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Why is China listed multiple times as individual cities/regions?

What is the missing footnote for all those asterisks?


Like why would someone pay for a drink at Quark’s when every residence on DS9 has a replicator?

Because the scarce resource at Quark’s isn’t the food or drinks, it’s the atmosphere and the experience, i.e things the replicator cannot provide. Quark controls the holodecks too, but even if he didn’t the scarce resource would be authentic (not replicated) food and experiences. It’s been shown pretty regularly on the shows that some people prefer non-replicated food, non-synthohol drinks, and real people. It doesn’t really matter in that context if those are technically indistinguishable from the real thing (but even in canon there is a measureable difference between them and some things the replicators can’t do).

I don’t really believe there could ever be a post-scarcity world in which we don’t create new scarcities to demand.

Hot take: The Expanse (mostly referring to the books here) handled a post-scarcity technocracy much more believably.


I wonder whatever happened to Knoppix. All I’ve been able to find online is speculation and questions.


Lars ruined Napster. BitTorrent came around some time later after Limewire, Soulseek, and DirectConnect. Lars might have had something to say about Bit Torrent, but by that point no one was listening.

Besides, back then, we really were using BitTorrent mostly for Linux ISOs. At the time it was more reliable than http. It really sucked having to download an entire ISO again because it failed the checksum. BitTorrent alleviated that.

  1. Good bread is expensive or made yourself.
  2. It seems pretty common for travelers to lament the lack of good bread like at home. Bread basically a living organism that is ultra local. Good bread like at home really only exists at home. Local water, temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors seem to play a big part.

Ask anyone from New York or New Jersey about getting a good pizza or bagel in another state. It doesn’t matter who makes it or if they’re using the exact same recipe, perfect bread can evidently not be replicated outside the region. There is even a bagel company in south Florida, catering to snowbirds turned transplants, that claims to use water from that region to make their bagels.


Yeah, good food isn’t trivial to find when you travel. I’m empathetic to that frustration. But judging all bread based on the cheapest abundant and easy to find bread a foreigner can find without any apparent effort seems like a mistake to me. I certainly wouldn’t judge all Italian food by what I found in my hotel in Venice. I wouldn’t judge NY bagels by what I found during my layover at La Guardia. And I wouldn’t judge an entire countries bread based on what I found in the grocery store.


What about Kirk? We see his Father and Mother in the Kelvin timeline. His brother along with wife and child in TOS and SNW. Despite them not marrying, I think that Carol Marcus and James Marcus still count as family. We also see Admiral Marcus, Carol’s father. Also Kirk did briefly have another wife, Miramanee, and unborn child. They got stoned to death before the episode ended and maybe the unborn child doesn’t count as seen.


The amount of downvotes on this comment is a symptom of how toxic this community has become.


I think your first hunch was correct. The closer I look at this “photo” the less it makes sense.


Don’t sleep on his sexual charisma, his flute skills, and his fluency in history, philosophy, and literature.


I’m on the fence: pro-transporter, anti-disintegration. If transporter technology existed without the suicide booth aspect and I could just send a copy of myself halfway around the globe in an instant I’d do it. Biggest problem I see is funding all the new clones of me running around. If there was somehow a way for us all to sync our memories occasionally without melting our consciousness that would be cool too.


Cory Doctorow vibes.


I’m going through another cycle of binging EVERYTHING. Yes he did transport regularly, but he also certainly complained about it multiple times. Orders are orders in the end. Sometimes the hardest part of keeping a job is bottling up and repressing all those little existential horrors.

ElderWendigo, (edited )

The vote doesn’t matter if the governor can just veto it like they did the monorail bill.

Ok maybe veto isn’t the perfect word, but that amounts to what actually happened. Doesn’t matter how the governor killed it. Florida voters wanted the constitutional amendment and Bush killed it by referendum without the voters having any further say.


Then there was the travesty of the Bush/Gore election.

Florida voters know that their vote does not count.

ElderWendigo, (edited )

That’s not true.


Lacking anything close to empathy, every accusation of this narcissist is an admission.


This sounds remarkably similar to the attitude of that homophobic uncle crying about the gays shoving their lifestyle in his face by just existing. Maybe reevaluate your hang-ups.


However, the issue is that I have to use sudo when using these commands and as a result after mounting I cannot make changes to my files in the drive(s) without using sudo.

This isn’t because you’re using sudo to mount, that is the way to do it. This is because you’re mounting to a directory for which your regular user does not have write access. Create a directory owned by your user and make sure you have write access with sudo first. Or make it owned by a group that your user is a member (I use media) and give that group write access. Then mount the drive to that directory in the usual way (I prefer to clutter up my fstab with entries I rarely use). You should now have access without sudo.

9 out of 10 times new users are struggling with access, it’s not a problem with the software, but a problem with permissions.


It’s amazing to be that a show as diverse in themes as Star Trek could lose fans because they decided to make a few jokes.

Hot take: People who can’t appreciate Lower Decks were never really fans.


I can usually see it without even trying, but the border on this one really makes it difficult.


How does that matter? I have astigmatism and can usually see these with literally no effort. The thing making this one difficult is the border.


This article and similar threads keeps popping up in my feed, so I’m going to keep spreading this tip around. (I’m using Android.)

I use tasker to automatically lockdown my phone based on accelerometer and Bluetooth. A sharp tap to my phone or being disconnected from Bluetooth is enough to lockdown my phone and disable all biometric access. I dialed in the sensitivity so that it doesn’t take much, just a tap on my pocket, being set down a little too aggressively, pulled from my car and thrown to the ground is all it takes. I set it to notify me with a quick vibrate when it does this for a little added confidence that it is behaving as expected.

For a little added effort I can have tasker snap a photo that gets backed up to the cloud any time there is a failed unlock attempt, just be prepared for some unflattering photos of yourself looking like an aging male boomer posting selfies to the facebook.

billmason, to startrek
@billmason@mastodon.social avatar

I enthusiastically disagree. Lower Decks needs to boldly go and jump the shark more than traveling back in time to save a whale or talking to an old microwave that became a god.

What foods from the shows would you like to try if you could?

There’s a few for me. Yamok sauce. Various synthohols. The desserts Troi’s always eating (or being). But most especially gagh. I wouldn’t let the fact it’s some kind of living worm distract me from the way all the cool people describe it. If Riker likes it, I think I would too and I certainly wouldn’t want to look like...


My take is that the food is just a little too perfectly middle of the road preference wise. As if the foods were cooked with perfect heat so that no piece is burned a little more cooked a little less. Sure it tastes fine, but it doesn’t taste authentic. Because authentic food isn’t about perfection, it’s a dynamic balance of happy accidents. Maybe also because replicated food is designed to be safe. Sometimes the best food isn’t strictly safe. BBQ for instance would not taste the same is you removed all the carbonized carcinogenic bits. Coincidentally broccoli and cauliflower also taste fucking amazing if you add those crispy burnt bits by following a cold sear recipe. (America’s Test Kitchen has a good short video on the process if you’re feeling adventurous.)


Neat idea, but Dr. Beckett could only travel to times that fall within his own living past.


Wait are you talking about Scott Bakula or the reboot? I’ve never even considered watching a Quantum Leap episode without Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell. Being limited to traveling through the protagonist’s own timeline defined the show and was fundamental to Dr. Beckett’s character development.


Thanks for the link. I guess I know what I’m watching tonight. I see they bend the rules to the point of breaking by having him travel back through his own descendents.

I was wrong. Archer could be a descendant of Dr. Beckett. And that whole thing could be plausible.


I think most of the dislike is sympathetic. We love her as a character because she’s interesting and kinda wild. But if I had to deal with her in real life I’d probably react a lot like many of the other characters do.


The elderly clearly have no trouble finding the poles and killing a day to vote in person. Limiting mail-in votes mostly hurts the young working class voters who can’t get time away from work and other responsibilities or may be taking classes in a state several time zones from their home poling site.


Those communities got a little stale when enough people started reporting uptime in decades. Also, unless you’re on a flavor that can upgrade the kernel while the system is live, good uptimes these days are just the time between kernel updates.


I don’t like masturbating either. What’s your point?


I don’t get it. Trump is 77 (turning 78 in a few months) and is only about 3 and a half years older than Biden. The difference is marginal at best. Is this a joke about how bad MAGA voters are at math and basic logic?

[Silly discussion] Was Q referring to The Muppets the entire time? (static.wikia.nocookie.net)

I was recently sent down a rabbit hole that led to this. I’ve spent the last hour or so watching the Pigs in Space skits from The Muppet Show. In The Muppet Show, Pigs in space was introduced in the 203rd episode. This episode aired in 1973, while the first episode of TNG didn’t air until 1987....


I wouldn’t expect art forms to be any more niche than any other facet of art appreciation is today.


There is really no such thing as over or under roasted, except in regards to your own preferences. Some people like the roast. You seem to like more brightness and acidity. The spectrum of bean varieties and the ways particular roasts or other preparations for particular beans can bring out or suppress particular flavors for particular drinks is just too broad to make such childishly broad statements. Same logic can be applied to tea, wine, chocolate, etc.


Nah, for my money dark roasts are best black, either hot or cold brewed. If brewed right, they’re super smooth and flavorful, no need for anything else. People usually don’t have enough coffee to water and that totally ruins dark roasts. Higher acidity of light roasts lend themselves to balance with cream and sugar. And those opinions seem to be common among the thousands of people I’ve personally served coffee to. Maybe try listening to people about what they say they like, instead of jumping to correcting them based on your tastes.


Legend of Zelda, maybe somebody finally had enough of me smashing all their pots and cutting all their grass. I don’t think those monsters are calling the cops for all the murder, they always seem to pop right back anyway.


I think I get what you’re saying, but was really confused because those two uses of rise are the same word and same definition applied to different contexts.

I think the concepts you’re looking to describe are homonyms, homophones, and homographs.

Are there any immutable distros meant for NAS systems or home servers?

Edit2: OK Per feedback I am going to have a dedicated external NAS and a separate homeserver. The NAS will probably run TrueNAS. The homeserver will use an immutable os like fedora silverblue. I am doing a dedicated NAS because it can be good at doing one thing - serving files and making backups. Then my homeserver can be good...


Containerization is not virtualization, so why would it have any bearing on hardware transcoding?

How can i rsync over my network without using ssh?

I have 6 devices that i rsync to a central location to back them up. Ive been using ssh as the -e option. Problem is i use public key with passphrases, meaning to backup all six i need to go to each device and run the backup script. Since i typically backup /etc, /home, and /root this means entering sudo and the ssh passphrase...


As long as you restrict the user of those keys access to an interactive shell and limit access to only the directories rsync needs for backup, it’s more like giving the pool boy keys to the pool rather than allowing access to the whole house.


Immutable distros sound great for desktop users, distro hoppers, and system admins maintaining a fleet of desktop Linux machines in the wild. They sound more than a little annoying for homelab server users that mostly interact with their machine via the terminal and are more likely to want to run unpopular software on unpopular hardware in a niche distro.


Cool so you didn’t really get what I was saying.


I’m barely rebuilding my server once a decade, so that’s all pretty irrelevant. I do use docker a bunch for programs I’d never interact with in the terminal, but that’s not really my issue with immutable; it’s flatpaks and the CLI, bash wrappers or aliases and all that noise. Too much trouble till they sort that out better.


And for as weird as they may seem at first blush, many of these obviously took real skill, thought, and effort to execute. Some of these would even be dangerous or deadly without that effort.


I say that computers work because we tricked some rocks into thinking by carving special runes into them.

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