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It seems like the best bet is to just stay away, motherfucker.


I would hang out with a random juggalo over a random furry. There is a higher chance that the furry enjoys abusing animals, while juggalos typically only abuse their own brain cells.


I am aware that not all furries are animal abusers. An uncomfortable amount of them are, unfortunately. Some of the most prominent furry ‘celebrities’ have been outed as zoophiles and predators, and they still have had a fanbase and are allowed to attend cons afterwards.

That being said, I am just making a dark joke. One of my good friends is a furry who calls out and protests zoophiles in the furrydom. Most furries are pretty wholesome. I just don’t think we should hide the fact that a part of that community were drawn to it because they are sexually attracted to animals.


There are news articles about this recent juststopoil protest from almost all of the major news outlets. Here’s one from the associated press.

People are hearing about it.


I’ve seen you mention the oil heiress thing a couple of times. The heiress in question is Aileen Getty. She helped found the Climate Emergency Fund which is basically used to fund nonviolent climate protests like these.

The emergency climate fund also supported the Dutch protests against the fossil fuel industry that ended with the Dutch government proceeding with a plan to end fossil fuel subsidies.

The emergency climate fund has had some success against the fossil fuel industry, so I don’t think there is any evidence that this thing is a psyop to get public opinion to be against climate protesters.

It’s very possible that Aileen Getty actually feels bad about how her family gained its fortune, and she is trying to reverse the damage by donating to these causes. If this was a fossil fuel industry psyop, they would do a much better job at hiding who was funding it.


That is a suspiciously normal looking hand with the correct amount of fingers.

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

If there was no competition in the world, would there still be Nazis? If everyone had their needs met, would there still be racism on that scale?

Its a hard question for me. The OG Nazi party was born out of the desperation of post WWI Germany. If the world would’ve come together after WWI and decided to work together on a global scale, Germany would have been rebuilt with the help of the rest of the world, and Hitler’s words would have at least struggled to reach anyone.

I realize this is all a very hypothetical, fairy tale, line of thinking. I am most definitely on team “punch a Nazi”, myself. I just wonder if it would be the same if the world wasn’t a hyper competitive capitalistic battleground.

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

As a fellow meat eater, I appreciate the spotlight being shown on the cruelty of the meat industry at large, as well as you do. It has made me more conscious of my meat consumption, and I have reduced my consumption of it. It has also made me aware of sourcing more ethical meat from local butchers that are supplied by local free range farms.

I hope that this awareness continues to spread, and it helps speed up the development of things like lab grown meat and other more ethical sources of meat, in general.


“Speak softly and carry a big ass stick”, or something like that.


Funny, I just checked, and there is a sketchy phishing site at that tries to look like the official page.


Ahh my bad I got whooshed. I don’t get the music, but I’m on mobile Firefox with ublock origin so maybe that’s why. I do get the rainbows and ponies, though. Its beautiful.


It’s pretty obviously a dumb joke.

Even if it was completely serious, it just becomes a dumb statement. Its just showing how everything can be reworded to be presented as a binary choice like this. It doesn’t actually say anything bad about people for identifying any sort of way.

For example, there are a lot of species birds, but they can all be described by the binary choices of: Is Crow, or Not Crow. Still, its very obvious to anyone with a brain that it’s not the most helpful way to classify things.


This is the funniest thing I have read all year. Still chortling at the thought. Thank you.


I agree that the girl who is singing is decent, but idk how you could say the song ‘slaps’. It sounds like a kids bop remake of a reggae song or something.


Oh yea things like, ‘not harming children’ , and ‘do not rape’, are cringe. Good thing, the based Christian bible allows you do those things.

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

Hamas doesn’t really do stonings, so you appear to be correct. It looks like just about every execution committed by Hamas involved a firing squad, most often performed in public.

Hamas does torture and execute people for suspicion of being gay, though, even their own commanders.

Free Palestine. Fuck the IDF and Hamas.


The teacher said, “I HAVE to vote democrat”, so that means I have to go the rest of my life not voting for democrats, even if it’s in my best interest, or else the teacher wins.

Really shows how petty and illogical humans can be.

Mexico is heading towards its most violent election ever, with 30 candidates murdered, 77 threatened and 11 kidnapped (

More than 170 attacks have been committed against politicians in the lead-up to the June elections. This violence has put campaigns under tension and is sowing doubts about governability in several regions. Specialists warn that the line between the Mexican state and organized crime is increasingly blurred...

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

The best thing to do would be to legalize and regulate cartel-related drugs. The cartels would not be able to compete if the war on drugs was ended, basically.

Not only would it have the effect of weakening the cartels, but it would also lead to a lot of harm reduction, because drug addicts would actually know what they are putting in their bodies.

A good example of this is Marijuana being legalized in most of the US, and its effect on the cartels. The cartels have almost completely backed out of the cannabis trade, because they can’t compete with the quality, price, and convenience of being able to buy weed legally at a store.


There was a biased documentary produced called Honest Man: The life of R. Budd Dwyer that spread the myth that Dwyer was framed. AFAIK, there is no evidence to prove that this actually happened, at all.

The FBI investigated him, a grand jury indicted him, and a court jury (who saw all the evidence over a long period of time) convicted him. All the appeals filed by his lawyers, after his death, were also denied.


It kind of depends on the food, how healthy it is, and if they are making sure they are adding the proper nutrients and vitamins.

It is totally possible to eat the same meals everyday and be completely healthy as long as you keep track of those things.

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

It was just a viral video series, at the time. I think they were popular on Vine. I definitely have heard it used a couple of times in real life, but mostly just when somebody got some new shoes or something.


Technology like this could actually be used to help the rehabilitation process by dilating time, and allowing the offender to be rehabilitated without actually wasting much of their actual life.

It would most likely be used for harsh punishment in this universe, but its nice to imagine living in a better one, sometimes.


Mad respect for developing and managing a project of that scope on your own. Also, for keeping your integrity in this cutthroat stage of capitalism we are in.

Your game sounds super fun. I would definitely check it out if I had an Oculus.


This is the way to be. There is so much good music out nowadays, and being a hater will just end up with you missing out on some really good stuff.

I can’t do any of the garbage modern country stuff, either, but I can listen to modern bluegrass. That genre is full of shredders.

I like to imagine I have ‘musical ADHD’, because I can really enjoy everything from classical music, to death metal, to hip hop, to jazz, to pop, etc. I find I get bored if I listen to just one genre for too long.


Does that mean that, technically, you were the virus?

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

A bunch of these terms were definitely used before gen z used them. Vibe, as a slang term, is a boomer creation. Ick is even older, and was first used in the 1940s.


You sound like the kind of person who would just assume Hindu temples were made by Nazis because they contained swastikas. Just because some assholes used a symbol as a dogwhistle doesn’t mean that the rest of the world should stop using it.

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

Considering that Entropy Zero came out about 13 years after Half Life 2, I would hope it was better. It doesn’t really seem fair to compare the two. They were developed in different times, with different tech, and different games to draw inspiration from. That’s not to mention that Entropy Zero is a mod built on top of Half Life 2, and requires HL2s code to even run in the first place.


I see, I forgot it was a mod. Those are fair points for sure. I kind of like the pacing better in Half Life 1, myself.


I’m not gullible, or a dumbass. Those are harsh words from somebody who can’t understand that not everything is a dogwhistle.

Your username is just as sus by your own logic. Grand Dragon is a title for leaders in the KKK.


Look, I definitely don’t hate you, and hate racists as much as anyone other upstanding citizen should. I honestly appreciate you looking out for them, and the username you called out could be seen as sus, for sure.

Just don’t let assholes steal the symbols for themselves, fuck them. Don’t disparage someone for not knowing about the dogwhistle and/or using a symbol non problematically. That was really my only gripe.


However making his idiotic base doubt him by calling me poor little bitch will definitely weaken Trump’s position.

Thanks for taking one for the team, poor little bitch.

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

Totally agree. Somebody who makes 100k aren’t the problem at all, its the people who make salaries with at least a couple of more zeros added to the end. The people that OP should be mad at aren’t ever struggling to pay a bill.


Not seeing it on my end. I am using Voyager on a account.


Hey just a quick question, and maybe its dumb, but how did you create such a clean URL for amazon like that?


You are going to need to at least provide some sort of source to make a batshit insane comment like that.


Yea, but to stay in power all he has to do is rig the elections, so that theory doesn’t really make sense. I am not saying that a false flag attack is out of the question, but if it is a false flag, the reason for doing it is probably not to keep Putin in power.


Yea they are great for mixing, because if it sounds good when flat, then it will sound good pretty much everywhere else. Sadly, because of this, they are not so great for just listening and enjoying some music, at least for most.


I understand your frustration, but I don’t think making drugs more illegal again is going to decrease the problem, though. The whole country is getting problems from increased drug use. The Fentanyl and Xylezene epidemic is all over the country now.

I think a better solution would be to actually force drug users into treatment when caught, don’t give them the option. Giving them criminal charges isn’t a push to getting an addict clean, though. It just makes it harder for them to find a job, which will lead to more despair and drug use.


I can’t agree with you more there. The way that Oregon decided to go about it was too lax. I was just adding that the way the rest of the country handles it isn’t the way to really help the problem either. That method is too harsh.

We need to decriminalize and regulate the drugs for harm reduction, and force users of hard drugs into treatment. I am totally okay with jail if they refuse the help. Just don’t ruin drug users lives even more with a criminal record, for the crime of ruining their own lives.


I don’t think anyone is above implicit/unconscious bias. We are all at least a little bit prejudice subconsciously, and it helps to be aware of it, so that you don’t accidentally treat others differently.

Implicit bias can turn into racist actions, if not kept in check.


And I won’t even sprinkle them on pasta.

The forbidden Parmesan.

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