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I’m just gonna say it. Dreamcast was my favorite console until ps4 and ps5.


Ya I was disappointed in that too


The really nice ones have fans built into the heads and are made to try to vent some of the heat.


I’m waiting for helldivers 2 to go on sale but I think that’s gonna take a while.


Hey mods is there a way normal users can delete someone else’s post?


God, I remember drinking the original four loko. 1 didn’t make me feel overly drunk, so I would open another, then almost halfway through it, I would realize I was shitfaced and 10 min later, I was throwing up. And because I was in my early 20s, that was not a learning experience, and I would repeat it next weekend.


That’s a sphinx right? They are beautiful!


Let me flip this and ask you OP how is your week going so far?


Got my pipe tobacco to stay lit for almost my entire bowl, and the taste was just great. First time getting rich and full flavor out of my pipe.


I had some jm boswell raspberry cream and later today I plan on having some cult blood red moon or boswell no bite delite


Thats all I smoke. I’ve never had a non aromatic so if you have any recs let me know


Ok so as a long time smoker can you tell me how often I should be using pipe cleaners on my pipes/stems? Should I really be doing it after every smoke? I bought a pack of Zen pipe cleaners but they have some sort of sharp plastic/nylon/metal spikes and it hurts my fingers to use. I’ve also ordered a fairly expensive(for me) Meerschaum that is coming in the mail tomorrow and I have no idea if my current pipe cleaners are going to fuck it up. I would ask this stuff on reddit but fuck them and for some reason dam near everyone on the pipe specific forums I’ve been too seem idk almost pretentious and gatekeeping about tobacco types.


Tbh, I don’t really care how the pipe colors or if it ever colors at all. I actually really like them when they are pure white, so if the coloring comes in in weird patches from handling, it’s not an issue for me.

I appreciate the advice.


I definitely have clothes I still need to iron. If I don’t iron some of my button downs, they have a lot of wrinkles and look bad.


How have I never seen this video before?


They have 100% gotten worse. The quality of everything has dropped in the last 20+ years.


Here is a fun fact. All skittles taste the same. They just add different scents to them to trick you into thinking there is a different flavor. That being said the lime ones were my favorite too.


Close your eyes and plug your nose and see how they taste. Regardless it was just ment to be a fun fact.


Yes but i would rather not support the ccp.


So you support the ccp and their oppression of the Chinese population?


Then don’t buy things that are owned by the ccp. I’m not against them. I’m against their government, and unfortunately, we can’t do anything about the ccp except not buy as much as possible from China.


Just because they are shitty doesn’t mean I have to be too.


Ya that one has always bothered me. It makes zero sense. That’s like having Mark be short for Brennan.


It’s an older meme, but it checks out, sir


I am afraid they will have skimped out on the story campaign for all the multi player stuff. I just want a good single player game.


Accurate execpt for the party killing their own party member. Or at least the few parties I’ve been it would not have let that happen.


Yes. They all do.


They should have hired their own hackers like Thor from piratesoftwear to find their own weaknesses. There are a lot of hackers out there that run services like that, and these companies should take advantage of that.


Right, apple definitely doesn’t have access to the info on the products they make and sell to the public.


I got excited because I thought this was a game where you are a bird flying around doing bird things. Imagine my disappointment when I saw it was a trading card game.


Ffs just blow up a pipeline or sabotage parts of their infrastructure or follow the higher ups home and deface their homes.


Spray painting someone’s house is not a felony. Also who cares.


Following someone once is not stalking. For stalking there has to be a persistent pattern. Or else women would be able to get stalkers arrested a lot more often instead of being killed by them.


How do the boots and assholes of the Uber wealthy taste btw? From the way you are munchin down I would guess pretty good but I would like to know your first hand knowledge.


All they do is make people not care about their cause.


You are the one sticking up for oil executives, not me, but sure, I’m the bad one.


Guess I’m not a real fan. I’ll see myself out.


Gods, please don’t do this. This a great way to have your dog run away or get blasted by a car.


I’m guessing you are from a country that requires a license or something to own a dog or, at minimum, treats pet ownership more seriously than the US does. Just last week I have seen 3 dead dogs on the road and maybe 2 cats.

You should never trust an animal’s training to stick 100% of the time. I wouldn’t trust a wolf raised by humans since it was a pup, nor would I trust a bobcat raised and trained by people.


Have you ever lived in or around a major city? I’m very near a major city in the Midwest and have a lot of trashy neighbos and neighborhoods.

Fuck about a year ago or so I was driving home from work at 5am and there was a loose dog in the street. I pulled over, popped my door open, and it hopped inside and rolled over for belly rubs. Sweetest little thing ever, and if I had not been paying attention, it would have been a pancake.


I wonder how matlock and monk would have done it.


And they had a large pet that ate just as much as the people


And in what world is that? Everyone needs chairs, houses(of some sort), tools, utensils … ect. I can’t imagine a world or a time period where people who made the stuff everyone else needs didn’t just survive but thrive.

VelvetStorm, (edited )

Why does everything have to be a love live service game now.


There are tons and tons of those.


I should know I own a lot of them


God I’m getting sick of all the squad live service games that are being pumped out

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