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You didn’t want to mate with that mantis anyway, trust me, bro. I’ve got your back.


Some classics are good enough to read. The problem is in forcing kids to try to do in-depth analysis. Even Charles Dickens or Charlotte Bronte isn’t all that bad to read, until you are squinting at every third word and wondering if this could mean something in the context of the whole book and just maybe you can write about it well enough in your stupid journal that you really want a B in so your parents don’t whip you with the belt again.


I mean, true heat death would also imply that even your body is spent. No neurons will be able to fire. No brain activity. You won’t be any different than dead.


Just look at the two paragraphs: “To be sure, millions of these petrified Americans believe the Democrats have gleefully allowed the “woke” left of their party to systematically destroy everything or every institution they depend upon for quality-of-life issues. Be those pertaining to energy independence, higher education, housing, the financial system, the supply chain, border security, the military, the medical and pharmaceutical industry, the media or entertainment. The woke left now dictates — with the blessing of Democratic politician enablers — that all must now be viewed and run through the distorted lens of identity politics.

But when these same millions of hurting Americans turn their eyes toward a Republican Party that promises to reverse all the damage being done by the left, they see only out-of-touch elitists doing the bidding of the corporate elites, while breaking every promise made.”

If that isn’t the to-the-t playbook of ‘both sides’ in a more wordy format, I’ll eat my hat. It also manages to place the blame squarely on the democrats for their ‘wokeness.’ Somehow they’ve broken higher education, the financial system, the supply chain, ‘border security,’ the military… good god, what hasn’t been destroyed by ThE demOCraTS!


Isn’t alex jones still avoiding paying his settlement, and simultaneously making money off of it? You may not hear of him as much, but his former listeners are still throwing money at him.


Skating’s rad. Longboarding is sweet. Rollerblading is tiiiiight, yo.

Just get the protectors and you’ll be fine. Elbows, knees, helmet, wrist guard, and (depending on your age, if you’re older than 12 you’ll want) ankle reinforcement. If you really want to go all out, hip, back, and tailbone pads are cheap and still not constricting. Are you going to look goofy? Sure. Is everybody else just as goofy? They’re wearing clothes, aren’t they? Of course they’re goofy. Just make sure the helmet covers the parts of the head that are going to get hit, not just the top.


All the others are just posing. Goofy is for life.


Yeah, that’s the part that always gets downplayed in these ‘homeowner revenge’ stories. HOAs can really fuck you over. Sometimes they get bankrupted in a lawsuit, sometimes you lose your sanity and your home.


It sort of looks like the little guy is wearing a turtleneck over his mouth.

…wait, turtleneck? Oh god, look again, now it’s wearing the shell of a koopa that’s been cut in half!


Replace the background with the Sierra logo and you’d complete the 80s-90s kid nostalgia.


I’d love an open world Icewind Dale. A really, really complicated, dense open world with true mountain exploring and ice plain pain. Or, shoot, let’s have an occult mystery in the city of Brass (Bronze? It’s been too long, don’t judge me).


Maybe, but doors scare me.


finding out what doesn’t work is nearly as valuable as finding what does

Sometimes, sure. Most of the time, though, it’s more akin to: “Worked on isolated cells in vitro, but doesn’t approach target cells in vivo due to ECM.”


I once found a donkey. It was as desperate for attention as I was to not be working at the moment. Things worked out.


It might be true that the ones you meet online are very vocal, but there are a lot of people in person who will sing his praises, put flags on their car, their house, and everything else they can reach. They’ll deride any ‘liberal’ and come up with every straw man they can to lampoon for the amusement of the circle around them. I see them when I visit family, when I converse with people at the local park, and even in casual conversations in the workplace. They are everywhere, and it’s crazy how comfortable they feel with being open about their vitriol.


Huh. Is the only reason he didn’t post his own bond because he wanted it to earn interest in the interim? Fucking millionaires and their money games.


Remove the historic paintings during renovation, at least. Surely it would be possible to rig up some sort of sprinkler system as well. Firefighter access to the roof may be difficult once the fire is blazing, but maybe some mitigation systems could be installed before the blowtorches and welders come out.


I can’t wait for the inevitable r34 comments about how you feed this monstrosity.


There, there, buddy. You don’t have to listen to all the hate. Just screen the hate from your life. Put a big ole metal grating in front of the flow of pejoratives and catch them before they hit your brain space.

Column: Jack Smith's latest push to get Donald Trump's Jan. 6 trial moving before the election (

“Given the importance of the trial schedule, the key practical question is whether the court focuses solely on Trump’s case or endorses immunity in other instances. Smith’s gambit is a fallback that would let the court order the trial to proceed even if its opinion extends to broader principles of immunity.”


They’re not the best, they are just flinging shit at the wall and the corruption is deep enough that the shit penetrates it and sticks. ‘Like dissolves like’ and all that, but with stickiness. I also seem to remember something about the recent ones have all been paid in advance.


Think of the children!

I’ll believe they’re thinking of the children when they use that phrase to make laws that agree with the environmental groups and governing bodies.


I remember melting plastic pens onto the nintendo screw heads in order to get them out. Fun times.


Interestingly, it was an accidental feature. The original patent application makes no mention of it, but 9 years later they added language about it camming out to the second patent application.


I have a friend who has, give or take a couple, wrecked vehicles more than 20 times. Most were minor, barely involving damage to the vehicle he was driving or the vehicle/object he hit, but a couple were catastrophic. I think the majority were because he has roadway hypnosis/narcolepsy. I’ve had him fall asleep mid sentence talking to me when he was a passenger. A perfect candidate to have that license taken, right? The two ways I know of to take a license involve driving while intoxicated or a doctor personally notifying the licensing agency about a person’s inability to drive. Believe it or not, most doctors have a vested interest (because they want clients) in not personally notifying the agency. However, there is no set path to revoke a license for simply being a bad driver.

Donald Trump posts $175 million in civil fraud case, halting collection of massive judgment (

The bond Trump is posting with the court now is essentially a placeholder, meant to guarantee payment if the judgment is upheld. If that happens, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee will have to pay the state the whole sum, which grows with daily interest....


I’m sure between the random bullshit filings and the supreme sucker’s court, it’ll last until late january…


Didn’t it have the crazy taxi game, and one of the original rainbow six games? I still remember discovering a particular bug with a submachine gun and flashbangs that would reset a match. So satisfying if my friends started winning a little too much…


I remember watching that movie on the Sunday-nothing-on channel that would showcase all the older but really good in their day movies. They would play it about once a month or so. I think it’s where I got my taste for certain types of D&D campaigns.


Only some cereals are soups. Lucky charms in milk is a soup. Frosted Flakes in milk is not. A soup has to be a collection of different ingredients in a liquid medium.

Is Trix a soup? I have no clue.



Yeah, chimneys are for rich folks with brick houses.


No, and yes. You can start a brand new account on the first day of a league and be at par with everyone else. The vast majority of the game is accessible with no demands on you aside from time and skill. Every purchase you make is cosmetic only, simply changing the way some spells look or giving you a pet that follows you around and looks cool while doing nothing extra.

The one exception? Stash tabs. Tabs that specialize in holding certain items for you in your stash. Tabs that let you sell items to others with greater ease. It has gotten to the point where if you want to be best of the best, you should probably have the extra tabs. Why? Because at the endgame, you’ll need to start trading for items that make your build sing, or simply eke out the extra 15% damage that multiplies with other sources to make your dps soar into the millions, because PoE is all about finding something that you can push past where it was supposed to stop being good. Without those stash tabs, making cool items or easily trading with others is much more difficult.

Now, how much would it cost you to be ‘competitive’ with tabs? Probably $10 at most. For a game that I’ve played for over a decade and probably 1000-2000 hours at this point, I think the <$100 bucks I’ve thrown their way is worth it. I have friends who love the game and likely have 3k+ hours in it, and they’ve only spent $150 or so. I think that’s pretty reasonable for that much enjoyment.


Or, seeing as it’s billionaire bullshit, it will be an ecological disaster. What do you want to offer for the odds that it will have shit navigation, and throws out pings every 3 seconds if submerged? Goodbye local wildlife, recreational diving, and all other activities taking place underwater.


Wouldn’t appetizers be the hardest, and desserts the softest?


I’m betting my man would be pretty happy and keep me well fed.


Ya’ll must have some strange eating habits. I’m usually hungry before I eat…


We’ll have to wait until it’s out to see. The statement that they want to minimize grind? Hoooooly crap, that’s the exact opposite of what RS was. To get to the higher levels and max a skill, it was basically a mental game of sticking to the best xp/tick strategies, which could still take a month or more to max one skill. That was after they had introduced a bunch of new things. The original days? It was a third job on top of it being the second job to do it in months.

It was also really fun for being so simplistic and had a good mix of self-aware humor, so I have hope for their new game.

janbartosik, to gaming avatar

A coop PvE game for two dads and three sons?
A shooter, preferably. Any recommendations, guys? The youngest lad is 10, so as little violence as possible. Thanks 😉



Valheim is also capable of being extremely frustrating, so I’d recommend one of the mods that removes the skill penalty loss when dying. It might not be necessary, but dad knows the kids’ temperaments better than me.


A shooter might be hard, but I think you could make ORION: Prelude fit. It’s a little old now, but still fun. You get to shoot dinosaurs and run around big maps.

Other games that I’d recommend: Avorion (build your own spaceships and fight and befriend the galaxy) It’s not technically a shooter, but depending on whether you pick out lasers, electric tasers, machine guns, or rail guns, there is definitely some aspects of moving to avoid enemy fire while plunking them down. [but don’t be like me and just make lots of borg cubes… because cubes are the best!]

Ark: survival evolved (tame dinosaurs and fight the map)

Elden Ring with seamless Coop mod (up to 6 players at once)

War Thunder for plane sim, World of Warships for good ship battles


There was an off brand selling something called maple cremes. Cookies were in the shape of maple leaves, and the frosting in the center was just a touch off of brown sugar goo. They were good.


He is great, and he’s admitted when he did fuck up without meaning to, like with the jacob’s ladder.


I liked firewatch, even though I usually dislike walking simulators. It really was a good mesh of dialogue and voice actors, unlike others where the dialogue just drags.


I enjoy replaying it, but the contrast between first time and any repeat is mind-boggling, and nearly enough to say that replaying it isn’t worth it. That first time… wow, it just hit so well.


While high fructose corn syrup isn’t great for you, it’s clearly not the problem. The US domestic use of HFCS peaked in the 90s, yet obesity has continued to skyrocket.


Aye, but that’s just another part of the learning lesson, right?


If the homeowner had fired back, and killed the cops, they would likely be cleared of wrongdoing (eventually, like a loooong eventually). It’s already happened several times.


It’s quite reasonable for most of Americans. Apartment managers won’t answer at night. The locksmith isn’t going to answer at night very often, and when you find the one that does answer it will be an hour or longer for them to arrive. Kick in the window, replace it with a half hour trip to the hardware store the next day. You’ve saved a half hour in total, and probably a large amount of money.


I broke the window in my friend’s place (hilarious story, not relevant here, totally) and it was about $20 at the hardware store for the glass, glass cutter, and caulking. Between the two of us it took about 15 minutes to cut the appropriate size of glass and get the caulk looking semi-professional. We aren’t talking a complete replacement of the window frame, paneling, cutouts, etc. We also aren’t talking anything custom or fancy. If you can point to a double-paned glass window or some extremely fancy one that exists in an apartment complex (in Houston, of all places, too, so you know multi-housing developments are cheap as fuck), you are going to have a butler ready to open the door for you and won’t need a key in the first place.


Don’t kinkshame! I don’t have a problem!

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