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This is only a slight exaggeration, all cookies are slowly being replaced by versions of Oreos.


Right!? 30 mins for Age of Sin!? Are they kidding? Is this shrinkflation?


I think this is going to be the solution. Holding this information needs to be a significant liability for companies.

Why Megadonors Are Unfazed by Donald Trump’s Guilty Verdict | Money flowed into the former president’s re-election campaign from Wall Street and Silicon Valley following Thursday’s historic conviction (

With the billionaires backing him, it’s going to be on us as individual Americans to make sure Trump doesn’t end up in the White House again. That means not just voting but talking with people around you, volunteering and donating


Didn’t Kerry lose in part for looking like a dork in a tank?…/michael-dukakis-john-kerry-7-politi…

I have a feeling, these events were just things the media could use to manipulate the narrative on the Democratic candidate, otherwise would’ve been ignored.

I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns.

Everywhere I am there is a guy running a leaf blower. At my house, leaf blowers everywhere all day long. At work, of course, leaf blowers blowing dirt and allergens into the air. It’s such a special noise, it goes through walls and headphones so effectively. They are the most pervasive, annoying things on the planet. I hate...


Oh, what about when there’s like 3 or 4 going in the same yard, sounds like that Tibetan Monk chanting with their motor rev going up and down.

I hate them, but we use gravel a lot here to save water and can’t think of a way to keep gravel walkways clear without blowing debris. Brooms, rakes, etc don’t work in this case.

Netanyahu says deadly Israeli strike in Rafah was the result of a 'tragic mistake' (

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that a “tragic mistake” was made in an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah that set fire to a camp housing displaced Palestinians and, according to local officials, killed at least 45 people....


Biden: This isn’t a genocide, so sure

Disclaimer: Voting Biden because Trump will expand the genocide to vulnerable groups here and usher in christian nationalism.


You’re thinking of things wrong and it’s leading you to silly conclusions.

Voting for president is not about voting for the person that will solve of our problems.

Stop looking to the state to solve our problems, that is not it’s purpose, it does not have this ability.

Real problems are solved by people.

Voting for U.S. president is a strategic choice we’re allowed every four years, choose the option that makes your life and/or job easier. If you’re really concerned about genocide, choose the option for president that will make your job of anti-war activist easier and safer.

Understand that many of your anti-war allies are LGBTQ, and that if Trump wins, he is almost certainly going to make it much harder for your allies to survive, let alone be activists. Why would you throw your allies under the bus to make an ideological point like 16 people on Lemmy will see?


I want them to see they cannot hold power without the left.

Ok, I get that, but if the Democrats don’t win, who does? Obviously the Republicans right? Is that an improvement? If Republicans destroy democracy (as they have been crystal clear about), what use is sending messages relevant to electoral politics?


The point of voting is not to choose the candidate that will fix everything and give up if there isn’t one, it’s to choose the the option that will make your life easier, even if just a little. If you want the world to be a better place, one candidate will make your job risky and dangerous by putting left wingers in prison and supporting right wing violence, the other wont. Why make your life/job harder because you’re upset or frustrated? Why harm your LGBTQ comrades with your apathy?

Genocide Trump: Yes Biden: Yes

Make life hell for LGBTQ at home in the U.S. Trump: Yes Biden: No


So I think it’s time for a new bus.

Me too, but jumping off a running bus onto flaming mini van full idiots isn’t going to help anyone.

Everything you hate about Biden is still going to be there under Trump only worse, and Trump is the only other option at this moment. You want better choices in the future, run for office, encourage people to run for office. As long as people like you are encouraging good people to forfeit electoral politics, only the worst people are going to be available as options to vote for.


At this point I’m really starting to believe the only choice is to back up, and protest how we elect presidents in the first place. It doesn’t seem to produce a representative of the people.

Again, you’re right, how we elect presidents is fucked up and needs to change. Is making that change going to be easier under Trump? Because that’s who’s going to be president if Biden loses. Is changing how we elect presidents going to be easier when anyone willing to be an activist to accomplish it gets arrested? You think protest arrests are bad now, just wait until an actual fascist is in charge and your friends start disappearing.


That’s what I mean, a few people being disappeared in a particularly crazy summer of nationwide protests years ago is way better than it being the norm for anyone that doesn’t agree with the Trump admin.

Do you not understand degrees of harm and think that since Biden isn’t a perfect communist than he is no different than an full on fascist dictatorship? Do you hate you mom like Hitler if she doesn’t give you Cheetos for dinner?


I did for like two minutes, maybe I didn’t find the thing you’re talking about. It doesn’t matter, the fact that bad shit has happened under or even due to Biden doesn’t mean Trump isn’t far more dangerous. It’s a matter of degree (like would you rather be shot in the head or kicked in the nuts, they’re both bad, not equivalent), there is no option for president that is without major concern.

I’m a trans (and Mexican) person, my choice is this:

–> Keep in mind, they both support genocide in Palestine, they both will disappear people at protests, climate change will be fixed under neither of them

Trump: Has made it clear retribution is a major theme of his next presidency should he win. His base hates me with a fiery passion and would put me in an oven without a second of thought needed. If Trump wins, the likelihood that I can retain the right to housing and employment to support myself, and not get disappeared for being who I am is virtually nil.

Biden: Has maintained and even expanded rights for LGBT people. If Biden wins, there is no direct threat to my job, housing, or life. If Biden wins, I can continue taking care of my kitties, be there for my family, work to help others, I can’t help anyone or be there for anyone if I’m forced into prostitution to survive, dead, incarcerated.


Then how come cannabis doesn’t have the same cancer profile?


I’ll let you know how it goes, I’m coming up on about 30 years of smoking the sweet sweet cheeba.

Devout Christian Mike Johnson shows up to hush money trial to defend a guy accused of cheating on his wife with a porn star (

House Speaker Mike Johnson describes himself as a Christian before anything else. He has said his “faith informs everything I do.” He has told people curious about his views to “pick up a Bible.” His wife reportedly runs a counseling service whose operating agreement, which he himself notarized, states, “We believe and...


My thoughts about this

Anarcho-communism (and similar ideologies) isn’t really about everyone being equal, that’s a silly goal that would take enforcement and calculations, it’s not practical. Instead, anarcho-communism is a different way of living based on cooperation rather than exploitation and doing what is needed for people rather than what a few rich owners want.

You and a “lazy” person won’t necessarily have the same outcome. A person unwilling to even pick up after themselves or contribute would still be guaranteed housing, food, and health care, but that’s about it. You on the other hand could work to have a nicer place or acquire things, so long as you aren’t getting them exploiting others or common resources. If you build a nice chair the anarcho-fuzz isn’t gonna come and take it to split it amongst the community.

The thinking around “laziness” needs to change. A person unwilling to do even the absolute minimum might be called lazy, but A person unwilling to trade their time for money isn’t a bad thing. It’s not the “lazy” people that wipe out species, start wars, and cause climate change.


Exactly right, thank you.


Our society already produces far more than we need, it’s just sucked up by the owner class. If we removed the owner class and their hoarding, we could all work less and still have more than enough to provide for those unwilling or unable to completely provide for themselves.

I personally would be happy to do a bit of work to help ensure people aren’t starving or freezing to death because they’re going through a depressive episode or even if they’re just “lazy fucks”. Pretty sure every one I’d consider a friend thinks the same.

You know, it’s people with an attitude like yours, unwilling to help out without direct benefit, who I consider lazy, not the person with low ambition.


Good thing people like me exist that will not only feed the “freeloaders”, but take care of you too when you break your leg.


I say ambition, drive, greed, etc are personality issues that cause harm to others and the environment.

While I’m sure there are a few individuals that would rather sit and die than go get some food, this is not something to actually be concerned with. You watch too much right wing TV telling you there’s a whole class of people that just want to take from you, but what’s actually happening is that this group is being stolen from and what you see as laziness is often just an unwillingness to facilitate being stolen from.


Without ambition and drive people would still be living in caves.

And we’d have a planet to live on indefinitely rather than letting a few thousand rich people destroy our world causing massive suffering. But really, there’s a world between living in caves with zero progress and letting capitalists destroy our world while we praise them, I’m not suggesting we live in caves, I’m suggesting we don’t let ambitious assholes kill us all while blaming us for the problems they create.

I don’t need some jabbering moron with an agenda to tell me how I should feel about things I can observe with my own eyes.

And you don’t have an agenda of driving civilization in the direction you want? Are you that blind to your own behavior? You’re engaging in a conversation about it and pushing a point, that’s an agenda.

It’s always a situation where the few are carrying the many

That’s very likely due to different people having different tolerance for exploitation. Just because you don’t mind being exploited try to be a good boot licker doesn’t mean others are bad because they don’t want to be exploited. Maybe in a different situation you’d be viewed as the lazy one. It’s not selfish to not work harder for another’s gain.


Or have your phone location turned on and be super boring back and forth. When you deviate use a burner.


Yep, to move the Overton Window to the right. The left should do this as well. If a group of real leftist put out a political platform it would make Biden look like a Republican.

  • Completly ban lobbying
  • Free healthcare for all
  • Free college for all
  • Housing guarantee - homelessness not acceptable
  • Billionaires fortunes taken and redistributed
  • Ban fossil fuel subsidies
  • Military exit from all countries except as part of multi-lateral peace keeping forces

Stuff like that


Ya, I wish they were more effective. I’d also like to see more from the less authoritarian side of the left.


But you’d have to put your representatives in an isolation chamber

Interesting… lol

But in all seriousness, I’d say the number of reps we have it wouldn’t be impractical for a yearly complete IRS audit for each of them that has real consequences like losing your position, repaying victims fully, and/or going to prison.


I was speaking of the general authoritarian vs libertarian divide in the left. It’s not about power excercised, it’s about the power some on the left feel entitled to exercise to achieve their goals.

Everyone on the left wants to make the world a better place, eliminate hunger and homelessness, all that good stuff.

–> The terminology is confusing though as different groups use different words or definitions.

On the one side you have your (authoritarian) “socialists”, and “communists” those who believe that order must be imposed from above by a powerful government and this government. Good social behavior is coerced by implied threat of force. This government of course is supposed to be and remain benevolent and always controlled by well-meaning socialists to ensure a functional socialist system. The DSA fits in here on the lighter side, “tankies” fit here on the extreme authoritarian end.

On the other side you have your anarchist types (who are also typically non-authoritarian communists), those who feel that any entity powerful enough to control society will inevitably end up controlled by the worst type of people (because this is what’s happened in every state/government that has ever existed) and the we should look to non-state and non-coercive solutions.


I don’t think it makes sense to completely abolish cars. There will always be transport needs where public transport, trains, or bicycles just don’t fit the bill. There will be car and racing enthusiasts for the next century (assume we don’t collapse). The car industry needs to be reduced by 99% though, mostly transforming into maintaining existing cars rather than producing new ones.

Some people will want to or need to live or work where public transit systems would be impractical to build. You can’t spend 80 million dollars on a transit system out in the sticks and you can’t force everyone to live like sardines next to a bus stop.


Ya, this is the response I always get from tankies.


So to make nuclear sound better it’s compared against the most polluting source?

I can’t say I’ve seen much push for more coal power plants.

The fact the nobody on any side likes to bring up (and most aren’t aware of tbh) is that using large amounts of energy that isn’t part of the natural cycle of the planet (i.e. current solar energy), whether that’s fossil energy (solar energy the the past), nuclear fission or fusion, it means the population of our species can grow beyond the carrying capacity (and I’m not speaking of simply making enough food, there are many other limits) and puts us into a race condition where we have to figure out how to colonize space before destroying the planet.


It’s not about shame, it’s about too much energy added to a system causing imbalance. Large scale use of nuclear or fossil energy does the same thing as adding tons of nitrogen to a lake (eutrophication). It’s temporarily great for the few nitrogen lovers but otherwise destroys the ecosystem.

By using nuclear or fossil energy, humans are causing the equivalent of eutrophication of our own environment.


To my knowledge, electric energy generated by heated water is not producing any kind of effect comparable to nitrogen dumped into a lake or CO2 into the atmosphere. If there’s some source suggesting otherwise, I’d be curious to read it.

You’re not understanding my analogy.

Eutrophication is the addition of too much food for one type of living thing in an environment, allowing it’s population to grow too large for the ecosystem to support. This is exactly what the Green Revolution was for humanity.

I think you’re confusing fossil fuels with fossil fertilizers.

I’m talking about fossil energy in general, all forms of it. Fossil fertilizers are one form of fossil energy.


Yes, all of those things make it more likely for human numbers to grow even more, and in the process making more species extinct, and habitats destroyed.

Physics and biology tell us we are living unsustainably. Free energy just makes exploitation of the planet more efficient, wipe out nature even faster with more humans.

If we expect to exist in 100 years, degrowth is the only answer, green energy is a scam.


The fact that nuclear is still significantly better than

If you ignore that near everlasting radioactive waste problem we have yet to come with a solution for.


If you do that then count the deaths finding and acquiring nuclear materials, the political tensions nuclear materials cause and any related deaths, the deaths of people building the plant, the engineers that died in car accidents in the decade going back and forth to the office in their gas car in the plant planning stages, etc.

There is no perfect energy source, we should stop looking for “the one”, use the nuclear plants we have as we degrow and use more green energy (which is a scam if sold as a solution for eco problems on it’s own).


Still not quite getting my analogy. I’m not merely speaking of calories, or how we decide to dispose of waste.

I haven’t seen any evidence of this.

–> I’ve never seen anyone use this terminology before about “human eutrophication”, I made it up. But if you want more info on this topic,

The evidence is the apparent non-sustainable lifestyle that is only possible by the addition of energy not part of the natural short-term energy cycle of the planet. We are making species go extinct and destroying this planet.

By using fossil/nuclear energy we are able to produce enough food to quadruple the population this planet could sustain without that extra energy. All those extra people need more than food, and in producing all the other needs for this expanded population, we damage the ecosystem. The planet is not ours to use, we are


I don’t see Gnome fans brigading KDE threads and circlejerking about KDE being awful and the devs being cunts.

I’m a Gnome user for like 20 years, I don’t prefer KDE but glad it’s there. I never have but would be happy to support KDE and understand any devs being cunts on occasion, I’m sure it’s stressful. I’m glad they are there so I don’t have to use proprietary software.


I don’t care what people like, I don’t like people shitting on open source projects and dividing the community.


Gnome devs seem to just be red hat employees who don’t actually care about making a good DE

But Gnome is a great DE, I’ve used it as a daily driver for personal and at work for many years. I can’t say I have any major complaints. What’s so terrible about Gnome?


I find some software annoying too but I’m not 12 so I don’t feel the need to shit on people volunteering their time to make software for people.


If we lost the open source community will have gained.


See, this is a good comment. You like KDE more, awesome! Enjoy! Your attitude makes me want to try it again.


Because if I do, then that proves Gnome is terrible and all the devs should drive off a cliff?


I care, and so do many others, it happens to some with empathy when they grow out of their preteen years.


The ratchet effect is real, but it least it buys us time to try to solve problems for real outside of electoral politics. The alternative effectively immediately eliminates any chances of solving any problem.

If you’re worried about the ratchet effect it’s because you’ve pinned your hopes on electoral politics; interestingly this argument often comes from people saying they don’t believe in the power of electoral politics to effect change.

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