remigration”) of German Citicens who are the children of immigrants.

After that the vague threats to society have become tangible for a lot of people. Now an ever increasing ammount of the general public is turning against the AfD, who is further slipping into fascism as a reaction, prompting usuql fascist infighting and splitting.

Unlike in the US our judicial system is not quite as bad, but, with all things German, burocratic processes are quite slow. Also a lot of parties dont want to cooperate with the AfD in any regard, even the center-right (CDU) is having issues.

From the outside it looks bleaker then it is in reality, but the danger is still very real

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Forcing someone other than yourself to suffer because of your morals is sociopathic.

An accurate description of conservatives who will, Im very sure of that, fight to never make this a reality in other parts of the world.

Just look at abortion or trans-rights to get peek into the right-wings barely functional mind on these topics. This will be all the same again, because they just hate you.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

For a time now I heard that the UK is a dying empire, desperatly clinging on to a version long gone and being stuck in the past.

In wake of recent anti-trans legislation, Brexit, migration-panics and general declining lifestile, I tend to agree with the statement. The UK is falling behind rapidly, but instead of combating that with progressive policy, the embrace of conservtaive ideas like this will just accelerate the decay.

I just hope Scotland and northern Ireland can get out before its too late.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

So far I dont know of any bill who is curbing the Catholic Churchs influence in politics

That may change in the future

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

MAPs are NOT and have never been part of the LGBTQI+ Community

Thats like you putting on a lab-coat and strolling into an operating room, claiming to be there to do a surgery. To the confused look of everyone involved.

Its deliberately dishonest and a repeated argument to discredit the movement. It should be common knowledge at this point, but the right-wing never bothered with the truth.

Remember: Its always projection! The most pedo stuff is going on in the church and religious / conservative homes

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Research has not let anyone down.

For years it has shown the way on how to deal with these things, just look at statistics, measurable tests and their results.

But conservatives, who again just hate other humans for being living proof that their antics need to finally die out. Your queer existence is a danger to their paper-thin ego, so you need to die. Because being wrong is just not an option to them.

To say that research failed is simply wrong and always has been.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

By sheer statistical coincidence, something has to stick eventually. Maybe its this one at last.

Also please do a live broadcast of the trial, that would be great. Love to see him spewing more incriminating statements when he cant help himself be Hitler again…

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Is it still mocking when you state facts?

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar


The RNC is dumping so much money on Trumps legal fees and expenses, that running an actual campaign becomes more and more impossible.

I dont remember the source right now, but I read that large parts of the RNC at the state-level are already practically bankrupt. If thats true, then we might have an even weaker GOP in the comming years.

Turns out if everyone is just grifting, you cant build anything in the long run. I hope their efforts are crippled for a very long time. At best they never recover.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Its always funny to see when the right-wingers learn a new word that is vaguely left-ish, only to proceed with throwing it around everywhere.

Makes them easier to spot.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

With a Republican?

Other possible options are:

  • Out of state abortion for his “”“wife”""
  • Fraud (Any kind, but mostly taxes)
  • Even more kids
  • Hatespeech
  • Any combination of the above
@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

“If Conservatives cant get what they want by democratic means, they wont abandon Conservatism, but Democracy”

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

I read so much BS about this guy, it will greatly help my sanity if and when they finally catch him on at least SOMETHING

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

But only one group will hang you for angering them.

And its not the Democrats…

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Im not talking about hystorically, but right now…

Is this some weak attempt at “both sides bad” again? Because we have a lot of that here on lemmy recently.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Conservatives. Same as always.

Democrat or Republican are shorhands nowadays, but the real problem is people who cant move on, when the world did.

Conservatism is the problem. And today, all Republicans are just entirely and idealogically that, while maybe some Democrats are to a slight degree. But practically nothing in comparisson.

Dont be Conservative. Move on. Or get left behind, like their ideas they desperately cling to.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Conservatives are reactionary. Per deffinition they oppose progression of the world.

This is pretty much informed simplicity at this point. Stop derping around with definitons who fail to encapsulate reality, you miss the point:

You fail to move on? Conservative! No matter how you slice it.

Whenever some GOP smooth-brain spews something about gay marriage being a sin, remember that this thing was illegal for some time. That thankfully changed, but their minds didnt.

They are stuck in a past that no longer should exist but they crave nonetheless:

Nostalgia. Not even once.

Biden signs executive order on advancing study of women's health while chiding 'backward' GOP ideas (apnews.com)

President Joe Biden signed an executive order Monday aimed at advancing the study of women’s health by strengthening data collection and providing better funding opportunities for biomedical research while chiding Republicans for having “no clue about the power of women” but saying they’re “about to find out” come...

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

All GOP ideas are backwards. Ever. Always have been.

If it pisses them off that Biden is helping women, keep doing it. They have been able to get away with being sexist for way to long.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Whenever I read Trumps statements, I am reminded republicans lack basic human compassion. And probably a soul as well.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar


German-Slang to German: “Der Junge muss was essen”

German to English: “The boy needs to eat”

Don’t Think of It as a Contest Between Biden and Trump (www.nytimes.com)

Personality certainly matters. But it might be more useful, in terms of the actual stakes of a contest, to think about the presidential election as a race between competing coalitions of Americans. Different groups, and different communities, who want very different — sometimes mutually incompatible — things for the country....

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Think of it as Fascism vs. Democracy

And for those who spout “gEnOcIdE jOe iS jUsT As fAsCiSt !1!1!!11”:

The fairytales called lemmygrad and twitter. They want their orks and trolls back

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Matt “technically not a rapist” Gaetz

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Republicans never had facts on anything, so they will not care about them now

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

But it does mean also, that the moment he bites the dust (likely, as he is pretty old and under a lot of strain), there is no second chance for the GOP. At least in a long time.

Young voters have never been more progressive, the GOP is breaking into MAGA or no-MAGA and the republican party is running out of money fast. This is their Hail-Marry and they now it.

So go vote!

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, the danger will not entirely go away, but it will be crippled severly, giving us a chance to rid ourself of more fascists (basically the entire GOP at this point). There is already a lot of infighting and people already resign from congress. Its likely the GOP will loose their majority because of that.

Trumps legal cost is draining conservative coffers and he fleced his voters on every turn. The party lost big donors, specifically because of the ever increasing reality-disconnect Trump is forcing. He is just a to risk, investment and black hole for funds.

When it comes to it, the trumpian playbook just reads “be Donald Trump” and no one else is that.

No other know candidate comes close. DeSantis is barely human at the best of days. Haley is a women, a negative for the sexist GOP.

They went all in now on MAGA to mobilise their party in ever dwindeling chances of getting elected again. Turns out if you are a ghoul, hate humans and let that mask slip (Roe for example), you wont get votes and loose support.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Biden: Kinda meh

Eppstein-Friend Trump: Hitler 2.0

Its not a choice, but more a test for basic cognitive function. One which republicans routinely fail.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Conservatives never have facts and reason on their side, so they just drop them and stop caring for reality.

Speaking the truth and being right-wing are always mutually exclusive!

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

He makes a logical argument with sound reasoning, logical conclusions and a definitive solution. The facts are clear and there is no ambiguity.

No wonder they dont understand, because its not the immigrants, trans- or black-people at fault here.

Fitting how the average republican consistently behaves exactly like a person suffering from lead-poisoning…

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Never forget:

For conservatives every dead (trans-)child is not a tragedy, but a victory and the entire point.

[former precinct chair and sergeant-at-arms for the Hays County Republican Party,] Hays County man sentenced to 410 years for sexually abusing children (cbsaustin.com)

A Hays County man has been sentenced to 410 years in prison after pleading guilty to 65 counts of continuous sexual abuse of multiple children and possession of child pornography with intent to promote, according to county prosecutors....

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

More likely the second

Trump will pardon himself first

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

I watched around 60% of the neural missfires contorting into words spewing out of her facehole.

Her vibe alternates between:

  • condescending mom scolding her children for asking what gay means or why god tolerates evil in the world if she were real
  • “please dont hit me again, I was wrong as always in questioning you my sweet loving husband”
  • You should all be afraid because the West is falling, again, for real this time, pinky promise, I swear on my dead mothers grave

Queue the pavlovian response from the average republican voter, like a dead frog poked with an electric prod.

Bill cracking down on Oregon child labor laws heads to Gov. Kotek (www.opb.org)

The bill, which passed unanimously out of the House, faced scrutiny on the Senate floor from a handful of Republican legislators. Two senators criticized a provision that would increase the maximum penalty per child labor violation from $1,000 to $10,000.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

“This bill is an unnecessary heavy hand,” he said. “If we want this discussion, let’s defeat this bill today and have a better discussion where we talk about the ins and outs and the opportunities to ensure kids grow up to have a world of business and hard work ready at their fingertips.”

This is whs you never vote Republican

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Okay hear me out:

Collect the Ransom. Then release anyway.

@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

In my defense:

I am not very smart

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