elrik, to world in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

Trump’s plan is to end support for Ukraine.

Rakonat, to world in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

Same plan he made in Syria and Afghanistan. Abandon US allies in the region, hand over all local assets to hostile forces and leak intel like damn spaghetti strainer.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he ordered the DoD to hanf over all the intel we have about Ukraine to Russia and withdraw all other support and recon in the area.


The USA, Iran and Russia are responsible for syrian civil war. None should have got involved in it


Be as that may be, Trump absolutely selling out the Kurdish Militia that was a long time US ally in the region was not acceptable.

JimSamtanko, to politics in 'Screaming the Quiet Part': Trump Advisers Say He's Ready to Embrace King-Like Powers | Common Dreams

Keep this in mind when you see the bots urging you not to vote against him here on lemmy. Maybe call them out for trying to destroy democracy.

And vote like lives depend on it.


Voting is the beginning of acting to defend yourself from tyranny, not the end.


Absolutely, especially those idiotic accounts like respectology and givesomefucks that try and play the “I’m not voting for Biden” but Trump is also a terrible choice angle. Both Side noise for sure (or they truly are that naive and foolish).


I think Givesomefucks might be somewhat legit. But the other one… yeah. I can’t agree more.


This logic isn’t sustainable.

30 years from now you’ll still be arguing against leftists for not voting for 99% hitler as opposed to 100% hitler.

I swear, liberals will still be screeching about “if you don’t vote for the candidate who wants 3 genocides as opposed to the one who wants 5, you are a Russian bot!”

Lesser evilism is what got us here. The American experiment has run its course and we have a duty to dismantle it.


How do you think it’ll go down when Trump is elected? Hmmm? Think held going to go easy on them? Or you?


This is a bullshit argument. You want strong progressive change? Run in down races to prove the platform works first. Gain momentum instead of going for the gold ring on your first try.


You can’t say lesser evilism got us here when we chose the greater evil in the election before last. If we kept voting lesser evil maybe, but we don’t consistently. Not nearly enough to make the greater evil not think they stand a chance without lessening themselves.


I’m pretty new to Lemmy and was really hoping this wouldn’t be the same level of problem as it is everywhere else. Oh what a sweet summer child I am, apparently.


Yeah, they’re pretty bad here.

Canopyflyer, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

And where…


Is the FBI?

If that’s not a terroristic threat, then what is?

Sterile_Technique, avatar

There is no criminal designation for domestic terrorists.

I wish that I was joking.

They’re literally unable to act because domestic terrorist isn’t codified into law.

I wonder if that has anything to do with half of Congress counting on their support…


There is no criminal designation for conservative domestic terrorists.


Veneroso, (edited )

And there’s one for liberal terrorists? Please, tell me where that’s in the legal code.


Holy down votes Batman!

The point is that there’s no domestic terrorist designation - left or right!…/implications-of-domestic-terrorist-gro…

CharlesDarwin, avatar

It’s anyone they suspect, like, say, Quakers, or maybe vegan potluck groups. Timothy Leary and John Lennon.


There’s not one at all because it’s a violation of freedom of association in the 1st amendment.


Doesn’t stop the powers that be from specifically targeting anti fascists

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

Terroristic threats is a real crime.


But Freedom of Speech? Good luck with this supreme court.


The FBI is never going to save you from rightwing violence.


You get a little reprise during their coffee breaks though.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

It only applies to non-xtians, brown people, and liberals.

PP_BOY_, to world in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today' avatar

The Ukraine War would end within a week without US support. It would take a Trump admin doing literally nothing for the war to end. That’s his plan. To do nothing.


Occupying a country that size doesn’t take a mere week. So no, it won’t.


USA aid is very important to Ukraine, but even without it they would continue fighting. Ukraine has been without USA material aid for months already in the past, when the republican party was blocking it. And as it turned out, Ukraine sustained higher casualties and had less offensive power than with USA aid, but they were never close to folding.

Ukrainians + their supporting neighbours are very motivated to not be occupied by Russia, so they’re not going to just give up if Putin’s stooges come to power in the USA.

Barbarian, avatar

There’s also the fact that a hypothetical end to US aid wouldn’t end EU aid. It’s definitely not on the same scale as the US due to our much smaller military sector, but that’d likely change in the event of a US shut-down of aid.

In my mind, the most likely results would be:

Short-term: Very dangerous period for Ukraine, they lose some ground, lots of men (similar to the last time they had a crippling artillery shell shortage).

Medium-term: EU military sector slowly ramps up to meet demand, as about 3/4 of central & eastern EU considers this an existential war that cannot be lost at any cost.

Long-term: After the war is over (however many more years that takes), Russia finally negotiates some kind of ceasefire where they can save some face internally and brag about how they “Denazified” Ukraine while going home and accomplishing nothing, EU is much more self-sufficient and therefore buys less from the US, and they aren’t seen as a trust-worthy ally militarily anymore. Even if on paper most EU members are still in NATO, they consider the security guarantees of the EU as much more important and serious.

demizerone, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

This man will get what he deserves at some point.

ripcord, avatar

No he won’t.

Theprogressivist, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution' avatar

Scheppele’s assessment echoed that of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, which warned in an analysis published late last year that “the entire project is devoted to aggrandizing executive power by centralizing authority in the presidency, and a key aspect of democratic backsliding is viewing opposition elements as attempting to destroy the ‘real’ community, an essential aspect to quashing dissent.”

“Project 2025 paints progressives and liberals as outside acceptable politics, and not just ideological opponents, but inherently anti-American and ‘replacing American values,’” the analysis said. “Targeting vulnerable communities is a core tenet of Project 2025. Project 2025 is very clearly on a path to Christian nationalism as well as authoritarianism.”

For the love of everything we care for. Please vote this November.


Vermin Supreme 2024 baby!

knightly, avatar

It’s far too late to vote our way out of this, Trump will be president next year because the Democrats would rather lose an election than a fundraising opportunity.

Start preparing for the inevitable. If you and your friend circle aren’t ready to engage in mass civil unrest like the French do whenever their government acts up then it’s time to get that way. Form an affinity group, practice acting in concert while in black bloc, study police tactics, surveil the local fascist agitators, join a worker’s union, identify opportunities to disrupt business-as-usual, and most importantly, do not organize online.


People like you are the problem. You’re just spewing nonsense. This is ABSOLUTELY the time to vote.


Trent Reznor was ahead of his time in many ways.

2025 for year zero, anyone?

ToucheGoodSir, to world in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

Gott3m (Karim)

CharlesDarwin, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution' avatar

This country is so fucked. Much of the culture is checked out; a lot of the left/liberal movement seem to be up its own asshole in goofy pandering that seems designed to only churn out more donnie voters, and the cons are making plans, and basically announcing them to everyone.

Also, I’ll vote Biden no matter what this fall, but the Democratic Party had better seriously consider removing him and selecting someone else. Otherwise, Biden’s chief legacy that is actually remembered will be helping to enable the dismantling of this country by being so egotistical as to think he’s the only one that could beat donnie in 2024.

nexusband, avatar

He doesn’t need to beat him with the latest rulings…


Do you believe, in any measure, that Biden would use the power the latest rulings give him?

Even if we assume he did, what would stop the current Supreme Court from just drawing a chalk outline around the exact thing he did, calling it unofficial, and then charging him anyway?

The ruling was made to empower Trump, and those that puppeteer him. No one else.

deadbeef79000, to world in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

The plan? Ukraine surrenders unconditional and in totality.

xantoxis, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

We already oppose it. Shoot your guns if you’re not a fucking coward.


How though? With nasty posts on the interwebs?

Belastend, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

both parties are exactly the same, both parties are exactly the same, both parties are exactly the same, both parties are exactly the same

GiddyGap, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

It would be great if the US could join reality with the rest of the developed world at some point. FFS, America. You’re not doing well.


We know, please help us.

AutistoMephisto, avatar

Honestly. It would be nice if a former fascist government sent troops to liberate us. Germany, want to return the favor we did you back in the 1940s? We need the help, and maybe you can prevent a new Holocaust. Now, I’ll grant that it will be tougher, as we are a nuclear power and nuclear powers can pretty much do what they want on the world stage. You guys didn’t have those when we came along and cleared out your fascists. Don’t worry, though. If you do send a force to liberate us, I’ll comply with all their orders and give them whatever assistance they need.


Yeah, lemme just get our 30 functipning helicopters and ask the tankers if they can come up with more than 100 leopards. Maybe we’ll find some. Aaaand can you borrow us some guns? Our G-36 gets all inaccurate and jammy when hot.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

You think the majority of us wants this?

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Indeed. This country is so rigged to favor the cons due to how unevenly things are tilted to the rural areas and giving them far too much of a voice. The cons are WAY over-represented in Congress and a con has not won the popular vote in how long?

TheBigBrother, to world in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

Yeah the plan it’s fuck Ukraine like it should be…

Moonrise2473, to world in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

Like the far right in my country before the elections “We have the solution to fix the economy, vote for us” - without of course saying what they’re going to do.

Unfortunately, majority of people believed them

Populism works, people like to vote for someone that says what they want to listen even if it’s obvious that they’re not going to do that

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