anticolonialist, to politics in Joe Biden pardons all veterans convicted and discharged over their sexuality or gender identity

If he’s able to do it now he’s been about to do it the last 3 years. He held their rights hostage for power


Better than not doing it at all


No it’s not. Anyone holding people’s rights hostage for power is psychopathic

YeetPics, avatar

Putin says unranians don’t deserve the power to light up their homes, or the power to have anything more than rubble…

Are you calling his eminence, Putin, a psychopath?


Biden is holding peoples rights hostage

reddithalation, (edited )

regardless of what biden is or isnt doing, trump would just remove the rights entirely, so still gotta vote for biden


Either way rights are being taken


(supposedly) taking and then giving back is better than permanently removing, no matter how you look at it


Unranians? Like, folks from Uranus?


Even if this were true (which it’s not) it’s still better to have rights than to not have them


Yes, it literally is.

Doing it late is bad, as you describe.

Doing it never is worse.


The ultimate end-goal of a president’s first term is to be elected for a second term, and we Americans have very short attention spans. Stuff like this that seems like it should obviously have been done as soon as someone with the will to change it comes into power is more politically beneficial to do in an election year. It’s a shit system, certainly, but even the (relatively speaking) “good politicians” have to operate within it.


They can’t do everything everywhere all at once.


Then suddenly when they need votes they find the time

Burn_The_Right, to politics in Americans still support Marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans

Swing states and their electors don’t care what the majority of Americans want. The swing states seem to be leaning fascist recently.

pelletbucket, to politics in Joe Biden pardons all veterans convicted and discharged over their sexuality or gender identity

do they get bank pay on the pension

simplejack, avatar

That question was addressed in the article.

the issue of back pay remains complex and largely unaddressed in the immediate details provided by the officials. They did not specify commitments regarding back pay for the time veterans were unjustly separated from service, which suggests that further clarifications from the Department of Defense might be necessary.


That’s a lot of words for “lolno.”

BigMacHole, to politics in Joe Biden pardons all veterans convicted and discharged over their sexuality or gender identity

REAL Patriots who support our Troops call them LOSERS and SUCKERS!


/s or right wing troll? It’s hard to tell the difference sometimes

Forester, avatar

I’m pretty sure this is Poes Law


I checked his history… and I still can’t honestly tell lol


It’s sarcasm lol. They’re committed to the bit, I respect it


I’m VERY clearly a REAL Republican because I LOVE Insulting our Troops while claiming i’m a Patriot!


My husband is a GUN, and I am an EAGLE WEARING A HAAAAAATTTT


I really want a Big Mac now.




@BigMacHole is making fun of Trump for being an unpatriotic traitor.

Feliskatos, to politics in Republicans running for governor are some of the most extremist candidates in the country. Here they are

Regardless of how you may feel about LGBT folks, I find the idea of witholding medical care to transgender people curious in light of the fact the U.S. still does not have single-payer healthcare or Medicare for All. There does appear an element of scapegoatism in these candidates within a larger pattern of rationing of healthcare to everyone who is not wealthy.

Nightwingdragon, to politics in Republicans running for governor are some of the most extremist candidates in the country. Here they are

It’s sad how right-wing extremism seems to be gaining popularity not only in this country, but around the world. I guess the desire to be able to blame “them” for your own shortcomings really is that much of a driving force that people will vote against their own self-interests so long as they can continue to blame “them” for everything. Maybe Trump was right, and the easiest way to rise to power is just to be charismatic and give the rubes a boogeyman to hate. Seems to have worked for him so far.


As long as people would rather be entertained instead of educated, this will continue.

pezhore, to politics in Republicans running for governor are some of the most extremist candidates in the country. Here they are avatar

Of course my shit hole state would have not one, not two, but three horrible people vying for governor.

pineapplelover, to politics in Most married same-sex couples worried about challenges to marriage equality: study

Somebody give this person a Pulitzer. People are threatened because they are being threatened.

BackOnMyBS, to politics in Most married same-sex couples worried about challenges to marriage equality: study avatar

I think it’s so odd that we base the legal binding provided by marriage on sex. Like, why is it assumed that we have to be sexual and/or romantic? Why can’t it just be someone I find responsible and reliable? What does the government care the sex and romantic status of whomever I pick for that?? It’s not like they’re asking us how often we go on dates, have sex, or say, “I love you,” to each other. We file taxes together, purchase family plans from businesses, make medical decisions when the other is incapacitated, and inherit assets. None of that is related in anyway to sex and romance. It’s just so bizarre to me than the government would care at all.


Because historically the purpose of marriage was the secure economic and political alliances, and importantly produce heirs so that wealth stayed in the family. Even the idea of formally asking for the consent of the two people to be is only around 1000 years old.

Marriage first and foremost is a legal contract to bind your wealth together. The romance is just marketing.

Ten key moments in the history of marriage - BBC News -

MeekerThanBeaker, to politics in Republicans running for governor are some of the most extremist candidates in the country. Here they are

I want AI to perfect space travel because we need to get away from these idiots.

We’ll deal with these nuts later when they develop a Death Star.


they are an extension of us

they would be there with us, in space


No matter where you go, there you are.

People are people. There’s always way going to be someone climbing the ladder to put themselves at the top, just random what tools they choose to use to get there.

captainlezbian, to politics in Most married same-sex couples worried about challenges to marriage equality: study

I mean yeah. If Obergefell falls my marriage is no longer recognized in my state automatically

xmunk, to politics in Americans still support Marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans

The GOP got kicked in the head.

It’s fucking insane what they’re selling these days.


As someone that has been beaten badly I can securely say it fucks up the way that your brain distributes attention and behavior pretty much permanently and for the worse.

Keep that in mind when you beat someone up you are likely neurologically creating another member of the GOP.

Zombiepirate, avatar

They’re a bunch of degenerates who think the country belongs to them alone.

Viking_Hippie, to politics in Most married same-sex couples worried about challenges to marriage equality: study

Well, duh! I’d be pretty worried too if powerful bigots kept trying to legislative my marriage away…

ChihuahuaOfDoom, to politics in Americans still support Marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans

I always assumed but TIL Republicans are not Americans /s


They certainly seem confused about what country they live in and this whole democracy thing

gndagreborn, avatar

You joke, but I recently met a heterosexual conservative couple at a bar in Austin. We were having a great time up until they learned I was gay. Then they implied I was un-American because I am both gay and Asian.

To me, the cold behavior exhibited by the couple was un-American, not my sexual preference.

kescusay, avatar

Don’t you know you can’t be American if you don’t use your genitals correctly? I’m sure it’s right there in the Constitution somewhere… /s

samus12345, avatar

Americans in general support marriage equality by a vast majority, but Republicans (a subset of Americans, unfortunately) do not.

DarkDarkHouse, to politics in Americans still support Marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans avatar

Yes, but majority only matters in a democracy.


Laughs in electoral college

CharlesDarwin, avatar

And don’t forget all the dirty tricks from the GOP.

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