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whereisk, (edited )

To be fair, Jews were also massive victims of empire and colonialism. They were kicked around Europe for centuries since the Greeks and the Romans.

Now, on the fall of the Ottoman Empire all kinds of populations coalesced into nation-states (also, all while kicking out people that did not identify with the new nation - massive population exchanges at the time, millions of dead in forced marches out of a region). Most back to the heartlands of their ancestral lands - so the idea wasn’t far fetched.

Unfortunately, unlike those other populations Jews were in diaspora so long that they had kept little physical connection with that land which was now occupied mostly by Palestinians.

Fun fact: A plan was hatched to allocate a portion of Australia instead


This is an article that shouldn’t have been written, really, at least not yet or with a different headline, it basically says that negotiations are ongoing - but the headline deceptively suggests that the matter has concluded and no treaty will be forthcoming.


Ok we’ll not store images on your box. Now, about classifying your usage and notifying authorities if it falls outside of parameters…

Egypt changed terms of Gaza ceasefire deal presented to Hamas, surprising negotiators, sources say (www.cnn.com)

Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, according to three people familiar with the...


In the age of secure electronic communications what’s the point of untrusted intermediaries?

PGP the message and send it via some method.


Publicize/transmit it anywhere / everywhere you have plausible control or you can trace the origin of everything. Radio, newspapers, billboard, official website - multiple sources that all agree with each other should do it. You only need to do it once.

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' (kyivindependent.com)

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine’s partners “are afraid of Russia losing the war” and would like Kyiv “to win in such a way that Russia does not lose,” Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....


I’m assuming the West’s analysis is that there’s no better political reality inside Russia in sight, even with Putin gone, so they’re better off just declawing the bear. Which to a large degree has already happened…

Meanwhile the upside is that the collective West gets to try tactics and weapons for modern warfare (drones, ai, analysis) and get ready for the next fight. They also gained a fight-ready, trained ally in Ukraine and a sharper focus in Europe of what’s at stake and everything that that involves (eg energy and supply chain independence).

The downside is obviously the deaths of Ukrainians in the front line, but I don’t know how many of them could be prevented without NATO getting properly involved.


Not so much “pro-choice” as much as forced abortion russian-roulette. After all in most of the bible most women have little to no agency.


Since both PCs are running windows just install powertoys and use mouse without borders

Of course that means can only be controlled after booting, no Bios control.


Wait so their original argument argument is “you lied! we only killed 7,797 children so far”, as if that is an acceptable number?


Probably being present as trainers or consultants for British systems, intelligence, tactics etc. I can’t imagine they operate at the front or you’d be inevitably getting body bags back and you can only keep quiet so many.


The Organic Maps app implementation is pretty neat.


Sorry, probably not.

This is meant to run hosted (like a website), so it needs a server setup.

If it all sounds like gibberish then you don’t understand what a lamp stack or a docker container is it’s unlikely you’ll be able to install it on your own in a way that is useful or that you can maintain for security.

You could possibly hire someone to install it on your behalf - but given that it’s dealing with your finances I would be hesitant to do so.

If you are on Android try the Cashew app - has a paid tier but it’s unlikely you’ll need it and is minimally intrusive.


Same. If a newbie can’t get stuck inside, is it even a text editor?


I’ll vote no for the bill but also take credit for it with my constituents if it passes.

Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins (www.thedailybeast.com)

A conservative plan for Donald Trump’s potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40...


Nah, without control of the levers of government they’re just terrorists. Don’t forget that the government was well warned about Jan 6, and Trump’s team actively suppressed preparation and response. It’s not going to be the same if Biden is in office.


Does for a little bit, then it doesn’t.


I’m wondering if Dorsey has any stakes in Telegram’s crypto bullshit…


“he’s hurting the wrong people” bootlickers after finding out they need to bootlick.

Stirling-PDF: Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files (github.com)

This is a robust, locally hosted web-based PDF manipulation tool using Docker. It enables you to carry out various operations on PDF files, including splitting, merging, converting, reorganizing, adding images, rotating, compressing, and more. This locally hosted web application has evolved to encompass a comprehensive set of...


Unless you want a hosted solution I find pdf-arranger to be lighter and self contained.


It’s not so much honesty as much as trying to stem the bleed.

A CEO has a fiduciary obligation towards maximising the profits of the shareholders of his company first.

Another comment here said how they needed money and expertise from Sony to roll out a game that could support concurrently the number of players they do support and how Sony is collecting their dues.

However, the fuckton of hate that’s being piled on now goes at least partially on to the developer which puts a wedge in the previous alliance.

As a developer, because of the demands of the publisher, they’ve gone from a position of such extreme good will that they had only blue skies in front of them - heck they could have crowdsourced their next game with ease and people would buy it sight unseen, meanwhile I bet Sony would be considering buying them to become in house studio, MS has a history of scooping such studios also - to revulsion and betrayal.

It also opens up a strategic vulnerability for a different developer to white knight the now proven market.

That’s not good news for the shareholders and future prospects and the CEO is trying to stem the bleed without pissing off the publisher. Seems pretty tame to me.


If it was the other way around Trump would most definitely use it to rally his troops. “see what God visited on the Earth when the democrats were in power?” Or something like that


Here’s the thing, grifters are very good at positioning themselves to gain advantage just in case.

What’s the over under if Trump wins vs if Biden wins?

The worse case scenario is an out of control, out for blood, Trump - this speech insulates him, might even put him on the table in some discussions.

If Biden wins, nothing changes, he lost nothing.

Moscow may seize private US assets in Russia if US seizes frozen reserves, says Putin ally (www.reuters.com)

Russia may respond to any U.S. confiscation of its currency reserves frozen in the West by seizing the assets, including property and cash, of U.S. citizens and investors in Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, a senior security official, said on Saturday....

whereisk, (edited )

They already seized those when the companies pulled out after Ukraine


That vignetting blur in a lot of your album and the super saturation makes it look like a render.

Looks delightful though.


Untrackable might mean you get lumped with the worst actuary table in terms of risk as an unknown quantity or as a form of pressure to let them track you or as a way to create a defence moat of people (your rates will go up like these untrackable vehicles) if the government tries to intervene to stop them from basing rates to tracking.

Trump Lawyer Makes Disturbing Immunity Claim Before Supreme Court: Apparently, John Sauer thinks staging a coup should be considered a presidential act (newrepublic.com)

Donald Trump’s lawyer pushed an outrageous line of thinking on Thursday during oral arguments at the Supreme Court over whether the former president has immunity for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election: that a U.S. president could order a military coup d’état with almost no chance of repercussions....


Arrest a few Supreme Court justices - that should focus some minds.


I think they did at the time.


Why just Trump? add the supreme Court, the senate and the house as an opening act.

whereisk, (edited )

Milei saw it and he liked what he saw. I kind of understand why Argentina voted for him after being fucked over for so long, but didn’t he promise he would do that before he got elected?


“he’s hurting the wrong people” - some Argentinians who voted for Milei, probably.


With the Europeans dismantling a propaganda and bribe network Europe-wide, the Germans catching their far-right taking money directly from Russia, I suspect they’re hedging their bets.


Mentioned it to his best friend, Brutus, as he was crossing the Rubicon.


Hyperloop is no harder than air hockey - his interns could do it


Well a lot of very rich people, universities etc, put a lot of money into trying to build the fucker. The man at that time had an aura of a visionary that can’t be wrong or have ill intentions, so a lot of very smart people, engineers etc, put their good sense aside thinking that they were missing something he was seeing, I don’t think that moment in time for Elon is ever coming back.


And Russia I think has one of the highest divorce rates in the world so I can’t imagine it’s socially unacceptable.

whereisk, (edited )

It feels like I’ve read a similar headline for every modern Olympics.

2020 Tokyo

2016 Rio

2012 London

2008 Beijing

2004 Athens

2000 Sydney

1996 Atlanta


Edit: CNN, for a change, has a pretty good opinion article on this.


Just teach the dangers of authoritarianism in general - but you see that would paint too close an image of the current republican party.


Try CloudFlare Turnstile - a lot cleaner than recaptcha.


It’s the classic establishment’s pincer maneuver.

All progressive change needs to be attacked from both sides:

All left wing candidates / laws / tax / regulations / proposals are both too left and not left enough.

Only ideals that have no chance are “pure enough” for some on the left.

This is an organised attack from the right / establishment for decades. Yeah, we are finally waking up and seeing through this shit.


I liked the game, great atmosphere and wide variety of location settings, I think it can provide a solid base to build on without being overly prescriptive or having a super fanatical user base - for a good film production team that can be a great framework to jump off of.


More likely they’ve been inundated for years with complaints from developers in the big studios about how fucked they feel, and they feel the industry has gone to hell with microtransactions, so they keep on propping up Larian as an antidote to the general rot.

Not sure it will make a difference until big studios games stop selling, some government intervention in the microtransactions (likely) or work conditions (unlikely), developers unionize properly, or the field is seeded with more studios like Larian so that more developers and gamers have more choices and the big studios are starved.


Jim Jordan showing his masters what a good boy he is.


Wait, so the family chose to keep two people out of the loop until they caved and bought new hardware instead of adding one more app that would be common for everyone and give everyone the option to use whatever hardware they wanted?


I usually phrase it as “it’s one more app on your phone and it doesn’t ask you for anything, it’s really not that big of an ask”.


As an individual and as a group.

  1. Join A Union - if you are on a salary of any level, join a union. Unions are a force for equalisation of power, a proper seat at the negotiating table and a “third space” of discussion of grievances, finding common ground, resolving worries and deciding on action.
  2. Involvement in local politics, local becomes state, becomes national.
  3. Until, public holiday, mandatory, and ranked choice voting is introduced (if ever), after you advocated for as much change as possible, you voted for the best candidate in the primaries, vote for the candidate that has a chance of winning. Not voting or protest voting does worse than fuck all.
  4. Do not give up on set backs. Get involved. Demand better.
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