@mlg@lemmy.world avatar



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@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Kashmir and the LoC is an underrated conflict involving some overated countries.

Hindu nationalists on one end and useless military elitists on the other.

Hope FBI gives him proper protection because RAW has been paying assasins to kill people abroad.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Kind of annoyed people here still haven’t made the connection that NATO doesn’t want to support an offensive war because that would cost money and the entire MIC would not be making tech for profit. Hence why most tech given to Ukraine has been 90s surplus.

Nukes don’t really mean anything even to Putin. Unless Moscow is under direct invasion, MAD will keep even the most insane at bay.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Another day another reason why broke Pakistan still has a good reason to exist.

Egypt changed terms of Gaza ceasefire deal presented to Hamas, surprising negotiators, sources say (www.cnn.com)

Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, according to three people familiar with the...

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

I thought this was already known and intentional?

They said Hamas accepted a watered down version of the original deal which was that it included a permanent ceasefire of which Israel refused to agree to.

The point of Egypt being an intermediary was to convince both sides to come to an agreement, so it doesn’t really seem off that they would try changing requirements to see how each side would respond.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

This scrub is why Brawl ran in slow motion and included random tripping because the 5 melee players scared him with enjoyable competitive gameplay.

It’s probably because they didn’t want to pay Dolby licensing fees, not because it makes a 2 second difference in the loading screen.

even see how this would affect the loading screen considering I run live AC3 encoding on an old laptop much older than the switch and it has zero effect on the boot and login time. nvm it was a GC game.

Basically every Wii game shipped with Dolby Digital no issue.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

iirc Hitler had it banned from Germany after learning the week long match against England ended with no result lmao.

Anyways that’s the test cricket format. The typical game is ODI which lasts about 7 hours, and the world cup happening this June is T20I which lasts 2.5 hours and is the most exciting to watch.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

That looks like an Mi-8 helicopter

The one they were using was a Bell 212 lol

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

This is what we all hoped covid would have achieved with several more crappy world leaders lol.

Reminds me of Zia ul Haq dying in a C-130 plane crash, although that was purportedly an assassination via a crate of explosive mangos.

So far this just seems like an old heli in bad weather.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

And it’ll be used as an example of history for a new ongoing genocide then too.

Kind of like how this is comparable to the Bosnian Genocide.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

I get that Organic is not an end all solution but I swear not enough people realize that eating produce that was grown in roundup ready acid probably isn’t a valid solution either.

It’s kind of annoying that there’s no easy way to tell how something was grown because it could range anything from barely any added targeted weed killer to air dropped agent orange (/s) lol.

Lots of non organic farms can be perfectly healthy if they opt to control weeds with a variety of methods instead of letting Monsanto Bayer nuke the soil.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Okay not that I’m insinuating that this is the same circumstance, but the last time a certain nation said this, it eventually backfired.

Putin’s plan to capture Ukraine failed miserably, but Russia still has a significant fighting force and time to keep drawing this war out as long as they want.

Ukraine’s former general emphasized their own losses and said it was critical that Ukraine train more troops and acquire supplies quickly.

They can’t afford to stock on latest greatest weapons which is why they’ve been overly reliant on donations of old and surplus tech, especially vehicles.

NATO, ie mostly the USA, has failed to supply Ukraine with any significant stock of modern muntions that would give them an edge against Russia. It’s been two years and they still don’t have base block F-16s which would absolutely have helped during the early stages of the war.

Russia can keep the war machine going, slowly rearm, and try again, which could prove detrimental for Ukraine. They need to be decisively defeated in order for Ukraine to succeed.

For Ukraine’s sake, I really hope someone diposes Putin in a coup, considering how much of a wreck he made.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

That is what they are already doing by allowing Israel to keep the border crossings closed.

This pier is as useless as letting the civilians starve to death because none of that aid will reach them because Israel only agreed to the port if they also get to dictate what goes through.

ie they built a new a closed on arrival marine aid route that will likely get bombed by the IDF anyway.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah man I’m sure Hamas is going to weaponize…

checks notes

bottled water, pre-packaged food, and wheat.

Israel is full blocking aid trucks which they can easily inspect. Even the few they were originally letting through were attacked to scare off NGOs and the UN. Their demand to search the packages is just a ruse they can use to halt the flow.

There is a ridiculously low chance Hamas has been successful in smuggling anything related to weapons for the past 6 months via the aid.

Meanwhile the remaining Gazans are starving to death because Israel has already decided all Palestinians are Hamas and must be eradicated from the area.

The USA could at anytime use its insane MIC leverage to force Israel to let aid in, but they won’t because they see Israel as a prime ally.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Lol my comment from last week which got heavily downvoted:

Considering Biden repealed his settler sanctions, I’d actually bet this eventually gets approved after Israel promises to pay shipping fees in exchange for breaking the SLA stating they can’t do a genocide

mfw he doubled down and approved another massive sale on top of the smaller blocked shipment.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

My roflcopter goes soisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoi

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

I’m sure Nvidia will become stable on wayland by the time xfce also migrates lol

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

If it makes you feel any better, this basically sums up Israel’s response to accusations of war crimes.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Half assing a report saying that Israeli maybe used US weapons against civilians after 6 months of Israel blatantly murdering civilians with US weapons is definitely not enough lol.

Israel seems to be going ahead with their full assault on Rafah which means the ceasefire deal is probably down the gutter.

So it would be enough if Biden actually follows through with serious consequences for Israel. He stopped one shipment as a threat so far, so I’m patiently waiting to see how he reacts.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

That won’t stop a huge amount of people from complaining that this “isn’t enough” and failing to appreciate what a monumental victory that this is.

Came back here just to tell you this halted shipment lasted a whopping 3 days before Biden approved a new 1.1 billions arms sale to Israel.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Another day, another DNC shill lol

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Lol unless Biden changes course, SE Michigan alone will ensure his loss of the state.

Dearborn does not screw around and will happily take 4 years of Trump if their demands are not met. They were very aware of Hillary’s sketchy past as Secretary of State when she ran in 2016 and she lost Michigan because only 10k people didn’t vote for her.

And iirc the total turnout was already like 400k less compared to Obama.

mlg, (edited )
@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Linux Mint if you’re unsure

Fedora if you’re brave and want the full Toolbox

Please not Ubuntu. It has enough of its own issues that it originally turned me away from Linux.

Oh and KDE for the desktop environment if you want great out of box windows like UI if you go with Fedora. Mint comes with cinnamon which is also pretty good. xfce if you want to run linux on a potato.

mlg, (edited )
@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

The USA refused to lift the arms embargo on Bosnia to allow it to defend itself because UK and France didn’t want a Muslim majority nation in Europe, and Clinton shrugged and said “okay”

Then Pakistan used KSA funds to covertly supply the Bosnians with ATGMs via Turkey air drops which ultimately changed the tide of the war.

Then suddenly the USA spent years harassing the UN to charge the ISI director with breaking the embargo.

The fact that they handled an ongoing genocide of which they had zero interest or risk in with such attitude is why no one takes the USA seriously when it complains about literally any foreign issue.


Clinton said U.S. allies in Europe blocked proposals to adjust or remove the embargo. They justified their opposition on plausible humanitarian grounds, arguing that more arms would only fuel the bloodshed, but privately, said the president, key allies objected that an independent Bosnia would be “unnatural” as the only Muslim nation in Europe. He said they favored the embargo precisely because it locked in Bosnia’s disadvantage. […] When I expressed shock at such cynicism, reminiscent of the blind-eye diplomacy regarding the plight of Europe’s Jews during World War II, President Clinton only shrugged. He said President François Mitterrand of France had been especially blunt in saying that Bosnia did not belong, and that British officials also spoke of a painful but realistic restoration of Christian Europe. Against Britain and France, he said, German chancellor Helmut Kohl among others had supported moves to reconsider the United Nations arms embargo, failing in part because Germany did not hold a seat on the U.N. Security Council.

Israel military calls on Palestinian civilians to evacuate Rafah (www.reuters.com)

Israel’s military said on Monday it had begun encouraging residents of Rafah to evacuate the southern Gazan city as part of a ‘limited scope’ operation, but did not immediately confirm media reports this was part of preparation for a ground assault....

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

To where lol?

Egypt left Palestinians to die long before this particular war started.

KSA probably cares about them as much as Israel.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Because he approved the last 5 shipments of weapons?

Because he’s knowingly obscuring war crimes on behalf of Israel?

Because he keeps vetoing overwhelmingly supported UN resolutions against Israel?

Because he refuses to acknowledge university protests as anti genocide?

Because he waited 6 months before deciding to stop funding a genocide?

Because this report is still fresh and could mean literally nothing because the White House has not responded with comment?

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

People acting like if Biden wins, Trump will magically disappear and another even more insane republican won’t immediately take his place and threaten democracy again.

I honestly think this is the closest to perfect time for the DNC to split and make a new party. They can easily start with at least 30-40 house members and maybe a few senators. The majority of young voters would probably opt to vote for them.

Suddenly they’d be forced to do coalitions to keep doing things, and republicans would lose voter base so fast they might even split themselves.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Have you seen literally any multi party democracy ever?

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know why but this gave me the idea of running meterpreter locally lmao

Joe Biden Has Another Big F*cking Deal For Climate, Again (www.wonkette.com)

You may have noticed that in recent weeks, the Biden administration has been rolling out a hell of a lot of new regulations. Earlier this month it was big student loan reforms and a massive improvement in how public lands are managed, then this week we had better pay and working conditions for working Americans, minimum staffing...

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Biden’s entire stance on climate change went out the window when his administration started chasing China in a trade war over cheap eco technology like batteries and solar panels because we obviously can’t save the planet without making billions for american megacorps first.

China’s overproduction of clean energy goods needs to be mitigated, Yellen says

Also trying to do the same national rail program as Obama which went nowhere because surprise surprise the rail industry in the USA is also monopolized and unregulated. Can’t utilize that sweet anti trust law when it actually matters.

None of these changes qualify as reforms, they’re just half assed pork barrel projects for election year.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

If you wanna make that type of comparison, Joe Biden is offering a crappy pain reliever for a million dollars a bottle, giving federal funds to a random healthcare CEO, and banning import medicine that can actually cure cancer. But don’t worry because that pain reliever is “progress” and is much better than none at all.

Why the hell would I be complaining if any of these initiatives actually made significant changes in our system?

My exact complaint is that it’s nothing but election shilling, meaning he hasn’t met the minimum standard of good enough.

Good enough would have been announcing these plans 3 years ago so his administration could actually follow through. Not handing morbillions to the rail industry expecting something to magically happen, especially after killing their union strike.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Ignoring the fact that all these media roasts fail to mention Biden being complacent in a genocide, all of this sounds awfully similar to 2016 when every celeb and their mom was dunking on Trump only for Trump to win anyway and hence the popularity of the term “all publicity is good publicity”

It’s gonna be really stupid if he gets off scott free again from his trial and wins again

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

No but don’t worry he called Trump a six year old

we’re all saved

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

So when “leftists” in office are calling for ending “antisemtic” protests on campus, does that make them part of the right?

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like this video exposes the restrictions of both desktop environments compared to already completed solutions like KDE, XFCE, and Compiz which can all be configured to be 1:1 with Mac or 1:1 with Windows.

I can personally say going from windows to stock GNOME on both Ubuntu and Fedora was definitely not a nice experience at all.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

I meant in the sense of the UI lol.

Gnome and kde are both way ahead in that they offer a proper app library and integration with devices.

Xfce is just a bunch of apps stuck together that happen to be good enough on their own, but aren’t really interconnected.

I mentioned compiz because iirc it was one of the first compositors to outshine all the fancy window effects and behavior of Mac and Windows and still be configurable for both. Things like app switchers, snap windows, workspaces, etc. It just feels more intuitive to use than stock gnome.

I currently use an unholy combination of xfce with compiz, but once xfce upgrades to Wayland, I’ll probably get Wayfire to replace compiz.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

They f****** over Pakistan’s elections just a few months ago, USA is the king of ruining functioning governments anywhere in the world.

CIA straight up admitted they failed to gain an operational foothold in China like they did everywhere else which is why they never have a solid grasp on what China’s next move will be. Not to mention the CCP makes arrests like monthly on people they believe or accuse of having connections to the CIA.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds awfully similar to “devote Imran Khan from PM and arrest his party, but uh don’t kill him because that would be a coup”

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

HDR is only experimental on gnome and kde with weston not having an implementation.

I think 10 bit color depth hasn’t even been worked on much.

VRR I think is about finished although X11 has it too.

And the Nvidia wayland support is slowly improving although still full of bugs and stability issues.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

China gave a solid 1.5 year buffer because they too saw Russia fumbling and probably expected NATO to finish the job when the war started.

Instead they just witnessed 2 years of profiteering on 90s surplus military technology and hindering Ukraine’s ability to fight.

Now that Russia has proved its half stable and not going anywhere, China will happily sell whatever to them as long as the profit is stable.

Although its also funny how both sides are using a ton of DJI drones which China “allegedly” stopped selling.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

This community by far has the worst takes on US politics

Even people on the meme sub understand Biden isn’t some magical deity who is going to save us from the literal incarnation of satan.

Why are people even remotely surprised the incumbent supporting a genocide is not popular, and that any opposition must be russian trolls or chinese propaganda.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

She also called Palestinian protestors Chinese agents so this is probably because Bibi isn’t doing a good job doing PR and blindly listening to Biden and not because he’s actively involved in a genocide.

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