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I’m certain we will see qr like camo in the near future since it’s a good way to mark friendlies when they start using fully automated death drones.

Grimy, (edited )

The U.S. military’s anti-vax effort began in the spring of 2020 and expanded beyond Southeast Asia before it was terminated in mid-2021, Reuters determined. Tailoring the propaganda campaign to local audiences across Central Asia and the Middle East, the Pentagon used a combination of fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to spread fear of China’s vaccines among Muslims at a time when the virus was killing tens of thousands of people each day. A key part of the strategy: amplify the disputed contention that, because vaccines sometimes contain pork gelatin, China’s shots could be considered forbidden under Islamic law.

It seems it only started in the Philippines but ya it was mainly aimed at the Chinese vaccine and PPE. It’s more cutt throat shady business than anti-vax stupidity.


Do you think you would get the same buggy mess if every single publisher had 30% more budget to work with?

What actually doesn’t benefit you is the hundreds of millions being accumulated in gabbens bank account.


It’s affecting you because of a loss of quality in the product you are receiving, a loss directly caused by greedy middle men you are here defending.

The amount of companies being taxed by Gaben, Microsoft and Sony is vaste and not many of them would just take the 30% and run. There’s a lot of indie and medium sized companies that are barely making it.

You can plug your ears all you want, it is affecting you and you are boot licking for pretending it isn’t. Gaben isn’t your friend even though he probably spends a lot of money trying to make you think he is.


You were saying it didn’t affect you. Regardless of how much will go directly to shareholders, a good portion will be reinvested and lead to better games, which will affect your enjoyment.

I never talked about extent, you are the one that took the hard approach by putting the level at 0. When I pointed it out that it can affect quality and not just price, you came back with “well it doesn’t”.

I’m pretty sure in this context, saying a 30% increase of funds won’t lead to a jump of any kind in either the amount or the quality of products is being willfully blind.

I guess it might be hard to admit that some of these billionaires are directly stealing from us.


I’m mostly tired of seeing huge soft monopolies being defended. Whatever competition they have doesn’t actually compete with them. They lock people into their ecosystem just as much as Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony do.

And just like other shady companies like Walmart and Amazon, they should be regulated to death, or something. But not defended and treated like some gold furred lamb. Everytime a post pops up, dozens jump over themselves making excuses for Gaben.

Replace steam with Amazon and reread the thread and my point of view might be better understood. I don’t understand the veneration, they use and sell our data, they kill competition, they do all the bad stuff. They just have a better pr team and realized they could leverage Foss to save on OS dev costs.


This is manipulation to sell more copies and nothing more.

In any case, AI voices are empowering to the Indie scene. Fully voiced games used to be exclusive to triple A gaming, indie gevs just simply can’t afford it.

I feel for the voice actors just like I feel for the translators that all had to change domaine ten years ago, but progress is progress and it’s dumb to stifle innovation to save a few jobs.


If I’m finding a dungeon in the wild, I’m delving, and I have the education to know better. The post apocalyptic grunts stand no chance.


Well now you can pull one out whenever it starts getting yellow and regrow it. It won’t take many for him to start brushing.

Grimy, (edited )

Highest temp ever recorded in Scotland was 34.8 degrees.

Grimy, (edited )

If it’s about having your blog serve as AI training, it doesn’t really matter where you host it, it’s going to get scrapped and included in the data.

Grimy, (edited )

You can’t ban the tech but you can ban the act so it’s easier to prosecute people that upload deep fakes of their co-workers.

Grimy, (edited )

Obviously, you can go after sites that have money and/or a real business presence, a la Pornhub. But the rest? It’s the wild west.

I was referring to that part of his comment. It is also not at all illegal in most countries. Its only illegal at state level in the US for example, and not for all of them either. Canada only has 8 provinces with legislation against it.

I do agree though that it’s not the softwares fault. Bad actors should be punished and nothing more.


The downvotes are because almost all of the global hydrogen production is made either with natural gas, as a byproduct of oil drilling or through coal.

In its current state, it is a fake green product pushed by the oil industry to hamper the transition.


I’m not saying it’s a bad move, but that won’t stop drilling.

The effort should be aimed at destroying the oil industry.


What we call a bear these days isn’t a bear.

Because languages change over time and words take on new different meanings.

EU restates readiness to launch trade war with China over cheap imports (

The European Commission chief said she was “convinced that if the competition is fair” from China, then Europe “will have thriving durable economies”. But she said the “imbalances” caused by state support for Chinese industry leading to cut-cost products threatened jobs in Europe, and that was “a matter of great...


The EU has restated its readiness to launch a trade war with China over imports of cheap electric cars, steel and cheap solar and wind technology.


All companies working in the energy and transport sector receive vast subsidies and financial help from whatever country they are located in.

This isn’t about unfair practices, since it’s literally a common practice. This is to protect oil companies and the car makers who took bribes instead of pivoting and are now feeling that decision.


Electric cars Solar panels Wind tech

Everything else doesn’t directly compete with their oil monopoly. They should keep their tariffs for when we aren’t on the cusp of an ecological collapse, bunch of corrupt cunts.


That’s fine but like you said, nothing else is being targeted. Out of all the products, they specifically target the ones leading to a greener, less oil dependant society.

You were asking why it’s being targeted and it’s specifically not because they are ignoring labor rights, worker safety or environmental protections.


Thats why the money should be used to invest and diversify not help oil baron hoard even more wealth.

Palestinian released from Israeli prison describes beatings, sexual abuse and torture (

Among candidates for U.S. sanctions, Israel’s Prison Service should be next on the list. This is apparently the realm where all the sadistic instincts of the minister of national security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, find their outlet....

Grimy, (edited )

There’s a lot more dead Palestinian children than dead Israeli prisoners. Its also hard to pretend Hamas isnt a direct consequence of decades of oppression, or that half the population of Palestine are children and most never even had a chance in the decision yet they are the ones receiving most of the missles.

Or the difference in fire power. Israel could just pull out if they wanted to, the ratio of deaths between both nations is ridiculous.

Sure Hamas sucks but Israel is literally committing genocide with international help. So ya, one side is worse and ignoring the fact is being willfully ignorant. There is nothing to defend here, abusing prisoners is shit and it’s well known that Israel was just grabbing men off the street to toss in jail, so a lot of them probably did nothing to deserve it.


Nobody likes seeing woman, LGBTQ and freedom of speech rights getting attacked. Its just any sane person likes genocide even less.

Not to mention Israel essentially created Hamas.

Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established (

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.


They shouldn’t be ashamed to say it. Israel has no place on their land and should be removed. We aren’t talking about mom and pop tourists but militants that are forcing people out of their homes and killing their children.

What the fuck are you smoking?


I always found it fitting that the national bird is a vulture wearing makeup


Does that mean we shouldn’t call them out on it and demand more?


Its clearly a rhetorical question and therefore a statement. You were saying “no politician does enough” implying it’s okay for Biden to do the same.


Lots of the older rainbow sixs. Las Vegas had a fun campaign but a lot of the earlier ones were just scenarios


A user shared a story a while back about his wife and her sister giving photos and agreeing to it. Lots of kinky people out there.


Anything remotely important to you coming out of an LLM should be rechecked multiple times.

This is the equivalent of saying “some YouTube videos give incorrect information”. It goes without saying.

Most chat apps literally have disclaimers warning about it.


These scams didn’t just start this year. Yes it is easier with these tools but a lot of things are becoming easier because of them, not just the bad stuff.

The problem is legislating too aggressively won’t really affect the scammers and would only fuck up all the good application of the tech.


What’s wrong with how the EU is doing it? Seems pretty level headed to me.


The brain is incredibly complicated and there is a lot of noise. More channels do make a huge difference. It’s not like each channel is associated to one direction or something and you only need 4. Also, to add to the other users point, the signal strength is much stronger inside than out since the skull acts like a barrier.

Your example is the equivalent of saying you don’t need a keyboard because you can use a computer with just the arrow keys and the spacebar.

Although BCIs are already a thing, the difference between what you can do with external compared to internal ones is probably quite vaste at our current tech level and will probably lead to better external ones at the same time.

You also don’t control the electrodes, you just receive the signal from them and they are obviously all being sampled.


He’s paralyzed from the neck down and can now use a computer like a regular person. Not sure what there is to be sarcastic about.


3x purple. They probably stack and will earn me world wide renown and fame.


I see a lot of people hyping this thing. It’s 200$ and as strong as a first gen gameboy. What the fuck?


They do it either way. Their greed is not directly coupled to minimum wage, they raise their prices regardless.


Definitely not for hate speech. That would just make him more popular with his base.


This is an election year, you take sides the moment you open your mouth no matter what you say. Childish to think any different.


So are you saying ignorance is bliss, or that the problems don’t actually exist?

What a dumb comment.


The money can be gotten elsewhere. This is screwing over students, a part of the population that doesn’t have any money , so an other demographic which doesn’t need the money can keep it.

U.N. report: ‘Convincing’ information Hamas raped, tortured hostages (

A team of United Nations experts tasked with gathering information on sexual violence linked to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks on Israel found “reasonable grounds to believe” that some victims were sexually assaulted, including rape and gang rape, according to a U.N. report released Monday....


I think it’s insulting to say what the Palestinians are going through is comparable to the Israel population having to feel bad about being the villains.


Only if one of his friends ran infront first and said it sucked

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