

a big neurodivergent pile of vegetable matter // 29 // sf bay area

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I get what you’re saying, but commending a group that is currently running fascistic, theocratic, totalitarian government for repelling an invading force isn’t exactly the talking point you want it to be.

Not to once again prove Godwin’s law, but it’s like saying “Hitler may have nearly eradicated all the Jews, but he brought Germany out of spiraling hyperinflation!” You may have a point, but no one’s going to listen closely enough to prevent them from interpreting your statement as an endorsement of Hitler.


I’m not saying I think you’re endorsing the Taliban; I’m saying that people won’t read that closely into what you’re saying and THINK you are.

And even though the Taliban aren’t committing genocide (which I never said they were, I should’ve been clearer that the Hitler example was hyperbole for the sake of making a point), the human rights violations their government is committing are reprehensible. That’s why it’s an issue to say “they were just protecting their homeland”: they kicked foreign invaders off their land to treat their own citizens just as poorly (if in different ways). It looks like you’re taking up for a group that’s pretty worthy of villainization.


I’d argue Fedora Atomic does the job with even less fuss for a larger number of people. NixOS is great if you want/need to tinker, but Fedora Atomic is just giddy up and go as long as you don’t require any specialized programs or drivers.

I say this as someone who currently uses NixOS on both of my computers.


she’s a rape and pedophilia apologist, so…



It’s just a cute little comic strip that conveys a fun message.


Aux is only keeping the code on GitHub temporarily because money is tight and there are very few options for a soft fork of a repo as huge and active as nixpkgs. Plus, they want ease of accessibility for devs considering it’s a very new project.

Long term plans are to move off of GitHub. I’m pretty sure some people are talking to Codeberg to see how feasible it would be to move there in the future.


It’s basically focused on establishing good community-centered governance, cleaning up the codebase, standardizing workflows (reconciling disparate parts of nix), and (I think?) eventually reimplementing the whole thing in Rust instead of C++.


Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”.

Cricket the untrainable dog, Noem writes, behaved like “a trained assassin”.

When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog “whipped around to bite me”. Then, as the chickens’ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologised, wrote the shocked family a check “for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”.


The lesson is to use a Community distro, not a Corporate distro.

Okay, but you don’t see these kinds of complaints with Fedora or SUSE. While I don’t necessarily disagree with your core point (community is better), this doesn’t seem like an issue with corporations so much as an issue strictly with Canonical.


Okay? OpenSUSE Leap is a point release by and for companies. While Fedora isn’t necessarily a server distro, it IS a point release designed with enterprise use in mind.

If we look at both of their strictly enterprise counterparts, I’ve never heard of any complaints about SUSE and any complaints with RHEL I’ve heard are with source availability. Neither of them have the mega amounts of bad publicity of Canonical.


I was a little kid in 2000; all I knew about him was that he was a presidential candidate who wasn’t gonna win. This interview opened my eyes up to who he actually is, what he did for America, and just how similar my views on politics in America are to his. I’m glad I don’t see him as just a punchline anymore.

Also, he was kinda daddy when he was younger.


Basically. It wasn’t meant to act as an identification, but people kept using it that way (probably because every citizen gets one at birth, so it’s the easiest proof of citizenship).


Your threat model is unclear to me, so I’m a little confused as to why you don’t just use Firefox across all platforms. You could use multi-container support to stay signed in on certain things and clear cookies in others iirc.


A disorder also doesn’t really “exist” if it’s not actually causing distress or… well, disorder. Mental disorders are basically cultural constructs in that what is disruptive in one culture isn’t necessarily disruptive in another. “ADHD” in one culture may be “wow, she’s really good at hunting” in another. A schizophrenic person in one culture may be a cleric in another.


Last I heard, which was admittedly a long time ago, Pale Moon was dangerously out of date with respect to security and web standards and not much more than a meme. I feel like I remember a significant change in leadership relatively recently, but has Pale Moon actually become a viable alternative?

Beyond that, WebKit is still a thing. Ladybird is too though it’s still quite a ways from primetime.


Most available “landlines” nowadays are just VoIP anyway tho. It’s why my dad got into ham radio.

The Global Green Energy Transition Has an Uyghur Forced Labor Problem, Report Says (investorsforhumanrights.org)

The solar and electric vehicle industries are critical for the world’s urgent transition away from fossil fuels. However, both industries source many of their critical inputs from the Uyghur Region, a region where the Chinese government is systematically persecuting the native Uyghur, Turkic, and Muslim-majority peoples,...


Is “forced labor” any different from slavery?


I tried it, but it was way too full of cryptobros. I felt like I didn’t fit in.


My interests are being gay and TV shows about middle aged women.


Literally one of the Plasma devs showed up in the thread and seemed very annoyed.


It reads to me like they’re saying that they feel like they might be attacked by Meta employees.

That said, it’s uh… quite a choice to have made to say that.


I love it, but I wish it were open source. I have since switched to LogSeq, and now I’m even trying out TiddlyWiki.


How is it healthier? That’s a new one for me.


Charmed did the reverse in that Hell is basically a bureaucracy.


I would actually highly recommend the [World, Star, Citie]s Without Number systems. They’ve been going for about ten years, and while the individual systems themselves are genre-centric (fantasy, sci-fi, and cyberpunk respectively), they’re all inter-compatible and offer a good midpoint between crunchy systems and rules-light.

Also, I think Savage Worlds is setting agnostic and a little bit crunchier than most rules-light systems, but I have little experience with it.

Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.


Okay, but isn’t that game just one big bug?


From the moment it was announced, I could not contain my excitement for Octopath Traveler from the art style to the graphics to the music. I was even into the name. I was so enamored that I bought the collector’s edition.

Then it finally came out and never have I regretted a game purchase so much; not because it was awful, but it was so mediocre. Honestly, if it were awful, I might have been more okay with it, rationalizing how a game could turn out so bad with everything going for it, mourning what could have been, etc. It did everything it promised it would, I just realized that it didn’t really promise much beyond an art style and being a turn based RPG with 8 main characters. The package was delivered, but it turned out to be Game Gear, not Gameboy.

I think buying that game put me off collector’s editions. The package for it was very impressive, but I think I finally saw the man behind the curtain and realized that what I was buying was just a bunch of plastic and art books that I was never really going to touch anyway. The only physical bonus I cared about from that point on was Steelbooks, but I don’t even buy physical games all that much anymore thanks to my Steam Deck.

Honestly, Octopath Traveler put me off blindly preordering games in general. Now I just blindly buy old games, so if they’re bad, I have no one to blame but myself for not doing the research LOL


I think it’s likely that they meant 4e was the change that made it not D&D. That said, time has dulled the shock, and honestly, 4e had a lot of great shit in it.


It’s very accessible compared to other cRPGs. D&D 5e was already designed to be beginner-friendly, and Larian just made it more beginner-friendly while also making one of the most open-ended games I can think of.


Could be doing this in preparation for the Switch 2.


Literally all of Candlekeep is a tutorial with the quests and the guys in green robes everywhere. It’s kinda great, actually. Allowed you to skip it if you wanted, but there if you need it.


In Xenoblade, the entire story is the tutorial. Hunting uniques in the postgame is the real game.

miracleorange, (edited )

I somewhat agree with the sentiment behind the article, but…

And when you actually pick up the controller and play one of them, you begin to feel like you’ve been through the same gameplay loop as many other games this generation: Tales Of Arise, Scarlet Nexus, Nier Automata, Valkyrie Elysium, YS 8 and 9; they’re all essentially the same action game with different spices and aesthetic fluff.

Games like Tales and NieR (both long-running franchises) have never tried to be anything but action RPGs—not to mention NieR, which I’d honestly just call a straight up Platinum action game. I’d actually call NieR closer to Elden Ring than it is to Tales, and yet the author isn’t out here calling Elden Ring a JRPG. What more does NieR have in common with Tales or Ys than it does with Elden Ring besides country of origin? Does JRPG mean “game with anime-ish art style”? Maybe it’s the art style, but even that’s a bit of a stretch to me.

Which I think strikes at the heart of the matter: what defines a JRPG? Is it the country it came from? Obviously not. There’s a very specific style of game that “JRPG” refers to, and it’s a style that was very popular in the 90s and 00s. Obviously games are still made in that style: I could just as easily show a JRPG renaissance by namedropping Dragon Quest XI, Xenoblade, Yakuza: Like A Dragon, Persona 5, all the Trails games, etc. But the author is basing his notions of what a JRPG is solely on trends from 20+ years ago. Trends change. People change. Maybe in 20 years, people will be whining about whatever Japan is putting out then and saying “WHY CAN’T JAPAN GO BACK TO WHAT THEY DID RIGHT AND MAKE ANOTHER TALES GAME LIKE TALES OF ARISE?”.

Yes, I think developers, studios, and even industries should take pride in where they’ve been creatively, and that’s where I agree with the author. That said, why can’t we let new games be new games? People are still making plenty of traditional JRPGs whether they’re made in Japan or not (hi chained echoes and edge of eternity), so why bother the developers who don’t wanna make those games and essentially tell them “you need to get over your internalized xenophobia”? It’s possible they don’t have internalized xenophobia like this article is suggesting, maybe they’re just tired of people putting them in a box.


If I remember correctly, it specifically never goes on sale.

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