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taaz, (edited )
  1. Is the usual solution, but instead of file use unix socket and user/group permissions as auth - the running user has to be part of some group so that the control client (A) can access the control socket of (B) daemon.

Alternatively you could use capabilities:




Yeah kinda, unix socket does count as ipc

Do you have a more complicated shell history scheme than the distro default?

I’ve used distrobox more and more and am at the point where I need to start saving and integrating history differently. Or like, when I’m installing and building something complicated, I need to start saving that specific session’s history. I am curious what others might be doing and looking for simple advice and ideas.


I have been pretty content with just zsh with fzf - extends the ctrl+R with interactive fuzzy search across the history.

In theory some session like behaviour should be easy to make with a little script that changes $HISTFILE

taaz, (edited )


If you need to install an executable python program, use pipx it will create special environment for the python program so it won’t break anything else in the system but it only works on packages (pipx install some-package) that have entry scripts (so can be called directly, libraries usually do not have that as you use them from other python program).

In short that error you get that tells you to use zypper is there for an important reason.


pipx won’t work for that, it’s a library.

If you are working on your own project/script, you should use virtualenv for development and install all required libraries there.
If you need it because some system installed application or part of your system does not work without it then… you are in bad place - pip is python package manager primarily used for general python development (installing depending packages, and in theory also for packaging python projects) but it should never be used as system wide package manager - you will break stuff (especially when used with sudo).


You will want to use virtualenv, it creates isolated “workspace” so that system (python) packages do not conflict or mix.



Using pip to install packages outside of venv was always a risk, (newer) pip now has this mechanism to really drive the point home that this can break stuff.

Do I have to do this everytime I start the script via console?

Yes, one way to get rid of this requirement is to package the script as binary/executable package (add pyproject.toml with some sane defaults and with proper [project.scripts]) and then install the project using pipx - pipx install -e path/to/the/project/, the -e flag stands for editable and is nice to have here as you won’t have to reinstall everytime you change the script.
What pipx does is that it creates the local virtualenv, installs everything the package declares as needed and adds a special executable script into location like ~/.local/bin/ that first sources the venv and then starts the entry script - keeping everything isolated.


The first time her videos popped up on my feed I couldn’t believe it’s not some elaborate joke, but shes great


For me, Steam (on Linux) has been periodically corrupting the ntfs disk, I do use it on windows too and not even win hybrid/fastboot/hibernation disabled helps.

May I see what mount options you use for the ntfs3 driver in fstab? I do not currently have the nocase and windows_names …

Testing if VRR is active and working

I recently updated to fedora 40 and enabled the experimental setting to get VRR running. But I am an idiot who has been playing at frames rates between 30-60 on screens without VRR for almost all of my life so I can’t even know if VRR is actually working or not. Is there some rest I can run to see if VRR is functional¿? If...



Also afaik it only works in fullscreen on Linux (and in programs that support it).


Yeah NX is probably not going to be an easy one to implement.

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NX_technologyScrolling down to NX Derivatives And Forks will quickly get you a picture about the state and licenses.


I know HEALTH.
Are you telling me I have been listening to cum metal?


Haven’t tried LFS yet but I have had my share of compiling custom Arch kernel (basically just making it smaller and boot a little bit faster), or cross-compiling various stuff for embedded and having to crawl through some of the lower level stuff.
It might be that time of a year to give LFS a try now that you mention it.


Why would you need this?


Thanks for the explanation, I have played with like 30 mods max so the built-in mod manager seemed enough.

Also FYI all your english comments here are posted with language set to dansk so I couldn’t find it even though I got the notifications (seems lemmy does not really tell you you are trying to visit a comment in language you don’t have enabled in settings).


Stellaris with a friend, too much democracy (Helldivers).


You know what, I am gonna call skill issue.
I get that the “press R to join a group” can be overlooked or that not everyone has the intuition to click on the active missions on a planet (alright, these are currently bugged and do not refresh quick enough so always full).

But all one has to do is a quick google search to find out you just open the big holo planet and press R, there are also definitely worse offenders in cryptic/useless UIs.

What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?

I’m working on a some materials for a class wherein I’ll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we’re including a section we’re calling “foot guns”. Basically it’s ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers....


Removed and apt purge’d python2 package.

Pity debian folded in on itself and dpkg required it at the time for something so that wasn’t an easy one.

Open source e reader (lemmy.ml)

I recently got a Sony prs 600 e reader from 2009. The battery is at the end of its life (It lasts about 3 days with heavy reading, and a couple weeks without reading). No backlight, no Wi-Fi, just an SD card that I can load epub files and small PDFs. The screen is slow and the contrast isn’t the best. The “touch screen” is...


I don’t see a mention of PocketBook so here it is, last time I checked they are running a linux kernel and the source is available and the device should be moddable/hackable.

I am in love with my PB Touch HD 3, does exactly what it needs without any annoying stuff (but with goodies like backlight and blue filter). I did opt into using their cloud for book syncing (which is not required at all, usb cable works too or other clouds) but there was never an ad or intrusive thing, love it.


Usually I would want any playing video to disable screensaver as long as it’s playing?


Keychron should have all your requirements


The site does not work with https but your link actually links to https even though visually it dies not, I guess.


Also maybe the browsers are trying https first anyway and because the server does respond ,(but wrongly) it ignores/does no try the non-s.

Edit: weird, why is ff forcing the s even though it’s actually not there in the link.

To acces the site you havs to open the link, then edit the url and delete the s in https://

taaz, (edited )

Yeah, laptops with dedi nvidia cards were always pain with Linux, at least my experience was always terrible (there is no feature parity to windows, especially energy saving stuff), though for me I am in the position where I would rather have Linux with my configs (which translates into: I’ve spent a lot of time on tweaking and fixing stuff over the time) then windows, so a nvidia gpu in a laptop is no-go in the first place.

Linux requires time investment, not everyone is comfortable to dig in. The fragmented nature of Linux (multiple Desktop Environments, graphical libraries, heck even low-level stuff: va-api/vdpau, …) lends itself into it so there is no sugar-coating it.

If you can’t or don’t want to fix it then win is the way but I would hope one day you will give Linux another chance - the community is there, so there is a high chance it will be better the next year and the one after that, and so on.


To explain you @TCB13 why you are being ridiculed here, the WINE itself stands for “Wine Is Not an Emulator”.

It’s a compatibility layer, but for all things and purposes a non-technical person might as well think about it as an emulator - it makes stuff run where it normally wouldn’t.


In practice, nothing changes for the Redis developer community who will continue to enjoy permissive licensing under the dual license. At the same time, all the Redis client libraries under the responsibility of Redis will remain open source licensed. Redis will continue to support its vast partner ecosystem – including managed service providers and system integrators – with exclusive access to all future releases, updates, and features developed and delivered by Redis through its Partner Program. There is no change for existing Redis Enterprise customers.

Seems this currently touches only cloud “resellers” of redis


I’ve also found about this recently when moving my root from drive to drive which was after I upgraded to 13th gen intel (from various older i5s) and the best cipher changed (cryptsetup benchmark).


Oh cool, have been using RawTherapee will check this out next time.



  • /bin - Binaries.
  • /boot - Files required for booting.
  • /dev - Device files.
  • /etc - Et cetera. The name is inherited from the earliest Unixes, which is when it became the spot to put config-files.
  • /home - Where home directories are kept.
  • /lib - Where code libraries are kept.
  • /media - A more modern directory, but where removable media gets mounted.
  • /mnt - Where temporary file-systems are mounted.
  • /opt - Where optional add-on software is installed. This is discrete from /usr/local/ for reasons I’ll get to later.
  • /run - Where runtime variable data is kept.
  • /sbin - Where super-binaries are stored. These usually only work with root.
  • /srv - Stands for “serve”. This directory is intended for static files that are served out. /srv/http would be for static websites, /srv/ftp for an FTP server.
  • /tmp - Where temporary files may be stored.
  • /usr - Another directory inherited from the Unixes of old, it stands for “UNIX System Resources”. It does not stand for “user” (see the Debian Wiki). This directory should be sharable between hosts, and can be NFS mounted to multiple hosts safely. It can be mounted read-only safely.
  • /var - Another directory inherited from the Unixes of old, it stands for “variable”. This is where system data that varies may be stored. Such things as spool and cache directories may be located here. If a program needs to write to the local file-system and isn’t serving that data to someone directly, it’ll go here.

In this case, yes anything under /run should not be considered as normal files.

taaz, (edited )

There is a simple trick, as a basic user, do not ever run your (gnome) file explorer as root and if a permission error (requiring “escalation”) pops up you shoud double check what you are doing.

I think most graphical file mangers also keep most of the weird/important/system folders away from user and you have to directly navigate to them.


I have recently bought the P14s Gen 4 and except for some WiFi issues it has been pretty smooth sailing (definitely a loot better then the last notebook I had with nvidia dgpu).

18+ Rulemember when someone fucked some cakes? (leminal.space)

I miss those days, its sad to see that just a post with a girl in with some fake-looking blood on her got removed for being NSFW? I don’t remember the old user, but I wish CakeFucker was back here, doing weird shit. Maybe we’ll see better days soon! I was like, barely 18 (maybe 17/16, bad memory) and finally finding a...


ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵃᵏᵉ


As a programmer most of my utilities are CLI oriented.

fzf (integrated into zsh, improves reverse search, killing processes and more)
zoxide - for quicker navigation into folders I visit often
Other programs I use from time to time: jq, btop, bat.

Flameshot - best screenshotting tool for linux (and also windows)
Redshift/Gammashift - blue light filter
ddccontrol - controlling monitor brightness and contrast without having to fiddle with buttons

Last but not least my Awesome WM (tiling) config - makes working with multiple windows/desktops so easy.


I don’t really have it ready to publicize but it’s based on powerarrow-dark from awesome-copycats github repo (I have mainly removed things I don’t use and added some more mappings like media keys etc).

taaz, (edited )

From my own experience on my older Lenovo Legion with the optimus GPUs (intel integrated, nvidia 3060m dedicated) it was always a bit of pain.
Though I think I settled on using optimus-manager and with just the right tweaks it worked, when I wanted to game I restarted my whole desktop session to run on the nvidia gpu.

Are you using bumblebee/primus with optirun/primusrun ? back before these were the main pain points. (I am also assuming you are on X11 Desktop Environment - afaik wayland on older nvidia gpus is basically impossible. Also, are you sure you are using the proprietary nvidia driver and not nouveau? Nouveau is unusable for gaming.)


Me and my friend didn’t feel like playing anything lately… so we bought PalWorld and for now it’s going good (though the mid-game is a bit too grindy).

taaz, (edited )

Barotrauma should be able to take up to 16 players and if you as a group can get into this game then you will have a good laugh for a good amount of time.

Golf With Your Friends - up to 12 p. Simple game but getting hit by your friends ball right before scoring the hole kinda never gets old.

Any grand strategy will be able to host many players Civ, HoI, HoMaM, AoE, RoN, Stellaris, …

Ps. Check out DEFCON/ICBM


I forgot about Civ! Definitely added.

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