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Yep, Christianity is filled with stuff like this and art. Most churches contain a decent amount of art. Most famous of all being the Sistine chapel, ofc. Found out this year about The Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran. Which is basically the Pope’s main church. Always assumed it would be the one in Vatican, but no, it’s a different one, in Rome. It’s a very impressive place. Huge statues. This being the best. St Bart is said to have been skinned alive, hence the knife and his face.


Just… don’t use anything one can’t control as an insult.


That person is a self proclaimed “us nationalist”. What did you expect?

nyctre, (edited )

Toxic guilds is why I stopped playing wow. Can confirm. Also healing is both harder and more fun than dpsing when done right


For the same reason young Germans should care. For the same reason everyone should care. Because fascism is bad and everyone should listen to these people and vote against it. Op simply pointed out that there’s a pretty fascistic government in power right now in Israel and hopefully the youth(and everyone else for that matter) will take some inspiration and vote against it.

At least that’s what I take from that.


My bad. You’re right. Then yeah, no, they wouldn’t. Cause the message won’t reach the most of them. They would care if they understood that these people are survivors of a different fascist government. They’re what Palestinians might be 80 years from now. It’s history. Except they can learn it from living people instead of books.


Of course. But the more people(and different people too, not just journalists and politicians) tell them, the more likely it is for the message to finally go through


Except if you’d read the article you’d see that’s bullshit and doesn’t support your claim at all.

Quotes from the text: “And the Russians knew these provisions would make it more difficult for the Ukrainians to accept the rest of the treaty. They might, therefore, be seen as poison pills.”

“Still, the claim that the West forced Ukraine to back out of the talks with Russia is baseless.”

And calls it “putin’s manipulative spin”


First of all, that’s your source, not mine. Also, if they wanted to keep their warmongering interests hidden why even publish that article? You make no sense

Secondly, really? Your argument is “you’re supposed to believe putin, not the ones that conducted interviews, did research and wrote the article”? That’s biblethumping-level of weak, c’mon… “Nooooo, you’re interpreting the holy texts wrong”


The only thing the article shows is that putin is a lying sack of shit and that they’ve been negotiating a peace since february 2022. The fact that they couldn’t agree on terms and you blaming it on western support is purely your interpretation, has nothing to do with facts. It literally said in the article that russia’s first first peace proposal was capitulation. And negotiations brought it down to “neutral” russian puppet, at which point negotiations crumbled. There’s no bias there, that’s what happened. Even the last version of the draft was something that was unacceptable to Ukraine. Anyway, I’m done. You’ll keep blaming Zelensky, because that’s all you’re capable of doing, I’ll keep blaming putin, because he’s the one that started this and the one that can stop it. There’s no point in arguing further.


Some people experience some things more than others. I believe that’s how they place you on the spectrum


You’d need to invest 1mil in a 3000% return stock in order to make 30 mil like the gold option. If you bought fb when it was lowest and sold when it was highest, you’d get 2158% return. There’s stuff like Amazon, coca cola, etc. That had much higher % gain but you’ll need for that company to exist and then wait for it to explode.

If you already have a lot of money to invest, sure, your strategy might be worth. Otherwise, double gold sounds better.


Oh. I thought that was a lollipop. This changes things.


75 years of history proves that Israel did, is and will continue to murder Palestinians. Nobody is assuming anything.



Either that or youtube.


I think they mean that’s for the client. I’d rather my driver not be drunk and high, cool as it may be.


Lmao, really? Had my fair share of weirdos, but never drunk or high. At least not that I could tell.


Guy should probably change name to ichbinfotze or something more appropriate


Because this thread is not about the update, it’s about a mod that got fucked over by the update. There’s a thread about the update itself Here


Yep. Fell for it a bunch of times, lastest of which was Victoria 3. Never again. A pirate’s life is the life for me when it comes to strategy games. Non-indie ones at least. Besides against the storm, I can’t remember the last time I played a strategy game and it felt like a complete game.


Because sequels can’t bring new, innovative stuff? The safe play would’ve been to release 10 dlcs for the main game with new enemies, cards, characters, etc. No reason to make a second game if that’s all you’re gonna do


By conservative eastern Europe you mean russia/belarus?

nyctre, (edited )

Sure, those are relatively conservative countries (but some are even more imo: I’d argue Greece is more conservative than many of those. Same for Serbia. Italy’s got a far right government even but is less conservative in other regards)

And Romania and Slovakia I’m pretty sure would never side with the conservatives. And didn’t Austria elect a green party president? Just because they’re conservative doesn’t mean they’d start a war with the west. To me at least it sounds like the most far fetched prediction. By far.

U.S. Secretly Shipped New Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine (

The United States last week secretly shipped a new long-range missile system to Ukraine, and Ukrainian forces immediately used the weapons to attack a Russian military airfield in Crimea last Wednesday and Russian troops in the country’s southeast overnight on Tuesday, according to a senior U.S. official....


“secretly shipped” They got there and they got used. And we now read about it. Sounds like it worked?

From Windows to about 6 recommended distros for gaming.

I am not bad with computers and have a beginner+, maybe intermediate level knowledge of Linux and I kept running into some problems here and there with different distros. Most claimed to work out of the box (which may be the case for some users, but I have a shit ass Nvidia 1060 and that was not at all the case, until I...


Seconding nobara. Garuda also worked out of the box for me and also mint. (Except that I had to force update the kernel for mint because some stuff wasn’t working with the recommended one)


+5 rubles for every tankie propaganda post/comment.


Yeah, let’s pretend that these people aren’t the same ones that vote against healthcare, homeless shelters and giving women a choice…How stupid are you?


Nah, they’re not far right. One’s a sex offender and the other spews Putin’s words as truths, despite evidence to the contrary. Facts keep changing, yet mearsheimer’s “beliefs” do not. To him Putin isn’t an imperialist dictator despite the fact that he keeps annexing more and more land to russia by invading sovereign countries and has been “president” for over 2 decades while his opponents keep falling out of windows and such. 2014 was a coup, obviously, because Ukrainians couldn’t possibly be opposed to getting closer to Russia, etc, etc.



Well, it’s not either/or. The same people that voted against aid to Ukraine are the same people that vote against spending money on the stuff that you wish they’d spend money on. But you’re ignoring all that, so I assume you’re just arguing in bad faith


Rofl… Are you at least paid for this shit? Cause if not… Imagine being so fucking dumb that you actually believe that shit and on top of that, instead of preaching somewhere where you’ve got a chance, you stay on Lemmy. It’s so fucking sad, man… can’t you see it? You’re trying to sell meat to a bunch of vegans, it’s hilarious.


Because it’s just easier to down vote and move along. We’re not being paid like you are. Plus, fascism is incredibly hard to stomach for normal people. You wouldn’t understand.


“My man, try touching some grass. You’re way to invested with this thread.”

Says the “person” with at least 15 replies in this thread… See, I may sound high, but at least I can admit when I’m wrong or crazy… You can’t even see how sad you are anymore.


You’re right, you could actually be a fascist and do it for free. Shrug Or you actually believe their propaganda, I guess… But if I were you I think I’d rather people believe I was being paid.


The point is that it’s a shit argument because you don’t negociate with terrorists. If I come into your house and claim the kitchen as my own because it used to be mine 50 years ago, will you say “ok, fine, keep it, but promise me you won’t take the bathroom or the living room later”?

nyctre, (edited )

See? This is why nobody talks to you. Because you think Russia “owns” Crimea because they took it 10 years ago. Because you think Russia owns abkazia and south Ossetia because they took it in 2008. Chechnya in 2000 and Transnistria in 92.

You don’t wanna admit it, because as I’ve said, you’re either getting paid or you’re too dumb to see it, but the common denominator is Russia here. They’re the aggressors.

And let’s not pretend that all the Russians that have suddenly showed up in western countries aren’t running away from getting drafted. All the poor ones that couldn’t are doing what? Living happily in Russia or are sent to the front? Ofc you’ll say they’re all happily serving. Except for all the ones that have surrendered and claimed they weren’t even told they were going to war. But that’s all Ukrainian propaganda, right?

Everything Russia does is fine and normal and everything Ukraine does is kidnap, kill, corruption, etc. Right? Makes perfect sense… When you’re being paid by one side… Shrug I’m done… Hope you get whatever it is you deserve :) bb!

nyctre, (edited )

Ahahahha… running away from draft = they had a choice. No, if they had been given a choice they would’ve stayed home. Unlike all the Ukrainians that were forced to flee from the invaders. Because there’s plenty of those as well. But I’m sure you’ll have something to say about that as well… russians in Europe= they have a choice. Ukrainians in Europe = what? Please tell me, I’m sure it’s not “because they can! They have a choice!” Is it?

Also nice dodging of everything else I’ve said. It’s great to see your conversation skills. You’re almost as good as a 3 year old…" Noooo, why won’t you people have a discussion?! Why?! Is it because I’m a vatnik?! What?! Noooo, I’m not, I’m trying to have a discussion but I only bring up lies and twisted bullshit that I’ve been paid to say and ignore everything else, noooo… "

Anyway, let’s keep going, let’s get you some more rubles. Or is it monero for you? xD Tell me more.


Let me bring it up again then, because if you didn’t ignore it before then you must’ve simply not noticed it. Russia took Crimea and that was fine because it was theirs to begin with or whatever right? Georgia Ossetia and Abkhazia ? Chechnya? Transnistria? All of these democratically elected to be “independent” or to be russian right? Definitely nothing going on there.

And well, I personally know plenty of Ukrainians that aren’t hiding and they haven’t been drafted yet. So I don’t see why they’d need to resort to kidnappings to get people on the frontlines.Go on twitch and other streaming services and you can talk to them yourself. And not talking about the popular ones, there’s people with 0-3 viewers, so you can’t claim they’re public figures and they’re exceptions or whatever .


Yeah, but see… All the people in russian occupied territories weren’t given a choice. russia occupied and that’s that. Regardless of people’s wills. And they’re doing the same in Ukraine. Except Ukraine is fighting back. If they were to negotiate peace it would simply mean giving up on the people there, because russia would never give them back, getting more territory was the whole point of the attack. So if the people are pro russia sure, those people won’t mind. But if they’re pro Ukraine? What happens to those people? And what happens in a few years when russian forces will have regrouped and they’ll have enough ammo and weapons to attack again? Because history shows they’ll attack again…every few years they take more land. Should everyone from Ukraine just move somewhere else and leave the land for russia to avoid bloodshed? Then maybe Poland and Moldova should do the same, because russia will want that land too. Maybe we should all just become the russian federation. That way for sure no more blood will be spilled. And of course all of this is on Zelensky because he’s the one that attacked. It’s all because of him. If he were a good puppet like lukashenko none of this would’ve happened. That fucking Zelensky… Fuck him for standing up to russia and trying to steer the country towards the EU and NATO, right? It’s all his fault. Before him everyone was pro russia. He could stop putin if only he’d give him what he wants. It’s that simple. Right?

nyctre, (edited )

Doesn’t mind joining EU? Oh, because I assume 2014 was a coup and not people being mad at the president refusing to sign a trade agreement with the EU and choosing closer ties to russia despite promises right?

Like those negotiations where russia promised not to attack Ukraine if they gave up their nukes, yeah.

Also, you need a crystal ball to see whether russia will keep doing what they’re been doing for the past 30 years? You’re so cute.

And I find it hilarious that you’re rooting for the perpetrators of the Bucha massacre. I guess none of your friends were there so that was fine. Well, if that’s what your logic dictates, very well. Good luck with that.

But yeah, either you’re a very naïve ukranian or more likely what I’ve been saying from the start. Guess it doesn’t really matter.


First of all, what putin says and what putin does are 2 different things, that’s the whole point. Actions speak louder than words and his actions have been that of a fascist dictator. I don’t give a fuck what he claims he’s open to before submitting a peace proposal that he knows nobody will accept.

Secondly, I was referring to the russian propaganda that claims it was an American coup as opposed to a people’s revolution. Both are technically coups, but usually coup is used when a military or o elite group takes power, as opposed to the people getting fed up with a corrupt government. “a coup, is typically an illegal and overt attempt by a military organization or other government elites to unseat an incumbent leadership”

Third. Please spare me… You’re literally saying 100 people getting raped and murdered by an attacker is better than 1000 people dying for the freedom an entire country. Also, “31,000 killed, 7,000–8,000 missing”, definitely not an order of magnitude greater. And again, you’re attributing the blame on Zelensky and not on putin who attacked or the russians that killed them. That’s fucked up. Imagine if the US had stayed home instead of helping Europe during WW2. That would’ve meant a lot fewer people killed too, btw. You’re literally rooting for a miniHitler. Only difference is that now Hitler has nukes and NATO are afraid of those. Anyway, I’m really done now. Can’t really talk to someone that admits the Bucha massacre was a thing and argues that those people should win the war. There’s literally nothing I could say to that. If you don’t think that’s wrong, then I don’t know what to say to that. I’m out, bye.

nyctre, (edited )

Yes it does have to be pi because that’s the formula for the volume of a cylinder. If you take a simple, cylindrical glass or container and measure it and apply the formula with pi, you’ll see that you’ll get the correct volume of the container. If you just want your kids to calculate a random x that’s 5* 10 *10 *10 just tell them to do that, don’t give them a made up formula, it’s not that difficult.


Well, let me put it another way. You don’t need to have an opinion on everything. It’s okay to not understand something and not have an opinion on it.


I’m sorry but I don’t understand your suggestion. That’s what the sign does. It warns clients when the package got smaller and or price went up. Also, all stores are obligated to show the price/kg on all products so it’s easy to compare.


No, because some things I only buy once a month or less… I’m trying my best to remember all the prices and all, but it’s easy to miss these kinds of things when there’s dozens of things you’re buying. So yes, an extra warning for when a product got more expensive is fine. Again…the price/kg is already there, not sure why you’re beating that poor horse. This is on top of the price/kg. An extra warning, not replacing the price/kg sign, which, again, is already below every item in the store.


Looks more like something tied around the pole to me

'Run, run, run': Chaos at a Sydney mall as 6 people stabbed to death, and the suspect fatally shot (

A man stabbed six people to death at a busy Sydney shopping center Saturday before he was fatally shot, police said, with hundreds fleeing the chaotic scene, many weeping as they carried their children. Eight people, including a 9-month-old, were injured....


C’mon, it’s obviously a troll. Nobody’s this brain dead.


Lol! yeah! What sort of nerd do you have to be to enjoy card games? And sports games? Like, go outside, brah. When I get my game on, it’s usually CoD on my Xbox. Headshot after headshot, teabag after teabag. It’s just something else, you know? Not something you can get by playing a card game or some rts or something where someone else is doing the shooting for you… Like… Get some skill brah.

/s … Pfew… That was hard to get through… sorry about that, couldn’t help myself

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