@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar



The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

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@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

It looks like a shiny plastic toy.

I was just about to say exactly this. For some reason the go-to effect seems to always be reflections. Why does everything need to be super glossy? Add lens flares while you’re at it, why don’t you.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I play quite a bit of idlers and clickers, and they’re generally quite low on the gameplay department, but this… this just looks minimum effort meme game. Doesn’t seem like there’s anything more than a click counter and an image of a banana.

Am I missing something?

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

figures, but hey, if people really enjoy it then… fine.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

looks cool, I’m assuming it’s diablo-esque? Consider my interest tickled.

OTOH: now, I understand this is a me-thing, and totally a peeve, but: …steamstatic.com/…/ss_9c16fc30038768654d12a33dad5… - why, WHY, is chromatic aberration (CA for short, TLDR: blue/red colors separating towards the edges of the screen) so prevalent nowadays? It’s like the modern-day lensflare, who wants this? It only makes sense if you’re simulating a bad camera lens on purpose. Is there supposed to be a drone flying over your character in the game, filming it all? Can it be turned off?

It’s a hard nope for me as far as effects go, my eyes start to hurt due to some strain very quickly if a game uses it. Had it on Outer Worlds (ini-edit removed it, no in-game option. BOO), Cyberpunk (in-game option to disable it, YES!).

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

obvious privacy concerns aside, who the hell actually needs this?

If something I do is important enough to remember later, I do save it (bookmark, screenshot, screencast, whatever). This doesn’t need to be automated, esp. since it seems to require 25-50 GB of diskspace to do anyway.

For users, this is a solution seeking for a problem. For megacorpo this is just more data harvesting, even if it’s “only local” for now. Hard pass, nopety-nope-nope, also arch btw and so forth.

Fallout Series (Why don’t I like it?)

I think my first Bethesda game was Skyrim and I love Skyrim. I’ve played through Skyrim when it first came out I played through it again in the DLC came out. I played through it again on the switch I have since played through it again on PC. I love Skyrim. I played it so many times and I know it’s a meme to keep re-releasing...

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

“Where’s John Connor” - could work :D

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

so, roughly something like Deathspank?

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

only if the dev/publisher/whoever-responsible offers the different versions as available branches in the game’s properties. Some do, most don’t.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Games/franchises like this feel like they’re aimed for youtubers. But do people actually enjoy them as games, or do they enjoy them as reaction/gaming videos?

I might be a bit out of the loop with these, but I kinda feel the “main audience” is mostly kids, are the kids actually going to go to the movies to see it?

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yea, there’s always the one that innovates and then there’s the imitators. Trend setters and trend chasers.

Now, I’m fully admitting my experiences with any of these mascot horror things is limit to youtube videos, but still… to me these just feel like cheap jumpscares and kinda jank youtuber-bait games with excessive tacked-on lore… But that’s just me, if anyone enjoys these, don’t let my grumpy old-man-yells-at-clouds-grump dampen your parade, go you go!

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I was about to argue that this isn’t “pay-to-win”, as just having the ship doesn’t automatically make you better in-game, but…

www.elitedangerous.com/…/python-mk-ii-standard && www.elitedangerous.com/…/python-mk-ii-bundle

If the pre-built ship is destroyed you will be able to redeploy it at no cost, but any additional modules you have added will require in-game credits to retrieve during re-buy.

does this mean that the arx-bought pre-built ship has essentially 0 Cr rebuy? Sounds kinda low-bar entry for no-risk pvp or griefing, if so.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

personally: only second-hand info about reddragon keyboards.

The pricepoint is low, don’t expect premium experience. It’ll do keyboard stuff just fine, most likely.

Also, apparently the customization app doesn’t work at all on linux, even through wine. EDIT: openrgb does support some reddragon models, but only mice. openrgb.org/devices_0.9.html?search=red+dragon - but, keyboard support might happen?

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Hell yea, Indy Atlantis is absolute peak… then again so is most of lucasarts point&click adventure games.

Man I wish the teased sequel for atlantis was actually made :/

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

while all of those qualities are great, they alone don’t make game great.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I haven’t played many SNES games, but the ones I have have been pretty good. Fairly sure there’s quite a bit of stinkers in there too.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

as far as I’ve understood it, the main issue of the account lies in the fact that the game has been sold on regions which either cannot make a psn account, OR are allowed to link their steam account to the PSN account.

So basically, for quite a few people this means the requirement will lock them out of the game. Sure, VPN’s and linking accounts outside of their home region is apparently possible, but then they run the risk of getting their account(s?) banned.

Interactive Loading Screens - High Hell

Developing interactivity is effort and an investment. Most developers put up a simple loading screen, maybe some text like rotating tips, and a loading indicator. Until 2015 a patent on interactive loading screens may have made developers and publishers cautious and decide against developing interactivity....

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Dunno if it is good or bad, but Warframe has this loading screen where you see players’ ships and you can steer them a bit. No real point to it, but at least it’s something to do when waiting for someone to load in.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar
  1. the graffiti on the wall. apparently “hard r” is offensive. Wouldn’t even known about it if it wasn’t for some hubbub around the game.
  2. cleavage, I guess?
  3. can’t see anything else than the bloodspatter on the character either.
@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I watched it ages ago entirely because it was on netflix (IIRC), had time to waste & I had heard Jim Carrey was absolutely going ham as the Dr.Robotnik. It was an ok timewaster, obviously not high art or anything.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Got roped back into Warframe after few years of away time. Got to say, occasionally doing few missions and knocking a story mission is pretty awesome. Initially had some issues with solo-required Railjank mission (big space ship piloting), but then my clan mates tipped me of a crew I can hire. Who would have thought a big ship needs a crew? :P

Other than that, also got dragged into Fallout 76. Only played it for ~3ish hours and, tbh it isn’t as bad as I’ve been led to believe. But it’s also not that great. The pacing feels odd, but could be just because of the tutorials I’m still in. Audiotapes drag on and on and on, the player encampment (and “mmo aspects” in general) feel VERY tacked on. Coop gameplay feels cool, but ofc. my friend finds all the cool loot and looks like a SWAT team member, whereas I’m dressed in the most basic leather scraps.

Also I’ve been chipping away in some idle games, Unnamed Space Idle, mainly. Nothing really remarkable happening there, but number go big big.

EDIT: oh yea, fallout 4 patch should drop tomorrow? Yea got to get back on that too. Moddable FO4 experience sounds better than 76. Just… hope the mod authors are still at it.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

apart from the settlement maintenance, I have really liked it. It’s been quite some time since I last played it tho.

Some time ago Sim Settlements 2 -mod was recommended to fix the settlements, but… yea, waiting for the patch to drop and mods get fixed.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I guess I’m in the older segment as I’m in my 40’s, and still basically exclusively a pc-guy, making a slow but somewhat sure transition over to penguin themed os from windows.

I do play some older console games (via emulation), adventure games (scummvm <3) and quite a bit of modern pc singleplayer/coop titles. My go-to launchers are Steam and GOG.

Sure, pc maintenance can be a lot at times, but I’m a nerd and tinker on my pc a lot anyway, so it just happens.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Multiplayer? With randoms, hard pass. With friends-only, sure, why not.

But I’d still save scumm my way through immersive sims on my own like I usually do, I don’t need witnesses to my shame.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s been a hot minute since I last played F4. But now that a friend of mine roped me into F76 I’ve been itching to get some F4 action in between the sparse F76 sessions, esp. since the big update is just around the corner.

IIRC the perks system in F4 requires you to have stats in the SPECIAL -stats to open up the stat related perks, and then choose to spend the perks points to those instead of the stats. Other perks are given as rewards from (side?) quests - if memory serves, but it’s been a while.

I did enjoy the adventuring aspeects of F4, but the settlement management was pure agony. The more you build the settlements, the more attractive they become for mutant/bandit/whatever attacks. If you don’t build them, the settlers moan about not having places to sleep or food to eat. Even if you build them everything, the idiot settlers can’t figure out themselves to start farming if there’s no food, instead they require the player to specifically assign them for the task.

Other than the settlement management, the game is great, but as it’s bethesda creation it gets better with mods. I recall esp. enjoying mod which removed ambiguity from dialogue choises and just showed the actual lines instead of “snarky” or “okay” or whatever.

As far as companions go, I do enjoy “the private detective” as a companion, if I had to choose, but mostly I prefer going in alone, as the companions can be dumb as left boots. Died so many times because the idiots walk into all the traps imaginable. And the “stealth archer” doesn’t need companions, they’re powerful and broken like in every Bethesda -game :P

Last time I played my VATS got glitched and didn’t work anymore, apparently this has something to do with vault 114 & is a known issue. Didn’t bother me one bit and I kept on playing without it. IMO, the game got better without VATS.

Tips? Nah, you do you. The game turns into power fantasy regardless of what you do. But in general talk to everyone and do listen in on the radiochannels which can pop out randomly out there, there’s always something cool or funny to find.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

…that actually sounds interesting, Might need to look into that. My original plan was just to mod in infinite carryweight and such and just pick a direction and go on an adventure but now I’m reconsidering.

So how does the sim settlements thing work, if I’m going with it, do I need to (or want to?) install all the chapters, or should I add those once “I’m done” to move it along?

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

what I meant was that their site (simsettlements2.com) lists 3 different chapters as different downloads, each newer requiring the previous ones.

haven’t delved in their documentation yet, I’m assuming these are stacking changes/quests somehow, but… dunno. I’ll read into it.

How to revitalize this sub?

I love the original patientgamers subreddit so I was stoked to find this community. And because lemmy seems to have a more knowledgeable crowd any topic I posted here had great engagement and discussions, despite the small community. I am too busy to be a mod but maybe I can help by sparking this discussion: what would be needed...

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I‘d post about games I‘ve played lately (like Unravel) but I feel like „was a cool game with a cool style which made me enjoy the graphics even today and was interesting to platinum“ doesn‘t start much of a discussion.

I’ll be the first to admit I mainly lurk, but I’d be interested to read about games people find interesting. Who knows, might be a title which flew under my radar and was one introduction away from being my all time favorite.

But yea, the “what are you playing” threads were fun reads.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Got to play it with someone for a bit, they seemed to know where all the neat things were (iirc, the murals, scarf lengthening thingies, etc). But due to the inability to communicate more than just “dings” I couldn’t convey that I needed a quick toilet break. They were gone after I came back, which was a bit sad but I probably wouldn’t have stayed waiting either, tbh.

It was quite okay, I recall playing it through twice, but the second round didn’t really offer much in terms of “value” over the first. Cool visuals and concept, though.

Other somewhat similar vibing games which I somewhat relate to Journey:

  • Sable - Somewhat similar character designs, quite a bit more scifi and some dialogue. Pretty cool 3d platformer puzzle.
  • Proteus - walking-sim, graphics are those “if atari 2600 could do 3d”. Kinda cool experience, but also kinda one-and-done.
@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I was just reading the steam reviews for it, apparently the game pushes FOMO hard. Daily grind to run optimized route to gain in-game currency (with daily caps!) to afford cosmetics which may or may not ever return, so gotta act now. Or throw in 15 $€£ now now now, item is gone soon! …At least the game has the decency of being free to play.

Might take a looksie, Journey was pretty cool once or twice. This seems like a decent try, I guess?

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

huh, maybe I could squeeze out some effort from myself to actually finish the game after the update drops. Played the game few times to the doorstep to the last battle (AFAIK) and never returned to continue the saves. Maybe this time will be the time.

Also, kinda wish they’d push similar updates to 3 and NV. They do kinda work as is (atleast the gog versions + some modding), but… you know, some official fixies pls? :)

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Last Epoch

playing offline because that’s where all my stuff is as last I checked the online was a disaster. Other than that, it’s pretty cool ARPG. Though I have some thoughts about some “gearcheck” -type bosses. After ~180h (since beta) or whatever, I’m still thinking it’s a solid 7/10. Fairly enjoyable, but not greatest of all time by any stretch.

Content Warning

It’s completely stupid and I love it. Essentially wannabe-“spööktubers” take a camera and few flashlights into dark, abandoned industrial complex to film something spooky, just to gain views on “Spööktube”. Views gain you money, money buys you gear.

The dives to the industrial complex are very short too, as you can only film so much (90s max, it seems), and the monsters are hella deadly. Either the camera gets filled or everyone is dead in minutes.

The footage can be saved as .webm -videos to desktop, which is GREAT

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

good to hear. But, either way all my current stuff is on offline and none of my friends have the game, so moot point.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Under a steel sky

Is there a third game in the series I’m not aware of or did you mean Beneath a steel sky?

Malix, (edited )
@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

but it seems that you need to at least solder the keycaps yourself, which I can’t.

solder … keycaps? Surely you mean switches :D

Anyhoo, Moonlander? www.zsa.io/moonlander/ - hotswappable switches, ortholinear-ish, split and qmk support

edit: or bit more minimal: www.zsa.io/voyager

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

they’re prebuilt as in: no soldering iron needed. I’m unaware if the switches/keycaps are on out-of-the-box, but that’s like 15min of “keeb hobbying” to put them in.

Malix, (edited )
@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Ah, man of culture.

Omf2097 was the dopest thing ever to grace my 486 back in the day.

Battlegrounds later on tho… Yikes.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’m trying to play through Control, finally. It’s been sitting on my to-do list for ages. Not nescessarily a projet for the whole year, but it’s what I got on my plate at the moment.

Playing on PC, with the unofficial patch (improves RT, texture streaming, stability, newer dlss… all the good stuff) and settings cranked. It’s pretty dope tbh. I definitely suck at it, but the accessibility options (extra damage/health/regens etc) are pretty nice to scale the difficulty to my level.

Got to enjoy the SCP vibes and brutalist architecture. And Ahti, ofc.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I keep hearing AW2 is great, but… tbh I didn’t much care for the first AW (and haven’t played the dlc/expansion?). Kinda found the combat really annoying to deal with, but I was interested in the story. Does the sequel do combat any differently?

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

“community patch” is technically wrong, (AFAIK & IIRC) a remedy dev made it on their free time and got permission to release it as a mod (I suppose this is so remedy doesn’t need to test/validate/etc it for different platforms or such).

But, yea, the patch is great! Also, linky for those interested: …pcgamingwiki.com/…/2581-control-hdrultrawidedlss… or www.nexusmods.com/control/mods/90?tab=description

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

welp, sounds like I have to check it out at some point. Thanks!

I’ll check some gameplay video and wait for discounts & it releasing from epic-jail

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Tbh, when I saw the image I immediately thought of Mikael Åkerfeldt (from Opeth, among others)

edit: mistyped his name, a bit.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

Maybe it’s just me, but open worlds have been quite tiring for quite a while.

Near infinite playing field is a cool concept, but the size is irrelevant if there’s nothing to do in the field, what’s the point? Having meaningful content evenly accross the stupendously huge field is a challenge. While I could scale a mountain for hours, it begs the question “why?”.

I can already scale kilometers deep craters and equally tall mountains in Elite Dangerous, but there’s just literally nothing there… well, apart from the occasional crafting material or whatever, but those aren’t exclusive to those locations afaik.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

…oookay, the update is 102 GB on gog galaxy… seems a bit excesssive

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

“If you decapitate Karlach before having spoken to her and then resurrect her, she’ll no longer spend the rest of the game headless.”

Man, some interactions in this game are wild.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

I guess it would be funny for a bit, but get old in the long run…

Ask Karlach to join the party

You hear happy gurgling noises emerge from Karlachs stumpy neck

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

i.imgur.com/x60PuEJ.png - from the original article. But “dont’t wanna click tldr;”: r6-5600x, 32gb ram, rtx4090 1080p, preset “very low”: avg 78fps, 1% 46fps, high settings: afg 38fps, 1% 24fps

www.pcgameshardware.de/…/2/ the article & benchmarks, but it’s in german.

edit: oh, derr. took the 4090 results, but they are pretty much identical for the 7900xt on the “very low”, and few fps lower on the “high” preset.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

the tadpole must be applying pressure to the horniness-switch in everyone’s head, the Camp Horny Jail -experience can’t be explained otherwise.

@Malix@sopuli.xyz avatar

It can’t carry, but it can throw stuff from the ground. Came useful in one side quest.

Other than that, used it few times to pull a lever or such. Nothing terribly handy (sorry, not sorry)

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