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Gotta pay for priority one:


An enormous built from the ground up new capital out in the desert, and far from any pesky protestor that may ever try to overthrow the corrupt military’s stranglehold over the country and economy.


As someone relying on pslf, I was terrified under Trump the whole thing would be scrapped.

The Trump administration also called for ending the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which cancels student debt for eligible public-sector workers who have made 10 years of qualifying monthly payments. It was eliminated from Trump’s proposed federal budget all four years he was in office. Congress never adopted the proposal.

Biden has expanded PSLF eligibility and is conducting a recount of past payments to fix any past servicing errors and make sure borrowers get credit for every payment they’ve made.

Republicans will surely try to get rid of pslf again if they return to power.


I don’t think it’s particularly gpu intensive like you’d expect for a graphically intense game, there’s a heavy cpu bottleneck due to Npc calculations, some have suggested due to a lot of physics calculations with npcs. The npcs also have severe pop in issues in the city. For most people playing this the gpu isn’t going to be the issue. Even the most powerful gaming cpus are only able to take it so far in its current state though.

Ranvier, (edited )

Apparently capping interest for people in financial hardship while they’re making regular payments to prevent a loan that spirals out of control from accumulating interest is “a bailout for the wealthy.” According to Republicans.

Very upsetting because the new SAVE plan is a big improvement over the prior repayment options in a lot of ways. Imagine if due to a court order everyone who just got restarted on student loan repayments suddenly has their payment plan forcibly and suddenly switched back resulting in higher payments and all the confusion and people who would blame Biden and, oh I think I just explained why Republicans are doing this.


Bring in the guy that fixed the first one with dark arisen please.


Weird, it skips right from the 13th amendment to the 15th in this version. And I can’t find the emoluments clause anywhere.


I agree with you on all points, except judge shopping in this case. The case was filed by prosecutors, not the defense. Defendants can’t really judge shop a criminal case (beyond choosing to live in Florida I suppose, or the fact that Trump appointed hundreds of judges himself). She was technically selected by random chance out of that district’s pool, though because of various factors the pool being picked from was pretty small, so there was a high chance of getting her. More details here if interested:


Hence how she ended up with both Trump’s stupid fight against the search warrant as well as the actual criminal case. So there wasn’t judge shopping of the traditional sense, like patent cases always going to that particular district in Texas that tends to rule favorably for patent holders.


Birds of a shitfeather flock together.

Obamacare Is in Grave Danger, Again (www.nytimes.com)

In 2017, Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress tried to eviscerate the A.C.A. and almost succeeded in passing a bill that the Congressional Budget Office estimated would have left 22 million more Americans uninsured by 2026. There’s every reason to believe that if the G.O.P. wins control of Congress and the White House in...

Ranvier, (edited )

Doctors are paid more, but still a small slice of healthcare costs. Doctors in the US working entirely for free would barely make a dent. All administrative costs, including doctors and nurses salaries, but also our bloated health care administration, add up to 8%. A lot of the extra administration costs are also things like all the staff needed just to interface with the giant mess of different payers including multiple private and government programs, all with different documentation and billing requirements.

The insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, medical device and equipment companies, and private equity owners of hospitals and practices who are all reaping windfall profits at the expense of patients love to direct the blame to doctors though.


I will be pleasantly surprised if this ends up being decent considering the prolonged development hell it has been in.


That’s because the headline is slightly misleading. Technically the bill says US government funds can’t be used to buy pride flag to fly above state department facilities. Theoretically there wouldn’t be anything to stop someone from buying it with out of pocket money and flying it, or use flags they’ve already purchased. Still ridiculous though, I know.


Even in their public warning they specified concerts specifically. I imagine the private warning to the Russian government was even more specific.


The Russian invasion of Afghanistan is just one chapter in an extensive history including genocide of Islamic peoples within its borders with many more recent events as well. Putin himself rose to power carpet bombing Chechnya. Even more recently, Russia literally going to Syria to attack Isis, where they still are stationed and fighting. Their efforts to keep Bashar Al Assad in power infuriated Isis. They also have their African forces recently assimilated from Wagner group attacking Islamic militants across Saharan Africa, some of which consider themselves branches of Isis. If “literally being attacked by them across the world as we speak right now” is not motive enough for them to attack back for you, I don’t know what would convince you. This isn’t even the first time Isis has claimed to attack Russia, there’s been a string of attacks from Isis going back to 2015.

And Isis is opposed to the Taliban in Afghanistan and actively fighting them as well. I don’t know what you’re on about.


Oh they knew


But Republicans didn’t want to stop it, and Obama was worried if he did anything without Republican support it would look like he was tilting the scales in favor of Clinton. Which makes zero sense to me but hey that’s just what Obama thought.


What’s actually being traded right now is a small portion of the actual shares that will make up the new merged company. This dollar amount assumes that trump would be able to sell 60% of all stock in the company (which is much more than is available to trading right now), without sending the stock price right into the ground. That’s just not going to happen.

This lockup period prevents him from selling for 6 months to prevent the share price from tanking just after the merger from insider selling, but the board could decide to remove that restriction so he could start offloading shares. Even if they don’t, when we get closer to lockup expiration I’m guessing the shares will likely begin tanking in anticipation of Trump doing this. He’d be dumb not to try and offload shares, the company is insanely overvalued.


Creditors aren’t dumb, no way they’re going to accept this as a collateral. Even if they did have the ability to sell if needed (they don’t, it’s illiquid at the moment), unwinding $450 million in shares is going to take some time, and the sale itself is large enough it would affect the stock price itself. There’d be no good way of knowing how much stock you’d have to hold in the account to ensure that $450 million in cash could be extracted from it if needed.

This isn’t just some small personal account with a line of credit that the creditor can make a maintenance/margin call on to ensure a certain collateral balance is maintained. This is a substantial percentage of the market cap of one single company with an extremely volatile stock based on near zero fundamentals, in a position that likely can’t be unwound without tanking its own value.

Most likely thing Trump does in reality is work with a bank (who will accept real estate as collateral, unlike the bond companies) to get a letter of credit from a bank, and then bring the letter of credit to the bond company. This whole dog and pony show of “I can’t pay” is probably fake to try and see if he can convince the courts to delay his payment. Unless he truly does have no real equity in his properties like some people say. Or banks really are done with him. Will be interesting to hear what the independent court appointed monitor thinks about all of this. I wouldn’t be surprised though if Monday just before seizures could start Trump’s lawyers are like, jk we put these properties up as collateral like we could have done at any time in actuality, for a letter of credit, and used that to secure a bond. Rather than let NY state take control of them. I hope they do get seized by New York though.


You’re right, a normal board wouldn’t. He appears to be stuffing family members and lackey on the board though. So we’ll have to see what happens.

Russia and China Veto U.S.-Led Cease-Fire Resolution at U.N. (www.nytimes.com)

Edit: It looks like the argument here is that the US is not calling for an instant ceasefire, but instead saying that one is very important to have. China and Russia say it should be immediate. The US also tied it to hostage talks....


No, in the article it states the US resolution called for an “immediate” cease fire as well.

It looks the disagreement is over the word “sustained cease fire” vs “permanent cease fire.” The US resolution also calls for release of the hostages as a part of the ceasefire, whereas in the other version the hostages are not linked to the cease fire.


He has a few more days technically, then she can start seizing. There’s one month after the ruling to come up with the money.


That’s good, hopefully these terrible laws will get overturned in even more states this election cycle. Also, assuming it gets on the ballot it could improve turnout for Jon Tester too. Really need him re elected for Democrats to have a shot at holding on to the senate and have any chance at passing a national law (and block Republicans from trying to pass a national ban too of course).


It would delay things further unfortunately, but this is so egregiously wrong and in such a long list of mistakes and/or illegitimate moves meant to provide cover for Trump, I don’t think there’s any recourse but for Jack Smith to move to have her taken off the case. Even more when you consider her involvement prior to these charges when she got improperly involved with the search warrant bussiness before a higher court told her off and dismissed the whole thing. Shame she’s the one assigned to the strongest and least legally controversial criminal case against him.

Ranvier, (edited )

Theoretically yes, but that’s not what happened. Also not sure if average in op’s case is referring to mean or median, the word average could refer to either. But mean and median are close in this case. Median wage growth statistics are readily available, here’s median:


And if you dig into data more, you’ll find real wage growth (wage growth minus inflation) was strongest in the lowest income bracket, not the highest.


That’s not to say that just a couple years of higher wage growth in low income brackets will erase the US’s enormous long-standing problem with income inequality. And the top 10% have still been doing better than upper middle class with recent wage growth.


Yes my understanding is in addition to passing a law, one other possibility would be declaring his electoral votes invalid and not certifying them on the grounds he committed insurrection. But I guess we’d see what the supreme court says about that if it actually happened.

A new surge of settler outposts is terrorizing Palestinians off their land (www.972mag.com)

Since late December, Palestinians living in the village of Battir, west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, have been cut off from significant portions of their land. A group of Israeli settlers simply arrived in the area one day — which UNESCO has designated as a world heritage site — and set up a new outpost, with a...


New Jersey is coming for New York’s land!


If you wondered why only the center portion of Ellis Island is in New York, this is why.

In seriousness unlike New Jersey (or at least new jersey before it become extremely urbanized) a good portion of Israel’s land is desert that’s not very useful for farming or grazing. Not an excuse though, especially when the west bank and Gaza have less percentage of arable land than Israel as is for a denser population. Your point stands.


It would not. It’s a defensive treaty.

Ukraine isn’t a part of France or under the jurisdiction of France, so the attack wouldn’t be on France’s territory, and Ukraine isn’t a member of NATO itself.

Ranvier, (edited )

No, it’s narrower than that. It only applies to attacks directly on Nato countries. It doesn’t even apply to all of a country’s territories, only within the geographic range specified in the treaty. So for instance didn’t apply to the Falkland War, despite a territory under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom coming under attack. It’s not just any time a country’s troops or interests are under attack. US troops have been attacked many times in Iraq, Syria, and other locations, and Article 5 wasn’t invoked. The only time it was ever invoked by any country was the US after 9/11, which was pretty clearly on US territory. If it applied how you say, it could be used by any country to draw all of the rest into an offensive war, which is clearly against the spirit and words of the article.

Ranvier, (edited )


Literally what they’re doing right now. Stop spreading misinformation saying they’re not.

It’s a new rule though, so has to go through the rule making process including public comments and wait period, again. Also has to be more specifically tailored so there isn’t a repeat of the supreme court just striking it down again. If they don’t go through the proper rule making process as laid out by law it’ll also get struck down by the courts (just like all of trump’s stuff did that didn’t follow these rules, mostly because he appointed a bunch of hacks who don’t know how any of this works).

And saying he only did one thing for student loans that got shot down is very wrong. Besides extending the student loan pause for quite some time, made changes from top to bottom including multiple rounds of new forgiveness and new policies for forgiveness, making pslf forgiveness easier and apply to more people, creating new payment plans that effectively lower interest (without technically changing the rate since that would have to be changed by law), lowering monthly payments, and even automatic granting of forgiveness people are owed but don’t realize (instead of having to sometimes sue to get forgiveness like many people were under the Trump admin).




While Mr. Biden included the minimum wage increase in his stimulus proposal and the House passed it as part of its version of the package, a top Senate official, Elizabeth MacDonough, ruled that it could not be included in the bill under the strict rules governing the reconciliation process, which protects legislation from filibusters and allows it to pass with a simple majority. Democrats are using reconciliation to fast-track the bill through the Senate.



Wtf does the parliamentarian of the senate have to do with Biden? Do you honestly think Biden can fire her? They aren’t even in the same branch of government. Get it together.

Assuming you’re just a troll at this point, but if you really don’t know the senate decides who the senate parliamentarian is, of course, just like everyone else who works for the senate, and she was appointed in 2012 by Harry Reid.

Ranvier, (edited )

The supreme court said no to the universal plan. The reasoning they cited was that congress did not intend for him to have the power to do that. Dubious reasoning or not, trying the same blanket loan forgiveness again is not going to work. And they were literally before the supreme court, do you honestly think they made “one argument?” There are hundreds of pages of arguments spanning multiple filings, not to mention the oral arguments. Get to reading:


And yes it is misinformation to pretend this was the one and only thing the Biden admin has done or attempted to do for student loans and ignore everything else that has been done. It’s misinformation to say there’s been “one executive order,” demonstrably very false.

What the Biden admin is doing right now is exactly what you’re suggesting, seeing what kinds of forgiveness they might be able to get squeaked past the courts since the broad powers in the heroes act have been cut off by the court. The rules aren’t finalized so it’s not clear exactly how broad that new plan will be or what the criteria is. If they re-attempted the same thing with the same terms there’s no way it would stand with the court. If you just want hollow regulations passed that will never actually be implemented to pay lip service before a court strikes them down again, fine. I’d prefer things that will actually get through and have a chance to help people.

And try and save at least a drop of vitriol for the Republicans who were the ones who stopped the plan in the first place.


Close, it sounds like they all agreed it should be enforced federally. The liberal justices plus Barrett didn’t agree with saying congress was the only federal institution that could enforce it. So the liberal justices plus Barret may have opened a path for a federal lawsuit to prevent him from taking office or being on ballots. As it is with the current ruling, only congress would be able to stop him, either by passing a new bill specifically laying out how insurrectionists will be barred from ballots, or possibly by refusing to certify his electoral votes after the election.

A State Supreme Court Just Issued Another Devastating Rebuke of the U.S. Supreme Court (slate.com)

The Hawaii Supreme Court handed down a unanimous opinion on Wednesday declaring that its state constitution grants individuals absolutely no right to keep and bear arms outside the context of military service. Its decision rejected the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, refusing to interpolate...


The conservatives on the supreme court are crap historians and even worse judges.


Sorry Loving v Virginia, it didn’t used to be widely understood that the equal protection clause would forbid inter racial marriage bans. After all, both white and black people are forbidden from marrying other races by those laws. There, equal. That’s how it was historically understood, heck it was illegal in 16 states still at the time and widely disapproved of.

But this presumes origialism is some coherent philosophy in the first place, instead of an excuse for partisan hackery cherry picking by Heritage Foundation stooges to get the conclusion they want.

Count me in favor of packing the court, not like there’s any integrity to jeopardize. More to lose by doing nothing while they continue to rampage.


Sorry to post a serious comment on a shit post, but just in case this is bugging anyone:

Turn the clock away from your bed. The anxiety from potentially not getting enough sleep can prevent you from falling asleep in a vicious cycle.

Sometimes people can even be sleeping for quite a while without realizing they had been sleeping, then just look at the clock and be like, oh no I lied here for another hour with no sleep, and feel even worse, and now ironically be unable to fall back asleep. If it’s bad enough sometimes people can even get what’s called paradoxical insomnia. Where the person will insist they hadn’t been sleeping or barely slept, even if you had them in a sleep lab with video and eeg and you show them they’ve been sleeping for hours (they aren’t trying to lie or anything, it’s an issue with perception of sleep amount and the perceived low amount then causing symptoms and distress).

Anyways, set that alarm, turn the clock away. Stop micro-calculating how much time until morning.

Description of paradoxical insomnia from a patient point of view if anyone’s interested:



Comment from a ublock developer on this:

There is a lot of chatter in the last days about how Youtube is slow with content blockers. Those performance issues affect only the latest version of both Adblock Plus (3.22) & AdBlock (5.17), and afflict more than just Youtube. uBO is not affected.



This game’s development is going real fast!

In comparison to the elder scrolls vi, lol


There’s a lot of problems with this. Just some include that it’s a blog and doesn’t link to the actual study so it’s impossible to see what’s going on with the this report. They also never explain what this “reliability score” even means or what’s included in that. Then they start doing things like using a percent to compare the scores saying this is percent more reliable. But we still don’t even know what this score is, and comparing as a percent may not make any sense to say depending on what the scores are and how they’re calculated. Unfortunately you can’t really draw any conclusions from what’s in this article.

Ranvier, (edited )

Yeah I wasn’t ready to swap out my whole motherboard and got a 5800x3d. A little on the pricier side still (~$320), but many games really love that extra large cache. Should hopefully keep me going for quite a while before having to upgrade sockets. There’s cheaper options than that that would still be a good upgrade, a 5700x is about $170. A couple games recently like baldurs gate 3 have been very cpu intensive.


Why can’t we just own games anymore? Sure it’d be cool to have your service available on all devices. But once it reaches a critical mass and kills off competitors and other ways of getting games, expect enshittification to ensue, subscriber costs and advertising going way up. Just look at what’s happening with every tv/movie streaming platform now. I’m guessing games you can only access via game pass and can’t purchase separately at all are going to be coming at some point too.


They haven’t done it yet. It seems to be the natural order of these subscription services though. I worry it’s only a matter of time.


It’s a tough call. Many forums have a rule against changing the title at all. People posting are often used to this and post the title as is from the article. The idea being to help prevent editorializing and clickbait on the part of the poster. Every headline these days though seems to be some variation of blatant clickbait or so and so “slams” this or “destroys” that. At this point I probably trust randos on the internet to make headlines more than publishers.

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