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It’s not even an allegation at this point, people are fucking bragging about it. Like this is the ONE TIME he pays people for work, and it’s for lying. Totally on brand.


This is one of the dumbest takes on something I’ve read all day.


Why? It was just a PC on the inside with a slimmed down Windows 2000 variant as the OS. Storage concerns aside, it was probably a very straightforward port, just rip out the Steam bindings, and it probably ran pretty immediately.


No, this would make it much simpler. No translations, differing architectures, or OS bindings to struggle though. Asset and compilation tweaks, and controller bindings, and that’s a large portion of the work.


And nearly half were never going to vote for him anyway. I want a poll of who was previously voting for him, and now will not.


You don’t need Windows as your driving OS to use Office. Use the web version if needed, or run it on a VM. Same difference.


Switching your distro isn’t going to change your gaming performance, if that’s what you’re saying here.


No, you need to forward from your router as well.

Internet -> router -> machine -> firewall

You’ve only allowed the firewall on this machine to allow that port through. Forward that port from your router to your machine’s IP and port as well.


Your client may have set a UPnP request that your router respects…hard to say. You didn’t post any router config info, so it’s hard to say what your environment looks like or was previously working. UPnP is frowned upon for security reasons, so it’s best to just forward if in doubt.




Well, at least you got it working.


Average people don’t have the resources to commit as many crimes in a short period of time, thankfully. Imagine what Bezos does for fun. Disgusting.


I’m also happy for this, but he can still run for office. I’ll be happy when he’s no longer a threat to people.

Canonical Announces Availability of Real-Time Kernel for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - 9to5Linux (9to5linux.com)

To get started with the real-time kernel for Ubuntu 24.04, check out the official documentation. One thing to keep in mind if you’re an NVIDIA GPU user is that the real-time Ubuntu kernel does not support the proprietary NVIDIA graphics drivers.


You can just enable all of these features on any 6.8+ kernel. You don’t need Ubuntu Pro.

No, it will no radically improve your gaming performance, but it will definitely increase your energy bill.


Partially, but the shift is more in the amount of power required to constantly serve interrupts. That’s essentially what these flags enable. Where previously the kernel would be more lax about scheduling such things, this let’s all those interrupts off the chain. More interrupts = more power draw. The ARM and AMD extensions mean to reduce that in a meaningful way, though.


Any group running “online polls” and expecting them to not be flooded with false info and bots is absolutely insane.


White Fish is an automatic dill, citrus, or parsley situation. Dress it up a bit more.


Don’t “shove things”. Dress it.


Other shoe will drop immediately. Fuck you, Cannon.


This is Jack Smith’s mind at work, and this is a trap. It’s very obvious Cannon has been obstructing this case, and Smith wants her gone, or to make such a huge and obvious misstep that the 11th Circuit will pull her off the case. This aims for one or both of those things to happen.


This aims to elicit a response though. She can’t just ignore motions. She also can’t outright dismiss the case anyway without making an appeal guaranteed, at which point she’d be releasing whatever protective control she holds over the case. This is a federal case, you can’t just make it “go away”. DJ would also not be attached if no other court has touched it.


I can just sum this up in a sentence:

Delaying is a tactic, but there are protections in Habeas Corpus that allow appeals for literally anything, and Double Jeopardy would never be attatched in such a situation which she has created.


Good. More young, moderate, non-psychopaths need to be representative of their people. I may not agree with her other policy positions, but it’s at least good to see someone on the other side of the aisle who isn’t a religious nut or Trumpist.


If everyone was so cynical all the time, then nobody would get handjobs.

Gotta be a bit more positive and forward thinking.


Waiting to hear if this ACTUALLY makes him ineligible to run again then.


Or, like maybe putting a dangerously delusional medical doctor in charge of a Maternal Mortality Panel.


Honestly didn’t even realize 37Signals was still. DHH still around?

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden (www.theguardian.com)

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....


Polling isn’t going to change people’s minds about it FEELING like a recession. It certainly feels like anyone who owns or controls any sort of economic production is on a cash-grab bender, jacking up prices on absolutely everything, and finding new ways to exploit the populace while the getting is good. People can’t afford the basic staples of life. It FEELS pretty dire.


This is the correct situation. Until Federal legalization happens, you can’t overturn state conviction.


In those cases, states overturned their own ruling. Bit different.


Yes. Unless it’s a federal indictment, the states need to clear it. There have been instances where Federal Regulations are wiped out (prohibited), but that is not the case here.


Of course he did, he’s like a stereotype “Red” agent out of the Cold War. He will be living and thriving there once Dems take everything back. Good riddance.


This sounds a LOT like the plot of a terrible 90’s movie that was thinly veiled to portray MS as a mini-surveillance state, with some murder thrown in. I’ll try and find it.

Edit: Released in 2001, it was ‘Antitrust’. I remember it being bad, but not good-bad like ‘Hackers’


‘Swordfish’. I don’t even know what in the hell that movie was supposed to be, but it was basically Hugh Jackman as Wolverine as “Hacker”, but just filled with ridiculous nonsense.

Great episode of ‘How Did This Get Made’ going over it. Worth a listen.


The Fourth Reich - “Reich Back 'Atcha”

Rated R. Starring: Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, The Jan 6th Players, and Lil’ Kush


It almost like there’s a very public way to funnel money into a company via the stock market in order to gain favor with it’s operating board…

No internet in virtual machine

I have on the host machine two network interfaces. One is lan and the other is a wlan. For libvirt I have created a nat network which is bound to the wlan. From the guest I can access other machines in the network host wlan is connected to. Also DNS lookup works. The problem is that there’s no connection to the internet at...

just_another_person, (edited )

Your routing table on the host changes when you have both networks active because the OS is preferring the NIC I’m guessing. You’re using a static config for only one interface here.

Either switch to a static setup for NIC and Wlan, or create two interfaces for the VM that cover both host interfaces. A simpler setup would be host networking (macvtap) vs a bridged nat with only one path.


Ma dude, you’re just ranting in this thread and not making much of a coherent argument or thought in context with the article. Politics is shitty. We get it.


Why is VPN to your main device not an option?

just_another_person, (edited )

Nevermind. I read your question way wrong. You have a local network and want better access to things there.

Different filesystems and network service which exposes. SMB will be the worst performance, NFS possibly the best. You’re also going to have lag on however you’re accessing these files from the client, so maybe there’s an issue.


I kind of agree. The spirit of this idea is one thing, the reality of it another.

Maybe more context is needed though. It seems they just want to incentivize people towards being identified as possible donors where very specific generic matches are necessary. So basically just giving a credit to get in the donor database.

That’s not what this article reads like though.

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