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tryptaminev, (edited )

But there wouldn’t be a shortage if those jobs would pay decent wages and offer tolerable working conditions, or pay tolerable wages with decent working conditions.

Also there is many people who came as refugees and want to work, but they are prohibited form doing so.

That is at least in the next few years. With all the boomers retiring the economy is going to get fucked either way.


Well it is more complicated than that. After puberty female bodies usually have more fat and less muscle mass, than similiarly trained male bodies. Also the metabolism and “energy management” of male bodies is more advantageous for most sports. Note of course that these are also spectrums, and women who train well outcompete men who don’t.

So it does make sense to group athletes by gender too. But like somebody else said in this thread, there is no factual reason, why gender should be the only or the main grouping criteria.


If you dont have professional sports, you end up with sports being dominated by rich kids, who can afford to not work and fully focus on the sports, while other athletes have to work full time still.

Sports are an entertainment for many people, and why should actors, musicians, comedians and other entertainers make a living, but athletes shouldn’t, even though they have to put in the same effort and time?


So how do you want to do it? I cannot see it as particularly inviting that athletes are grouped by body fat ratio, or needing an extensive medical analysis on how their metabolism performs.


I did sports semi professionally at some point. The people in my club who did so professionally were already fucked bad enough, with the anti doping agents having to know where they were at all times.

Imagine on top having very sensitive information from your medical records public. Imagine you are dropped out of the most prestigous top athlete bracket, because your body fat ratio increased half a percent too much after you had an injury.

Also imagine at say the swimming world cup there isnt just 2 dozen different competitions already seperated into men and women, but with another 4 subsections. These things also mean that the attention to the sports have to be spread among more people and outside of the popular sports that will drop many people out of attention and money spent on the sport.


weigth classes are much more broader. Your weight does not tell more about how your body is constituted than can be seen from the outside already.


Kirbys Dreamland

I remember being addicted to the first one until i managed the hard mdoe w.o. dying once. With that i find SML to also have great replay value.


Yo just mind your own business. You see a fly and want to gulp it down as you always do. Suddenly the fly drags you towards the riverbank. You fight and fight but it is futile. You are pulled out of the water only to stare down the eye of a men, who proudly tells his son “ye see thee big one? Thats how ye do it.”


If an average person is constantly subjected to food insecurity, lacking access to clean water and sanitation, lacking medical treatment, random injury and death through constant bombings, random injury and death of relatives and friends through constant bombings and limited access to education and working opportunities, how likely are they able to concern themselves with social progress?

If we look at western countries, social progress came in times of relative safety and wealth for the broad population, while reactionary politics came in times, where these were lowered or cut. It is no coincidence that reactionary politicians combine economic hardship for the masses with scapegoating and fighting against minorities.

The way to progressive politics in Gaza is paved with working infrastructure, proper access to basic needs and a perspective for social and personal development.


When you have a link cable and a friend you just exchange starters to each other so you have all three of them.


Two copies are enough.

You just safe 5 starters on one copy and then move the two that are double back to the other copy when they got their third starter.

tryptaminev, (edited )

You do know that comedians are copying each others material all the time though? Either making the same joke, or slightly adapting it.

So in the context of copyright vs. model training i fail to see how the exact process of the model is relevant? At the end copyrighted material goes in and material based on that copyrighted material goes out.


I actually see a learning purpose in those ridicilous sentences.

I’ll far more likely remember the cat that works at the small hospital than if Juan does it.


You definetely do not need to study an hour every day to make progress.Otherwise everyone learning a second or third language in school would be entirely fucked. For me personally the gamification has helped a lot with learning the basic concepts and words of a language.

If you want to get to the level of a native speaker of course no app can do that and i guess somewhere around B1/B2 you need to use the language in a real setting like you said.


But that is relative. Of course if you spend ten minutes a day you will have a smaller progress. But still you make steady progress. It took me two month now with Spanish to get from nada to being able to say how many siblings i have, where my parents are from, where i live and what job i have. It is not much, but last week i didn’t know how to express my workplace and by next week i’ll be able to express something more.

This is the same like for everything you learn or train. You want to be a concert violinist? Yeah better practice multiple hours a day. But just practicising ten minutes a day will still get you to be a decent player after a few years. Want to look like Schwarzenegger in his best times? You got to hit the gym regularly and on a proper plan and diet. You just want to be fit and build some muscles? Ten minutes of planks, pushups and situps and you’ll notice your shape changing after a few weeks.

As you said, with the small steady work you’ll hit a wall eventually, be it languages, physical training or instruments. And then you need to put more effort for really filling the gaps.


Live Streaming and hosting videos over multiple platforms is a wee bit more complicated than just providing downloadable files.

The largest work is probably content moderation and support, but with that it is very likely, that steam support is not employed at valve, but contracted out.


I don’t get why someone would do that to themselves.

Congratulations you have all the content of an exploration and building game right away. You cannot seek any enjoyment anymore from working towards and achieving anything in the game. You paid for not playing the game.


Not OP but the standard two ones: uBlock origin and NoScript. Added bonus is an addon to continue video view with screen off.

People constantly crying over the ads in their youtube app. Well i just watch in Firefox and if i want to watch an audiobook video to fall asleep to, i don’t even have to drain my battery.


there is a lot of afaik mostly female streamers, where the game content is secondary to them always being dressed and acting sexualized.


imo buying a copy for one platform should entitle to play on every platform it is released on. The crucial aspects of the work are the same. adapting to different hardwares and making controls for gamepads and mouse and keyboard only plays a small part in the total effort. Also you can play with a controller on pc in most cross platform games.


Because you would need to buy an extra console.


There is also hybrids.

Some people i used to play battlefield with played infantry and ground vehicles with mouse and keyboard but used a controller for planes and helicopters.

I could also see controllers to be nicer for racing games and simiiar considerations. At the end of the day even a pure controller player still needs a PC for non gaming. So might as well have one device for everything.


You know how in the US they aim to remove everything about racism, black history and rewrite native history in many states? This is one front of bigotry. Another one is to remove the visibility in arts and culture. One angle is to remove and supress works created by people from minorities. The other is to remove minority characters from works of fiction.

And at the end of that culture war, when the “ideal” mainstream society is created in the heads it is creates in the real world by persecution of the excluded minorities.

And while the modder has the right to mod how he sees fit, it is perfectly justified for the platform to not help him distribute it. And in such it is different from mods turning mainstream characters into minority characters because it has no negative consequences for peopledown the line.


i dunno if they find enough whacky criminal characters. Seems to be the other countries are still too normal or things are too fucked up for the series to work there.


I dont know man. Ants are farming aphids for their sugary digestive secrets aka their shit. Bears eat Honey, which to all logic remains half digested bee-spit. Praying Mantis cut off the head off their mate after mating and eat it. Anglerfish males are not the mighty toothed beasts, but weird little parasites that nist themselves in the females and eat them from the inside until the female just lays its eggs before death.

So humans drinking other animals milk is maybe unique, but certainly not more weird than other ways of procurung nutrition, that nature invented.


Milk isn’t some instinctual thing, humans know where milk comes from, know the cow has to be pregnant, and know which baby animals milk is for, and chose to build an industry around …

Neither is bread, beer, pizza or any other processed food. Think about it, how weird it is, that humans decided to take seeds, that they cannot digest well and isntead of letting the seeds just seed, they grind them with stones and then they add water and they let it spoil and then they take the spoiled bunch and put it over a fire. And of course it couldnt stop there no! they all started to make it in different ways and when they imagined some standarized symbols they added these symbols together to describe how to do it. And they learned how to breed the seeds so they get more of the white fluffy stuff and they started playing with the dirt to dirigate water to where the seeds grow. And then they noticed the seeds to grow better when they put animal shit on them, so they did that too. And then they used the little symbols they invented, to measure how much seeds each human is growing and how much seeds they need to give to the alpha-humans and some of these alpha humans got so rich with seeds, they built themselves giant gravestones, that are still among the largest buildings to this day.

You can describe anything that humans did since they stopped slapping bunnies with stone and collecting roots as being super weird. I share your criticism of industrialized farming, but not because it is less or more weird, but because it is detrimental to our survival and well being.


You just arbitrarily define your level of detail.

Drinking milk also just started as:

try milk from lactating cow - realize you are able to digest it - get more milk from that cow.

All the rest that lead to most Europeans being lactose tolerant, which is an insane genetical success story and the subsequent refining of that process came later.

But maybe to help you with the seeds: A common way of breeding new seeds, that isnt specific GMO, is to radiate the seeds for random mutation. How is the following process not weird? “apply death ray to seed, get defeberated seed, see if it has any useful properties, crossbreed degenerated seed with less degenerated one until you get your right mix of degeneracy”

Or should we go about processing old dinosaur meat into transparent wrappings to buy our cow lactate in? Name it and i can tell you how it is weird. The process is just creative and the result is arbitrary.


Your weirdness with milk stems from it being from a mammal and you seeing more similarity with a mammal. But the underlying processes are equally estranged from the perceived natural way. and for the natural way again the definition remains difficult, because humans 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10.000 and 50.000 years ago all had very different lifes in which very different things happened.

What you described with artifical hormones is something of the past 50 years. But what about the other 6.000 years of humans drinking milk already? What you describe isnt specific to milk.It is specific to modern industrialized countries.


and decided that we need some of that non-essential nourishment at any cost.

But it was essential. Drinking cow milk was such an evolutionary edge that genetic analysis indicated every lactose tolerant person to have the same ancestor where it first occured some 6.000 years ago.


I don’t consider growing corn to be all that impressive. The rest holds though.


I had the feeling that every CoD since MW was more like a DLC with some new features rather than a fully fledged new game. Unfortunately Battlefield went a similiar route.

I mean if it would be 30 € or you could either purchase a full price standalone or an expansion at half price of your existing standalone game it would be fine.


As someone enjoying it tremendously, why?

The gameplay is smooth, there is a plethora of maps and modes, teamplay is encouraged but not strictly needed. Mapsize ranges from 16v16 to 127v127.

The only arguement i could see is the low poly graphics and that’s like, what did you expect?


Looking forward to the mob using that as a legal defense.


Every car that is on the road is contributing to the blocking of emergency vehicles. If we’d follow the demands of these groups it would make it much easier for emergency vehicles to respond to emergencies.

And which peace of art were actually damaged? Throwing soup on a washable glass pane cannot be considered damageing by all means, leaving aside the fact that the comparision to stabbing someone remains ridiculous


You can turn off the engine of an idle car. This argument is entirely “see what these people made us do” when the drivers enjoy wasting fuel on standing around.


Some jacked up 8-8 monster comes around the corner as i, a poor 1-2 Aegis soldier am demanded to sacrifice my self to the beast, so my Commander can go another round.

‘Call of Duty’ Doesn’t Just Depict Bad History—It’s Pro-War Propaganda (

I just started playing COD Black Ops Cold War because I got it through my PlayStation Plus subscription and wanted to try it out. I’ve previously played some others like Modern Warfare (1 and 2) and WWII. While it always felt a bit over the top and propaganda-ish, I really liked it for the blockbuster feeling and just turning...


I found Red Orchestra to be more of an anti war game too. The way people die, you can die quickly w.o. knowing what hit you exactly, strong supression, having to respawn in another wave in the single player campaign constantly etc. really make you feel that real war sucks.


But do they need the games to be good? Activions sucks balls, but why would microsoft make the games good again and remove all the shit with microtransactions etc.?


The original AoE or the rereleases? Because i had to pay for the definite edition.


yes it does matter. These are businesses. They make money by selling things. You cannot compare one rereleasing the same game with minimal changes for new money to keep supporting an existing game without charging new money.


and thats fine, but doesnt make it possible to compare apples and oranges.


that is a funny graph. Even assuming the data is true, it deliberately missrepresents market share as usage. Which pretty much neglects the fact hat maybe a person or two and a device with a browser or two have entered the market since then.

Also it does not have any information on source of the data, methodology, definition of the terms etc. So it is pretty much worthless as an argument.


Then i’ll scrape the songs i currently watch on youtube with jdownload and stop using the page otherwise.

All they do is make the internet less attractive. Now that works to increase profits for a while, but eventually the content creators withdraw, the platforms become worse and eventually uncool and people stop using it, or use it less. Facebook is on a decline in western countries. We went through multiple video snippet apps already and tiktok and instagram too will be declining eventually.

We dont have to win the war because the war will never end. We just gotta make the best out of the battlefields we win.

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