@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar



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@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Okay, that’s a story you couldn’t make up

Right-wingers are now raging at a farm supply store – because they have LGBTQ+ staff initiatives (www.thepinknews.com)

Rural retail chain company Tractor Supply are facing calls for a boycott for, amongst other things, donating money to diversity and inclusion causes, which included projects that support LGBTQ+ youth....

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Horse shit is what you’ve been told by the people you mentioned.

Your manhood, or anyone’s manhood is not based in sex. Period.

Now, there are differences in how you’d go about navigating a long term relationship that involves sex, depending on how well you know yourself sexually (which goes for any other aspect of the self, but that’s tangential). But there’s nothing wrong, or lesser, with discovery in a partnership rather than spread out over multiple encounters prior to the partnership.

It is true that it takes trying things, repeating them, and experimentation to develop self knowledge. This is true of sex as much as it is with food, music, art, whatever. So there is the risk that as the partnership progresses, the people involved may discover that their sexual needs differ enough to be a problem.

But the truth is that the best sex comes when partners are paying attention to each other, communicating both during sex and in between times. Short term partners, you never have time to develop the kind of in depth knowledge of each other for the sex to be truly stellar the way it can be with someone you spend the time and effort with.

So, you won’t even be missing anything that spectacular by having only one partner as long as both of you are willing to work to make sex good. I promise you, the best sex I’ve ever had was with long term partners.

The only benefit to “playing the field” is giving yourself time to get to know yourself better outside the bedroom. Knowing what kind of deal breakers you have, knowing how you navigate disagreements, learning from mistakes in particular, that is something you can pick up piecemeal just as well as with one partner.

Sex? Not so much. You will not be a better partner in bed just because you’ve had experience. Know why? Because no two people are exactly alike with sex. Yeah, you have to figure out the basics of where to put things, and that’s pretty universal. But what works to satisfy a partner can vary immensely. The kind of stuff that’s mostly universal is in books if you don’t want to just try things with a partner. Erogenous zones tend to be fairly universal as an example, in that most people with the same type of genitals will mostly respond to touches in some places more than others.

You still get variances even in the mostly universal things though, so you still have to communicate along the sexual journey with a partner.

And, no matter what any idiot or asshole says, neither vaginas nor penises get worn out or otherwise made lesser by use. Yeah, stds exist, but that’s a separate issue easily addressed by medical tests. Your GF’s body is just as fresh and lovely as it was with her previous partner. She could have been doing gang bangs and you would have no need for jealousy, though that testing would be a very good idea to do before getting started sexually.

No bullshit, y’all will be fine as far as any previous experience goes. Hell, it isn’t like a single partner does anything except maybe let a person know how to tab A into slot B so things can get started. That’s the only difference between the two of you, so don’t let other people’s stupidity screw with your head about it.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Fwiw, the chlamydia in koalas came from sheep. No bullshit. How the sheep got it is why you never trust an Aussie or the welsh with your livestock ;)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Gods, I hate those. I won’t watch anything that does it

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man, I wish I could afford their rates. They’re just a little bit higher than I can justify compared to other options for a given service.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I very much enjoyed enterprise at the time, despite the horrible theme song and the flaws in writing that spotted most episodes.

Now, part of that is being a huge Bakula fan. I love the way he throws himself into roles. I think though, had there been another age actor in the role I still would have enjoyed the show.

It wasn’t great Trek. Probably the weakest of the older series, depending on tastes and criteria. Certainly wasn’t up to TNG, TOS, or DS 9. I’d put it on par with Voyager, though it was both bad and good in different ways, with the lack of attention being paid to established Vulcan history in Enterprise tipping the scales to it being lesser than Voyager.

But I really liked that they tried to go back to the whole “wagon train in space” vibe. And the cast was great. Can’t hold the iffy writing against the cast, and there were some great moments where the actors kept things from being worse just by virtue of how they carried their characters.

I don’t rewatch any of the series as a binge though, so my opinion might change when the flaws are showing up in rapid succession compared to the original pace of watching week by week and over time. I know binge watching made me almost hate shows I used to like a good bit (like Bones as an example).

I can’t compare anything to the newer shows since I’ve kinda stopped watching much in the way of “tv” the last few years, so I haven’t caught any of the stuff that has been done in the last decade. Could be that one of the new shows would be worse, in comparison to the earlier shows, I dunno. Doesn’t help that I despise the reboot movies, and the fact e that they happened kinda soured me on new Trek overall. The folks running things don’t seem to be interested in the kind of shows that made me enjoy Trek in the first place, but that’s second hand impression from seeing what people say online

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

You know, with that long and drawn out iiiiiiiiiiiii’m, hooked on a feeling is not the song that pops into the head of any GWAR fan.

Do not click on that link and expect a rick roll or something silly like that. No, expect awesomeness in song form that will also be etched into your brain until the day you come back as a ghost on the Enterprise, only with the realisation it isn’t doctor Crusher you’re there to seduce, and that it’s an earlier Enterprise

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar


The way it handles its own audio engine is pretty much the best available.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not that anyone wants them, but I’ve had the same policy about my books. They got “leaked” by a friend that put them in his soulseek folder. Doesn’t bother me at all

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I do wish that media coverage would stop calling it a regrowth drug. It might get there eventually, but that’s not what it is, and it causes issues with people misunderstanding medical science.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s more about the extremely early stages of things. It will be years before it gets to the point it’s being used on people that have lost teeth. Right now, it’s for people only with congenital lack of teeth.

I’m not saying the drug isn’t going there eventually, it likely will. But it’s not going to be even tested for other uses for something like two more years (iirc, I’m pulling this from memory over the last year or so that the drug has been reported on) from now, and even that assumes the current testing is successful.

It’s an incredibly promising thing that will help a lot of people if it’s safe and effective, not just the current targeted population.

I’m actually hyped for this to work out. My working life was partially with geriatric patients. The quality of life loss that goes along with tooth loss is horrible. Then there’s the loss of bone density in the jaw after losing the teeth.

My peeve is with the reporting putting the cart before the horse. Bad medical reporting causes problems even more than bad science reporting in general. Report what is, especially in headlines, then cover what might be as a secondary note. Right now, regrowing teeth is not proven capability of the drug for humans. The testing for growing teeth where they’ve never been hasn’t even finished yet.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It might be some day.

But right now, it’s being tested on people that have never had teeth, or at least not a full set.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Do I need to do my grandpa Joe defense rant? Because I can.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Remember, you asked for it lol. It is long, so wall of text warning.

Aight, I enjoy the joke too.

However! I encourage people to remember that grandpa joe is not a faker in the world he’s from!

Since the movie is what most peeps remember, and where the memes usually come from, the first thing to remember is that it’s a musical.

Musicals, by the established rules of the overall genre, do not reflect reality at all times. Even mostly dramatic musicals like Man of LaMancha break some reality in order to function as musicals. Take the scene with the ruffians and “Dulcinea” as an example.

Second, the movie. Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory is essentially a fantasy piece. You’ve got the Oompa Loompas as prime evidence of that. Orange skinned humanoids that do not exist in the real world (jokes aside). Many things in the chocolate factory break the laws of physics or otherwise bend reality. There’s geese laying golden eggs, ffs.

Third, the theme of the movie isn’t actually torturing children. The theme of the movie is the redemptive and uplifting power of dreams. That’s achieved by the journey of Charlie getting his golden ticket and everything in his life getting better.

Grandpa Joe hasn’t been laying there in bed faking it (though, in movie, there’s never anything about the grandparents being unable to move or walk at all, they’re just frail and weak).

He is in his eighties or nineties.

What gets him up and dancing isn’t that he was faking and forgot to, it’s joy.

GJ is transformed by joy, by happiness. His grandson has, through luck or destiny, gotten the golden ticket to a brighter, better life! This doesn’t trick Joe into forgetting his infirmity. It gives him the joy to overcome it.

Joe’s transformation, rejuvenation, is because he is so filled with joy that his grandson will have a new life, that it changes him into the grandfather he wished he could be. Don’t forget that he had sacrificed his one real pleasure to give Charlie a chance at that.

But, look, I know that the grandpajoehate is ostensibly a meme. It’s a joke poking fun at the very musical rules that allow a bed-bound person to magically be cured in the first place. But it never acknowledges the fact that his spontaneous rejuvenation is magic, and that the magic is the magic of love.

In a cynical world, we believe that love is not transformative because the real world grinds us down. But love can be transformative for us too. We just have to be willing to let it work.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Wait, how could you turn down a chance to poke a finger up inside Freddie Mercury?

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Powdered my balls FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!

what? I like my balls nice and powdered, don’t you?

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Here we go got turned to utter shit here in the US.

It used to be awesome, but then it got bought out and they pushed an update that broke the hell out of it. Three times, it tried to have me turn into a lake. Twice, it kept telling me to turn every damn block until I had to shut it off and resort to waze. And for the week I kept trying to stick with it, voice navigation would cut in and out, give garbled noises instead of words. It was absurd.

I’m glad folks in other places have a good gps navigation app though :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ngl, im jealous of that hair.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I dunno, and forgive this term if it’s one that’s become unwelcome without me catching on, but I dig the “jewfro”. I’ve always thought they looked awesome. Maybe not the same kind of awesome as African descended folks have, but still just a really cool look.

Before I lost most of my hair, it was pretty nice, tbh. But it was also fairly standard white boy hair in texture, and rather soft, so I could never do anything really interesting with it without a ton of product. Left to itself, it just hung there. Nice coloration, but boring as hell if there wasn’t a breeze lol.

I did manage to maintain a decent 80s style mullet my senior year, with the top feathered and lightly sprayed. Then I just let it grow after that. Now I rock a skullet, and gaze with envy at the cool hair others have lol

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

This looks like the happiest cosplay club ever

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, obviously, or the title wouldn’t even have happened.

And it’s been that way for a while now. Back when windows 10 happened, I was able to install mint, get most of my preferred programs set up, and handle data transfer with zero CLI use. Which was awesome, because my dyslexic ass would have taken forever otherwise. It wasn’t until I started putzing around for pop and giggles that I even opened a terminal.

My mom w as able to jump right in after installation of mint, and go through the gui to try things out, no issues.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar


@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar


@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

My gen-x ass plays games with my millennial wife and gen-z kid. Sometimes, my mom plays too, so add a technical baby boomer to the mix. Technical because she came in at the tail end of it; they’re sometimes called generation Jones or some other weird shit.

Hell, My grandmother tried playing some games with the kids of the family back in the original Nintendo days. Didn’t quite have the patience for Mario and such, but she put in some effort just to understand. My grandfather wrecked us at duck hunt though. Only game he would play, but the guy was a competitive shooter, and his skill translated to the game well.

Having fun with people you love is just goodness. Board games, video games, card games, ttrpgames, whatever it is, try and be open to things, and you’ll have fun together.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, the original “300” was flawed. Not solely because of the percentages, but because of the amount of iron itself you can get out of blood being over estimated by a factor of about 10. Somebody actually did an experiment to find out how much iron you can get from blood, there used to be a video on YouTube of it, and the amounts were way less than the original 300 estimate.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Captain, I’m givin her all I’ve got!

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Does it use embedded lyrics or insist on using the internet?

Secondarily, does it offer any of the more useful tagging controls and library management features?

I keep looking for a Linux native player that can get close to musicbee. Haven’t found one yet, they all lack major features like batch file renaming and organization.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Thanks :)

Seems like it might be at least a partial answer to my preferences

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Are they ever going to respect embedded lyrics?

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I mean, I’m a dad, immature, needlessly sexual, and laugh at almost everything here despite not being a true trekker or trekkie. Take from that what you will :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, pretty welcoming community even for total non fans. That’s been most trek related places in my experience. There’s always jerks in any population, but even the trekker jerks are less jerky, if that makes sense.

It always makes me giggle when I run across people in Klingon dress and makeup, and they’re the most helpful, friendly people. I’ve run across those folks at renaissance festivals, comic cons, and at gas stations.

That sense of open arms is really strong here in particular :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

That was inevitable. It’s why I never use anything that can be compelled. Make the fuckers work for it in the event the government turns you into a criminal by passing a shitty law.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Cooking breakfast? Probably not as hot as you’d think. I can fry up some eggs and a couple pieces of sausage and the handle doesn’t get hot enough to cause pain, much less injury. It’s hot, it isn’t comfortable, but it’s largely a matter of perception vs reality once you’re aware of what level of heat can cause burns.

Now, if I’m frying bacon in a big batch, I’m using something to protect my hand when I move the pan because it hurts, and prolonged contact can give a 1st degree burn in a few seconds, way less than the time it takes to drain grease or move the pan to the sink.

But truth? If your pan is hot enough to cause a 2nd degree burn, you’re either running too hot, or you aren’t using the range; you’re putting it in the oven. Anything over about 350 on a hob is too hot for practical use, and that includes searing meats. Yeah, you can go higher for something like a blue or rare steak, but you’d still be better off with a slightly lower temp and that with either a “reverse” sear, or finishing in the oven. You get more even cooking like that.

Meats where you need well done? You’ll end up with a tough exterior rather than that lovely Maillard browning and a tender interior. And anything other than meat will come out poorly over about 350 in a pan. Unless you like burnt exteriors and barely cooked interiors of things.

And at that temp range, you can easily pick up the handle for a second or two without insulation, as long as it hasn’t been in an oven so that the handle hasn’t had a chance to radiate any heat at all. You won’t want to stand there fucking around, it’ll be painful after a few seconds, but you won’t get injured, and it’s a level of pain that’s tolerable if necessary.

Which, it’s pretty obvious that this pan in the image wasn’t hot at all, but that’s a separate issue from the comment section debate about cast iron’s properties.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Being real? Yeah, I think it is.

I really only see it prominently in kids though. Not even a majority, but way more than I saw when I was a kid.

I genuinely believe that the current batch of kids born since 2k have a chance of making a better world. They’ve got their peculiarities, but I see way more empathy and expressions of wanting to be better.

Not that there aren’t assholes in that age group too, but they seem to be less severe and less catered to.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Could also be an urban vs suburban vs rural thing as well. Out here in the sticks, there’s less pressure into crime and violence because there’s less infrastructure for it via gangs, fences, and less access to weaponry without education in their use. That last isn’t as off as it seems, btw; when you get drummed in that guns are for hunting as their primary use, you tend to think of them as tools for that first, with other uses secondary. Knives aren’t much different because rural kids have often seen them used on game, so they don’t have that disconnect about exactly how dangerous they can be.

But we do have our share of crime, with teenagers included as both victims and perpetrators. It just tends to be more drug abuse, drunk stupidity, and non-weapon related violence for stupidity. Less armed robbery among the younger folks for sure, and I don’t think there’s been a car jacking in the entire county this year.

But, I actually factored that kind of thing into my opinion. I have family in cities, so I get news and second hand info from denser populations. I think you hit the nail on the head with your closing sentence. The kids that the system, that society doesn’t catch in safety end up sucked into the worst parts of human behavior because they can’t see a way out. They end up living with crime and violence, so they see it as a primary option for survival, and with a poor safety net, a better option.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Homie needs to stfu and realize that he’s the middleman in a proxy war and stop saying stupid shit in public that could damage his ability to do his job.

And it’s incredibly stupid shit.

Repairing bad sectors in an external drive

So I have this external 2.5" drive salvaged from an old laptop of mine. I was trying to use it to backup/store data but the transfer to the drive fails repeatedly at the ~290GB mark leading me to believe that maybe there is a bad sector on the drive. I tried to inspect the drive using smartmontools and smartctl but since it is...

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Too far gone at this point. It sucks, but every drive has an end of life. After that point, no matter how many hoops you jump through, they’re read only until they quit entirely. I think that’s where you are now, so even if there’s something in the thread that works to get it back to being able to write to it, you should consider what you get on there as read only, and maybe that only is “only once”.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not correctly, no. Librewriter does a bit better, but still misses some bits

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Because it isn’t doc is docx.

Publishers are pissy about such things. Even self publishing (which is what I do now), the various outlets still have limits to what they will use. Amazon accepts something like three file formats, including their own, and pdf isn’t on the list.

I could just do pdf for directly giving them away to people, but even then, epub is usually a better pick in terms of readability since that’s the standard for actual books since ereaders tend to display it better than pdfs. Most people reading books via files would be using something that can give a better experience with epub vs pdf.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nice! Thanks for the tip!

Edit: holy shit, how have I never run across that before? That’s a brilliant program right there.

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