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They are called “shills”. When there is government action in Florida, there is usually campaign donations behind it.

Desantis champions stricter marijuana laws, because private prisons.

Book burning has the backing of religious groups.

It wouldn’t surprise me if construction and home restoration companies are behind this move.


There was a story a while ago about how these pictures were staged and designed to show the muskrat in the worst ways possible. It was basically super cheap publicity.

This post is an example of how these pictures propagate and keep that goat a household name.


It’s a bad article anyway. It’s not wrong in the words it uses, but they purposely left out most of the political dynamics after 2014. Context and full history is important.

The Volkswagen is of actual Nazi origin, but that doesn’t seem to ruffle any feathers these days.

Now, if you really want to hear something confusing, there are Russian citizen units that actually are fully far-right, are open about it, are fighting against Russia and using Ukraine as a staging point for incursions into Russia.

There is plenty of things to complain about in that part of the world, for sure. Considering Ukraine is being invaded, we can put some political gripes on pause for a second. Ukraine needs every person it can get right now as long as they are fighting for similar enough causes. The past can be addressed soon enough but it won’t matter if there is no Ukraine left to resolve those issues.

It’s also worthy of note that this specific messaging has been amplified 10x by Russian media and I am sure plenty of half-truths have been implanted as fact in many articles and stories. Unless I missed something, there wasn’t a listed author for that article. Given that it is essentially a cherry picked blurb out of Wikipedia, makes the actual purpose of it suspect. (However, I have seen many times where author names are left off of controversial articles. It’s likely a safety thing.)


Who wants to listen to that Russian crap from a group of idiots?

The nuclear war narrative is also directly from Putin.

Also, go back to .ml, tankie. Did your .ca account get banned, finally?


I blocked your QAnon conspiracy account over there, so who knows?


News? From Russian sympathisers? Thats not news, it’s misinformation directly from the Kremlin.

All you spew out is conspiracy theories and bullshit and are no better than a QAnon nut job. One of your last posts on .ca was about Ukrainian bioweapons, which is a direct mirror of a QAnon conspiracy.

For not believing in QAnon bullshit, you sure help spread it around.

You are just a misinformation shill. You can tell me what you believe all you want, but your actions speak much louder than your words.


That is actual bullshit. You are in the business of spreading as much misinformation as possible, so why should I give two fucks about your little “story” that you just made up?

You aren’t fooling anyone, bub.

Actually, if I had to wildly speculate, you are part of the .ml propaganda ring that I believe is based out of India. I have no proof of that, of course. Your M.O. is exactly the same though.

remotelove, (edited )

Oh, cool! Good to see that I might be wrong on location, but that doesn’t change much. You are still doing the same shit: Spreading Russian, far-right and QAnon garbage. My theory is irrelevant, but your actions are consistent.

Like all trolls that I interact with, I always give them the option of self-awareness. If you believe you are doing what you do for good and you were corrupted by political B.S., there may be hope. If you are on a very specific path to spread misinformation, sow discord and FUD, there isn’t much we can do.

Here. Have a read:

Edit: Just calling it now. You should be trying to distract the topic of the thread with insults here in a second. It usually starts at this point… It’s a very distinct commonality with the type of account you have. (Well, there is also the type that will post a copy-pasta wall of links to distract further. Troll accounts are surprisingly formula-based, so there are a couple of more options you have.)


This isn’t brigading. You posted on an instance where people don’t tolerate garbage like this.

I am sticking to what this post is about: You are spreading bullshit from bullshit sources. You amplify Kremlin propaganda and QAnon theories. (Hell, even Helga Zepp-LaRouche hasn’t hid her association with Chinese state media.)


This isn’t Russophobia. This is straight up Kremlin propaganda from a group of people that are known for their misinformation campaigns.

Russians are fine. Generally good people, if I had to guess. However, all you need to do is turn on some Russian state TV to see the commonalities here. I watch more Russian media than I should, to be honest.

Specifically, the subject of nuclear weapons and the threats of Putin and his gang to nuke the world is what I am focused on. If you haven’t noticed, Russia needs the constant threat and fear of nuclear war to help advance their agenda in Ukraine.

You are assuming that I conflate Russian media with the Russian people themselves and that is just a stupid assumption.


This is not about agreement. It’s about your history. You are posting crap from right-wing conspiracy theorists. Period.

People can do what they want and read what they want. Totally fine. By that token, if you can post this garbage, I have the same right to call you out on it.

This isn’t a one way street. You are posting your opinions, and I am posting mine, and I ain’t mad about it. I am just calling a spade a spade.


Yeah, you nailed it. He is just setting the tone for his propaganda networks to amplify.

The biggest part is making sure people believe that NATO is trying to start a war with Russia. Since NATO was originally formed to protect against Russian aggression, it’s easy to paint NATO countries as aggressors.

The Russian message is consistent: They are the victims and all additional messaging revolves around that.


I think the doctor described it as almost like baby food. (I could be wrong as been a while since I have seen that episode.)

remotelove, (edited )

All of those actors were also pulled down by the Kazon, IMHO. They just ruined it for everyone.

Actually though, Neelix got better once he got a little more depressed and serious. Tom Paris wasn’t bad when he wasn’t acting like a child. Chakotay was fine when he wasn’t babbling on about pseudo-native indian culture that usually ended up being borderline racist. (While I am not Native Indian, it seems like it would be insulting to have some cultural aspects twisted in the way Voyager did sometimes.)

I still try to watch the first few seasons of Voyager, but always end up jumping past anything Kazon. Voyager gets much better when that story arc is out of the picture.

Side note, Voyager is probably my favorite series and my criticism is just overly sharp. I really do enjoy it, but those first season are a bit rocky.


The Russian propaganda engine has been working in Africa for a while now. They get the chaos to distract other countries from Ukraine and fresh mercs to send against Ukraine as well. (I am not sure how many Africans they have imported for the war in Ukraine, actually. It could be hundreds or dozens, I dunno.)


Yeah, I would think memory as well due to the screen artifacts in that low res mode. (That depends on how x86 memory is mapped these days, I suppose.)


MG is out as well. MG is short for MGB which is a small, older sports car that even in its worst condition probably has less milage than the above Karen.


Homie got ded. He’s ghosted, slid out his flesh jacket, closed the shop, and joined the unseen squad. Homie’s no longer rockin’ that pig kidney.


That sounds illegal or extremely fun. I can’t quite tell which.


If the Prophets wanted me to step down, surely they would’ve told me so.


Is that gif supposed to be going mach 10, or is my client just freaking out?


I wonder if they are sticking with NVIDIA for the GPU? With NV being swamped with AI and PC GPU demand, it would be interesting to see if they switch teams to AMD. The price would probably be much better…

(The rumor is that an announcement of the 5 series GPUs is comming soon from NVIDIA. I heard that from Gamers Nexus, I think)


Cool design. I am a right thumb spacebar person so it would work out really well. Still, if I was going to get creative with the carriage return, I would have made it a 1/4 size key placed between the letters ‘E’ and ‘S’ for that extra bit of challenge.


No, it’s not something I need. It’s absolutely something I want now.


I agree they aren’t “failing” yet. But let’s put their price in proper context …

That is a 10%-12% after hours pump. All institutional sellers needed to do was lift any orders they had pinning the price down. While the price could skyrocket tomorrow morning, I think it’s more likely to get more attraction from people wanting to cut their losses. If I had millions in stock, I would want to buffer that price range with orders from people who think after hours prices mean something.

Also, it’ll take more than that little bump to improve it’s overall price:


If she is promoting Kremlin propaganda, she is a traitor, IMHO. Unfortunately, she is likely protected under the first amendment.

She is so fucking stupid, she probably isn’t getting paid to say the things she does. People like that already have a twisted sense of patriotism so she likely believes the horseshit she spews.


Being a traitor an odd thing to try and define in this case. She really couldn’t be considered the ringleader in distributing misinformation and we probably can’t get proof of any bribery. If anything, she is a victim of state sponsored propaganda. “Victim” is probably too strong of a word here, but it’s possible.

Regardless, the Dunning-Kruger effect is in full force with that one. If she is commiting crimes, she probably isn’t aware of it.

I think our differences in views can be explained by my belief that propaganda is a legitimate weapon. (That could probably be debated until the end of time, unfortunately.)


The article is paywalled anyway.

The basis for the title is that Ukraine is still hitting targets in Russia. Honestly, I don’t believe the US was serious about their comments opposing those strikes. US oil companies will just make more profits after all.

I believe the argument was that it would raise global oil prices but that wouldn’t make sense unless Russia is doing a better job of bypassing sanctions than we know about. There have been rumblings of Russia using intermediate countries to move oil and other resources, so there is that.


What is the comparison here? If both objects are in cold and dry conditions, I wouldn’t expect any less.

If they had unwrapped the cigarette butt to expose the filter, it might have been a better representation of their point?

Maybe it’s just a promotional cigarette ad for frogs? Math problem? frog + cigarette = frogarette? Yeah… I dunno.


I still can’t believe that bullshit commercial. Alcohol is magnitudes worse than some of the most common recreational drugs. Psychedelics even encourage brain cell development, for fucks sake.

It’s taken almost 2 years for my brain to recover after stopping the booze. It’s absolutely amazing how much better I can perform complex tasks and form sentences. (I only recently started noticing how much, actually.)


Blizzard was (still is?) Activision for a number of years as well, so that didn’t help. There is much more to blame and I can’t even begin to pretend like I know all of it, though.

My own complaint is similar though. When “profit at all costs” takes over, and knowing how to make a quality game is lost, there is usually little hope left.


No, not poisonous. It’s the about the quantity and quality. Large quantities of the cheapest vodka you can get usually means that you are a hardcore alcoholic or you are on a serious mission to get as blasted as you possibly can in as short of a time as you can.

Not many people but large jugs of cheap vodka because they like the taste. (Some do, though.)


This bubble is quite bubbly. There is an AI company for anything and everything now. The market is almost fully saturated with “AI” everything.

Just like the web bubble, all of the intsta-AI shops need to fail so the real tech can grow. AI is never going to go away, but most of the scam companies will fail in due time.

We might have one big consolidation, or several. The hype will die and the quick money will disappear. It’s the same story, every time. One the magic AI box stops shitting out dollar bills, we should be good.

remotelove, (edited )

Anything is possible and real world events can sometimes be more bizarre than fiction. (It was just the immediate jump to a conspiracy theory that I found hysterical, btw.)

remotelove, (edited )

That sounds exactly like a statement from a christian fundie about why I am going to hell. Your statement is not really an argument nor does it form a coherent point.


Wut? You give no reasoning, no logic, no supporting evidence and spit out a conspiracy theory and expect people to take you seriously? Lulz.

Fuckin’ trolls.


Parkour much?


They don’t seem to mind me sniffing their crotches, so I guess they are used to it.



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