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I’m not sure, if you’re involved with the project, but if so: you really need to work on your communication.

You want hardware to last longer by providing software for it. That’s it. Great goal, but you don’t need half a bachelor’s thesis for that, and you also don’t need to tiptoe around the point.


Why would I not say that?

Clearly they can’t get their point across. And I don’t know, why people down vote me for that.

KDE starts a new initiative, and does so by creating a giant wall of text that says very little about the initiative itself. So little in fact, that people here obviously don’t understand what they’re actually trying to do. That is bad communication. Simple as that. And given that this is not a random blog post, but a press statement, I’m pretty sure a bunch of people read it before publishing it.


I mean this subtitle right here gave me a pretty good idea what’s this initiative is all about already, but that’s just me I guess

But what does that mean exactly? Fairphones with long support duration? Solar powered software developers?

I get a rough direction from that, but nothing else, but it’s a headline, that’s ok.

What really bugs me is that the body of the text doesn’t really explain it either, but needs hundreds of words for that. It’s just fluff for a press statement that should have fit into a tweet.

Also, keep in mind that people from different countries work on KDE, and English is not their first language, I don’t know what are your expectations… on how the writing should be…

Well, given that I’m from Germany and English is not my first language, and also given that I’m neither very good at it nor do I have a PR team, I would expect writing at least on my level, I guess?

But here’s the thing, take a look at Google or MS posts about sustainably and being green, and you’ll realize, truly realize how one could say so much without saying anything… this wall of text that you’re talking about is full of insights

And these companies are the benchmark? I mean, can’t we expect more from a nonprofit? There are some insights, yes, but they’re drowning in the wall of text.

Just as an insight for you: a news article is supposed to increase in detail level from top to bottom. The headline shows the rough topic, subtitle slightly expands on that, the first paragraphs tell the actual story, the next paragraphs provide more and more context. The idea is, that a reader can stop reading if she feels like there’s been enough context.

Look at the article here and ask yourself if it fits this description.


You know, I have a hunch that neofascists and neonazis are not good people.

Seriously though, we’ve had the same discussion in the 80s about the Wehrmacht (“Wehrmachtsausstellung”) and “it wasn’t all bad!” is almost a meme at this point. And we will have the same discussion again very soon. Maybe some of the Jews actually were bad people and totally deserved their fate?

These are fascists. If there is any idea, person, historical period that reinforces their self-victimizing superiority complex, they will take it. And they will do what every conservative thinker does: stop thinking if the current result fits your ideology.


Thing is, these guys have a very narrow view on “environment”, but the conflict here is emblematic of basically everything regarding protection of nature.

Greenpeace is under the (not completely unfounded) impression, that every new technology is a wedge to slowly push the world towards doom. Just one more lane. Just one more gene changed. And so on. They are completely uncompromising, which is understandable to a certain degree.

However, the result is that perfect is the enemy of the good. Here in Germany we have conflicts between people who want to save the planet by installing wind turbines and people who want to save the local fauna by not installing wind turbines. The latter do have a point if you’re very myopic, but they don’t (want to) see that their actions will likely kill the entire species, not just a few individuals.


I have to say, patents are my only real concerns regarding GMOs.

Most of the other concerns can be tested/ruled out, but patents could absolutely fuck up entire continents and literally enslave millions of small farmers.

It’s 100% within the realm of possibilities that Monsanto puts a gene drive in their crops so suddenly every plant in a 20km radius produces “patented” seeds.


That’s what’s really confusing me: why add an expensive feature, that obviously doesn’t work and even in the best case adds only minor improvements?

I mean, it’s not another option like with Bing. It’s the default. Every stupid little search will take up AI resources. For what? Market cap?


What else am I missing?

The fact that 90% of people don’t give a shit about ads, privacy or their operating system in general. They want a machine to open a browser, that’s it. If Windows comes pre-installed, they’ll use Windows.

The only realistic chance we’ve got is that MS shoots itself in the foot once more by all that Recall crap and businesses drop Windows. But that’s a long shot.


… And then something happens and they want you to install Windows again.

As much as I like Linux, compared to Windows and Mac OS it’s high maintenance. Once in a while, things will bork themselves. And you need to have at least a rough understanding of what’s happening to fix it.

Also (and that’s not a Linux problem per se) people seem to think if Windows breaks, MS or they themselves are at fault, if Linux breaks, that weird nerd and his hacker stuff are at fault.


Without fail, every Linux installation I had destroyed itself after a while.

Be it a full boot partition, some weird driver compatibility, etc, etc.

My Windows installations (granted, all work laptops) never destroyed themselves. Yes, some bugs here and there, but it worked well enough for home usage. You can’t discount that.


Absolute non-story.

Every sensible government has recommendations like this. Not because of some evil conspiracy or impending doom, but simply because natural disasters sometimes happen.

Sometimes, there’s a flood and supermarkets can’t be stocked. You don’t want food riots just because baked beans or out of stock for a week.

It’s astounding to me how many people (including op) lose their shit, just because their government reminds them, that sometimes bad things happen. A mandatory health insurance doesn’t mean government goons will go around and break your legs.


We’ve had the same recommendations in Germany for decades. Food and water for several days, ideally two weeks. When these recommendations were renewed a few years ago, people lost their shit, even though nothing changed.

It’s perfectly reasonable for a government to recommend keeping some food and water.


As a German, his speeches are not dumb or incoherent as Trump’s, but they are really that good either. Basically constantly screaming and a very weird cadence.

Messagewise, it’s pretty close, though. MAGA and Deutschland über alles are not that different. Actually, making Germany as great as it’s been before Versailles was kind of the entire point of the Nazi party (and of course The Jews™ were responsible for all of that ).


I could see those as an option for rural areas without much traffic. A full train might not be economical, but a small pod is. It could transport people to the closest proper train station where they can hop off.

But that would mean you’d have to maintain a ton of tracks for a handful of people.


Rather the wrong ones.

95% seem to be essentially professional box tickers. They don’t care about security, but only about process compliance. As long as the scanner finds no CVEs, the app is secure.

I want people who actually know, how I can improve my code. I’m pretty sure I screwed up security stuff, but will never know.



The other parties in Germany are not less corrupt, they just take money from German lobbyists and are a lot smarter about it.

The real irony is that the self proclaimed patriots are literally traitors.




He received bribes in 200€ bills and then complained that it’s really hard to actually pay stuff with it because hardly anyone ever uses anything larger than 100€ bills and it will draw attention (and suspicion).


From what I’ve heard, dogs have problems seeing the relatively low contrasts in darker faces and that freaks them out.

… Or they’re just absolutely racist.


Because the hurdles for being banned are intentionally very very high.

Oh, and the authority in question (Verfassungsschutz) had a head who’s a bona fide Nazi. So the agency to protect the constitution from (right wing) extremists was led by a right wing extremist.


It’s a serious proposal, but not as a universal conscription. It’s intended to only call everyone in for the health check and use that as a way to get young people interested in the army.

There are different models floating around, the most serious being that everyone (including women) gets called in and you basically choose between civil service and army. The civilian side can ramp up slots rather quickly, the army doesn’t. So the army probably will ramp up over several years.

Also, I wouldn’t call 100 billion € a “modest increase”.


It’s clearly ragebait, but let’s be real here: the amount of accusations against men in general is astounding. Not the real, actual cases, but the implication that by virtue of being male I’m immediately accused of being a predator. And that’s just shitty.

I can understand that a lot of men feel very attacked by that, because a whole lot of men just try to be good people. This kind of ragebait is harmful, because it will definitely turn a bunch of men hostile towards anything feminism, since in their view, they can only lose. And that’s incredibly bad.


Then tell me: how is helping anyone?

Do you seriously believe, that this changes anything to the positive?


So discrimination is okay if it hits the right people?

Again, an entire group is set out to be predators for no fault of their own.

I’m portrayed as a predator, because some idiots are, and I’m supposed to view that to reflect myself, because some other people are also treated badly? That doesn’t make sense. This is purely parroting the party line, chastising oneself what an evil counterrevolutionary one is.

No positive, but tons of new hostility. Awesome. That’ll take humanity in the right direction!


I think you fundamentally don’t understand my point and choose to be insulting instead.

Flip the meme to any other group. Jews and Muslims, for example. Would you say, it’s okay for either side to imply, they’d rather be with a dangerous animal than with the human? Do you think, it’s okay to say, since some Muslims historically are rabid antisemites, you’d rather be with a bear? Would you then say, every Muslim should just accept that, and if he complains, he’s one of the bad guys anyway?

And look at what you did here. Instead of actually engaging with my argument, literally called yourself “fucking awesome” and called me out for being… Yeah, what exactly? One of “them”? You don’t even know who. Yeah, the baddies, probably. Why would any of the good guys be somewhat concerned, if his entire gender is framed as being dangerous?

You’re incredibly naive.


And you think that’s helpful?

We’re not talking about an enslaved group here, but women. Yes, disadvantaged in many areas, but far from being universally inferior in every aspect. If I’m punching up, you know, who I hit? Several women. Hell, my chancellor has been a woman for literally the majority of my life.

Again, what does this achieve? Hostility of those who don’t want to be put on the same level as rapists. Instead of blaming the very real predators for their very real crimes, they’re blaming every man for being a man. That’s not punching up.


Tell me, exactly, how I am not meant? I’m a man, men are portrayed as universally dangerous. How am I not implied here?

Thinking I’m not meant is wishful thinking. And it’s extremely interesting, that suddenly I’m portrayed by you as a bad guy, because I say “hey, I’m not a bad guy, why do you call me that?”. I explicitly mentioned the very real predators. But you ignored that.

And thinking like yours is exactly why there’s so much hate. I don’t subscribe to the party line, that men have to shut up and just have to accept that they are all potentially vile beasts, and thus I have to be one of the vile beasts. Don’t you see that? Do you really don’t see what you’re doing here? You’re creating the us vs them chasm. You’re alienating people because you’re just now actively accusing me of being a bad guy. And yes, it’s about me, because I’m a man and this meme is about men. I’m in it. Just like you are.


If you don’t subscribe to my kind of feminism, you’re a monster anyway.

That’s essentially your point.


Be humble, understand the dangers, and have thicker skin when people tell you unpleasant truths.

Imagine saying that to a woman being catcalled.


I’m working in the digitalization of the German bureaucracy, and I can tell you: paper is not the problem.


And how many buyers actually care about that?

I’m pretty sure, nowadays institutional buyers define the market. Tons of regular people don’t even have laptops (or desktops for that matter) anymore.

I just finished setting up Linux Mint for an old buddy of mine on his old dog of a laptop, rendering it useful once again! (

Edit 2: to everyone suggesting an SDD: i know. Look, if this guy had enough $$$ for an SSD, he could buy a used lappy less than half the age of this one that has an ssd and 2-3x the memory....


If hardware/budget allow it, you might want to throw in a cheap SSD and some more RAM. Something like 50€ could greatly improve usability.


Aren’t the PS symbols copyrighted/branded? I read somewhere that there’s some IP involved, so you can’t use the standard symbols.


Or sellers obviously don’t know, what their stuff is actually worth.

Some want to sell used goods for more than the new price and three times what other offers are.


It’s a win-win then? I mean, bullets and bombs are expensive and you can’t expect Americans to pay for every genocide!


Most people (public and private) never go beyond disapproval, though.

You’ll hear people complain about this and that, but never even looking for an alternative.


If you can’t join a call without authorization, and (implied) you only grant access for authorized persons, no content can leak.

It is a sound statement, but given the Bundeswehr’s reputation, I would be surprised, if that implication above actually holds true.


“Self-inflicted”. If you don’t comply, we’ll break your computer, and that’s your fault. Why did you make us do that???


Don’t forget that most of these guys are petite bourgeoisie at best, mostly even lower.

They think 10k is a lot and they feel powerful and important because they are invited by russian state media. These are small men from small backgrounds, desperately trying to feel big. Unfortunately, they hit the right sentiment to resonate with a bunch of small people with delusions of national grandeur.


The problem I see is mainly the divergence between hype and reality now, and a lack of a clear path forward.

Currently, AI is almost completely unable to work unsupervised. It fucks up constantly and is like a junior employee who sometimes shows up on acid. That’s cool and all, but has relatively little practical use. However, I also don’t see how this will improve over time. With computers or smartphones, you could see relatively early on, what the potential is and the progression was steady and could be somewhat reliably extrapolated. With AI that’s not possible. We have no idea, if the current architectures could hit a wall tomorrow and don’t improve anymore. It could become an asymptotic process, where we need massive increases for marginal gains.

Those two things combined mean, we currently only have toys, and we don’t know if these will turn into tools anytime soon.


Even agents suffer from the same problem stated above: you can’t trust them.

Compare it to a traditional SQL database. If the DB says, that it saved a row or that there are 40 rows in the table, then that’s true. They do have bugs, obviously, but in general you can trust them.

AI agents don’t have that level of reliability. They’ll happily tell you that the empty database has all the 509 entries you expect them to have. Sure, you can improve reliability, but you won’t get anywhere near the DB example.

And I think that’s what makes it so hard to extrapolate progress. AI fails miserably at absolute basic tasks and doesn’t even see that it failed. Success seems more chance than science. That’s the opposite of how every technology before worked. Simple problems first, if that’s solved, you push towards the next challenge. AI in contrast is remarkably good at some highly complex tasks, but then fails at basic reasoning a minute later.


And what is the result? Either you have to check the sources if they really mean what the agent says they do, or you don’t check them meaning the whole thing is useless since they might come up with garbage anyway.

I think you’re arguing on a different level than I am. I’m not interested in mitigations or workarounds. That’s fine for a specific use case, but I’m talking about the usage in principle. You inherently cannot trust an AI. It does hallucinate. And unless we get the “shroominess” down to an extremely low level, we can’t trust the system with anything important. It will always be just a small tool that needs professional supervision.


I’m currently in the “Elvis getting fat” phase.


War and peace aren’t that simple. Russia already shot a passenger plane down and nothing happened.


Do your handlers even allow you to call it war?


… And then you sleep in them, thus making them dirty. That’s not that hard.

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