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no one can copyright the basic idea anyways

I can think of a couple companies that would try anyway :P


I found some. It’s rare, but I found it. I regret looking lol


I couldn’t find anything in your source supporting your claim, did I miss it somehow? It did say they planned to use trump by “pumping him up” but not financially, and not encouraging him to run in the first place. It was a plan to make the less likely to win Republican candidates (there were several on their list) seem more likely to win to split the Republican vote. I also couldn’t find any other article supporting your claim when I googled it but I might need better search terms.

I understand what you mean about it being a bad plan that backfired horribly. But blaming any single person (other than trump) for his run for presidency and win is disingenuous. She had a bad campaign, and the media spent too much time following his antics, and millions of Americans messed up by voting for a clown.


Outlaws’ early gameplay feels positively ancient - not only mechanically but in execution, in its near total lack of character, flair, invention, detail, or style. In trying to describe it, the closest comparison I can draw is with Uncharted: Golden Abyss, which launched in 2011 on the PS VIta.

I think they meant dated gameplay


The lead paint chips and leaded gasoline and micro plastics and PFAS would disagree


This trailer is really bringing out the bigots, especially in the YouTube comments. It sucks that the gaming community, literally based on having fun, can be so toxic




It’s a woman main character in the trailer. Some loud, annoying gamers have a problem with that. Also that she isn’t super conventionally sexy, and is a representation of an average woman. And some people are calling her trans and not in a pro LGBT way.

Someone here made a comment about sweet baby inc, which is a company that works with game studios to help encourage diversity, which is apparently the end of the world for the people who call everything new “woke” unironically


Yeah the bigots didn’t ask me why I called them bigots. But I asked you. If they did ask, I’d tell them it’s because of how they make fun of women and trans people for existing. But you didn’t really care about that, you just wanted to start something. Not worth my time tho, goodbye.

MLK death rule (

Imagine transcription: An image of Light Yagami, Misa Amane, and L from Death Note on a fiery background. The caption reads: “Did you know, in the anime ‘Death Note’ for copyright reasons, the milk has to be spelt ‘MLK’ on the cartons? Google ‘MLK Death Note’ to find out more!”. End transcription.


They also sent him recordings of the supposed orgies, and were trying to blackmail him. So if he really was having orgies, it would have been pretty bad for his personal life and reputation. The tape recordings are sealed until 2027.…


True. And I feel like it would also be hard to tell if it’s actually an orgy. Could have just been a dinner buffet and the food is really, really good. Or maybe he was just watching adult films with the homies.

I’m guessing it wasn’t actually damning enough tho, according to wiki, “King’s wife Coretta Scott said the tapes comprised only ‘mumbo jumbo’”. And they didn’t end up releasing the tapes. Maybe we’ll see for ourselves in a couple years tho


It’s “Gays Against Groomers”, a far right anti LGBT group that spreads disinformation. The LGB Alliance is a (imo and others opinion) transphobic group that doesn’t want to be grouped with or defend trans rights.


It’s actually Gays Against Groomers, a hate group. Had to reverse image search that one lol


Yeah, just doing their best to be as shitty as they can by copying anything that people place value in. If only they were capable of creativity or thinking for themselves XD


Yeah the meme is pretty accurate lol on the one hand, I’m glad it’s not widespread so a lot of people don’t know what it is. On the other hand, it sucks that it exists and we have to learn about it


Or you could see it as it is. A community that’s passionate about the game, and games in general, giving feedback to the developer about why their game might die so that this game or future games might be more consumer friendly. Only someone who is overly critical/cynical assumes any and every feedback is whining and complaining.


Back in 1996, the average computer cost $2-6k adjusted for inflation. Now they are also much more difficult and complex to make, are much more powerful, and cost less.

Yes, a bunch of effort has gone into development, but that development doesn’t disappear after the game is done. And now we have free, open source game engines that can be filled with assets made in free, open source 3d modeling software, using free, open source high level programming languages. A little bit of learning and the average person could make an early 2000s video game solo in a couple of weeks.


Israel actions do support that. What else would happen if Israel completely erased Palestine in a few months? Do you think a single government would support them? The US would break ties overnight .

Genocide doesn’t mean instant or even quick eradication. It can by systematic and slow. Calculated, walking a fine line so they can call it something else. It can even be eugenics, stopping future generations.

There are people in Israel who want to iradicate Palestine, and are very open about it. Some Israeli gov officials are saying similar things. Anyone in the government with half a brain isn’t going to openly state they want to bomb a country out of existence. But we can look at the evidence and see that thie goal is to take that land for themselves and drive out the native population.


$10 a can! Even converted, that’s $6.63 freedom dollars °•°


Those poor dogs probably can’t even afford buy beer ;~;


Whoever came up with that tax must be very much disliked in Australia I imagine lmao


“A comprehensive image management, tagging, and syncing system, all automated

Do you have a huge folder of anime images, with no hope of ever finding anything in it? Do you want to be able to access this folder across machines and on your phone? If so, you’ve come to the right place! With auto-tagging powered by DeepDanbooru, image organization bliss is one batch upload away. If you have multiple computers you use + a phone and want to access your image library everywhere, or are just a homelabber, the server is for you.”

I don’t have iPhone so can’t confirm, but that’s the app description


That’s Kazoo. Kahoots is a Mexican coffee liqueur.


Irregardless of if you’re right or not, your comments are pretty aggressive. Maybe you didn’t mean it, but people are reading it that way.


It sounds like your feelings are hurt. I can tell because you’re trying to cover it with the ‘lmfao’

I know you’re not lmfaoing more than once since that’s impossible, and you did admit to being aggressive so that does sound manic. Maybe you should take a mental health day and go to a spa or something? It helps when dealing with trolls


And we all know that they were only hired cuz they’re hetero, like I guess they’re ok actors but why not hire a REAL actor??


This is a good analogy if you think of video games as a consumable product.

It’s not a good analogy if you see video games as art. Like if you buy a portrait from a painter and two weeks later they come to your house and paint over it to be a stick figure. Especially if it’s just because they want more money from you.

It’s also not a good analogy if you see video games as rented or leased goods, like most game studios execs want video games to be. Imagine renting a car for your trip across the country and half way there, you wake up at your hotel, look out the window, and the rental company swapped it out for a tractor in the middle of the night. Hope that works for you!

Sure, it’s in the contract that they can do that. And maybe you finished the trip so it doesn’t really affect you. But it’s happening to other people, and we shouldn’t trust the company going forward because one day it could be you that’s screwed out of what you paid for.


That’s the percentage of gay people here


Which is a different problem than your original comment. The ‘what to do with the brine’ is more or less covered by the article you linked. It’s not an unsolvable problem.

And the energy problem is what the original article is about, using solar energy.


Yes, they are currently being beaten and killed. Not locked up due to their identity, but it would be actually mind boggling if Trump getting elected was the single thing needed for that to happen.

Yes it could get worse, but everyone gets into a frenzy over a single election every four years and acts like that’s the deciding factor for how it will be for the next four years. Everyone should be working together to fix the systemic issues that allows trump to radicalize the right. Focusing on the the cause of the infection, like ranked choice voting, removing the electoral college, better education. Spread those ideas in your community, demand your local representatives push for it in the government, and fight the divisive attitudes.

That’s my issue with the Democrats talking points, it’s divisive and encourages radicalizing people as much as the Republicans. Because in a two party system, both parties benefit from radicalizing their group against each other. And I am absolutely not saying we tolerate intolerance from the right, but I’m saying there are better ways to fight it than voting for Biden who benefits from the “vote for me or else the bad guys win”. There’s no accountability, like when he supports a country that’s killing thousands of innocent people.


I think the loss of life, including the oceangate thing, is sad.

I also think the obscenely rich are actively devaluing their own life through their greed, versus this case where people are born into this situation. Some have a kinda ‘got what they deserve’ attitude for the first (also this community doesn’t always agree on how radical it is haha)


What a fascinating conspiracy theory. Interesting that you specify ngo, government agency, and government projects. Also interesting that you call it “woke/gender/diversity”. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you hear of this concept originally?


Horror movie idea, this concept but when the second humans arrive, they find the human civilization that got there first was wiped out before they got there and they don’t know why.


Oh dang, it is. I actually haven’t watched planet of the apes tbh


And there it is. I knew someone would say that. If you see me as a crying offended sjw with thin skin, then there’s no point in having this conversation. I laid out my differing perspective without being harsh or judgemental, all while feeling no offense.

Personally I’m tired of the right wing talking points that dismiss any different perspective as weak. I’m tired of communities like Lemmy becoming more divisive, with users seeing each other as enemies and not giving others the benefit of the doubt. I’m tired of typing out long comments that I put thought into, hoping people will respond like decent humans, and getting brain dead insults and defensive arguments.

I’ll make a deal with you, I’ll grow thicker skin if you grow some empathy.


What?? That’s the weirdest way to twist my words I’ve seen. Please, make fun of him. I don’t tolerate his bigotry.

I’m saying there are good ways and bad ways to make fun of him. Some people, including me, think this isn’t the best way to do it. Some people think it is. But yeah, maybe this place isn’t for me. It’s becoming too much like reddit imo


I really appreciate that. I know it’s not the most popular opinion and it really isn’t a big deal, but I’m honestly surprised by the response here. I’ve been losing hope that this was a good place for open discussions, but maybe I just need a break from social media in general lol


But that’s the thing, I’m not sharing a sexuality with him. Someone made him look like a gay stereotype because he hates people like me.

And the whole point is the picture IS to associate him with the LGBT+ community, in an ironic way, to piss him off.

If he made being blonde illegal and threw blondes in jail, that would be a fair analogy. But he didn’t, so that’s a terrible analogy. I mean, there are people that discriminate based on appearance and they’re called racists. So if this was a picture of Trump but photoshopped to look stereotypically Chinese, maybe that would be more of an equivalent analogy


I mean… yeah. Are you not? I don’t usually hear people on the left call others too sensitive in that way. That’s pretty much verbatim what you hear on Fox News five times a day every day


I didn’t say how much I watch fox news. Because I don’t watch it. Why do you ask pointless questions?


God damn. You want full crazy.

Here you go…

I criticize Israel. Not the Jewish as a whole. I’ll criticize any country that commits genocide.

By the way, by arguing with me (a gay person) that makes you homophobic. Does that seem silly? It’s the same argument you just spent 5 paragraphs trying to make. Get a grip



damn you got some long arms, never seen a reach like that before.

This conversation is spiraling. I’m not going to argue with someone who misrepresents my intentions or character. Or someone who blindly defends Israel despite obvious issues with its leadership. We could go in circles forever with your increasingly conspiratorial assumptions and accusations. I’m just gonna end it here before you sprain an ankle jumping to conclusions.

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