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Of course we’re to that: the US is doing very little to slow climate change at all, is anything it is accelerating it. The natural result of this will not be food insecurity in the USA: it will be famine in South and Central America. Climate migration will see tens of millions of immigrants at our borders.

And the government has 0 intention of helping them. It military will directly cause a mass casualty event at the border before the turn of the century.

How are you parsing JSON on the command line?

I want to extract and process the metadata from PNG images and the first line of .safetensors files for LLM’s and LoRA’s. I could spend ages farting around with sed or awk but formats of files are constantly changing. I’d like a faster way to see a summary of training and a few other details when they are available.


I have a very handy command in my .vimrc for this -

command! JSON setlocal filetype=json | %!jq .

Anytime I’m in a json file that isn’t formatted it’s as simple as typing :JSON to have it all sorted.


"I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don’t."

  • Paul Verhoeven, director of Starship Troopers

The movie makes it clear that:

  1. The bugs were responding to human colonization
  2. Humans fired the first shots
  3. The government is lying to everyone claiming the bugs are mindless. They overjoyed shouts of the soldiers when they learn the opposite is true - is only because they learn that the bugs are terrified.
  4. The endless over the top propaganda is supposed to be a pretty fuckin heavy clue that it’s a fascist state.

I mean the deadlock game is in invite only closed beta rn…

It’s not really planning so much as “about to release to Early Access”


It’s not extracted as-is from yams. Yams have diosgenin - which needs to be extracted, cleaned and then put through a few chemical processes to be useful.

Plants are viable sources of precursors not of the end result, and many of these precursors aren’t useful in biological processes.

Scientific studies have not shown Men to have substantial estrogen level changes from drinking soy.


As a cyclist in NYC the complaint that bikes are weaving through cars is hilarious.

Of course they are. Cars are almost always stuck in traffic while bikes move faster.

I can make my 12ish mile commute in 45 minutes. Until the bridge I spend every mile of that commute passing cars.

That’s all besides the point though: there shouldn’t be personal passenger vehicles in NYC. Business vehicles sure. A few taxis are personal vehicles because of Uber - sure. But there should be 0 street parking and heavy restrictions on where drivers are allowed to go. We need to take back our streets.


The only advantage we have is that we have an increasing number of bike lanes parallel to major thoroughfares. While there’s the prevalent issue of trucks parking in the lanes they are, for the most part, clear and in reasonable condition.


I mean advantage over motorcyclists


But this man still thinks Linux is difficult and not easy to use

He explicitly said that it was incredibly easy to get set up on old hardware and that everything he did just worked.

All of his reasons why Linux is hard to use he specifically framed in the context of “historically speaking Linux was bad but now Linux is good”

Were you even paying attention?

That said, if you’ve ever tried to pair a controller with Linux that isn’t a PS5 or Xbox controller it will be rough. Had to use the CLI to change Bluetooth configs and install non standard drivers to support it on Mint


Until Destiny 2 gets Linux support I’ll unfortunately always be bound to windows. At least as a dual boot.

But if I’m forced to use windows anyways I feel like I’ll never make the jump to Linux. I’ve got a Linux laptop for the other use cases but gaming remains Windows only for me until the game I play with all my friends is cross platform.


Always keyboard and mouse, never controller.

But yeah I’ve looked into alternative setups but it ultimately always means additional hardware to run the windows games.

My main machine is 95% gaming and 5% hobby work in CAD (also not on Linux) for 3dprinting.

Any coding is already a Linux laptop thing.

Reminder: The DMV uses photos for facial recognition

This is half a decade old news, but I only found this out myself after it accidentally came up in conversation at the DMV. The worker would not have informed me if it hadn’t come into conversation. Every DMV photo in the United States is being used for AI facial recognition, and nobody has talked about it for years. This is...


Do you have a passport?


Not just Europe either. 172 countries use NFC passports, all of which have your full biometric info (including a high res headshot) encoded onto the chip.

If you’ve ever had a passport your face is known to the government of your country and searchable in a database.


Yes but binary and non-binary is a binary.

0 and 1 are a binary.

The entire original joke was just a dumb technicality: anything that is divided into 2 groups is a binary.

Your meme is correct but also doesn’t change the original post, which is still correct.


Which he’s still working on.

People can do 2 things.


Pedophile upset that raping children got her cut off from easy access to a pool of children to rape.


A distinction that only matters to people who want to fuck kids.


It’s legal to be topless in New York. She didn’t commit a crime or anything.


And some have 0 boobs and 0 testicles. Gender affirming care probably evens out


It sorta did. There was a “galactic campaign” but it didn’t have a Game Master the way that HD2 does.



They being the publisher, Sony, who also was the one who removed it from many countries. Sony did the same thing with Ghosts.


There devs have done an excellent job stabilizing the game to be fair. That launch was rouuuugh


You can both engage in immediate harm reduction while also working towards solutions to poverty and deprivation.

Providing for people’s needs will be the most effective way to reduce the violent crime rate… But it won’t go away entirely. Ever. Some people have their heads screwed on backwards. Some people have fringe religious ideologies that encourage violence. Some people are raging alcoholics even with money and security - they’ll commit domestic violence no matter how wealthy they are.

None of them should own guns.


Approximately the same number of people die from gun homicides as homelessness in the USA.

I don’t want to solve either/or - I want to solve both.

And while deprivation is a common root they have other uncommon causes that need addressing. The gun craze of America needs to be clamped down on and regulated.

We have the ability to do both. Why would you argue against one?

Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account

I’ve been a social media hermit for the past 3 years but recently I’ve given up and created a few accounts across different apps again. It’s unreal how strict the requirements are now....


It’s open source and can be restricted to private followers. If you self host it’d be as private as possible for an Instagram clone


I know helldivers 2 had a ton of controversy around the PSN login but otherwise it’s a fantastic game. Been loving it.


Yes in that there is a new battlepass every month with new guns and armor to unlock.

No in that you can earn the battlepass with in game currency and never have to give them more than the $40 that the game cost to have a ton of fun.

Beyond that - They’ve taken live service games to a better place. There’s an ongoing galactic campaign and the individual missions you run contribute to galactic objectives which have real consequences in game. They have a dedicated “Game Master” like a DND Dungeon Master who decides when to release new units, what happens when we succeed and how to punish failure.

And most importantly: It’s a lot of fun.


Battlefield has probably been in development for 4 years now and their C-Suite doesn’t know shit about dick. That ship turns like the titanic - It’s going down.


I’m not able to watch the video at the moment: is it ARM instead?

I think arm architecture are only going to become more prevalent with the success of the M line macs


Thanks for the clarification on reputable vendors! I’ve always wondered where the right place to buy lithium was.


Kalih Choc are great. I like that plan.


They specifically said “not moving forward”. Seems pretty clear and concise. No PSN requirement.


They won’t be back - they’re not leaving.

But that phrase also seems like pretty normal rationalizing in an apology.

If I had to bet it was mostly steam issuing refunds and pulling the game in more than 100 countries that changed their mind.


that defend it as if it was a good thing.

I haven’t really seen much of that. Just people pointing out that from the start the game has always said a PSN account was required to play online, but a bug meant that it wasn’t enforced.

Ultimately it’s all shit Sony is pulling as the bastard publishers.


8 million is dramatically underselling how many people live in the metro area - that’s only the city limits.


Can also happen if you heat it extremely quickly. Very powerful induction can do this if the bottom isn’t covered in liquid


It’s easy to just handwaive and say “Server side will fix it” but here’s a major issue:

You have to render people in before they appear. How do you do that without the client knowing where people are?


You constantly have to render people in when they can’t be seen but will soon be seen. Which also means instead of keeping track of just locations the server needs to render the scene in sufficient detail as to determine sightlines.

Usually games just do this by sending info to clients of where everyone is and letting the clients render people in when the client determines that the sightline isn’t interrupted.

Some games will just not send the positions until they’re within a certain range of each other, but I’m a realistic game like tark you’d need several kilometers of info in case someone scoped in.

If you don’t do this correctly it leads to characters popping into existence from thin air


You need to account for every gap in the wall, nook and cranny and peephole for these sightlines. You’d have to bake so much detail into every calculation server side that it would effectively be rendering the entire map to host a single game.


Your suggesting the server maintain a real time render for every single player and somehow manage to get the data back to them in less than 17ms so that they don’t have empty frames that suddenly become people?

Because that’s a ludicrous requirement in terms of latency (ping is totally reasonable at any value under 100ms) and server capacity.

Because your solution sounds like it would cause popping constantly and be a major burden on the server, which is already the largest overhead on a released game.


You want a server to determine if a player should be visible (ie render each player’s perspective) and then get that back to them right before someone walks around the corner? With latency you’d need to render people in at least 200ms before they appear… Which is still plenty of time for a hacker to flick to them and kill them.


You do see why that’s a serious issue right? Before the Server did nothing more than maintain a list of x,y,z coordinates of player positions. Now it’s rendering the entire game space and doing 3d calculations.

That’s several orders of magnitude more complex and costly.


My point was that you’re multiplying server costs several times to do that complex rendering and still not solving the problem.


But then you’re adding extra latency to all visual calculations.

Your client needs to know if something is visible within the framerate of their PC.

You cannot do that fast enough.


There’s no way in hell you’ll ever get a game company to agree to that. You’re talking 100x the expense of running a server at a minimum.


You cannot break the speed of light with computational effort.

You’re saying that you want to have a round trip from client to server and back happen in-between frames.

You cannot do that. Period. You will not ever have latencies that low.

Even if you frame lock it at 60fps that means you’re calculating views, sending the data up the tube, checking it on the server, responding back with all the data about the new character that should appear and then rendering the new guy within 17ms.

That is physically impossible.


So you’re going to take all the places a character could be in the next 200ms, do Ray casting on all of them and send that data to the server to check every 17ms?

While the server also does that for 15 other players at the same time.

Do you know what algorithmic complexity is? Big O notation? If so - that’s a n³ * 15m³ problem space that you’re expanding out across 200ms every 17ms, where n is player locations possible in x/y/z and m is the other players locations. Physics collisions are usually the biggest drain on a computer’s cycles in game and in the worst case that’s n² complexity.

You’re talking insanely taxing here.


I’m just baffled by the idea. No need to defend it though, this is all arbitrary anyways. It’s not like anyone is going to do this.

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