FluffyPotato, to world in 'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer

I wonder how long until they start building gas chambers for Palestinians

JoMiran, to world in 'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer avatar

how dare you be so critical of Biden


Is this sarcasm? I’m neurodivergent and can’t tell


They’re one of those people that magically appear only when there’s some news about Biden they can shit all over. Check their comment history. If you have any doubts.

For the record, I’m neurodivergent as well, I’ve just had a lot of experience with these people. It gets easy to spot them after a while.


Yes it was. So many people come out of the wood work to say we can’t be at all critical about how Biden has handled this

supersquirrel, (edited )

…Biden doesn’t want to support the genocide of Palestinians, he is just forced to given the fact that if he looks weak to independent voters from not unconditionally backing Israel’s genocide of Palestinians than he is going to lose the election. Do you honestly think he would be supporting a genocide if it wasn’t a smart political strategy?…/majority-disapprove-israeli-act…

Ok fine so maybe even independents think what Israel is doing is awful in Gaza, but can’t you people be patient and wait until the dust settles after the election, and after all the Palestinians are dead and removed from their land? We can have a discussion about whether the Palestinian genocide was right or wrong then! Stop sabotaging Biden in the meantime, he is trying real hard to swoon those independent voters and they clearly are rabid supporters of the IDF committing genocide which is definitely a fact I didn’t contradict a second ago!

/s <------


4 hours and not a single right-center douchebag has come out of the woods. Maybe they’re catching on that their rhetoric isn’t working and Biden is going to flat out lose the country because of his genocidal friends.

zerog_bandit, to world in 'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer

They probably should’ve released the hostages sooner.


“Your authoritarian rulers kidnapped some of our people so now we get to kill innocent people with impunity” is a super shitty take


You mean the ones they’ve been caught shooting? Maybe the hostages are just a shitty excuse so morons like you say dumb shit like that.


Can you point out the hostages these two men had in the video?


Oh, look, another one parroting of the Nazi propaganda that an entire people are responsible for and hence can be killed as reprisal for the acts of a few amongst them.

Whilst conflating Palestinians with Hamas is merelly pure racist “logic”, using that to justify mass murder of Palestinians is Nazi-level cruel violent racism.


Death to Israel and their supporters

danekrae, (edited ) to world in 'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer

They can save on bullets, by lining them up and shooting them through the head, before they fall in their graves.

I’ve read about that from somewhere in history; can’t exactly remember wer war schuldig, I mean, who was guilty of it…

Linkerbaan, to world in 'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer avatar

Video is in the article.

What seems to be a tank drives up at 0:55 and shoots at 1:08.

The Bulldozer crushes them into a pile of rubble at 1:27


And I wouldn’t be shocked at all to find out that that corpse laden rubbles are dumped into the sea to build the US’ stupid fucking dock.


I would like an explanation to the downvotes. We know that the US has been using rubbles of houses and structures to build their fucking dock.


Why is it a stupid fucking dock?


Maybe because stupid fucking Israel destroyed the already existing Gaza port and won’t let trucks in with aid? So it’s a stupid fucking waste because of stupid fucking Israel?

EU, UAE, UK all vowed to use the stupid fucking dock, so the rest of the world seems to think it’s a good solution to a VERY time sensitive problem.

***This post is to simply test the waters of whether Mr. Wildbus is a)anti-Biden no matter what, b)Pro-Israel no matter what, c)Elon Musk

wildbus8979, (edited )

Maybe it’s gonna take, what? Months to complete? Why can’t they just drive trucks with aid in ? Seems like they have no issues driving trucks in with building materials … It’s a diversion, and it fucking stupid. It’s taking people for idiots and it’s incredibly insulting to the people who are suffering.

There are so many issues with that plan, it’s insane people would defend it.

Maybe the EU and the UK let’s be real also all have been stalling on the issue at hand aren’t exactly the moral gauge we should be looking at.

And yeah, fuck Biden, fuck him for lying that he saw evidence of dead babies, fuck him for supporting Israel no matter what for decades now. Fuck that geriatric ass hat. And if you think I like Elon, let alone Israel, you’re also most as dumb as the dock itself.…/why-bidens-floating-pier-is-unlik……/gaza-floating-port-aid-palestin……/us-says-building-gaza-port-take-lik…


Gaza never had a large port. Any port being destroyed has nothing to do with one needing to be constructed to directly offload aid from ships into Gaza. The only large port nearby is in Egypt, or further in Israel. Those end up with the same issue that were in right now of aid being prevented from entering by land, which yeah it sucks but doing something is better than just sitting around saying it sucks.


And the reason Gaza never had a port was because Israel has a naval blockade on the strip. They have always been kept dependent on what could be imported from Israel.


Very true, and not an argument against not building the port (not to say that’s what you meant) . If anything it’s an argument in favor of it.


Because it’s a technical solution for a problem that could be solved by a fucking phone call. The lack of food in Gaza is solely due to Israel blocking trucks at the border crossings. All Biden needs to do is call Netanyahu, tell him to let all the trucks in or he gets no more weapons, and the people in Gaza will stop starving within days. It’s not an infrastructure problem, it never was, and there’s no reason to spend months building a dock.

McDonaldIsVenom_, (edited ) to world in 'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer

Not my proudest fap

Edit: OMG guys it’s a joke, I wouldn’t masturbate to islam/terrorists people

snooggums, avatar

Sad troll is sad.


People understand it’s a joke. They also understand it’s an incredibly low quality one.


58 minutes to banned. I think that’s a Lemmy record.

Linkerbaan, avatar

I guess you could say… he didn’t last very long

(his deleted comment was:

spoiler*“not my proudest fap”


With a “joke” like that, the ban was 100% deserved

somethingchameleon, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

How come no US politicians, democrat or otherwise, include removing support for Israel as part of their campaign?



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  • somethingchameleon,

    Who cares about them, really?

    They’re not more important than anyone else on this planet.


    Idk if you have participated in the us political system much but like there’s a lot of Jews

    Going against them and potentially being branded anti-Semitic is political suicide


    Calm down, Kanye.


    He’s got a point. AIPAC i one of the strongest lobby organization in the US. They make and break politicians all the time.


    And they’ve been very successful in convincing everyone that Israel = Jews; so that any criticism of Israel is defacto antisemitic (nevermind that Palestinians are a Semitic people).

    We should be clear that Netanyahu and the far-right fundamentalist Likud party in Israel is the problem.

    davel, avatar

    Putting the star of David on their flag was chefs-kiss propaganda.


    If you think AIPAC represents all Jews, you are absolutely an antisemite. No surprise you think Kanye “I like Hitler” West has “got a point”.

    Criticising the Israel lobby is fine, but maybe don’t blame Jews for everything Israel does…


    Eight-in-ten U.S. Jews say caring about Israel is an important or essential part of what being Jewish means to them…/pf_05-11-21_jewish-americans-07…


    “Caring about Israel” is a very generic metric, and I bet things have changed a lot since 2021. I know plenty of people who support Israel’s right to exist, but also want Bibi imprisoned for life for what he’s doing to Palestinians.

    Jews are not a monolithic group. If you can’t criticize a government without condemning an entire ethnic group, that’s your failure.


    I can condemn a group of people who are voluntarily a member of a religion (not the ethnic group) while understanding that individuals should be judged as individuals.


    Then point the finger at a group that deserves it like Zionists, rather than broadly pointing the finger at Jews. Most Jews, especially in America, are secular.

    anarchy79, avatar

    Acnshually, jews


    I think we can move past this while fighting actual antisemitism, which may be on the rise for all I know.


    Im starting to think that what a lot of people learned from the holocaust wasn’t ‘never let this happen again’, but ‘never let this happen to the jews again’. The people of gaza are being wiped out because we, the west, can’t hold a Jewish state accountable for their actions, because that might make us nazis in the eyes of morons and their propagandists.


    The many faces of totalitarianism; we need to discuss this better, or have representatives who can at very least acknowledge that. By the way, none of these people seem to have at hearth the peace of the region. Until than, our hands are tied.


    because that might make us nazis in the eyes of morons and their propagandists.

    You mean the Israeli state?


    Im starting to think that what a lot of people learned from the holocaust

    That always happens when you try to teach a crowd a moral lesson.

    But, to be frank, there were institutional things learned too, culminating in the UN being created. Too bad it wasn’t reformed significantly after decolonization happened, and for the Cold War, and as a result by now it’s completely irrelevant. Its rules are being used to justify things opposite to stated when those rules were written.


    Odd phrasing in that first bit 💀

    anarchy79, avatar



    There are plenty of American Jews that don’t support what Israel is doing.


    Does it matter? Support or oppose people are being killed by missiles from drones not unkind words tossed from across the ocean.

    davel, avatar

    It matters insomuch as they are protesting/committing acts of civil disobedience or hounding politicians or not donating to AIPAC or whatever else they can do from across the ocean.


    In the context of the conversation we’re currently having? Yeah it does matter, because the person I was replying to suggested that all Jews support what Israel is doing.


    And some of the strongest critics of Israel I’ve seen throughout all this have been Jewish. Wild to cast their protest to the side and generalize them.


    Right? Some absolutely braindead takes in here.


    Piss off “the Jews”? Can we please condemn Israels violence without antisemitism?


    I don’t worry about pissing off white people in America by pointing out the shitty things they collectively were responsible for in the pre civil war era even though not every white person in the 1800s owned slaves or supported slavery.


    They are Jewish…

    davel, avatar

    How are we almost six months into this genocide and people are still conflating Jewishness with Zionism?

    Most Zionists are not Jews, and many Jews are not Zionists, in fact some Jews are fervently anti-Zionist.

    whoisearth, avatar

    I’ll tell you the nasty truth. You’re right, but if a politician ran a campaign to strip Israel of all their benefits of American Exceptionalism they will be crushed in the polls. They won’t just lose they will be decimated.


    Because despite what you say, many of those Jews you are referring to are actually Zionists once cutting off the hand that feeds their homeland is threatened.

    Non-Jews need to understand that unlike Christianity there is a level of identity politics steeped in nationalism, religion and culture are all so heavily intertwined it’s hard to break through. I’m speaking from experience. 3 of my kids are Jewish.

    I feel sorry for those sane Israelis that are powerless as their insanely right wing government kills any hope they have for a safe future thanks to destroying an already tenuous relationship with all their neighbours in the ME.

    davel, (edited ) avatar

    Because despite what you say, many of those Jews you are referring to are actually Zionists once cutting off the hand that feeds their homeland is threatened.

    Many who have actual ties to the occupying state, or who still consider it a “homeland” despite what they’re seeing before their eyes, probably.

    Non-Jews need to understand that unlike Christianity there is a level of identity politics steeped in nationalism, religion and culture are all so heavily intertwined it’s hard to break through.

    That Religio-nationalism isn’t alien to us. Look at American Christian nationalism. Second Thought: The Growing Threat Of Christian Nationalism

    Settler-colonialism isn’t foreign to us either: we created it. The Jewish state is a settler-colony created by and still supported by & deeply dependent on Global North colonizers. America itself is a settler-colony: we genocided the indigenous peoples and settled here.

    whoisearth, avatar

    Point being it’s an extremely nuanced situation right now and it’s disgusting but there’s no easy fix.


    They won’t just lose they will be decimated.

    offtopic: “Decimated” means “reduced by 10%”, that is, multiplied by 0.9, that is, in the ancient Rome it meant “every 10th executed”. Seems closer to “just lose” than to “crushed in the polls”. While correcting people writing in their native language which isn’t mine is stupid, in this case the term is Roman, so.

    whoisearth, avatar

    I will accept the pedantic response lol. I was not aware.


    Other meaning: “kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of.”

    The word has more than just one meaning of “reduction by 1/10”, even if that’s originally where the expression comes from. But im sure a smart guy as yourself already knew that.


    In general how a word is used is what it means in the language, prescriptivism is cancer. I just felt that its original meaning is worth preserving too, and there are many ways to say “badly hurt”.


    The only cancer is you going around trying to “correct” people when there’s nothing to correct.

    They used the word “decimated” accurately.

    You’re not preserving the original meaning. You’re just being an ass.


    The only cancer is you going around trying to “correct” people when there’s nothing to correct.

    How does it feel to be such a moron that you can’t be bothered to look up the word “prescriptivism”, don’t know it, thus don’t get what you are answering and still decide to throw insults?

    You’re not preserving the original meaning. You’re just being an ass.

    What’s certain is that I don’t seek for evaluations of my actions and statements from apes who guess the meaning of words while having Internet access.

    EDIT: and guess the exact opposite at that


    “While correcting people writing in their native language which isn’t mine is stupid, in this case the term is Roman, so.”

    That is your quote. Moron. You fully admit you are trying to correct people.

    But sure, try to make it about “prescriptivism” if that’s what you want you absolute clown.


    Why’d you write this after I said how much exactly I value your opinion?


    Well, first I would have to actually care about what you value and not.


    You seem to, hell knows why


    The majority of US/UK jews are both pro-Israel and not against what is going on in Gaza

    I couldn’t find a worldwide survey but it doesn’t seem altogether unfair to conflate the jewish religion with the worldwide bastion of that religion any more than it would be wrong to conflate Catholics and the pope. This does NOT mean its ok to harm people based on what they believe. Adding to the sum total of harm does nothing to alleviate the suffering in Gaza.

    davel, avatar

    I couldn’t find a worldwide survey but it doesn’t seem altogether unfair to conflate the jewish religion with the worldwide bastion of that religion any more than it would be wrong to conflate Catholics and the pope.

    This analogy doesn’t work. You’re conflating the Jewish people with the Jewish religion. Catholicism is not an ethnicity, and many Jews aren’t religious, in fact quite a few are atheists.


    The fact that Judaism is both an ethnicity and a religion is confusing. Nobody should be condemned for the ethnicity they were born with. Religions are voluntary associations.

    davel, (edited ) avatar

    Indeed. And the Jewish faith isn’t monolithically Zionist either, not even in Palestine itself: Edah HaChareidis

    JPost, 2017: Tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews in New York protest IDF draft law Anti-Zionist Satmar Hasidic group joins Israeli Orthodox in campaign against Orthodox conscription into the IDF.

    Daily Mail, Oct. 2023: Thousands of pro-Palestine protestors shut down Brooklyn Bridge after flooding NYC streets alongside orthodox Jewish members to condemn Israel’s war in Gaza - as businesses are plastered with ‘Zionism is Terrorism’ stickers

    JPost, Mar. 2024: Ultra-Orthodox Jews block Israeli highway in protest of IDF draft


    Israel isn’t any kind of bastion, Judaism doesn’t have a central authority like the Pope and those smaller ones it has are not in Israel.

    bartolomeo, avatar

    Most Zionists are not Jews

    Where did you get this from? It sounds wrong to me. The early Zionist terrorist groups (Haganah, Lehi etc.) were singularly Jewish groups, with mass immigration of Jews to Palestine being one of their top priorities (getting the British and Palestinians out being another).

    To vote in the World Zionist Congress you have to be Jewish.

    Or maybe this is a question of definition- how do you define Zionists in this case?

    davel, (edited ) avatar

    As Genocide Joe has been saying for decades, you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. You just have to believe in the project of Atlanticist Jews settler-colonizing the Palestinian people’s land.

    Another reason the imperialist US government is Zionist is that Israel is its unsinkable aircraft carrier in oil-rich Western Asia. As Biden has been saying for decades, “were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to .”

    bartolomeo, avatar

    Ok, now I see what you mean. Thanks.

    Edit: holy shit, yea.

    As early as mid-1895, Herzl described his expectation that in supporting the emigration of Jews, “anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies”.[2]

    The Israeli government’s alleged collaboration with antisemitic politicians abroad has been criticized as a manifestation of Zionist antisemitism, in that it seeks to highlight Jew-hatred in order to provide further incentive for Jewish immigration to Israel. In this context, anti-Zionists have criticized the Zionist movement’s alleged complicity with or capitulation to antisemitism since it gained traction in the 19th century, and some anti-Zionists have also categorized Zionism as a form of antisemitism. The Austrian-Jewish anti-Zionist writer Karl Kraus regarded antisemitism as the “essence” of the Zionist movement and used the label “Jewish antisemites” to describe Jews who identified as Zionists.[3]


    Possible unpopular take, but suddenly cutting off support for Israel may be evaluated as the path that results in far more blood. Because of Bibi’s absolute shit response, there’s a good possibility that many groups in the region (Hezbolah, Iran, etc.) are standing quite ready to exterminate Israel and all of its roughly 9.3 million residents (2021 numbers). While the US cutting off support may be a short term solution that a lot of people could agree with, Bibi has made clear that he is willing to play chicken with the entire population of Israel, and so if the aid stops and the possible invasion from the regional players starts up, then the US has to decide whether to let a “former” ally get exterminated, or get involved at that point when many more actors could be involved in the conflict.


    Israel is a nuclear nation, they’ll be fine. What will happen is they’ll ally with Russia and sell off access to the tech we’ve been dumb enough to give them.


    Because it’s wildly unpopular here. The attacks on 10/7 have convinced more people who would normally be supporters if Gaza/Hamas to not be. And the persistent polling that shows supermajority support amongst Palestinians, plus the continued ransom (and likely perpetual rape) of hostages, combine with the consistent pledge of “we love it and we’ll do it again”, and the fact that Americans are still being held hostage; Palestinians should be glad the US hasn’t entered the conflict ourselves.


    Is it really so unpopular among actual people? It’s politically not popular, but people in the US are beginning to see the IDF and Israeli government for what they are. I have been seeing Palestinian flags and other shows of support all over since October, and Western media makes little attempt to justify the atrocities by the IDF in their reporting.


    Oh absolutely. Israel’s popularity has taken a hit in the US (Down to 58%, source but the Palestinian Authority’s support is down to 18% (same source).

    And when you look at specifically questions around Israel & Hamas’ handling and justification for conflict it’s no-contest (source. Nobody thinks Hamas’ actions were justifiable. That pew poll is pretty nuanced and lays it out pretty well. Most of Palestinians support is primarily focused on the human cost of the war; which the US is seen to be mitigating with it’s air drops and the port we’re building.

    It’s not really surprising either. The older you are the more you’ve experienced Hamas/PA tactics and PR and the less susceptible you are to it. And Hamas is getting fairly good coverage here. There’s rarely a news article pointing out that US citizens are still being held hostage, for example.

    Atomic, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

    “Everyone in the world needs to see this” - Proceeds to not link what needs to be seen anywhere.

    Linkerbaan, avatar

    The thread has become rather long. It’s already posted down below but here it is again.

    NSFL(Death + Gore): Video mirror

    Bombings at 1:00, 1:50 and 2:15

    And here is slo mo footage of the missles

    NSFL (Death + Gore):


    I was talking about the author of the article. But thanks

    fox2263, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

    Despicable and deplorable

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Can’t imagine war being any other way.


    Hi, resident American combat vet here. This is egregious by any standard but a genocidal regime. It’s a pretty clear rule, if they aren’t armed or uniformed, you don’t shoot them.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    If it were like that, it wouldn’t be as bad. But internet is full of videos proving otherwise, USA soldiers included.


    Oh? There are videos of US soldiers shooting civilians just walking around without guns and in civilian clothes?

    Please send them to the Pentagon and NYT. There’s some people who would be very interested in them.


    There are. See “collateral murder” or the guy we literally prosecuted for this which Trump pardoned. We also kicked down a lot of doors and dropped a lot of missiles on slim intelligence knowing we were killing hundreds of thousands of innocents in aggregate. None of this info is secret. We kidnapped people in Iraq and tortured them to give up names of their confederates and kicked down doors and murdered people based on this intelligence. See the Salem witch trials for why this method of intelligence gathering isn’t worth shit.

    At one point we dropped missiles on people purely based correlating data about sim card usage to speculate on who was associating with terrorists in a program we now know is mathematically impossible to have been accurate.

    Not only do we have hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths on our hands directly there is all the indirect harm we are responsible for by supporting bad actors.

    None of this justifies anyone else’s bad acts. You just ought to be more aware.


    The collateral murder video is sold without context. The Army’s report has pictures of the RPGs on the ground.

    Trump had to pardon that guy because the military was going to put him in prison.

    None of this is a culture so reckless we’re just bombing random civilians walking down the road. Even the torture had to be kept secret from everyone else and resulted in court martials until it was just completely removed from the normal military.

    We’ve certainly had our problems but at the end of the day the difference is we at least try to have accountability. We keep fighting against war criminals and forcing them to find other ways to work.


    What kind of accountability do we have where even the few people punished for the direct crimes are let off


    We absolutely put war criminals in prison before Trump, and we will again. One high profile shit stain doesn’t invalidate over a decade of prosecuting war crimes.


    And the US Army released the investigation done that day. There were RPGs on the ground there. There was also a pattern of attacks going on with that unit and kneeling around the wall isn’t how any reporter I ever met overseas took a photo. Hell half the time they waved at us to make sure we knew they were there.

    It sucks that the Reuters guys embedded with anti coalition forces, but it’s a risk just like embedding with us was.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    So now you trust US army for analyzing their own footage, but not IDFs analysis of their own.


    The IDF hasn’t earned it.

    They blew up a group of reporters standing in the open, clearly marked, with nothing else around them.

    They refuse to let Gazans evacuate the combat area through their lines.

    There are multiple cases of them shooting unarmed civilians. Including their own hostages.

    And they refuse to either let aid agencies do their job or to provide that aid themselves, fomenting a famine.

    There has been zero accountability for any of the war crimes above.

    Also, the US Army didn’t just release a puff piece statement. They declassified their on the ground investigation that was done as a routine matter right after the engagement. When I say pictures of the RPGs, I don’t mean video stills to argue over. I mean actual pictures taken by soldiers.

    MeanEYE, (edited ) avatar

    They blew up a group of reporters standing in the open, clearly marked, with nothing else around them.

    So did USA, multiple times. Link. You don’t even have to search hard to find it.

    They refuse to let Gazans evacuate the combat area through their lines.

    There was a humanitarian corridor before. Not sure why there isn’t one now. But claiming they won’t let them pass is not really true since they did let them pass.

    There are multiple cases of them shooting unarmed civilians. Including their own hostages.

    Same with USA, see Collateral Murder leaks page on WikiLeaks. Direct video link

    And they refuse to either let aid agencies do their job or to provide that aid themselves, fomenting a famine.

    I’ve never seen this. From the news I read, aid is going in there but civilians are being beaten by Hamas and stolen supplies from. There were also reports of shooting at people getting the aid because IDF soldiers were afraid of stampede. So either people are getting aid and getting shot at or not.

    Edit: As claimed by COGAT, there’s no issues for aid to get to the people. UNRWA is not allowed though due to their ties to Hamas.

    There has been zero accountability for any of the war crimes above.

    Even if there is to be accountability, it won’t come now but long after the war. And it’s nothing new for any guilty party never to get condemned for anything. USA did it number of times, China does it all the time, etc. Hell even NATO bombed refugee convoy in Serbia killing thousands of civilians without armed escort and nothing. This is nothing strange. Rules for the big countries are not the same as for smaller countries.

    Also, the US Army didn’t just release a puff piece statement. They declassified their on the ground investigation that was done as a routine matter right after the engagement.

    Actually no. They did cover up things multiple times. Also many videos leaked, which is the reason why Julian Assange is a wanted man across the globe as is Edward Snowden. You think they are hiding abroad in countries who oppose USA because they expect fair legal process? No, they will be swallowed by the darkness the moment they enter any country allied with USA.

    Also let us not forget that in Iraq, at peak there were 29k civilian deaths per year. PER YEAR. And war went on for 6 years. So where are calls for genocide there?

    As far as I can see you guys are picking favorites and turning blind eye. While pointing fingers at others.


    Every international aid NGO out there is saying Israel isn’t letting in enough food. But you’re going to cite a puff statement from Israel on Twitter? That dog doesn’t hunt.

    And I feel for that reporter but his facts don’t align with reality. That’s a story I’ve seen in a lot of people with moral injury PTSD. If you convince yourself the facts are different then you can get some relief. It does not however change the meaning of words or the actions of the group the reporters were in.

    It’s also a far sight from shooting unarmed civilians who are just walking.


    You’re a disgrace. A perfect fit in Israel, I bet you’d be buddies with fuckhisfaceyahoo or you wish you were.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    So I am despicable for thinking war is disgusting. Thanks I suppose. Goes to show how all these Hamas supporters think.


    People are replying to you because you are trying to downplay genocide. You also just called people getting mad at children dying as Hamas supporters. You are being obtuse.


    He is getting paid for these comments for sure


    It’s something we will never know. I did hear Israel has a division of people meant to astroturf reddit and other sites (which is supposed to be against reddit’s terms of services). Always be careful when dealing with internet strangers.

    Interestingly, someone who defended Israel tried to shift some of the blame to the Romans last week (yes, I do get it was sarcasm but now all I hear in my head is: “The Romans, also are Hamas.”)


    The other way would be that they weren’t genocidal and maybe the problem wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Israel and Hamas are both despicable groups but there’s a clear instigator in Israel.

    michaelmrose, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

    Everyone needs to see this footage that is nowhere in the article. Everyone SHOULD see this its obvious murder without justification.

    rottingleaf, (edited )

    Ironic that it’s “Anadolu English” with Turkey doing the same kind of thing, though. We live in hell, but there are islands of paradise admittedly, and when one finds them one knows it.


    The secondary explosion proves they were terrorists? You sound like a conspiracy theorist.

    andy_wijaya_med, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans avatar

    This is soooo fucked up. :(


    Does the fact that’s an obvious lie (you can clearly see a second missile come from the top left) make you more or less likely to support the IDF? Anything’s fair in war and genocide right…


    There is video evidence that it’s a second missile posted in the comments already… Did you miss it?



    care to come back on this comment?

    DTFpanda, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

    Fucking morons will continue to vote for Genocide Joe anyway


    “Oh no, that’s so sad.” - Biden

    "Finish the job. " - Trump

    Pretty sure Palestine is cooked.


    Cucked into believing he cares suddenly before an election? Meanwhile sending billions of dollars of weapons to Israel? Are you really that gullible? And no idea what Trump has to do with this. You’re right though, Palestine is cooked.


    Fucking morons will continue to vote for Genocide Joe anyway.

    And no idea what Trump has to do with this.

    Because Dictator Donnie is the only other option. Believing any other candidate is even a viable choice is delusional. American politics is fucked so voting for 3rd party is not remotely helpful. You either vote for Joe or are complicit in the MAGA agenda.


    This thinking is why you only have two options. This thinking is designed by the establishment to get you to vote for shit sandwich A or shit sandwich B. But you know what, you actually do have power with your vote to either not use it, or to vote for someone other than a shit sandwich. So while you are more than welcome to continue eating shit, I’m tired of it. A vote for uncommitted, a vote for Bernie Sanders, a vote for Princess Unicorn, etc, does not in any way shape or form equal a vote “for the other guy.” Blame me all you want, but it’s people like you who keep voting for genocidal geriatrics for why we’re stuck in this miserable corporate-run “democracy.”

    Tardil, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

    Looks fake

    irreticent, avatar

    Not any more fake than your account.



    irreticent, avatar

    Tu cuenta es falsa.


    I’m just new. Why u so mad bro


    You got the “tard” part right.

    locke, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

    What’s the context? Why were they targetted?


    They cannot say because they were a threat. Unless they had intel on who these men were? But by the looks of it I can’t imagine any person who is a militant would be walking like these men.


    You people are brain dead beyond belief. “thEy dOnT wAlk liKe miLitAnts” lmao

    Zuberi, avatar

    This guy seems mad lmao


    You’ve seen the context for months now. They were born in Gaza. That’s the context.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Right, so why let other two million walk normally?


    They have killed other people just for walking around.


    They have not! Only those who have done suspicious things, like standing in a bread line


    You mean the ones they’re starving?


    Ok, so you believe they were just random targets and nothing significant happened before this footage to make them become targets?

    Have they been identified?


    Wouldn’t be the first time.


    That’s true. On the other hand, a lot of propaganda is constructed at the limit of what’s believable.


    They don’t bother to identify them, if they are male between the ages of 16 and 50 they label them a potential combatant. They have been bombing civilians indiscriminately for years, but they have upped the intensity to levels unseen in years.


    Source: your asshole, I presume.


    It’s been a common practice for militaries all over, it’s not a secret, you can read about it elsewhere if you like. You are right though, my source is my personal knowledge of the subject.


    The goal is to kill every single Palestinian so that is why they were targeted


    Where did you hear that? On Chinese TikTok?


    No your mom told me

    dbilitated, avatar

    Israel is killing everyone who lives in Gaza so they can take their land

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Then they are doing a shit job, considering almost 2 million of them remains. Either that or that’s not the goal.


    Eradicating 1.5%, more than 3% injured of the population of Gaza, destroying more than 35% of the civilian buildings in Gaza, man-made starvation. And now a planned assault on Rafah, where a big chunk of the population is living in nightmarish conditions. Is this what you call little?

    And believe me the actual number of the casualties is much bigger, considering that there isn’t an independent verification of the direct and indirect casualties. I am sure far rights in Israel are elated.


    Genocide is not the goal, but we have been able to accurately predict Israel’s next action every step of the way by simply looking at the script for what a genocidal regime would do. But genocide is not Israel’s goal. It just looks that way. Maybe a weird coincidence.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Why should I believe you or anyone, and not people who are on the ground there. We hear aid is provided, we hear aid is taken away from civilians by Hamas beating people, we hear people selling aid packages to others civilians. We hear all sorts of things. But all you people do is ignore whatever narrative you don’t like and focus on one thing. By that measure you can say USA is killing innocent civilians when they dropped that aid package which crushed some of them.


    We hear aid is provided, we hear aid is taken away from civilians by Hamas beating people, we hear people selling aid packages to others civilians. We hear all sorts of things.

    Which of these potentially terrible things negates what has been done to the people of Gaza? The destruction of their infrastructure - housing, universities, hospitals. The killing of civilians. The living conditions. The starvation.

    So there is some, but not nearly enough aid. So some bad actors are taking advantage of the unimaginably fucked up situation there. How does that change the fact that Israel is at best using collective punishment (a war crime) and at worst committing genocide?


    You don’t have to believe me, but I’m happy to show my work:

    The state of Israel has always rejected the one-state solution and the right-of-return. (It makes political sense, as the Jews would be outnumbered in their own state in a few decades.) It has also rejected or sabotaged a two-state solution by expanding settlements, a process which has ramped up in recent months, so there’s nowhere for a second state to exist. Thus, the people of Palestine cannot live in Israel, and they cannot live in Palestine. No other nations would take that many refugees, so they also cannot leave. The, uhh, remaining solution is to kill them, and the IDF feels no compunction about doing exactly that. For decades, genocide hasn’t been the avowed goal of the state of Israel, just the inescapable conclusion of a cruel logic.

    That brings us up to last October. So what would a genocidal regime do in Israel’s place, if it wanted to exterminate a group of people with enough plausible deniability to avoid triggering intervention by the rest of the world? Cut off incoming food, water, and energy? Check, Israel has done that. Contaminate the groundwater? Check. Destroy the energy, sanitary, and transportation infrastructure? Check. Render civilian homes destroyed or unlivable, and destroy businesses? Check. Destroy the health care system? Check. Drive the population toward the border with progressive waves of attacks? Gaza City -> Khan Younis -> Rafah, check.

    And all of this, after several Israeli government officials stated explicitly that the goal is, at least, ethnic cleansing.

    dbilitated, avatar

    Hitler didn’t eradicate the Jewish people. Are you saying that means he wasn’t actually trying?

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Nope. Am saying that your comment is wrong. If Israel was trying to do systematic destruction number of deaths would be far higher in such densely populated area. And it’s not.


    Oh well it’s ok then I guess, they haven’t built gas chambers so it’s not efficient. Two missiles for 4 people really isn’t cost-effective, I see what you mean.

    In your opinion, how efficient does it have to be before they’re trying to “systematically destroy” Palestine?


    Gaza isn’t large. You could legitimately destroy 90% of standing structures with 10-20k tomahawk-esque missiles. You could like do the same thing with 5-10x the number of artillery shells.


    If the bombs a bullets don’t get them the famine certainly will.


    If that’s their goal, aren’t they progressing rather slowly? Gaza’s population is growing, not diminishing.


    Yeah that’s a bit hyperbolic. They just want to force them out. Just a little ethnic cleansing.


    They just want to force them out. Just a little ethnic cleansing.

    Yeah, that’s certainly easier to imagine.


    No no no they just want to kill Hamas. If they kill everyone they see, then chances are they will eventually kill all Hamas as well. /s


    “Intent to destroy in part or whole”. Number doesn’t matter, and consequently neither does not keeping up with population growth it’s still genocide.


    Gazas population isn’t currently growing, over 32,000 Palestinians have been killed since October


    Israel was founded on Settler Colonialism and ethnic cleansing, both fundamental to Zionism

    The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 culminating to Plan Dalet in 1948, more details here.

    You can learn more in the Apartheid Reports

    Amnesty International Report

    Human Rights Watch Report

    B’TSelem Report with quick Explainer


    I’m not trying to be dense here, but is there a better way to conquer and take land? If taking the land is the strategic objective, how else should they proceed other than to clear it off its current populace?


    For being Palestinian


    Genocide. Genocide.

    UltraBlack, to world in 'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

    question is how much of this shit is true

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