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The thing that really kills me is that each of these donations is basically a raise that was denied, a health policy that was worsened, a law that was hollowed out. These are dollars made of the bones and cartilage that have been looted from our society. Democracy ™ brought to you by Acererak.


I’m starting to think it’s about time we had some meaningful consequences for these bastards, and I don’t mean the journalists.


This doesn’t seem all that awful to me. The waterfall isn’t fake, it’s just something they do in the dry season so visitors don’t feel like they wasted a trip. It’s not the choice I would make if I were running the park, but it doesn’t seem that bad to me.


I tend to agree with you, nature should be experienced as-is, imo.


I work near Yosemite, we don’t need one extra body there in the summer at all.


Hi, I’m a paramedic x14 yrs. Didn’t watch the video, but I don’t think this is likely to be the case. In almost every case I’ve seen pink-tinged foamy sputum from CHF, the patient is in critical condition, and is in absolutely no state to be delivering a deranged rant. Even in the cases where they work on it with hacking and coughing for a bit, they’re still pretty much out of gas and not going to be carrying on like dumbass here. At least, that’s my experience.

conditional_soup, (edited )

Learned to hate women/the plebs having the freedom to divorce, you mean. We certainly wouldn’t want to stop men like Donald Trump or Newt Gingrich from it. That would mean the law would have to apply evenly, and we can’t have that.

This is a good article, well worth the read. It gets my hackles up. It’s wild to me just how reactionary the GOP is. I know they are, but there really is no limit to how far back they want to wind back the clock. 1776 might be too modern for them, given the lack of monarchy.


This is it. The police will absolutely not apply the laws evenly here.


And… Well… [Gestures wildly at this SCOTUS]

I wonder if we slip Thomas a margherita and a twenty if that’ll be enough to buy some influence.

conditional_soup, (edited )

This is so frustrating to watch as an American. I spent much of my youth on the internet getting clowned on by Europeans for the consequences of my country’s hard right policies. The UK has been deservedly getting clowned on for the consequences of embracing the Tories. It beggars belief that the same people clowning on the US and UK would then turn around and say to themselves “yes, but it will be different for us, it will work for us, our situation really is different, you don’t understand”. No, it won’t be different. Pretty soon, you’re going to be following the path that the Tories set the UK on, marvelling at how dysfunctional your government is, and hearing about how the only solution is even more gibs to the people who are already the most economically advantaged and the private sector. Before you click reply, just consider that you guys deserve to get fucking dunked on, because you guys spent decades laughing at other countries for doing this shit just to say “hmmm… but what if sticking the fork in the electrical socket works out for me?” I’m honestly sad and disappointed for Europe, not least of all because after years of deservedly shitting on the US for being racist, all it took was one big wave of immigration for you guys to hold up blonde dumbasses with bad hair and worse ideas as the solution to all of your problems.

“Oh, great bozo of the European trailer park, what is your wisdom to save our culture from the immigrants?”

“Deregulate sewage plants. You will certainly not regret deregulating sewage plants.”

Enjoy your US-style healthcare system in a few years, I guess.


I mean, not trying to sound like a pessimist as much as a realist. Even if Europe started paying the full sum of what we’re paying in defense subsidies, I seriously doubt we’d cut that spending. Raytheon and Lockheed’s investors are counting on us.


The right in the US really isn’t so different. The thing we know for sure is that fascists lie and lie often. The fascists here in the US aren’t above paying lip service to certain issues; Trump tried to convince the libertarian party to vote for him by letting the guy who ran Silk Road out of jail, for example. But they’d be fools to believe them, as Europeans are fools to believe their own dollar store Trumps when they say they’ll protect or embrace the social programs. Exhibit A: what the Tories have done to the NHS. The program really isn’t all that complex, they just sneak in some modest reforms that erode the service and enshittify it slowly, or do some bullshit temporary measure that puts the service permanent behind in terms of (one to all) money, employees, or output. Then, they use that as evidence for why they must further enshittify the service and give more taxpayer money to the private sector.


I think that’s a bad take. Here’s the thing, “freedom fries” wasn’t a self-enclosed phenomenon. It was part of a broader jingoistic fever that swept through the US post-9/11. Yeah, sure, it’s fair to joke about Americans being dumb, but our brains dead ass shut off after 9/11, and anyone could do anything if they just waved their hands and said “terrorists, 9/11”. And Operation Iraqi freedom was just one of the turd sandwiches we ferociously gobbled down under such framing. Freedom fries happened because France wouldn’t support our stupid, pointless invasion, and the boomer email network kicked into overdrive to create a new meme (in the literal sense of the word) of replacing anything having to do with the treacherous French with Freedom. And that was what we did to people who owed us nothing, so it felt much more dangerous to step out against it as an American, at least in the early days of the war.


IIRC, one of the effects of Brexit is that the UK’s sewage outlets to the ocean were no longer bound by EU regulations, which led to extremely high sewage contamination and closing of a number of English (specifically English, I want to say) beaches.


Yep. Dunno what else to say, we’re absolutely responsible.


Not my jokes, and I don’t think it’s funny. You might want to re-read my post, I certainly wasn’t celebrating the attitude that spawned freedom fries.

conditional_soup, (edited )

Okay, bud. I re-read and I didn’t see what you were talking about about, so I really think there’s been some kind of misunderstanding. But okay.


Thanks for this insightful response. It’s clear I need to do more reading on this.


It’s the internet, take a breath. I mean that seriously; you don’t have to like me, idgaf, but it’s not worth getting worked up about. You might benefit from taking a break, maybe drink some water or something.

No need to respond, I concede, you won the argument. Just take some time and reflect on the good things you’ve got.




I was alive and in the US then, too. I very plainly remember the nationalist fervor that the US was wrapped up in at the time; I remember the Dixie Chicks getting cancelled before cancelling was a thing because they called Bush out. Nothing exists in a void, history is ALL context.

Look, in a week, I’ll be drinking water, downloading memes, and going to work, not thinking about freedom fries. If you want to still be thinking about this shit by then, don’t let me get in the way of a good time.


What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?


I don’t have one, but the pirate one is pretty good


What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?


I just love that these fuckin clowns thought they were going to be embraced by the libertarian party, the party of vermin supreme, the party who famously booed their presidential candidate (Gary Johnson) for saying he felt that driver’s licenses were a reasonable regulation. There’s not a single political party in the US that’s more contentious, purity-tested, and just downright difficult on purpose than the LP. Most people who know a libertarian really know an embarrassed republican, not a true believer like these folks. Folks, people at the event that Trump and Kennedy showed up to were handing out rubber chickens to harass and heckle the candidates as they spoke, and forced the secret service to go around confiscating rubber chickens. Biden was honestly smart to leave the LP on read when they invited him, nothing good could have possibly come from it, but these two fuckin dorks, especially Trump, thought it would be great because they didn’t do twenty seconds of homework. “Hmm, let me look at the Libertarian Presidential debates on YouTube” should have been enough to make them go “nah, dawg, I’m out, here’s a canned letter, please vote for me, bye”.

So, Trump got (rightfully) heckled by the people at that event, because the true believers hate authority and aren’t about that Christian Fascism shit. Trump’s used to hecklers, but he’s also used to the crowd shouting them down for him, not the whole ass crowd clowning on him with rubber chickens. IIRC, he ended up just walking off stage once it was clear that the libertarians were just there to dunk on him. It’s not a good look for dear leader that he couldn’t put the most contentious people in American politics under his spell, and anyone who points out that the emperor is naked in Trump land gets the window, so they’re just going to lie their asses off about it.


This is true; I chose brevity over total accuracy in this case.


I love 4x games, but playing a game of Stellaris for a week or more just to realize that I’ve inescapably fucked up and lost the game is disheartening. I just don’t have the bandwidth to spend 40 hours per match. Yeah, you can make 4x games run a lot shorter, but it usually feels like you’re doing something crazy to the game.


Is your username Taako_Tuesday as in The The Adventure Zone character?


Nice. Good to see another fan in the wild. That season was so good


It’s just high, high volume. You swing at every pitch and you’re statistically bound to eventually hit some home runs. The CIA is always up to some shit.


Remember in the 2016 campaign when he said “Maybe some of those second amendment people can do something about it”?

Good times.


Not a Russia simp, I’ve been watching this war with some interest, and I’ve got a friend whose only hobby at this point is following this war.

If you look at how much Russian military ops have changed across almost every consideration over the course of the war, it’s really a stark difference between where they are today and where they were two years ago. It’s pretty clear Russia totally bunglefucked the opening maneuvers in the war. They’ve had to learn a lot of lessons and learn them hard, and they’re still learning them, but they are learning. I definitely think that Russia really did expect this was going to be a cakewalk, and that they were going to force Kiev into negotiations or else kill Zelenskyy in the first week. I can’t be 100% sure what the Russian military leadership was expecting, but I seriously doubt it was this.


My buddy is on the side of the Russians in all this (we’ve agreed to disagree) and even he admits that the Hostomel airport wasn’t anything else but a disaster. But it did give us one of the funniest moments in the whole war (so far), when a war journalist approached a Russian soldier to ask when he thought the Russians would be arriving.


So, he feels that the Nazi gangs in East Ukraine were engaging in ethnic cleansing against Russian speakers / Russian nationals that was more or less state sanctioned by the state showing they weren’t interested in doing anything about it. He fully believes Russia’s stated purpose in all this is to seize control of East Ukraine in order to stop the Nazis.

Imo, there’s clear enough evidence that there’s a Nazi problem in Ukraine. What isn’t clear to me is why that’s a reason for Russia to expand its territory (spoiler alert: it’s an excuse, obviously. Russia also has a Nazi problem, like a lot of other countries. The northern hemisphere is working through some shit ATM.)

conditional_soup, (edited )

The US is a recursive parody of itself. I wonder how much and how many his estate paid to get this.


Hey, I know things are bad right now, but they’re gonna get a lot worse.

conditional_soup, (edited )

AFAICT, the charger network is a huge part of Tesla’s value proposition. Laying off the entire 500 person team like this is going to be a massive, massive disruption no matter what anyone says, you can’t just patch it with [checks notes] an entirely different team. It’s going to take that new team months to get up to date, put out fires, find their bearings, etc. and by that point, issues are already snowballing. The rapport and contacts problem is also going to be enormous; basically shit canning all of the company’s industry/logistics ambassadors is what, in any other light, would be called a disaster. This is going to be a clusterfuck, and that’s before any competitors interested in starting their own charger network start scooping these newly available specialists up.

It’s incredible to see this man still idolized, even by bosses and other execs, as he tanks not just one but two household name businesses AT THE SAME TIME.


I’ve really been waiting for gas stations to jump in on this. Tying it to vehicle manufacturers just doesn’t make that much sense to me, not nearly as much sense as using the companies whose mission is already to deliver energy to vehicles. You need a tiny fraction of the infra for electric charging that you need to supply gas. Shell or Chevron could EASILY ink deals with, say, Starbucks, to put one or two chargers in every Starbucks parking lot in the country and just sit back and laugh as the money rolls in. And yet, they just keep pushing for exclusively fossil fuels.


I would have bought 7 rebirth by now, but a full priced game is a bit of a lift for me ATM. 16 was really good, imo, and comfortably exceeded my expectations.


Agreed, 15 was a huge let down for me because I didn’t take a college course on the lore and watch the movie and all that, so I just kinda went through it like “okay, and…?” And then the game ended.


I’ll take shit that isn’t going to happen for $1000, Alex


Yeah, but what if I really appreciate this picture?


That’s not a statue, it just holds very still while hunting. Don’t turn your back on it without tying a mask to the back of your head.


I’m not trying to be the grammar police, just thought you might like to know that it’s “onus”.


If you compare the population densities of mid-sized American cities, they’re not really all that different from Dutch cities that are famed for their bike, public transit, and pedestrian infrastructure. In fact, a lot of cities in the Netherlands as recently as the 70s looked like any old town USA with a bunch of mid-rises choked with cars going down the street. It was, AFAIK, about 20 years of consistent policy choices that changed it to the public transit mothership it is today.

What I mean to say is that our urban design is terrible. It didn’t used to be, and it’s an issue that impacts a lot of aspects of life in even smaller cities, not least of which is that it makes it far more expensive both for you and the city. We’ve arrived here by decades of consistent policy choices prioritizing cars over people, and we can get out of it through policy choices, too.

Here’s a really good primer on it from a really good channel if you’re interested:…


You, unless you want the law to enforce itself via magic. So, again, how are you enforcing these immigration rules without cops? Oh, wait, by calling cops “guards”? Call them the rainbow patrol for all I care, a cop by any other name is still a cop.


I want to be clear: I couldn’t give a crap about whether Americans get arrested. Nationalities are a construct made up by tyrants; people are people, and they deserve to not come to harm regardless of where they happened to be born.

So, it sounds like you’re proposing, what, no changes? What exactly is it, then, that people want to in order to deal with immigration, if not more cops and more aggressive laws?

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