
“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” - @pH3ra@CubitOom

Trying to be the best crab I can.

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rich bastards claiming that windmills would harm them through visual pollution.

you fucking fuckwits, smog is visual pollution. But they don’t care.


nothing is perfect. we need imperfect things that don’t emit co2. windmills have many detractors but at the moment represent mostly co2-free power if we’re willing to take it. and recycling industries for solar and wind are coming, they’ll never be perfect either, but when the waste stream becomes lucrative enough they’ll find a way.


there was an interim linux guy between them but yeah. not a good sign.


start sticking your ass pennies to the wall. assert dominance.




No, they didn’t. If they can invade ukraine, VIOLATING THE TREATY THEY SIGNED TO PROTECT AND GUARANTEE UKRAINE’S SECURITY, they’re a threat to regional stability.

Why is it ok for Russia to attack a country they’ve promised to keep secure? Why do you stan for putie?


Realistically, we all know where this war is going to end. At some point in the next couple years it will end in a negotiated settlement where Russia annexes some territory and maybe Ukraine is forced unto neutrality.

absolutely nothing about this is realistic. what a fantasy.

At some point in the next few years russians will get tired of their children and wealth being destroyed, and they’ll take care of putin. That’s how this ends.

You think the EU is going to let putin have ukraine? Nato? wake up


How much does Putin pay you?


Ukraine deserves our support, and Russians deserve to die for fucking around and finding out.


When a country next door is being armed and trained by the enemy or a distrustful alliance led by the US, that is more than justification to preemptively use military action.

funny, that didn’t start until russia INVADED THEM.

so great logic there.

boy you just side with all the invading types don’t you? Ever make you wonder perhaps you have it wrong, if you’re attacking people for supporting Ukraine and Taiwan instead of Russia and China?

guess putin pays you more.


Because the elites don’t want to be conquered by NATO via color revolutions and geostrategic advantage.

huh, maybe it’s not about letting these scumbags have eastern europe?

Why should georgia, ukraine, any of these countries just roll over and accept kakistocracy from a shitbag like putin?

that’s the face of elites huh?

Russia gave up the business of imperialism? You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. THE CIS IS THE REMAINDER THEY COULD HOLD ON TO. Goddamn son, fucking learn some history.

Guess Who’s Coming to Elon’s Dinner (

“On a brisk Friday evening earlier this month, David Sacks and Elon Musk convened a dozen or so of America’s most powerful business leaders for dinner at Sacks’ $23 million, 11,000-square-foot home in the Hollywood Hills. The dinner party, according to people familiar with the intimate gathering, comprised a veritable...


like they did with Mussolini in Minecraft

…where are you getting your WW2 knowledge from?


yeah but, think man, the blocks are 1x1m - how the hell are you gonna make a lamp post?


lol that was chortleworthy


these dumbfucks are going to put trump in power to ‘save palestine’ and ha-ha, project 2025 is going to end US democracy.

that’ll show 'em. fuck


with dems we actually get a future to vote and participate. with the GOP you’ll get project 2025, handmaiden’s tale and dystopia.

tough fucking choice


yeah but funny thing is IT’S NOT DEMS HOLDING THE COUNTRY HOSTAGE, it’s dems offering the country a way out from madness. the “it gets trump again” - he’s the GOP candidate for fuck’s sake.

you act like the dems get to elect both candidates just to upset you.


the dems didn’t make the GOP fucking nuts. but it’s the dems fault huh?

listen to yourself, shit man, do it, vote trump, you deserve each other


Understood. And fundamentally I agree, it would be great if the DNC could live up to the role of opposing conservatives but we’ve got what we’ve got and trust me, we can make this worse…


The point is that the Dems keep betraying their own base and refusing to change for the better- they’re unresponsive to feedback.

school loan forgiveness

green new deal

rescheduling mj

aid for ukraine

I dunno man, failing to see the betrayal.

This doesn’t mean trump deserves to win, it just means the Biden needs to go.

lol, guess what: there are two people running bright lights. you’re supporting trump.


supporting a genocide

and yet he’s the only one who’s capable of reigning in Bibi. Trump’s not going to do that lol, you bellend

how fucking dumb do you have to be to see that voting Trump would just empower the far right in Israel?


support a country while it’s carrying out a genocide. That’s not how it works

biden actually reigns in bibi, and you want trump. go nuts shitbag, get what you want, I hope it blows up in your stupid face.


I don’t want Trump back. You don’t want Trump back.

I know me, I’m doubtful about the rest of the people in this thread. Dangerous fucking games.


I guess I had more patience twenty five years ago than I do now…

yeah, and fewer options back then too. it was a great game; now, it’s a game that was great once heh. Still a classick


they also incentivized people to track their workouts, meals and bodyweight using the gym’s app (of course I never used any of these features).

wonder how much of a kickback they get from this. I can’t see another good reason to fuck with your userbase.


I would love to learn more about Valve’s actual numbers, but not enough to wish them going public and fucking up the one thing that continues to work as advertised in the world.


It wasn’t great but I remember distinctly - it worked well enough after a few weeks and I’ve literally never missed a day playing since. Compared to other game ‘services’ it stays out of the way, doesn’t eat memory and works. at the time, I worked for a software company that shipped physical box copies and tried to convince them that this was the future - nope. It was a fad or for games only. Sigh.


Biden adds 9 more liberals to the court and appoints Barry as Chief Justice. OH, IT’S ILLEGAL? Bzzt, not anymore


I can envision the same but with my luck it’d be neither because timing never works to my advantage.


He’s literally his own worst enemy. If he’d just shut the fuck up and work - but no. He’s used Tesla stock to fund his idiotic twitter shit. Boring company is a dead end. Cybertruck has already seen two recalls and is trickling out to confirmed fanboys only. My only hope is that he doesn’t fuck up spacex. Apparently they have a whole ‘elon management’ team and it’s working.


Respect for Germany not tolerating these fascist losers.


Lemmy has at least 6 fascist loving twats hanging around?

Honestly wonder what the fuck they’re doing here. Fuck off nazi scum


extremely specific so as not to be weaponized by saying anything the current people in power don’t like is a Nazi symbol.

Someone wants to keep their pepe memes.


respect to them too!


There are less bad then the other options options, but there ain’t no good radical change right now options.

this is true, but, one direction leads to a democracy where future votes will count; the other direction leads to a chirsto-fascist kakistocracy that will destroy the ability of future generations of women and minorities to vote.

In my opinion, that makes one of them ‘good enough for the hellscape I’m presented with’.


yeah we try to keep most of ohio off the internet but sometimes the seals leak.


I suppose everyone has to regret something…


from a longtime user perspective - yay, they got rid of riccitello - but the board that put him there is still in power. How’s the linux guy working out as ceo? at least you sold of the useless weta stuff… never understood that acquisition


but he’s been pretty honest with us which I like

nice for a change. man I wish you all the best of luck, I used to love Unity (back during Dave H’s time).

Wish they’d put out some of the vr-dev-in-vr tools they made.


we’re all the frogs in god’s slowly boiling kettle.

Fortunately Exxon et al made STELLAR profits for damn near a century, it only cost us the one viable ecosystem we have in the entire known universe.

Tsk. Well profits have to be made, it’s capitalism. Can’t argue with that.


Met a guy a few days ago who had just purchased a new Chevy Silverado. The hood was at his shoulder. He installed a front camera because he can’t see shit from the driver’s seat. It’s not even lifted.

When will the lawsuits for these fundamentally unsafe designs start?


this also lead me to longboarding - I loved skating short decks as a kid, but the vibration transmitted from street skateboard wheels wrecks my ability to enjoy it with knee and back pain. big, squishy longboard wheels just eat the cracks and rocks up and I can ride for hours.


modern trucks for sure, they’re - at least in the US from personal experience - frequently FAR oversized for their actual use needs.

I had an s-10 second hand in the 90s and it was crazy gas efficient and handy as a hammer. not a highway cruiser or a gigantic hauler, but it handled lumber and sod and shingles just fine. for some reason, they literally don’t make a truck that size anymore. same with the Kei truck form factor - it’s just gone, the only I see here in the US are old, pre-2010 stock.


Trying to rationalize purely aesthetic decisions would be stupid.

yeah sure until it burns your gpu or blinds you with UV light. mmm. yeah, that’d be stupid lol

Best sidequests in the Fallout games?

I’m doing a playthrough of 3, New Vegas, and 4. Mostly focused on beating the main quests and the DLCs but I want to make sure I hit the best side quests on the way. I’m making my push to finish 3 right now and I’ve finished the DLC, Oasis, cannibals, vampires, ant quest, the other ant quest, and a bunch of stuff I’m...


Thanks - no, it’s the steam GOTY edition iirc. pretty sure it’s multimonitor support borking it because I can get it working on an older laptop.

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