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Oooo so this is future Florida where women wear Christian Hijabs


Eating food in cars is just something I find to be SO REPULSIVE.

  • Cars have that plastic-ey smell.
  • Cars make ya motion sick.
  • Food gets EVERYWHERE when u eat it in a car.
  • No matter how hard you clean, those food crumbles stay somewhere in there, which then mix with the plastic-ey car smell.

I would rather sit on a rock or something outside rather being in my car.


Yeah yeah, I’m just sharing what I like to do lol. Not attacking anyone here


I have never experienced any of this. Have you only been in cars that have been made after 2015 or something?

Not rlly. Perhaps I just get motion sick more easily.

Last point is moot because with even the slightest amount of care, food doesn’t drop into the car. Unless you are trying to scarf onion rings while flying down the interstate, I don’t see any of this ever happening.

I have no idea what kind of a millimeter precise mouth u have, but like… Uk, crumbs n stuff get everywhere, sauce may get on ur fingers, some veggies may fall off n stuff like that. I’m not exactly a messy eater too. It’s just… Disgusting… It’s like eating food in bed for instance.


Yea, most people (here and on Reddit) argue in bad faith without knowing that they’re arguing in bad faith.

Let’s say u see some statement that u agree/disagree with. The goal should be to reach the truth. Whether you are right or wrong doesn’t really matter. What matters is if u’ve reached the truth. A bad faith argument is when u argue to prove that you r right for reasons other than getting to the truth.

I’ve seen many ppl just write their hypotheses without any further explanations. It’s rlly rlly annoying when these guys r just like, “yeah, but it IS this way” without any evidence, without even any explanations and so on.

Ideally one should exit bad faith arguments, but still… It’s rlly annoying.


Exactly. I felt the people here being a lot more hostile too (aside from the nicer instance like the furry instances or Lemmy.blahaj.zone)!

I took an apple at the cafeteria

It was so bad Ever on and on, I continue circling With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony 'Til slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing And suddenly I see that I can’t break free I’m slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony To tell me who I am, who I was,...


I agree with you. I would like to add though, that coffee in a cafeteria of the Venezuelan kind is quintessential for the existence of the apple species in Uganda due to the very simple laws of motion of quantum mechanics. The theory of everything requires the grand unification of the great countries of Ivory Coast and mechanical dynamics. Modern technologies are built and advanced due to the red bull concentration technique that focuses on driving profits by manufacturing more self driving trains. It’s very simple really. AI will show us how to establish objective philosophical ecologies of the Geonosian kind, where the pains of human existence are equivalent to the bonds between entangled particles in a quantum supercomputer. The future is made up of many possibilities of having ethereal intercourse with Joe Biden.

Your decision of taking an apple at the cafeteria has thus changed the course of human existence.

(This comment was made WITHOUT AI and without any alcohol consumption. The credit goes solely and solely to the not so narcissistic, me).


I mean… “London City” is a lot better than “fake London”, no?


Why is Joe getting access to all his memories and thus realising the Golden Path?

(dune reference)


Somebody once told me

The world is gonna wear me


Yes we can!

Wait, that one’s taken too? Uggh


Just like the Lord intended!

The Lord being me. You’re welcome.



Ahem akshually, this photo was taken a few hundred million years ago. Then, the continents didn’t look like they do now. So ahem no, you need to go to school. Uhuhuhuhehehehe.


I have no idea how many brain cells I lost writing that lmao

UraniumBlazer, (edited )

If only… Shoutout to all zoophiles who miss that dino pussy. I feel ur painnnnnn /s


Disclaimer: Fuck Trump.

That being said, convicted “criminals” should still be able to run for any public office in my opinion. A tyrant CAN capture the judiciary and imprison their political opponents. This is in fact what happened in the Indian elections right now. This is in fact what happened in the US elections in the early 1900s, where a socialist candidate ran for President from prison. What was his crime? Striking when the State had deemed it illegal to do so.


Upper age restriction

And what happens when medical science increases life expectancy? U would have to amend the constitution to pass this. Think of how nightmarish it is to do this. Now think of amending this AGAIN when life expectancy increases every year.

Does not lie about well known facts from scientist, like Covid-19.

Who decides what “well known facts” are? A particular non-political committee? The supreme court was supposed to be this committee. It clearly became political quickly…


Ik James Charles is a groomer and annoying. But dat ass tho…


How dare the animals engage in such unnatural behavior!!! /s


I think the painter was secretly a Republican (not the American political party). The painting perfectly personifies the British monarchy - covered in blood.


Dayum, the Jewish accent is realll!!! I thought it was just limited to older Jewish ppl (saw this from a comedy bit).


I don’t understand either. What’s he doing?




For morning alarm because rooster shout kokokokoooooooo


Yea, I never understood those. What tf is a handling fee/ service charges (in restaurants), etc.? There must be SOME explanation for this, or at least SOME scenario where this is a good idea, right?


“Mommy why are they swallowing each others’ tongues in the last panel?”


For those unaware, Organic Maps (uses OSM) is really good! It’s good for 90% of all ur navigation needs. For the rest 10%, there’s no good alternative to google maps unfortunately.

UraniumBlazer, (edited )

Same same. This is a problem in shithole cities. Good cities have their own transit apps (which are like Uber for public transit).


Traffic updates aren’t exactly a problem for me as I travel everywhere using my bicycle/public transit.

The only problem I face is that I can’t get public transit information on OSM. Now ideally the city should be the one making this information accessible. Unfortunately for me, I currently live in a shitty city (although not for long). Therefore, within a matter of months, Organic would meet almost 100% of my navigation needs.


Calgary, Hong Kong, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, etc.


Do u live in some place less humans live? Like a village or something? OSM is mapped by volunteers, which means that less OSM enthusiasts around you = worse mapping. Perhaps you could start a little bit of mapping?

As for the voice navigation, well Organic doesn’t have its own voice. It uses ur phone’s native text to speech engine. If u have completely degoogled ur phone, then u probably would be using some other tts engine (which most probably sucks ass).

As for the searches, yeah, they need a better local search engine.


Listen, I’m all for public services and all that. I’m just curious to know why we are subsidizing post when emails exist.


Interesting. Never used post services before to send stuff, which is why I asked. Makes sense now.


The kids aren’t okay with that. I’m sure that instead of staying quiet and messing with their phones, they’re now actively causing a disturbance in the class.

I know this because I went to both types of schools- where phones were banned and where they weren’t. Guess what- if ur class is shit, kids are going to find some distraction to kill the time. If phones are there, those would be the distraction. If phones aren’t there, then hooliganism, disturbing the class, taking the piss out of the teacher, etc. would be the distractions.

The problem isn’t the phones. The problem is boring classes, which are a result of a broken and underfunded education system.


But what about those damn phones? Kids surely aren’t using their phones cuz the classes r boring as shit due to a boring and underfunded education system. Now that we have taken their phones away, they surely won’t find some other distraction like bullying the teacher, fooling around with their peers and so on… They surely are going to be model students who always pay attention to the teacher and everything that is taught. /s


Then that’s a disorder that they need to be taught how to deal with. They won’t stop doing this when they get out of school, no? Isn’t school the best place to teach them how to deal with it? You know… Cuz it’s school… Where teaching is supposed to happen…


And what if the parents are dumbfucks/absent? Do the kids not learn the basics of life if they have the bad luck of having shit/no parents?


So, are schools expected to teach kids how to wipe their ass because they might have dumbfuck parents?

Yes. I know so many people who didn’t learn basic hygiene cuz their parents were dumbfucks. I was one of them. I didn’t know that u have to clean under ur foreskin. When my penis started to stink one day, I learnt about this. Another example is brushing ur teeth. I’m quite sure that u rinse ur mouth immediately after brushing, rinsing the toothpaste away. Did uk u were not supposed to do that? Fluorine in toothpaste requires time to act on ur enamel. Hence, while u should spit the toothpaste out, u shouldn’t rinse ur mouth always.

How many cases of dental cavities have occurred due to people not learning about this? Cases which could’ve easily been prevented by good education.

Are you seriously expecting the school to teach every fucking basic things of life because bad parenting is a thing?

Yes. It isn’t the kid’s fault for having shitty/no parents. It is however society’s fault if the kid has to suffer through the effects of shitty/no parents.

Start paying teacher like you pay doctor, lawyer, dentist or even construction workers and then we’ll talk.

So we do agree. Of course teachers are incredibly underpaid. Of course they need to be paid as much as doctors, engineers and so on.

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