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Samsung? We got one used and it's great for the drying part, but when I went to research how to change the "melody", and I'm being generous here, to a chime or something else...nope. You get that, or silence. So we use silence and listen for the sound of it stopping. That song is terrible, and for there to be no options at all in a modern appliance...why was this a good idea on the drawing board?


Spore made a huge impact, not only in mainstreaming the idea of an evolving game but in the ability to control characteristics and shape interactively and easily. Plus being able to share creations online was huge, even though so many of them ended up in certain shapes (humans being humans). Where I think Spore failed is in trying to rush through the first stages and get to the "civilization" parts. It would have better if it had a slower pace staying within the animal world. They also failed when they dumbed down and sanitizing the original game, which was much more violent (see the demo with Robin Williams)...but that's how nature is.

Thrive is very impressive, but it might be too realistic in its complexity and trying to include everything and that will keep it from getting popular. If I remember you can dial it back some, but it's still very technical compared to the simplicity that made Spore work. Maybe there can't be a good middle ground.


Does playing a white guy playing a black guy count?

"What do you mean, you people?"

"What do YOU MEAN, you people??"


Janeway made the right call, even though it was a terrible one. The only argument I've ever seen that might counter it is the opinion that Tuvok and Neelix died in the accident so aren't a consideration, but this would only hold true if the separation would have failed. Kind of makes you hope the transporter in any scifi form doesn't get invented, as they all seem to have their philosophical issues. I loved the problem presented in the Saga of Cuckoo series by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson, where faster than light teleportation sends a copy but you walk out of the origin booth. Not always the greatest thing, depending on your viewpoints.


Here's a mention about the one book I had read (the second in the series):

Wall Around a Star

Not really any spoilers, and a couple of the reviews also mention the tachyon transporter.

Using an example in the plot that won't really give anything away...what if you could instantly jump from one place to another, particularly when in danger, but couldn't be sure if when you teleported that you would be the version that was safe, or the one that wasn't. Maybe it doesn't matter, since you are in both places...but it sure matters to the one that didn't get away.


Small changes never were a viable solution, but for a while they could be sold as one. Especially the ones where the consumer became the problem and one to take action (recycling et al.) Only a complete restructuring of society would do much of anything, and now it's even too late for that because of both the time and the population. Yeah, it's pessimistic and doomerism, but it's also reality.


I'd agree I'm cynical, but it's just my opinion based on everything I've read and seen over decades, not some attempt to brainwash people into inaction. We should absolutely do anything we can to change our ways both individually and overall now that we know the damage we do, but that doesn't guarantee a fix.

It's very difficult to discuss the state of things today without being accused of being too negative and now even claimed to be "the problem". If you want to continue thinking that we could have had a modern society with high living standards and constant growth, then go ahead. It's simply not realistic to me knowing we have a finite world. The bacteria in the beaker analogy is well known to everyone.

We crossed the line maybe with the industrial revolution, but certainly with learning how to use chemical means to provide far more food than naturally possible (Haber process). I fail to see how we can ever get back to that line now, especially since it and everything else we do is heavily dependent on petroleum that's also finite. Hence my comment on restructuring society - unlimited growth is not sustainable, yet it's a cornerstone for us for centuries.

I did think we could fix things long ago, but after a while you begin to see the pattern of hope and promises and realize we're experts at fooling ourselves.


No surprise. They ended up agreeing that he was guilty of impeachable offenses too, but were okay with it and didn't want him to be kicked out or made non-electable because of them. "One of us", literally.

Do I Need to Watch Discovery To Enjoy SNW?

Hi all! Long time Star Trek fan here with my first post. I’m gonna start out by saying that I promise I’m not a hater of Discovery at all. It just has done nothing for me and from what I read, has not made any changes that would have solved my personal issues with it. I’m fine with others liking it and honestly wish that I...


I think the first episode of SNW will hook you. So good.


I don't think any judge wants to be the one who throws a Presidential Candidate in jail

The political backlash would be difficult, but a judge being able to state "in my courtroom no one, NO ONE, is above the law" would be a great career thing.


The objective method is to put one of them in parentheses. But that removed the shock effect that they're going for with the second sentence. I don't really use Celsius and have to remind myself what's what, but I think it's pretty common to know that 100C is boiling water, and half of that is pretty bad.


Don't worry, she won't bother taking that piece of shit.


I vote Picard for one main reason - we've seen him in far more different situations than any of the others thanks to the spread out period of TNG in series and movies. Other captains tend to have a more constrained image due to the plot they're in. Riker would be best second in command for the same reason.


Picard: What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived. After all Number One, we're only mortal.

Riker: Speak for yourself sir, I plan to live forever.


I'm curious on how signers of this petition think companies could afford to do this. Often times shutting a game down is because the interest of players has waned. Making a law to require them to keep that server and software running...forever? Is the end goal to kill any online game development?

It would make sense to require a company to release the code for players to host their own servers, which has been done by many games in the past. Not to continue to run it themselves.


Looking at the petition itself it wasn't very specific on the terms, which is why I questioned the very broadness of the request . "Keep" implies maintaining how it is currently, not a transition to open source and player run.


Wages not keeping in step with inflation is exactly why everything seems so expensive. $30k of today's money is the equivalent of less than $10k in the 80's, and cars were more than $10K then except for a few that ended up being examples of "you get what you pay for".

I should probably state that as "wage increases being suppressed".


Spoilers! Ah, it's okay, I don't really care about it. I did try...


I will admit there's a few scenes here and there that were pretty good Trek. Just a shame it's embedded in the rest. I don't even mind the overall idea, just the execution is bad. And some of the resolutions of mysteries are...well, stupid. It's a bit like GoT all over again. I know writers and directors read their fan posts everywhere, so why don't they go with the best fan theories instead of...whatever shit they come up with?


He was right to vote for impeachment. And then dropped the ball and went with the party when the vote would do something. So close to getting Democrat respect for a moderate, and chickened out.


Or a panicked call from their insurance company. "You have a backup, right???"


Proof in point: We're still suffering from the lingerings of Reaganomics. Both Bushs caused their own shifts against a progressive society, often by throwing out things built up by the previous administration to improve things. Trump did a lot of things too, but the ironic one is where he dismantled the very things that GWB helped create to fight worldwide pandemics (credit to George there for reading a book, asking his advisors how true it was, and doing something).


That's a tough one, who to feel bad about the gaslighting more, Picard or Daffy? That Looney Tune was pretty dark in its implications.


I would even go so far as to say the party has abused and relied on the excuse "they're worse than we are" to the point of failure. Even the last few elections a popular stance is to go full reverse logic and let things burn down because the "better" side doesn't care about the people either vs. the position of power. And I'm finding it hard to argue against them.

Locally, get informed about real choices (hopefully) or even get those choices to run, and vote. That is what makes the difference for things that affect you directly. The national scene is all but a lost cause though. The ones who could start to fix the inherit problems within are the ones benefiting from the status quo.


If I didn't call or show up a few times to my job I'd be fired. Different rules.


Awesome opening of a series, and still my favorite episode. Love the ending as well.


"It's a big club, and you ain't in it." - George Carlin


I do love many of the post-TOS ships with their streamlined graceful curves, starting with when I first saw the 1701 refit on the big screen, but I grew up with TOS ships including the Star Fleet Battles and original technical manual, so I really love the old style scouts and tugs. I was overjoyed to get a brief glimpse at the Kelvin on screen.


Even the small things. When work upgraded to Win11 overnight and I logged into the Start being in the middle, I almost lost it. Yes, I could fix it, and a few other things, but I had a moment.


Guess no one at Microsoft realized people use computers differently and more options is always better than one. Or they intended to have the option and either forgot to include it or it was buggy. Either way it was #2 on my "how do you disable this" list, and I had to deal with it for a while. I get how grouping can be good for some things, but when you want to be able to bounce between various windows and some happen to use the same app, it was a pain.


The bill would have some merit if it just hadn't tacked on the chemtrail nonsense. The issue of geoengineering and how one group or country's activities can affect others negatively is valid concern, but it goes far beyond protecting a single state within its borders. Is Tennessee going to sue states west and south of them because weather movement there ends up spawning tornadoes in TN? The environment is shared, we all have to act together.


It gets worse if you can prove that the size has also decreased over time.


Stop emissions. There's a lot of negative effects to society for doing that, but that's the only real answer at this point. It also isn't going to avoid decades of worsening conditions, but there isn't a solution for that. All we can really do is stop continuing the damage we're still doing, even after decades of knowing we were doing it.


Geoengineering will have its own issues that may make things worse in the long run, but the worst effect will be it leveraged as a reason to continue business as usual. That's why I simply said we have to stop emissions. If we can't do that, then there's only one direction we can go (and are going, faster each year).


12% had an unfortunate accident after their exit poll.


It's uncanny how any post about problems with HP always has the same solution in the comments. Brother.

In related news, learning what Audi is doing with their new model and subscriptions makes me think the world has gone mad.


We had a 5P back in the Win98 days, and it was exactly what you'd expect a printer to be. The refills were pricey, but they'd last a long time (we printed a lot then). And you could get a bit more life out of an empty drum if you shook the hell out it.

I do wonder about compatibility with Win10/11 at this point. I know some other old devices I still have around are all but impossible to get to work.


It's best to have an agreed default in a household, so there's no surprises during a half awake trip or an emergency. Lid down is the best hygienically, but seat down is better than all up as it's a shared need for everyone sometimes.

Women who do lid up for the men have done that out of a history of men in their lives thinking their aim is perfect.


Look at this another way. We succeeded too well and instead of making a superior AI we made a synthetic human with all our flaws.

Realistically LLMs are just complex models based on our own past creations. So why wouldn't they be a mirror of their creator, good and bad?

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