bloodfart, to politics in GOP senator blocks Democratic bill to ban bump stocks after Supreme Court ruling

The Supreme Court was low key right to overturn atfs bump stock ban, so going through congress to get a ban is the right way to do it, but…

It’s a dumb thing to blow political capital on.

NosferatuZodd, to world in More than 300 Egyptians die from heat during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, diplomats say

I don’t see any references or sources at all in the page, and I couldn’t find other news sites with comparable numbers, I call bullshit.

it was reported that there was 41 jordanians who died trying to get to mecca without permits and they slept outside in the sun so that part was true but inflated number, the Egyptians thing is just a lie.


You can also read the AP or AFP reports, which are easily accessible.


The new deaths bring the total reported so far by various countries to 577, according to an AFP tally.

The do cite their source.

At least 60 Jordanians also died, the diplomats said, up from an official tally of 41 given earlier on Tuesday by the Jordanian government.

Do you think it’s impossible that 41 people could die, reported on, and then more people die?

JustZ, avatar

What’s wrong with you?

Zachariah, to world in U.S. halts avocado and mango inspections in a Mexican state after 2 USDA employees attacked, detained avatar

Woohoo, now’s my chance to get a cocaine-filled avocado!

Who am I kidding? Nothings better than actual avocados.


If the cocaine just replaces the pit, it’s the best of both worlds and less work!

Zachariah, avatar

Then you can plant it and grow more cocaine.


It doesn’t even involve drug smuggling. Like organized crime in the US, they’ve branched out into racketeering and extortion in otherwise legitimate industries. Tortillerias are also major targets of extortion rackets now in Mexico.

Zachariah, avatar

Way to spoil my dream :(

breadsmasher, to politics in GOP senator blocks Democratic bill to ban bump stocks after Supreme Court ruling avatar

“I need a bump stock for hunting!1!”


“I only enjoy hunting if I can spray 35 bullets into a deer in 0.8 seconds. That’s how real men hunt.”

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

“I like how the lead makes the meat taste. Tangy and metallic.”


More of a sugary flavour, ask the Romans


That’s 35 more than these guys can spray in the last 8 years probably.

Rapidcreek, to politics in GOP senator blocks Democratic bill to ban bump stocks after Supreme Court ruling

"As a firearms owner myself, there’s no legitimate use for a bump stock – not for self defense, not in a law enforcement context, not even in military applications … but what they are tailor made for is a mass shooting.

Sen. Martin Heinrich (D) of New Mexico

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

There’s lots of non-legitimate ways people use guns. For example, I’ve only ever shot them for fun. I imagine being able to have a simulated machine gun experience without all the red tape is pretty fun.

However, we outlawed three-wheeled ATVs despite them being fun so it’s not an argument.

FuglyDuck, avatar

There’s plenty of ranges that you can rent much more fun automatic weapons, and really the red tape isn’t that bad for that.

Bump stocks legitimately suck.


If you want to fire a machine gun, go to a range that has a machine gun.


I have no problem with regular people having the ability to shoot machine guns or similar auto-fire weapons but for God’s sake license that shit!

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, to world in U.S. halts avocado and mango inspections in a Mexican state after 2 USDA employees attacked, detained avatar

My grocery store just sent me an email saying that avocado and mangos are their top picks this week.



You mess with the grocer, you get… exploser

Gork, to world in More than 300 Egyptians die from heat during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, diplomats say

They should build a giant enclosure over the Kaaba so it can be air conditioned. Or at the very least put in those mister-fan combos all over the place that are in amusement parks.


they do a pretty decent job cooling the place, the problems are outside the kaaba area though, as they can’t cool down all the city,

the jordinians who died were sleeping in the desert as they were without permits and wanted to hide from the authorities.

the Egyptians though were not mentioned on any other news sites I know and I don’t see any references or sources, so I call bullshit.

zerog_bandit, to world in More than 300 Egyptians die from heat during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, diplomats say

How could Israel do this???

Badeendje, to world in More than 300 Egyptians die from heat during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, diplomats say avatar

What is a pilgrimage without risk and suffering.

BigMacHole, to politics in Maryland Gov. Wes Moore pardons 175,000 marijuana convictions: "This is a really big deal"

This makes me want to vote for REPUBLICANS!

-Republicans who want to Legalize Weed.

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

There’s an insane amount of overlap of “those degenerate druggies deserve to rot in prison for life” and “weed should never have been illegal and we should legalize it” around where I live.

In fact, the thing that brought it to my attention in the first place was a family friend and I talking about people we knew in highschool, and he mentioned how one guy got arrested for having “half a dozen” (sidenote: I feel saying half a dozen is trying to make “six” sound more impressive) pot plants and obviously was a “major dealer”, and how he never would have guessed how evil some people are from how they were in highschool.

I asked him what ELSE he had to get 10 YEARS and of course the answer wasalong the lines of “no, that was it but what more do you need? Obviously a messed up guy”

And would you like to know why I called him a hypocritical piece of shit and decided to find someone else to talk to?

He pulls out a thc vape several times while we’re talking. You can’t mistake that smell for anything else.

I guess what makes men TRULY evil is whether mild thing they’re doing is currently illegal or not. When it’s legalized? Smoking is totally fine. When it’s illegal? Smoking is bad and you are evil for even considering it. Know your place, Peasant.

At least that’s the vibe I got from that guy.

hopesdead, to politics in Maryland Gov. Wes Moore pardons 175,000 marijuana convictions: "This is a really big deal" avatar


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  • StrongHorseWeakNeigh,

    Genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about. What do you mean?


    Back in the day, the plant cannabis was referred to as “marihuana” to associate its use with Mexicans, who were (are?) often maligned as migrants, itinerants, etc. Those people could then be made the subject of racist laws and wind up arrested or deported.

    This article goes into a couple explanations and offers a different one that’s maybe less racist.…/why-some-people-believe-marijuana…


    Article title:

    Why some people believe ‘marijuana’ is a racist word, and why it doesn’t offend me

    Getting the feeling we could be spending our time on much more important issues…


    From the article:

    the word was being used decades before [trying to give it a racist connotation] in the United States.

    Plus the term originated in México anyway.

    Checkmate, atheists.


    Stopping the use of a word that’s hit Kleenex level of saturation is a bigger deal than overturning 175 thousand bullshit convictions? That’s a hot take


    Do you actively look for the negative in everything or does it just come naturally?


    Are you shitting me that you think changing a word with an association most people have never even heard is more important than hundreds of thousands of people in this instance and others having their lives measurably improved? Having a criminal record can literally ruin someone’s life. It impacts the jobs they can get and where they can live. Pardoning them for some shit that never should’ve been a crime to start with is a huge deal.

    But for sure, tell all those people you’d pick changing the word for the drug over pardons. That’s a good call.


    That is absolutely the wrong hill to die on.


    Lol! Nice troll!

    Mexicans, and latinos in general use the term marijuana without batting an eye.

    So, stop.

    ripcord, to politics in Maryland Gov. Wes Moore pardons 175,000 marijuana convictions: "This is a really big deal" avatar

    This is nice

    555, to politics in Maryland Gov. Wes Moore pardons 175,000 marijuana convictions: "This is a really big deal"

    I hear Florida is going to put bottled water and pasteurized milk on the illegal drug list

    lennybird, to politics in The $64 million mystery: How a wave of anonymous donations is fueling the 2024 presidential campaign avatar

    In case anyone wasn’t aware, no this didn’t go directly into the Biden campaign’s funds; it went into a SuperPAC hiding the source(s) behind serveral shell companies. SuperPACs, unlike PACs or individual donations have no contribution limit, and usually require no disclosure of source. Their only requirement is they act independently from the candidate they endorse, and so cannot directly coordinate. This of course is pretty much irrelevant as call-and-response akin to the whole, “Russia, if you’re listening…” can work just fine. Some may remember Colbert Report mocking this concept on a weekly basis.

    This mostly a result of Citizens United v FEC and Speech Now v FEC, and traces back to Buckley v. Valeo.

    Perhaps the single-most damaging action to our Democracy in decades. Thank conservatives.

    Democrats must now play by the game in order to ever have a chance to win and change the rules.

    givesomefucks, to politics in The $64 million mystery: How a wave of anonymous donations is fueling the 2024 presidential campaign

    “There’s much too much money that flows in the shadows to influence our elections,” Mr. Biden said. “Dark money erodes public trust.”

    I don’t agree with Biden as much as I’d like to.

    But I 100% agree with that statement

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