
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


One day we’ll get VLC 4.


Wait I haven’t been keeping up since the ui refresh. What are they doing


This is actually one of the few cases where it makes sense. Its for alt-text for people who browse with TTS


The only issue for Firefox’s translator currently is the time it takes to load at first, or the fact you have to download each model first. Its not some monumental task, but it does have more friction than Google’s “automatically send the site you are browsing to our server”


I’ve never understoof how Bateman became associated with being a cool suave guy. The movie portrays him as a loser despite all the murders. His coworkers make fun of him and he doesn’t even confront them, he’s visibly panicking when the detective questions him, his girlfriend is cheating on him and he knows it, he’s constantly doodling edgy drawings and listening to music instead of working, etc.

Its like people only watched the opening scene and the one in which he murders Allen.


Of the movie, yes. But I thought that whole “sigma male” fad was for so called alpha male influencers giving their mostly awkward and shy audience an out instead of alpha lone wolf type guys that stay away from social circles out of their own free will and are content on their own, never losing their cool and composed persona. Bateman is anything but that, he’s impulsive, petty, envious, can’t control his emotions, is frustrated when he can’t stand up for himself in conversation and desperately craves the admiration of his peers.


Above alpha. Imagine all the qualities those charlatans attribute to “beta males”, but spun into being positive things actually, that’s a “sigma male”. (e.g. you are not shy, you are a lone wolf cooler than everyone else)


Isn’t it cause its the handle of the main dev?


Don’t forget Plants vs Zombies 2. Which despite some micro transactions, definitely held up in its early days. Rather, I’d say it got do either dirty from balancing issues rather than greed.


POV: You are about to stab Caesar with the boys


That one guy photoshopped a beard onto him because he looked more human this time around


I mean, the first one is actually good? Even if the partner you are sending the nudes to can be fully trusted now and forever, they could get hacked, have their unlocked phone stolen. Hell, whatever cloud service they use for backups (regardless if they even know they are using it) could get compromised.

IDK, its just weird to put walking on the street and having a house in the same need category as sending nudes. I could even understand sex, but sending nudes is so specific (some people aren’t even into them).


Does it have the option of using TPM to unlock a LUKS2 encrypted partition like the previous betas? Or was that dropped?


And also the maintainers being too trusting. They openly discussed pirate ROMs in the server and such.


Doesn’t seem that related to medicine, I could sed it being the topic of two classes at best, but not a whole course. That’s why its an elective.


It would be pretty useless as it is. Even for them. Federation only really mattered for a few people (us), most of their userbase doesn’t care or know so its not like it was meant to be a hook to lead them in.


Its also implying that the hobby will eventually burn our or become cringe in the eyes of the public. As most fads do.


It’ll probably be open for anyone to use. They’ll just be pissy about it.


The former lead dev (who is still part of the team) seems to think many people are out to get him for no good reason. He has claimed repeatedly that Calyx devs have sent harassers to target him for years (from spamming gore or nazi content in the matrix channels, to swatting him and almost getting him killed by the police) and that they constantly speak ill of him, but has never actually shown any proof. Instead, he sources his own past claims about how he has shown proof, in a sort of endless loop.

Also, youtuber Techlore made a 5 second joke about GOS’s extreme approach to security in his mostly positive review of it, which the lead Dev took as a personal attack. After which he started attributing harassment to him too. He made a later video talking about it, and Louis Rossman commented on it expressing concern. After which, the lead Dev accused him to being complicit in the harassment.

Eventually he stepped down as project manager, citing how the harassment and bullying he constantly got was too much. But to my knowledge no one has actually seen it ever.


I strongly believe he did kill himself, but was given the golden window of opportunity to do so. Having an assassin sneak all the way in there without a single mistake is harder and costlier than letting a criminal with no other way out kill himself.


This seems like a rather really hyeprspecific use case than “the reason platforms like Matrix don’t get as much traction as Discord”.


It mostly seems like your personal experiences and server choices might be giving you the wrong idea. It might be the reason your communities don’t make the switch, but the wider userbase doesn’t really know about any this at all.

If it was as prevalent and the big reason, plurality would be more common in general servers or those dedicated to some other topic. It’s my, and probably a sizeable portion of people’s, first time hearing about PluralKit. Even knowing about plurality and systems prior to this. I’m in a bunch of servers with indescribable amounts of people and this really hasn’t come up at all.

If you were to ask a random discord user/mod/server owner why they don’t switch to Matrix, they most likely won’t answer “It doesn’t have PluralKit and I/my friends use it”, but “What’s Matrix?/What’s PluralKit?/How so you use it?/Discord’s fine/But why?/IDC”

Like, all power to you, this shows an important missing feature for your community in Matrix, but I don’t think this is it.


The official instantce,, now requires an account to be made through Google, Facebook or Apple (for the host). Community hosted instances still allow anonymous meetings but may not have all the features in the main instance (since some require hosting other services, like etherpad and excalidraw)


You have the big plus of not having the WhatsApp app installed and snooping around with all those permissions it has.


Its only big in the US, most of the planet only sees iMessage as that borderline useless app Apple bundles in their phones.


Most of the world doesn’t use SMS, they use WhatsApp. Plus, SMS is even worse than WhatsApp for privacy and security. And stopping using WhatsApp in most of the world is like not using email, so no “I don’t have WhatsApp, you can only contact me through signal” is possible.


I don’t just mean socially speaking. But for contacting services and stuff. My car insurance company only accepts reports through Whatsapp or through calling a guy to come look at your face for a fee.


Either that or a woman saying a very obvious joke while 13 year olds argue in the comments how “it can’t be a joke because women don’t know how to joke”


Show loosely based on the old Archie comics. Led by a guy who previously wrote a play about Archie living in Superman’s Metropolis, rooming and making out with a man heavily implied to be based on a real life serial killer. In hindsight, its a surprise Archie didn’t stop a nuclear bomb with his abs in S1.

Are there any Windows-exclusive programs you use?

I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise...


The FOSS equivalents sadly aren’t quite up to par with Adobe for professional work yet.


Seems like it only takes one or two accounts to spam some related memes to get to the front page. A while back it was Taylor swift’s carbon emissions and before that it was the US and oil.


Damn, you’re right. That’s odd. The Taylor Swift and US Oil ones were all from the same user (one for each) so I thought this one was too.

Tumblr and Wordpress to Sell Users’ Data to Train AI Tools (

this could not be timed worse for Tumblr which is in huge hot water with its userbase already for its CEO breaking his sabbatical to ban a prominent trans user for allegedly threatening him (in a cartoonish manner), and then spending a week personally justifying it increasingly wildly across several platforms. the rumors had...


I hadn’t logged in a while and it was on, weird


I just wish we could, say, use the same account for the entire fediverse, or at least the main networks.


I would do anything to make my life feel better, except anything that makes my life feel better.


Is there a lore reason why that fish got a concussion?


Well, getting instantly vaporized is safer than getting hit by debris or getting all types of cancer at once.


LostLemmings? Do we have that sub?

About the post: they are two popular e-celebs with young audiences, of course marketing did wonders for them

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