OldWoodFrame, to politics in Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20

Really feels like it should be based on % difference from average costs paid by other industrialized nations. I have no frame of reference for whether drugs 21-50 are high margin enough to merit the costs of hiring people to research and negotiate. I assume they are but then like why not 51? Why not 3000? Why not 15? I can’t follow the logic if we’re just saying numbers of drugs.

ech, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people'

¿Por qué no los dos?

Mastengwe, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people'

Don’t make me start liking Facebook, Donnie. You Just shut your fat mouth!

homesweethomeMrL, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people'

Jeez he’s so fucking slimy in all these pictures. Like -unctuous.

Whatever, rural areas. Do your . . thing, I guess.


Trump or robotboy?


trump specifically, but yeah mecha-nero has a film going as well. But with the orange rapist it’s practically dripping

ATDA, to politics in Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20

Better than it is, far from goal…

foggy, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people'

Lmao Donnie he’s the only reason you won.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds.

stoly, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people'

Facebook is what got him elected. What a strange position.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

Facebook before they tried to start putting some loose guardrails around disinformation and started removing bad actors or putting them on time out.


Donald is pretty consistent about throwing his colluders under the bus.


James Comey and the fbi got him elected… how did that play out?

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people' avatar

If TikTok is a threat because it steals American's data, so is Facebook. We could solve both problems with comprehensive data privacy laws that cover foreign and domestic data harvesters.

But who am I kidding, our government doesn't care about our privacy, they're just scared of China, and even if they did they can't work together to get a decent privacy bill.


We could solve both problems with comprehensive data privacy laws that cover foreign and domestic data harvesters.

Help American citizens? In a way that hurts profits for billionaires?

oxjox, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people' avatar

Ok. This headline is throwing me for a loop.

More context: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission allowed Donald Trump’s media and technology company to merge with a blank-check acquisition vehicle in a deal that currently values the parent of his social media app Truth Social at as much as $10 billion.…/digital-world-shares-surge-us-regul…

empireOfLove2, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people' avatar

Even a broken (smashed to bits and run through a shredder) clock is right twice a day, it seems.

However, transparent translation: man with financial stake in a social media company considers competing social media company to be “enemy”; more at 11.

ptz, (edited ) to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people' avatar

Everything he doesn’t like is “enemy of the people”.

Exercising? Enemy of the people.

Common decency? Enemy of the people.

Defending the Constitution? Believe it or not, enemy of the people.

PP_BOY_, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people' avatar

Pretty funny given how much help Trump/MAGA has gotten from Meta’s ragebait algos. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you


TikTok’s been pushing Donnie’s videos.

dhork, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people'

“Without TikTok, you can make Facebook bigger, and I consider Facebook to be an enemy of the people,” Trump, who was formerly U.S. president between 2017 and 2021, said in a CNBC TV interview on Monday.

I am disappointed that they go through the whole article, and never point out that Trump runs his own social media platform, and that might give him a conflict of interest when speaking about Social Media companies. Is Facebook really an enemy of the people, or is it just a competitor of Truth Social?


am disappointed that they go through the whole article, and never point out that Trump runs his own social media platform, and that might give him a conflict of interest when speaking about Social Media companies


Moreover, any corporate run, non open-source, centralized social media platform is an enemy of the people.

This includes TikTok, Twitter, all of Meta, Truth Social, Reddit, Next-door, and so on.


Yeah Trump is technically correct here, but didn’t arrive at his correctness by means of truth. Rather, he arrived by means of self serving agenda as always.

Facebook is garbage and so are all the other privatized, data harvesting, privacy violating social media platforms.


Facebook. Who basically won his last election with disinformation campaigns… Why would anyone ally themselves with Trump, you will never, ever get his loyalty.

TimLovesTech, avatar

It should also be stated that the site originally was running Mastodon with a new skin to try and hide it. They have since acknowledged it and posted the source code required on the Legal page apparently (according to Wikipedia).


Is Facebook really an enemy of the people, or is it just a competitor of Truth Social?


Rapidcreek, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people'

Kinda screws up Congressional Republicans who voted for it out of committee


It’s OK, they will now fall all over themselves to kill it, while blaming Democrats for it existing in the first place.

Tolstoshev, to politics in Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20

50??? How about 100….percent?

FenrirIII, (edited ) avatar

He wasn’t talking about percentages though.

Edit: I agree that more should be regulated, but you need to start with the critical ones first. It’s easier to negotiate from that standpoint and build up.


Yea, but instead of fifty drugs we should negotiate on all if them.

There is no reason other than corporate greed to not negotiate drug prices.

Badeendje, avatar

Well, if you start with the 50 most used/highest line items on the budget… a lot of savings can be had.


This is great news. And for everyone asking for “100%”, that’s not how politics works. Politics is “the art of the possible” not a magic wand that can make anything happen.


Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.


Honestly, I am always wondering why there is a negotiation at all. If Wal-Mart can get the away with telling the likes of Sony, Nestle, and Kraft how much THEY will be paying for the stock for their shelves, the fucking government can do it with abandon. Fuck these asshats. Like, who are they going to complain to besides their hand puppets in Congress and on the supreme court? The government should not be required to participate in the free market, especially if so many fuckwidgets want to tell them that they are not allowed to regulate it.

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