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Decision of Next Os

I was Nobara user, then I am using Fedora right now. I want to use things like Hyprland etc. and ya know, Its damn cool to say I am using arch btw. So I’ve decided to use Arch Linux. But everyone says its always breaking and gives problems. That’s because of users, not OS… right? I love to deal with problems but I don’t...


So your only motivation is to claim you are cool? If you don’t want to waste time, don’t hop distros for no good reason. You can have a top teir experience with wayland on Fedora. It’s not like the software on Fedora is significantly behind Arch. We just wait for Arch users to find all the bugs :P


Nix is the only compelling distro for anyone not on an LTS distribution imo. With first class wayland support coming for nvidia, I’m going to be nixing like 5 machines.


I’ve tried three times and it’s never worked for me :/


Lol and maybe when the plant blooms you can have sudo back.


I’ve procrastinated getting an AMD gpu for so long that I’m not going to need one! It’s still fuck you nvidia, I’m not a goldfish.


Did they need it before now?


I want to fork Fedora and literally just change the name. Same thing with Mastodon and “toots”.


This seems to be default on 39


Here I am on Fedora wanting to try Tumbleweed


Not just newest features, newest documentation, bug fixes, and optimizations as well. When I started with Linux, I had many issues that were further exasperated by finding answers for newer versions of software. Nowadays my servers run debian!


Pretty close yes, but honestly anyone who would write the distro off for that reason alone isn’t serious enough about computing for it to matter which OS they pick. Only use Nobara if your main intention is gaming. Its not worth picking a niche distro unless you have a very good reason or thats part of the fun for you.


My only experience was on a shared machine (the $5,000 prebuilt offering) where one of the less tech literate people messed with nvidia drivers for data science. Worse, I was remote and it had some software from IT running.

Basically some combination of those things meant we ended up running it in recovery mode and all shared the same user. I think I downplay how shit that job was in my head.

The support from the company was ASS and I’m doubtful there was a human responding for the first few messages. I gave them very detailed logs of the issue, with links to their own documentation, and their response suggested they didn’t read past the first sentence. Really can’t imagine why I wouldn’t just stick to debian when the company support is worthless even after giving them 5k.


About a year and a half ago. I am the anxious bug filling type as well, I make my questions very clear and provide all the info I anticipate they may need. That does not help when the info is not read. I had to copy and paste quite a bit from previous emails. This is while I was at a pretty significant institution as well.


I’m not the one who mentioned the instal medium but yeah I was pretty surprised as well. I’m sure I could’ve sorted things if I was on premise and could have IT reinstall their software.


Not the best point to make while you are questioning why they are building Zed. Bot maybe?

How can i do whatever I want to do ?

I wanted to install jackett and sonarr, they are complicated to use as is, moreover I am using Ubuntu. I am following fuidleine for installing jackett with STUPID command line making it EXTRA difficult. But now I have to change directory ownerships and what nots. I am the ONLY user on this machine. I want to own everything by...


Nothing practical unfortunately since I already have a headless raspberry pi and x86 machine that are no where near capacity. But I do love compiling whatever rust/golang project I’m working on to riscV just to see it run there.

I also have an arm32 box so I have fun running binaries on 4 different instruction sets. Admittedly the novelty has worn off as everything just works.

The work to get the larger linux ecosystem working on riscV is unfortunately outside my domain and skill level.


I think reducing their reasons to ideological is not fair. They stand to save a lot of money, reduce the risk of leaking data (to MS or hackers), and will have the ability to fork/add their own features.

While I am not familiar enough with Calc or Excel to comment on the speed, I imagine having an entire government using it could get the ball rolling on optimizations.


Lemmy should totally implement gold. People are obviously happy to pay for internet points.


If its paid for the lemmy devs and hosters could have some reward for their unpaid work.

YIj54yALOJxEsY20eU, (edited )

I’ve created/maintain 5 programs for this rather niche but rather popular Linux based tablet. All of my programs exist to give the owners more freedom with their device and gives users a plausible way to avoid uploading all of their data to the company’s cloud. I created installation scripts but also packed the programs into the community package manager. The programs are all feature complete so I hop on every other week or so for basic maintenance and to test how my programs work after the tablet updates. I’m pretty much always around to help users troubleshoot.

Past that I have a few random contributions to OSS I use for bugs I’ve identified and have been able to fix.

I tried, I really did

I’ve been an IT professional for 20 years now, but I’ve mainly dealt with Windows. I’ve worked with Linux servers through out the years, but never had Linux as a daily driver. And I decided it was time to change. I only had 2 requirements. One, I need to be able to use my Nvidia 3080 ti for local LLM and I need to be able...


Non starter? As in you shouldn’t use Linux if you have a nvidia gpu? I hope that isn’t the take.

YIj54yALOJxEsY20eU, (edited )

It’s totally wrong imo. Having a Nvidia gpu should not all stop you from using Linux. Granted I’m still on X and can’t run AAA games but I have no issues with it otherwise. Running cuda happily along with everything else I need to build companies, create content, and consume media.

Or Fedora, or Arch, or a bunch of other distros because most all have solid support.

Edit: whole bunch of gamers out here

YIj54yALOJxEsY20eU, (edited )

If you are weird so am I. Fedora desktop + 3 Debian headless boxes. Though I may nix everything some day.

Edit: Why do I catch more stray downvotes on Lemmy than I ever did Reddit? I swear there must be downvote bots out there.

New to Linux? Ubuntu Isn’t Your Only Option (www.howtogeek.com)

Ubuntu’s popularity often makes it the default choice for new Linux users. But there are tons of other Linux operating systems that deserve your attention. As such, I’ve highlighted some Ubuntu alternatives so you can choose based on your needs and requirements—because conformity is boring.

YIj54yALOJxEsY20eU, (edited )

I don’t think this is still true, Debian 12 will install non free drivers if you choose by default. I had that issue on 11 though. I’m not sure how a graphical install works as of late but configuring sudo on a headless box is always tedious and would not be easy for a beginner to figure out.


What do you mean restart cycle? You only have to restart if you want to load the new kernel (there’s technically a way to avoid even that). If you don’t feel like installing a better tool for the job like Debian, just update less, most of your packages will still be newer than most distros. Also not sure why you would encrypt if its just jellyfin client.


Nonfree firmware is default in the Debian 12 installer.


Ah I am not familiar with the software store, you don’t have to do that from the command line. And thats true, I’m not suggesting to never update, just less. Also if theres not much to steal on your computer, saftey is a little less important. I would personally feel comfortable updating once per month but thats up to each user. I sat on fedora 37 for way too long because Ubuntu made me afraid of major upgrades.

ajayiyer, to linux
@ajayiyer@mastodon.social avatar

I am thinking about hosting my own Mastodon server from home on a Raspberry Pi (Pi4 8GB)?

  1. Are there good tutorials out there?
  2. What's the annual cost just to host yourself?

@linux @nixCraft @raspberrypi


Maybe not high traffic services, if it’s being self hosted the limiting factor is probably the upload bandwidth anyway. I’m not sure how resource intensive Mastodon is to host though.


I’m not sure if its true for Mastodon as well, but I read that self hosting a Lemmy instance was actually more work for the other servers to federate unless you had many users on your instance. Just something to keep in mind.


My desktop is named Gertrude :) it wasn’t until later I noticed the case has a G on it (brand thing). It was meant to be.


Depends if you only use a computer to play video games.


Does Void linux come with a way to handle systemd service files? I’m curious how people do it when so many packages require a daemon running.


What service do you have forwarded? Do you have any devices on your lan you don’t 100% trust?

I have a similar set up only forwarding a wire guard vpn port. I live alone and fully trust every device on my LAN, so I let my router take care of the firewall and dont have any firewalls on the devices on my lan.

Some will still argue this is bad practice but I really have no desire to toggle firewall rules every time I want to expose a port while I’m developing/testing software. If someone cracks wireguard then I don’t think they will risk exposing the industry halting 0 day to run a crypto miner on my raspberry pi.

IOT and friends get the guest wifi.


I would never have been able to have a fenic if it wasn’t for trading, the car I’ve used exclusively since acquiring it. The whole system of drops and blueprints is so dumb already and trading is the only thing that rectified it.

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