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Do Right Side News, Brietbart, Infowars, The Epoch Times, Fox News, and Sinclair next!


this guy with the both sides stuff. Was the Citizens United political action committee that brought the case supporting Republicans or Democrats? Of the nine justices which ones voted against it?

Race to unseat New York progressive ‘most expensive House primary ever’ (

The primary for New York’s 16th congressional district, which takes place on Tuesday, has drawn record-breaking spending, with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) and a crypto-currency Super Pac behind the lion’s share of the funding....


Yes, they are a centrist party, and have to actually win elections to make any meaningful impact on US Policy.

Compare to how impactful the Green and Communist parties are in the American political world.


You say the word “genocide” over and over, but what does that mean? I find figures of 35,000 killed out of >5M Palestinians - that’s 0.7% of the Palestinian population.

I don’t like Israel’s aggression, and civilian deaths are not acceptable. But does that honestly measure up to the term “genocide”?


Given their military capability and (according to givesomefucks) the complete support of “both sides”, if they have the intent, they are doing an absolutely terrible job.

Maybe genocide isn’t their intent.

Look at Rwanda for what “intent” means.


Yeah I checked definitions first. Go ahead and post the UN definition if you like.


Don’t let shit talkers make you angry and divide you!


I know what y’all are thinking, but from experience, you don’t want to stick your dick in Republican crazy.


this guy! Argues every day in a way that would lead to Trump winning and appointing more judges like this.

We need to teach the Democrats a lesson, or something! They’re bad!


That sort of thing is pretty common for Fox.


Are they more accurate than other analyses, though? What is the magnitude of the error?

30% error would be “unreliable” to me.


i’m not sure what you’re talking about… The nuclear energy industry has a track record of safety and extensively regulated engineering that surpasses virtually any other industry


Right now the volume of waste is low enough that they store it on-site. Coal ash disposal is far more of a problem, and has led to major contamination incidents.

What figures do you have on decomissioning? How much does a coal or natural gas plant or oil refinery cost to decommission? Do plants need to be decommissioned or can they be incrementally upgraded?

Have you done any background on this or are you sealioning?


Coal ash is arguably a bigger contamination risk.


That’s ONE in 15 years. In fact 18 years, because the previous one was in 2006.

But look at this list of oil spills ……/largest-oil-spills-affecting-us-water… and list of most contaminated coal ash disposal sites…/coal-ash-contaminated-sites-ma…

We have seen what happens to oil infrastructure in a war:…/exposures-kuwait-salgado.html

aubeynarf, (edited )

That’s for one plant?

Edit: Oh. 17 of the earliest plants starting from the 50s. This has nothing to do with the construction and maintenance of modern nuclear power infrastructure.

There are 2-3 million abandoned oil and gas wells in the US.…/millions-leaky-and-abandoned-oil-and-g…

Solar and wind are cheaper, but are variable, and have geographic limitations or high land use (45,000 acres of solar to equal the output of a modern nuclear plant). There is a place for nuclear, along with other carbon-free generation sources.

aubeynarf, (edited )

producing enough energy consistently is the key figure of merit for electric generation infrastructure. Not a hand wavy optional nice to have fru fru thing.


don’t y’all buy excess power from France’s nuclear base capacity? Like 1.6TWh a year?


The BP Deepwater Horizon spill cost like $60B to clean up, so even with inflation $2B is comparatively small.


.you just can’t get around needing consistent base load capacity. I wonder if the cost of a few GWh of batteries or complicated pumped dam/lake systems is reported in solar/wind figures to make an apples-to-apples comparison.

maybe once we have a huge fleet of plugged in EV‘s serving as battery storage, variable sources will make sense as primary generation


you keep repeating this, and you keep being told about reality. Where is the disconnect?


Do you believe Republicans would not approve weapons sales to Israel and other US allies?

Also, it’s weird to reply to yourself so you can get a hot take in.


More like making a fuss and saying they’re taking it home and then stomping off without it


I put you at 16 or 17 so…. 1?


you can get married now though, right?


everything is bad, everyone is a liar, everything is corrupt… Stop participating, disconnect. Right?


Wow, not a word about the Republicans that introduced the measure to block funding and who hold a majority in the House.

It’s clear which party and which presidential candidate is a better choice for people who care about Gaza and want to resist right-wing regimes (such as Netanyahu) worldwide. The Democratic one.


Their actions are not the same. Republicans blocked the funding by introducing a measure to eliminate it, not Democrats.


It would also limit effectiveness in an important and difficult job that requires potentially years of procedural understanding and relationship building to pass impactful legislation.

A company where every employee was “junior” would waste a lot of time and money.


You think the US is a hellscape? Wow.


The call for term limits usually comes from the people who want (need?) government to be impotent and dysfunctional - typically echoing messages that very wealthy capitalists have injected into the public discourse.

Trump plans to claim sweeping powers to cancel federal spending: In a second term, allies said the former president would look at funding cuts for the World Health Organization and green energy (

Classically, Congress held the power of the purse, able to both bar and require spending. This imposed a significant limit on Presidential power. With a bought court supporting him, Trump would have significant ability to essentially chart power as a king.


Read about the simulation games this researcher conducted with groups who score high on his authoritarian-type personality scale versus those who don’t:

TLDR: When the world is run by right-wing authoritarians, it ends in famine and nuclear war.


As far as I know, lemmy does not “learn what you engage with”.

Saying “everything is biased” is not a good justification for encouraging intentional bad-faith behavior.


Right on, brother


Why wouldn’t a person’s comment history tell you anything about who they are as a person? What else do you have to go on? It’s literally their persona in the context of a pseudonymous forum.

Calling it “stalking” and “toxic” is a lame dodge, usually by people who got found out. They hate that their behavior fits a recognizable pattern - they don’t want to be accountable for their own public actions.


if it prohibits voluntary cooperation, probably ok. Involuntary cooperation (subpoena, etc) is compelled no matter what you signed - but I am not sure if an NDA prohibiting it is unlawful. (Though it’s definitely unenforceable)


At least take away the contribution cap which limits SS taxes to the first $168k of income.


I’m sorry your views aren’t in the majority.
By the way, is this givesomefucks?


yeah, because if you don’t like one position Biden holds, you should throw away your vote or vote for Trump… Even though Trump holds a much more extreme position regarding that one thing.


“Reich” doesn’t mean “Nazi”.

The “Second Reich” referred to the German Empire. After WWI, “The Weimar Republic,[b] officially known as the German Reich,[c] was a historical period of Germany from 9 November 1918 to 23 March 1933, during which it was a constitutional federal republic for the first time in history; hence it is also referred to, and unofficially proclaimed itself, as the German Republic.”


“Reich” doesn’t mean “Nazi”.

The “Second Reich” referred to the German Empire. After WWI, “The Weimar Republic,[b] officially known as the German Reich,[c] was a historical period of Germany from 9 November 1918 to 23 March 1933, during which it was a constitutional federal republic for the first time in history; hence it is also referred to, and unofficially proclaimed itself, as the German Republic.”


Is there another explanation for Biden’s typical-for-a-professional-80yo net worth that may be more likely than webs of deceit, bribes, international money laundering, and influence peddling?

Like, what if he just wasn’t that corrupt? And he has mostly worked as a public servant with a working-class background?



and you seem like you’re at about a 14 to 16-year-old level of maturity regarding politics; railing-against-the-world, “my eyes are open, don’t you see what I see??”, polarized opinion and discourse untempered by personal experience of compromise or impossible situations, lack of empathy, and insistence on unrealistic all-or-nothing outcomes delivered immediately versus consistent, incremental improvement that takes hard work and nuanced understanding.

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