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This is expected.

A lot of gullible people believe the first thing they hear that resembles an explanation in events that have nothing that feels substantial even if it’s nonsense.

What would not be expected is if at the next natural disaster Biden comes out within a minute in a national address and claims that God revealed to him that this is just the start and a warning so that America would not reelect Trump.

Then watch the nuts lose their fucking shit at being overshadowed at their grift.


It has little to do with that, the problem is structural. They’re beating the left because the political system is structured in a way that gives overwhelming advantage to the establishment with minority votes.

Their 35% wacko views are treated as equal to the 65% both by the political system and by the media - see manufacturing consent.

Meanwhile the left wing candidates or proposals are always both too left and not left enough - the pincer maneuver.

Take any issue and see how the left view is scrutinized in the mainstream compared to the right: Biden cancelling student debt? Both too left and not left enough. Obamacare? Same. Guns? Same. Pick your poison.


Because the upside is immense and the downside is insignificant. The actual risk to them is tiny. They have a lot to gain (0 tax, government contracts, favourable judges, pliable lawmakers), and worst case their man doesn’t get the office, they’re roughly where they are now.

The potential collapse of society is someone else’s problem - if they thought on how their actions affect society or the planet they wouldn’t have the money they have.


Bill Gates is up next. They had a trial run already with COVID conspiracies.


If they can leverage Russia’s mal/misinformation network to win, Ukraine is a sacrifice they’re willing to make. It’s a big fucking gun that’s controlling a lot of the conservative information space, they don’t want it turning against them - they don’t give a fuck about anything so long as the grift continues.


I guess Trump stole the election too since Hillary was leading in every poll.


If Wikipedia is accurate the previous school shooting in Finland was 12 years ago - it doesn’t seem like an epidemic.

Meanwhile in the US, there are between 1-4 school shootings per month that result in injuries or deaths. I don’t think I’ve heard the 2 or 3 for March on the news.


From what I read it was this observation that led him to investigate the cause. But this is the first time I read that he’s employed by Microsoft.


Ideally you need a double-blind checking mechanism definitionally impervious to social engineering.

That may be possible in larger projects but I doubt you can do much in where you have very few maintainers.

I bet the lesson here for future attackers is: do not affect start-up time.


Yes, but can you roll a platform of the distribution, breadth, depth and persistence over good and bad cycles of the scale of Xbox or PlayStation while being a private company? A few have tried.


No, there are plenty of independent private game developers (Stardew Valley, Baldur’s gate etc come to mind) I was just taking Phil Spencer’s perspective, which I imagine is a platform level one.

Pentagon Ignores Law Calling for Report on How It Trained So Many African Coup Leaders (theintercept.com)

Last week, during a House Armed Services Committee hearing held a day before the deadline, Gaetz asked Gen. Michael Langley, the head of U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM, about the briefing. “You’ll get your answer, Congressman,” replied Langley....


The numbers are pretty meaningless without total numbers.

E.g. if it’s 70 out 1,000,000 it’s a different scenario than 70 out of 100.

And also some context would be nice: historical context - were coup attempts a continuous theme before us or this new? Any other nations getting involved in training in their facilities, and their outcomes?

Of course Pentagon’s silence is deafening but it’s probably to be expected if no good (for them) would come out of it.

Indiana Law Requires Professors to Promote ‘Intellectual Diversity’ or Face Penalties (www.nytimes.com)

Alice Pawley, a professor of engineering education at Purdue University, said that many faculty members in Indiana were angered by the new restrictions, and that “nobody trusts that this is actually going to be fairly applied.” Many felt discouraged about their job security, believing it would be at the mercy of trustees who...


I guess my only question is what is that 19% doing being part of a party that doesn’t trust expertise.


What if she used magic?

Tap for spoilermatches


I don’t see an upside for Putin in this. Given how many years he’s been in power anything bad that happens falls on him for failing to prevent it, there’s hardly anyone else left to blame. He’ll probably fire a few people to look as if he’s doing something.


Good to see some content, and thanks for the heads up.

Interesting. Seiko wants but will the market follow?

I guess we’ll see how much the increase is.

Over the past 2-3 years I found GS watches have gone from good value to just fair.

And I’m not sure they have the brand differentiation from plain Seiko, outside watch nerds, to carry it.


Everything about GS watches is impressive, and everything you said is absolutely factual.

Watches at that level of pricing are status symbols, if the brand cache diminishes instead of enhances the status that’s not a good thing.

You spend $5-15k on a jewellery / time piece you are not doing it to tell the time - if the circle you want to impress is not instantly impressed “wow what a cool watch, oh it’s just a Seiko?”, you get into a discussion about the merits of craftsmanship you would never get into with a Rolex or even a Nomos or other lesser known brands.

I think something similar to what Casio has done with their Oceanus line (though even Casio should drop the Casio logo completely from that brand - Toyota/Lexus comes to mind) might be the way to go here.

As it is Seiko is fighting against itself - though, on the other hand that’s great for watch nerds like us as it puts a natural cap at what the market will bear in terms of price and they need to keep on impressing the fan base with better and more innovative techniques.


So God, through Satan.


The ancients had more sense: at least a capricious, emotional God similar to humans (like the ancient Greek gods) that does everything including create evil and allows the torturing of people on a bet at the high council reconciles better with nature.


Also everything he lost is treated indistinguishably from property - e.g. he dismissss his wife to sleep with other men, he’s made whole by being given more children (probably with some other woman/en), as if having more children would replace the children you lost - it’s an insane piece of text.


I understand why journos do it, focusing on an individual’s plight. But this is just anecdote - give us some statistical data to support the story, then bring up the individual as representative example.


Yes, but nothing on what the article was focused on - the impact on individuals.

So we have no idea if it hit intended targets, if it improves lives better than other programs or differently etc. How it was used, did it enable people to escape a suffocating circumstances that then allowed them to thrive (a medical procedure, fleeing domestic abuse etc) or put more food on the table like the individual stories it had. Give us some statistical data.


That’s fucked, sorry, I had no idea.


You don’t need to reverse to park between two vehicles, you simply go forward on the right angle, climb the curb and turn.

But you do need it to get out.

However, you also don’t need it to get out as you just wait like an upstanding citizen for the person in front you to leave.


Of course you need to flip your car over to recharge it. What’s wrong with that?


I think the term “car free” is a misnomer, more like “car as a non primary form of transport for most people most of the time” is more accurate but doesn’t roll off the tongue as well.

There are a lot of people with mobility issues in such cities that are serviced in different ways, a lot of times with specially licensed cars etc.


That Trump, wanna be dictator, of German descent, loves authoritarians, has been reading Mein Kampf, and thinks Hitler “did some good things” would be too much on the fucking nose even for a movie script to add to the list.


You do need to be living in a highly interconnected and “just-in-time” society to pull off the extreme version of minimalism.

Any disruption of your perfect delivery schedule means that you’ve gone from aesthetic minimalism to lacking necessities in an instant.

Having said that, I don’t personally know anyone pulling off the extreme minimalism lifestyle.

In my experience, hoarding is much more common. I know a lot of people that have multiple cubic meters of stuff (their children’s old clothes, toys, nice boxes, magazines etc) they will never use (they don’t even know what they have) that they refuse to sell or throw away. That also seems very unhealthy.


Not quite true for phones or anything with SSDs with trim enabled - in most scenarios the data is unrecoverable except for tiny fragments or if you go through some huge effort of pulling the flash chips out and also are lucky, true enough for memory cards or spinning disks though.


Definitely not bulletproof - but unless they’re after you specifically, and this is the only avenue remaining, the cost of attempting recovery and the risk of alerting you that they are in fact after you, when in the vast majority of circumstances it would yield very little, one would think there’d be cheaper ways to get your data directly from cloud providers or through other, more traditional methods.

Then again I could be naive about this.

Tim Scott Says Black Americans Were Better Off Under Donald Trump, So We Fact Checked Him (www.theroot.com)

As The Root pointed out when allies of the President started circulating fake A.I. photos of Trump with all of his Black friends, the President remains unpopular with Black voters. Support for Biden has decreased somewhat among Black voters, but there’s no evidence that there’s a mass exodus to Trump land underway....


They must hold a family member hostage or something


They don’t give a shit about theocracy or anything else, they only care about power and money, there is no core idea they won’t abandon and their rhetoric is as bendy as a wet noodle - they simply didn’t sign up to lose, and this guy doesn’t look like he’s helping them win.

whereisk, (edited )

Watches, especially mechanical ones, are jewellery: objects of desire, not of need.

They are relatively terrible at keeping time, expensive to buy and you need to be preoccupied with their upkeep.

There’s value in having a simple watch, in the quiet comfort it provides when checking the time without being distracted by notifications, but any Timex or $50 Casio (great watches also btw) will do the job better than any mechanical watch ever could.

It’s an obsession and a hobby, but rationally indefensible.

Like socially acceptable hobby train collecting, only you strap the train on your wrist and flaunt it about for social signalling with the pretense of needing a Vacheron Constantin to tell the time.

You don’t need it any more than you need cufflinks to button the sleeves of your shirt.

If you’re lusting after a watch you can’t afford you can calm that desire by reminding yourself of the irrationality of it all.

Or, if you do decide to give in, then lean fully in, instead of trying to justify it with thin veneers of rationality: I’m giving myself a present. For a certain type of person that’s a very hard proposition.

I’m saying all that as someone currently wearing a mechanical watch.


I guess my point was that in this day and age mechanical watches are in fact primarily jewellery, as they don’t justify their existence as time pieces.

The average mechanical might drift 5-15 secs per day and have a max power reserve of 20-80 hours.

At least once per week you need to be on top of it, adjusting it against an actually accurate clock if you want to not be late at appointments (if you’re in fact using it as your primary time keeper).

Do you need to know day and date? That’s two pretty expensive complications - and with those you’ll need to also be adjusting it at the end of every other month as it doesn’t know the month or the year.

A $50 GShock will drift 15secs per year or less and might require a battery change every 10 years and have 5 complications the mechanical would only dream of. For an extra $20 purchase price it will automatically sync with atomic clocks every night and charge in the sun - you’ll never have to worry about power or inaccuracy ever again.

A mechanical watch you need to baby: shock, drop, humidity, magnetic fields, the weather, all will cause issues. Hell, even adjusting day-date complications at the wrong time might grind the gears.

You need to service it by an expert every 3-5 years at a significant cost.

You drop the Casio from an airplane and it will survive fine. Service? I’ll see you in a decade for a battery change at $10.

If the argument is time-keeping this is like riding a horse and buggy to go to a meeting when you could do a video call instead.

So why do we choose to spend all that money on them?

It’s pure indulgence and social signalling (look at what I can afford // see what this says about me) - aka: jewellery.

If we buy really expensive or rare ones we hope they’ll go up in price in the future, but probably won’t - aka: jewellery.

We combine them with different straps and some of us have collections of different ones for different occasions or moods - you guessed it: jewellery.

Their utility of keeping time very, very expensively and rather badly by modern standards is simply the thin veneer of logic we need to justify the rest of the cost.

I submit that instead we should admit that we buy them as an act of pure self love.

For the same reason we might buy and display a nice piece of art. It needs cleaning, it needs to be protected and sometimes we choose to display it in a prominent place.

We can see a million pieces of art on our phone for free - but many of us still buy them and display them in our home or work.

Because we’re social creatures and owning nice things that we can admire both on our own and others can admire with us and about our choices makes us feel good, and that’s it.


But If ecology is the argument then all consumption is bad for the environment - any watch is unnecessary conspicuous consumption.

BTW, I’ve seen unserviced movements that were ridden to death - it’s not pretty. Gaskets fail, oils wear out, dust and humidity creep in, rust expands.

Either way, enjoy your new watch.


It’s literally nonsense, and the equivalent of Christian Zionism / eschatology in that it’s a set of incredibly harmful, baseless beliefs that advocate for mass misery in the name of vague hope of an accelerated magical delivery of human kind to a new era of happiness and joy.


This “they’ll win anyway” is some miserly nihilistic take - we’ve won against the Nazis before we’ll win again.

“how many times are as supposed to vote to prevent the fascists from gaining power?”

Until you can no longer physically vote.

You are part of a society that still allows you to politically organise around your beliefs, so get involved in your local politics and help bring your vision of a better future to more people - change doesn’t happen by itself.

Join a union. Get out there and make it happen.


I didn’t project beyond what conclusions your comment lead me to.

Please do not put words in my mouth

See, if I were to quote you directly I would have done it like this.

Instead I used quotes without the indent, to paraphrase you in a way that I thought both accurately condensed and focused what you wrote in a way that highlighted what it came across to me as a ridiculous question.

Given the threaded discussion structure where anyone can go back and see exactly what a person has written, the idea that I am somehow able to misrepresent you is a rather odd take.

Perhaps “defeatist”?


Sounded more like existential nihilism to me.

Paraphrasing me as saying “they’ll win anyway” in regards to fascists (nazis or otherwise) strips what I said of important context.

You literally wrote

until fascism wins anyway

But I did strip the context of neoliberalism because I answered it a sentence later by urging you to get involved to make the world you want.

There’s nothing “lucky” about voting, anymore there’s lucky in cleaning. You either clean or you’ll live in filth. You either defend your rights or you have them eroded and taken away.

The Republicans were not always fascists and the Democrats were not always so neoliberal which means things can change if enough people get involved to change them.

Unions, local elections, political activism etc all matter.

You don’t expect perfection, you get involved and you vote in the public transport analogy.


Not if you’re a literalist exec that saw the creative and didn’t think it was clear enough - “where’s the target audience? How are they going to see themselves in this ad?, she’s clearly out of our average user’s league”


They’re still pretty good. I bought a few second hand, especially the 480s - well built, mil spec, easily upgradeable, relatively light. I’d recommend.


The K5 Pro will probably fit your bill.


Most certainly have been. Worth another look.

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