ynthrepic, to world in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage avatar

What proves this footage is really what the article claims it to be? It’s a very specific explanation for what appears quite vague.

I just don’t want to go sharing something we cannot actually verify as true. There’s a lot of other stuff mentioned in the article a lot of which we know to be true, but that isn’t proof of this claim.

cyberpunk007, to world in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage

Another day, another disgusting thing done by Israel. And another day other countries governments just don’t seem to give a shit. What the fuck.


What can other countries do? Invade? The US bullies Nato into compliance, the rest of the world can only sit there and be appalled.


The US: “Oh no, more innocents died, that’s sad” sends more bombs


What can other countries do?

Same they do to Russia. Freeze foreign money and ceace all trade


I’m definitely not equipped to have an answer, but it’s not right.

YarHarSuperstar, to world in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage avatar

“full-fledged”, unlike all the many, many, other only partially-fledged war crimes /s


Yepp - condemnation it is!


Geneva suggestion misinterpretations

Tugboater203, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts avatar

I was thinking Pres Biden does all the stuff we seem to want him to, resigns and Pres Harris pardons him.

UnderpantsWeevil, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts avatar
No_Change_Just_Money, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

So Biden could just seal team 6 half the Supreme Court plus Trump, and it would be legal as long as he officially says he did it afterward?

Jaysyn, (edited ) to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts avatar

You guys haven't seen shit yet.

Biden is going to "win" the 2024 election, Trump will sue & SCotUS will hand him the crown.

must act to restore our .


I want this statement to become false.


I vote for , but can be swayed.


Liberals will still use such an event as a means to punch left and blame the coup on actual leftist not voting hard enough for biden.

djsoren19, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

The six conservative SCOTUS members have just openly told everyone that they are fascists who want to destroy democracy. There is a detailed solution to this kind of tyranny.

Apothenon1, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

Well, fellow Americans. This experiment with democracy was fun while it lasted. Every significant goal of the founding fathers has been systematically thwarted by these Christofascists. We once again have a de-facto monarch.

The consequences of this decision will be dire, and unpredictable. Every law, every right, every freedom can now be undone by an official wave of the president’s hand. Rights to privacy? Gone. Due process? Gone. Bill of Rights? Gone.

No one—democrat or republican—should be happy about this. The right to bear arms is now on the chopping block right along with LGBTQ+ and abortion rights.

Hopefully I’m wrong. Hopefully I’m misreading the situation. But it sure sounds like every right that previously defined us as American people now hinges on the benevolence of our president. Americans can no longer brag about “American freedom.”


I don’t think you’re wrong.


Well, European cousins, hope you got more room in those countries of yours. 😬


Sorry, right wing fascist racist lying assholes have fucked everything up over here and made immigration illegal.

Hegar, (edited )

This experiment with democracy

I agree with the thrust of your comment, but I think it's an overstatement to say the US was ever a democracy.

Our country is an imperial power that was built ontop of a genocide, by slaves, to support white male property owners. It was always designed as an oligarchy with features like the electoral college to make sure the will of the people could never compete with the will of the powerful. Policy outcomes haven't reflected public opinion on any major issues since the 70s.

I'd say what's going on is moving from a broad oligarchy to a narrower more centralized oligarchy. Which is still moving in the wrong direction and will definitely make life worse for most Americans.

whygohomie, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

So Biden could order the army to attack the USSC? He just has to declare it officially like Michael Scott?

I joke, but it’s a dark, dark day for this country and the rule of law.


It does appear to be legal now, until the lower court hears arguments, and it goes back to the Supreme Court for a final decision. This ruling seems to be a delay, so that Trump can take office, at which point this ruling doesn’t matter.


Usually they’d have to refuse an illegal order, but as any official act of the president is explicitly legal, such things no longer exist.

thesporkeffect, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

Even discussing this ruling is pointless, because words no longer have legal meaning. Even if he was so inclined, Biden wouldn’t be allowed to take advantage of this concept of immunity. We’re just making up whatever shit we want and calling it Law.


Pretty much. The reality that this is has always been the case is finally smacking everyone upside the head. If there is no consistent application of the law, laws become meaningless. Might then makes right, and bedlam follows. America has been on a dangerous path for decades, this ruling is the the turn. Conservatives are displaying that they want Trump as dictator, and will do everything in their power to make that happen.

Kidplayer_666, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

Isn’t that written in the constitution clearly? Isn’t that what Impeachment for, the only way to prosecute a president over his acts during the presidency?


He was impeached but not convicted for this insurrection act. This case is to determine if, now that he is a civilian again, he can be held accountable for the insurrection.


Impeachment is a process for determining wrongdoing, which isn’t the same as determining legal guilt.

Or to phrase it differently: there are things you could do that would get you fired from your job, but aren’t illegal.


Previously, by Justice Department custom, the president was immune from prosecution while in office. That was just an internal stance and didn’t make him immune from prosecution indefinitely, just that you can’t arrest the president in the Oval Office. It could be seen as a pragmatic stance that we shouldn’t tie the president up in court battles while he’s supposed to be doing the job of presidenting or that he’d just obviously order his Justice Department not to arrest him so don’t try to do irrelevant things.

Now he’s immune forever, even after he’s no longer in control of the people who would be prosecuting him and he has no critical role to play in society. And it’s officially declared by the Supreme Court, not just custom.


Nope. Impeachment is part of a process to remove a president. Conviction in the senate only results in the president being removed. Crimes are prosecuted in a court of law. Not by a political process.

Seraph, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts avatar

Has anyone read the fine print? Are there any limits to this? Why can't Biden just eliminate Trump and claim immunity?

Just like Trump will once elected...

Makeitstop, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

This decision so blatantly ignores the constitution, history, tradition, case law, and all available evidence, that I have to question why they even bothered writing such a long decision. They might as well have just said “Fuck it, we say Trump is immune. Eat shit America, we can do whatever we want.”

Hegar, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

It's important to remember that Republicans are committed to ending democracy because the majority of people do not support their brutal white supremacist vision for the country.

If they had majority support they wouldn't be illegally seizing and destroying the institutions of governance.


In years past, your comment might sound like hyperbole. But not so these days:…/the-wa-gop-put-it-in-writing-t…

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