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If you want just a replacement for Warpinator, LocalSend is definitely the way to go. I used Warpinator before, and LocalSend is just an overall better version of the same thing imo. Finds other devices instantly, can also send text in addition to files and folders, and is available across platforms.


I wouldn’t see a reason to use Session over SimpleX


And the serum is just a stain in your sock without the magic egg.


Doesn’t accelerating give you less time to prepare?


I too think that it would be better for everyone if the USA was cut off from technology.


Why would you use mullvad browser if you’re not going to use mullvad vpn?


Personally I’d just use Librewolf then

uzay, maybe


True, I wasn’t aware. Free accounts get deactivated after 6 months without login. They can only be reactivated using a paid account and the correct credentials.


Can’t say I’ve ever tried an SMB rom hack, but Zap & Dash sounds amazing! Can’t wait to try it out

How to randomly pad files before encryption to prevent file fingerprinting?

Hi, I was planning to encrypt my files with GPG for safety before uploading them to the cloud. However, from what I understand GPG doesn’t pad files/do much to prevent file fingerprinting. I was looking around for a way to reliably pad files and encrypt metadata for them but couldn’t find anything. Haven’t found any...


While I personally use KeepassXC and Keepass2Android on mobile devices (as with KeepassDX there is no reliable way of syncing the database that I know of) to other less tech-inclined people I’d always recommend Bitwarden as it is much more suitable to most people’s usecases.


I would prefer being able to use KeepassDX on my mobile (I assume you meant that), but I got burnt trying to use that while syncing my database through my Nextcloud. KDX does not check for external changes before overwriting the database, and with background-sync being as unreliable as it is on android, I have lost a few passwords that way without noticing it.


I mean that’s what I had been doing. The issue was just that the background sync of the nextcloud app on android wasn’t reliable enough and KeepassDX had no mechanisms to check for external changes before overwriting


Yeah, there are ways of fixing it after the fact, but that is too inconvenient and error-prone for me. I prefer if my Keepass app just makes sure my database is up to date before making any changes


I’m not using Bitwarden though. I have a Vaultwarden instance I was using for a while, but I was talking about KeepassDX vs Keepass2Android.


As I said, I like KeepassDX better as well. But the feature it is missing is critical for me unfortunately. I don’t know why you think Keepass2Android is not updated though, the last release was 3 months ago.


So they want those countries to pirate it?


Another point for KDE might be that it works much better on a small screen that may be partially obscured by an overlaid keyboard. I used Bazzite Gnome for a while on the Steam Deck and I much preferred Plasma on there after switching back, despite using Gnome on my main system.


The number of people who still think nuclear power is a manageable risk in any capacity is really depressing. We still have no idea what to do with all the nuclear waste we’re creating even now. And that’s not even considering the impact of having a nuclear plant when you’re in a war.


France has not been at war since they started building nuclear plants and has no solid plan for dealing with nuclear waste either from what I can tell.


“Ukraine seems to be fine” is an odd thing to say considering what is going on there in general, but to your point, we can be glad that the fighting around Chernobyl did not do more damage. There’s also a difference in strategy when a country attacks their neighbour to annex their land. If they instead want to mess with a country further away, they can just drop some bombs on their nuclear plants and see what happens.


And for how long to they have to be “safely stored”? For how long do they have to be buried without anyone digging them up? And where are we burying anyway where there is no risk of anyone digging them up intentionally or accidentally, no risk of natural phenomena interfering, no risk of the barrels breaking and nuclear waste seeping into our water? There is a reason why countries have been struggling to find these safe storage spaces for decades. I’d argue that is because there aren’t any.


Reaching for an unproven concept of “drilling really deep holes” that’s barely a few years old to convince people there is no problem with long-term storage of dangerous waste we’ve been accumulating for decades, but sure, I’m just a NIMBY.


Whether it would work or not wasn’t even the main point of what I said. But that doesn’t matter to you anyway as your strategy to debate seems to be to call others stupid often enough until everyone else understands how smart you are. Good luck with that.

Newpipe is getting updates on fdroid again and seem like will be getting updates for the foreseeable future as the issue stopping it is solved. (

Also on an unrelated note anyway to remove live from your subscribed channels update field ? Some channels are filling it with live so i have to really scroll down to see my video feeds and can’t find a setting to switch it off. Newpipe didn’t used to add live in your what’s new feed of subscribed channels, related pic .


I recommend using Newpipe’s own fdroid repo. You’ll get the updates much faster there when something breaks


Sounds great! Still waiting for the self-hosting option though. Even with e2ee I don’t like giving control over my notes out of my hands. And locking things like Tags and Markdown export behind a subscription does not feel like a future-proof solution.

What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?

I’m working on a some materials for a class wherein I’ll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we’re including a section we’re calling “foot guns”. Basically it’s ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers....


I have a faint memory of once uninstalling python2 on an Ubuntu system trying to switch to python3. That was a fun learning moment.

Do you take pictures with GPS tags on?

Hiya, so quickly wondering wether you have enabled this or not. Obviously it’s not great for privacy, but it also seems very nice to have for image cloud solutions, so that images can be sorted based on location. Are there any good solutions for this? I’d like have it enabled, but also afraid of sharing images with sensitive...


I would like to have that info for my own photos, but I don’t have location services on unless I need them anyway, so it would be pointless.


It is rare that you would want to run an entire GUI program as root, and if it is needed, the program should prompt you for it. Do you have a specific use case where you need to do that regularly?


Not necessarily a satisfactory solution for you, but the usual way to handle that is just using a text editor in the shell with sudo, like nano or vim. It’s pretty fast and easy once you get used to it. I don’t know if there are any good graphical ways of doing it.


I would suggest right-click in the folder in your file explorer -> open in terminal -> sudo nano autocomplete file name (tab tab). At least to me that doesn’t seem that much more involved and is safer. Otherwise, as others have noted, there are apparently ways of doing what you want, but it is discouraged for good reasons.


The difference being that on wikipedia you could use the sources on there while AI makes those up as well


I’ve been using it for a while now and I love it. FOSS and pretty and customisable.


I read that as “6-year-old or older gamers”. I was surprised to say the least.

Anyone been daily driving Bazzite?

Been keeping a keen eye on Bazzite as it seems like a good distro for people like myself who mainly use the desktop pc to play games on. But it doesn’t seem like a “typical” distro for a daily driver? How does Bazzite for example differ from Nobara which is another gaming-oriented distro? I’m just curious as I keep...


I’ve been running it on my steam deck (LCD) for a while and it’s great. Nearly undistinguishable from SteamOS but with neat extras. If I had an AMD GPU in my gaming PC, I’d try it out there as well to see how the SteamOS experience holds up on a desktop.


If it boots from USB, boot a different OS. But overall, preferrably use a different device.


What makes you think it’s plastered onto the business and not put up by the business-owners themselves?


I’m glad you don’t have to go through Amazon anymore (or google for that matter). I think Patreon is a much better option.


An innovative solution to the chicken or the egg problem


And words that are feminine but are still used with ‘el’ and ‘un’ because they start with a stressed a


20 bucks to revive Wayne Static is a steal ngl


Fuck Pocket with your AI dick Mozilla, just leave me a toggle in about:config to turn it off or I’ll find a fork that has none of that shit.

I think you might enjoy Librewolf


And everyone knows that resident doesn’t necessarily mean a resident of your house either

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