Biden trolls Trump for boasting about golf trophies: ‘Quite the accomplishment’

President Biden poked fun at former President Trump for boasting about winning two golf trophies at his own golf club’s awards last night on Sunday.

“Congratulations, Donald. Quite the accomplishment,” Biden wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Biden attached a screengrab of Trump’s post earlier in the night on Truth Social.

“It is my great honor to be at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach tonight, AWARDS NIGHT, to receive THE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY & THE SENIOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY. I WON BOTH!” Trump wrote in the Truth Social post.

jballs, avatar

I thought this article was even funnier because it added:

Trump’s golf brand congratulated its leader last week for wrapping up a trifecta of home course wins dating back to January.

“Congratulations to @realdonaldtrump on winning the Club Championship at @TrumpPalmBeach, his third win this year alone following the Senior and Super Senior Championships,” @TrumpGolf posted on X. “Absolutely incredible!”

Trump’s “incredible” win in January would seem especially impressive considering he was in North Carolina on the first day of that tournament in Florida.

Straight out of the North Korean playbook


He has time to tease trump online but not to address the accusations of genocide being conducted by an “ally” under his watch?



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  • Nudding,

    ? Donald trump is a moron. Can we talk about Biden’s aid to the genocide now?


    No. It’s not an election issue. It’s a Congress and Senate issue. Or it’s an issue you deal with aside from the election. Not a single candidate supports Palestine, so it’s a moot point, and again, not an election issue. Making it an election issue will only lead to a Trump government, and I assure you Trump will make sure Palestine is wiped off the map. So if you actually want to help Palestine like you claim, helping Trump beat Biden is the stupidest thing you can do




    Lol it’s definitely an election issue. It’s gonna cost Biden the election.


    But Trump wants the complete annihilation of Palestine. So neither side is with Palestine. If you’re pro Palestine and help cost Biden the election, you’re a damn moron


    Do you think the Palestinians care which signature is on the order for more weapons to mutilate them?


    Do you think Palestinians want a U.S. president who will at least acknowledge their right to exist or a president who will move their embassy to Jerusalem and tell Bibi to glass the land?


    I don’t think they give a fuck about who the president is if they’re both supplying the weapons to genocide them. Let’s ask some Palestinians, maybe.

    Oh look someone already did


    So your solution is to not vote for the Democratic incumbent?


    Who said I have solutions? I’m some guy on the internet.

    I don’t live in your country, I don’t get a vote. But guess what, no matter what happens, it still affects me because your stupid fucking world police military bullshit.


    Many of us here aren’t pleased with our stupid world police bullshit either. I thought you were trying to have a conversation but I see you were just complaining and washing your hands of it.


    Maybe the next election cycle you guys will get a candidate who doesn’t support a literal genocide. Good luck.


    Genocide isn’t on the ballot and isn’t being voted on so tbh it’s not that relevant to our election cycle.




    No, what’s going to cost Biden the election is that his country is (half) full of fuckwits.


    I would say more than half, but that still wouldn’t get me to vote for a guy enthusiastically aiding a genocide.


    In fairness the only reason the other guy isn’t currently “enthusiastically aiding a genocide” is because he lost an election and seems to spend every spare moment dipping between court and the golf course.

    He’s not been silent on the issue though.

    Donald Trump has voiced explicit backing for Israel’s war on Gaza, suggesting that he supports the goal expressed by the hardline government in Tel Aviv of continuing the assault until “total victory”.…/trumps-talk-on-gaza-highlights-st…


    Yeah it would suck to be an American right now, but it’d be even worse to be Palestinian.


    So you have no ability to vote in this upcoming presidential election?


    No, why would I?


    Kindly fuck off then. Please vote in whichever country you reside. I sincerely hope you have a real chance to participate in democracy where you live.


    Is that the rules here? Only pro Biden propaganda allowed?

    Anybody from anywhere not America doesn’t get to criticize dear leader, despite America’s elections having global consequences? Which candidate do you vote for if you’re against genocide? Did you get to vote in a primary to elect Biden as the Dem nominee? Do you have democracy where you live?

    You fuck off if my free speech is making you uncomfortable.


    US has been aiding Israel since its inception in 1948 but all of a sudden NOW you give a shit? Because it’s Joe Biden? It was ok when every other President did it? Who do you think would do a better job of handling it?


    Nope… It was wrong then too, big guy. Your media chose now to shine a spotlight on it.


    Well then lil fella you could answer the question who do you think would handle this better than Biden? Trump?


    Who do I think would give Israel weapons to commit genocide better? Is this a genuine question?


    We’ve established that they already have the weapons and the money. That ship has sailed. Who as an American president could better handle this situation? The situation being, stop Israel from slaughtering the Palestinians you pretend to care so much about.


    Nobody, this is as American as Apple pie lol.

    Commit atrocities and then spend decades apologizing for it until its just another disgusting footnote in history.


    Look. I’m with you. America doing or assisting war crimes is unconscionable. It feels insane in this day and age to see them not taking a stand against an active ethnic cleansing. Almost the entirety of the fediverse is all for holding politicians accountable.

    But what’s your purpose here? Why specifically start fights with this group on this post? What is your end goal?


    To be honest? I think it scratches some disgusting itch I have to argue with people. Maybe I enjoy going against the grain. I used to argue myself stupid with trump supporters on reddit.

    Look at my normal takes on /politics and see how many downvotes they get. Its the same feeling I used to get arguing with them.

    I know it’s bad for my stress level, but sometimes I just can’t help it. I’m just trying to pass the time in the woods.


    Fair enough.

    Just Ftr, no one here is against you. It’s just that there are more appropriate places to bring that argument.


    Eh, I think humanity is a net negative and should go extinct. Most people are against me.

    That’s fine.


    Aka: you are a troll.


    Eh, maybe an American will get disillusioned with the system and become radicalized. I’ll get my itch scratched, and some positive change will have come to the world.



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  • Nightwingdragon,

    The man is such a pathetic loser that he has to resort to completely making up new awards out of the blue and awarding them to himself. Seriously, you can’t make this shit up.

    And a sizeable portion portion of the people in this country treat this man as a demigod. That fact alone should tell you how bad the meth and fentanyl problems are in this country, because a brain rotted by meth and fentanyl are the only explanations I can think of why thinking that anything Trump says even makes sense, let alone has value.

    massive_bereavement, avatar

    That's a very common trait for dictators. Trump could well be the American Ceausescu.


    He’s the Gaddafi of golf, Golfddafi if you will.


    His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.


    Can we just skip to the end part of the Ceaucescu story?


    He “won” a tournament that was held while he was out of state.


    I mean, let’s not disrespect meth users by comparing them to trump voters, meth is the thinking man’s drug.


    Biden attached a screengrab of Trump’s post earlier in the night on Truth Social.

    Why the fuck does the media always act like it’s 81 year old Biden himself doing this stupid childish shit?

    I know it’s way on the bottom of the list of shit to complain about Biden, but this one always gets me because it’s so fucking obvious. If they misrepresent stuff this stupid and obvious, maybe all those rumors about as soon as Biden is away from any type of recording device he magically starts acting a third his age are bullshit too.

    And besides all that, lots of the country don’t want a US president who “trolls” people on Twitter. It’s like the people actually running Biden’s campaign and making decisions want to make Biden into a knockoff trump.


    It goes right to the point that there is a well oiled Biden machine team that makes things run and the contrast is stark.

    Orange shitstain’s team of racist Christo-fashists is hard at work too and out to destroy democracy.


    It goes right to the point that there is a well oiled Biden machine team


    Last election it took over a billion dollars for Biden to beat Trump by 30k votes.

    If his campaign team is that great, and it still costs that much…

    Wouldn’t it be easy if the candidate was pretty much anyone besides Biden?

    Beating trump isn’t hard, it just is when you run historically unpopular neoliberals that are more conservative than the party platform against him.


    Wouldn’t it be easy if the candidate was pretty much anyone besides Biden?

    I wouldn’t be so sure about that. One of the things Biden brings to the table is that he can take Trump seriously, while credibly calling Trump on his bullshit. Hillary didn’t seem to comprehend that Trump had a serious political following at all.

    Biden has had a richer set of life experiences, and I think he understands how Trump has appeal to some voters who are in hard times right now. And Biden seems to enjoy the fight a bit more. He’s not afraid to get down to Trump’s level and throw some punches himself. And Biden’s punches land.

    Can you really see anyone other Candidate calling Trump out on shit like this, without having it sound like whining? Yes, Biden is not directly maintaining this account, but it’s run on his behalf, and it’s message is directly tied to the candidate. Could you really see Dean Phillips pulling this off? Or Kamala Harris?


    Biden has had a richer set of life experiences

    He’s 81 fucking years old, not a 60 year old with experience.

    He has multiple lifetimes of experience, which is a bad thing because someone at 81 isn’t as together as they were 20 years ago.

    It’s just not how humans work, were not fucking tortoises…


    Well technically trump was beat by a whole whole lot more than that, it’s just that the US election system is rather fucked up to the point that it constantly allows a religious extremist minority to actually win


    So your plan is to ignore how our system works and say everything will be fine?

    How’d that work out in 2016? For some reason I remember everything going to shit and missed our first female president.

    Biden is doing worse in those handful of battleground states and it’s damn near a coin flip if he can beat trump.

    Popular nationwide vote doesn’t mean shit. But this time Biden isn’t even leading nationally. More people want neither option than either trump or Biden. Neither are good candidates, they’re complete dog shit and shouldn’t be in the general. But neither party really let primaries happen this cycle.

    So “technically” Biden won by less than 30k votes in a few states.


    Not at all. You gave to lay by the rules of the game. I’m just saying that the rules are really stupid

    JoeBigelow, avatar

    What point are you even trying to make?


    That if Biden really has “the best people” and it costs over a billion dollars to beat trump last time…

    Running Biden again when he’s less popular seems like an incredibly stupid decision.

    That the DNC has been doing incredibly stupid shit for decades, and show no signs of improving.

    The wealthy bought both parties long ago, and things will never get better if people keep holding their noses and voting D no matter what.

    We used to have primaries. But NH may never have one again.

    I’d say it’s not complicated, but standards keep dropping. So if you still don’t get, be specific what’s giving you difficulty and I’ll put some to help you

    JoeBigelow, avatar

    I don’t hear you pitching any solutions that are viable between now and November. Did you really expect the DNC to not run the incumbent?


    Running a candidate that didn’t take a billion fucking dollars to beat Trump by 30k votes…

    We’re just going in circles where you pretend running Biden is the only option.

    It’s unlikely to work, even tho I hope it does. But it doesn’t seem like you want to acknowledge that.

    The primary isn’t over, it’s not too late. The DNC and Biden have just been saying it was too late since before the primary started.

    JoeBigelow, avatar

    Biden isn’t an inspirational candidate. Not hard to admit. Who do you think stands a chance of unifying the DNC before November?


    Who should the DNC run?

    Give a name.


    a name

    AOC would be a walk in victory against trump. But you could also pick 90% of Congress with a D next to their name and have a better shot than Biden.


    As soon as you say “AOC” you lose a decent chunk of independents. You really think she can get enough enthusiasm among the base to outweigh that?

    Not to mention how fired up the Republicans will be to vote against her, of all people. You’d see MASSIVE Republican turnout.


    As soon as you say “AOC” you lose a decent chunk of independents


    You believe the third of the country that dont vote because both parties are too similar are between the two parties policy wise…

    There’s zero evidence of that

    And when you ask them in polls, they say both parties are too right wing.

    You’d see MASSIVE Republican turnout.

    We’d see the same amount, they say Biden is a goddamn communist. The good part of them always saying that, is it literally doesn’t fucking matter how progressive the dem is.

    None of what you’re saying is factually correct, but I guess we’re all entitled to opinions.

    You also ignore the part I knew you would:

    But you could also pick 90% of Congress with a D next to their name and have a better shot than Biden.

    There’s no such thing as a perfect candidate, but it’s pretty hard to find one worse than Biden that still has a D next to their name.


    Any candidate that the Left would pick would instantly be torn apart for not being perfect. Y’all would turn on Bernie too. Only perfection is good enough for you, and perfection doesn’t exist. That’s why the only candidates you can endorse are those that haven’t had a realistic shot of winning before. You just don’t know enough about them to find something to disqualify them in your eyes.

    And when you ask them in polls, they say both parties are too right wing.

    This is called an echo chamber and is not reality.


    You’re fucking exhausting.

    And I’m sure you’re the type of person who thinks “winning” an exchange is replying last, so congrats! You’ll always “win” with me now because I’ll never see a single comment you ever make again.

    Have fun “winning”


    And so the echo chamber deepens rofl


    I agree with the sentiment but I also want to say that the DNC doesn’t choose the nominee in the way the person you are replying to thinks. No candidate who has a credible chance of being present decided to run in the primary. We can’t just hope that a shadowy backroom DNC deal (which only exists in the minds of those without a sophisticated understanding of us party politics) to force a whittmer or newsom or any other democrat in a position to run a national campaign to actually run for president. Political leaders make their own choice if they want to run and while that choice is influenced by party insiders and any other number of factors but at the end of the day of all candidates who decided to run for the democratic nomination - Biden is the most credible and capable candidate. The DNC can’t just pick a name and run them.


    True but I didn’t want to break his little brain by bringing that up just yet.

    Diplomjodler, (edited )

    Ooohhhh. Someone’s salty. Make sure you check under your bed for Dark Brandon before you go to sleep!


    Yeah, that’s what a trump supporter would do.

    Childishly make fun of people who have standards more than “the other team is worse”.


    This is an election year, you take sides the moment you open your mouth no matter what you say. Childish to think any different.



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  • Furedadmins,

    Because trump does his own.


    Is it really so hard to imagine someone with a history of being sassy would see a tweet and joke to people near him ‘quite the achievement’ then they all laugh and he says ‘you know what, tweet that’

    People do like that, it’s funny but dignified. I don’t know if it’ll win him votes but it was funny.

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