
Pacattack57, to world in The planet’s vision is getting worse: 50% of the population will have myopia by 2050

Sounds like that covid bullshit. The reason more people have it is because there have been incredible advances in technology and it’s easier to diagnose as well as more people going to get tested thanks to education.


Sounds like a conspiracy theorist

otp, to world in Conflicts reach highest peak globally since World War II

Considering the relationship between heat and aggression, plus the impacts on the ecosystems of the world, climate change is probably a factor in this. Which suggests this might just be the peak…“so far”.

DieguiTux8623, to world in The EU searches for the path to become a geopolitical power

The EU elections will play a decisive role in shaping this trend, those politicians who have exposed ideas about it, creating e.g. a common defense system, seem to have completely lost any contact with the reality of what citizens need and wish for their future.

Shardikprime, to world in Argentina opposition questions Milei’s use of public funds to pay for trips abroad

Imagine being so morally dishonest and inconsistent that you are willing to criticize Milei for things that Peronists have been doing for decades (on a larger scale and for absolutely shameful reasons). Also, the malice of selling an estimate as if it were a fact.

It seems wrong to me to look at a specific expense and imply that public funds are being wasted. Public spending cannot be zero, no matter who governs. What must be ensured is that the money that is actually spent is spent with care not to waste and that it serves a purpose that benefits the country.

In this case, it would be interesting if instead of saying “it cost the state more than half a million dollars” they said if it could have been done for less money (considering that he is a president and the mobility limitations that entails) and if the the objective of the trip can be considered in pursuit of the general interest of moving the country forward.

The way it is written lacks logical support and shows a simple attempt at a cheap, ineffective blow.

As a note of interest, the used presidential plane that the previous leftist government bought does not spend the same as a commercial one, because it is outdated, it is hyper inefficient in autonomy and performance, requires constant maintenance, is not efficient with fuel among other things (it needs to be “taken for a walk” empty constantly because if it stops it breaks more and those repairs are much more expensive than flying it “pointlessly” to prevent it from breaking). . That’s why it is more expensive (much more expensive) than a regular flight. Oh but complaining about current administration spending while turning a blind eye to the spending of the previous administration is free!


No le des de comer a los chanchos

Neon, to world in Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants

look. you can’t write out one number and then not write out the other. you have to decide yourself. either “seven out of ten” or “7 out of 10”


fuck of zionist


Fuck off, Terrorist

jarfil, to science in The fusion of two sisters into a single woman suggests that human identity is not in our DNA

Redefining identity in terms of cell organization, would definitely solve some ethical issues like human cloning: different structures, different individuals.

Now, the remaining question would be, how to “read” the structure. We can sequence DNA from a tiny sample, but disassembling people wouldn’t be… practical.

FiniteBanjo, to world in Mexico is heading towards its most violent election ever, with 30 candidates murdered, 77 threatened and 11 kidnapped

I’m constantly reminded of that one Ad Campaign for some kind of alcoholic beverage where they offered to fund the next revolution or civil war or something. I can’t find anything about it online anymore, sadly.

I’m starting to think that maybe the same advertisement wouldn’t be so controversial if it happened today.

AnUnusualRelic, to world in Yemeni women become mobile phone technicians to curb sextortion
@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

They’re serious about ppe at least.

cosmicrookie, to world in Satellite images reveal extent of devastation in Gaza after six months of war
@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

Build Back Better I guess!?


And who exactly should foot the bill? And mind you that bill will have lots of zeros.


It won’t be rebuilt with Palestinians in mind. Israelis have a long sordid history of building on the ruins of those they oppressed and displaced.


Like they did recently with the largest land grab on the West Bank. I wonder where those displaced West Bank people will go. Gaza was a refugee area for displaced Palestinians after WW2 because of the New World Order.

Ultragigagigantic, to world in The dark side of Medellín’s sex tourism: Child prostitutes and depraved men
@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

As fucked up as I am, I’m so glad I’m not sick in the head to want to hurt people like this. However, even being the least smelly shit in a outhouse doesn’t change the fact that you’re just another turd in the pile.

SPRUNT, to world in Nearly half of the planet suffers from a neurological disease


syct31e8hu, to world in The battle for lithium: US and China fight over Argentina’s white gold

Nice source!

Dead_or_Alive, to world in Amal Clooney, a key figure in the request for Netanyahu’s arrest by the International Criminal Court


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  • Beetlejuice001,

    There is no fight. One contender is beating a lifeless body into a pulp



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  • Beetlejuice001,

    I’ll support them not being massacred regardless of their social norms

    Edit: You’d rather them die, I get it. Only retort you can muster, weak af


    Sounds like you condone their social norms.



    Moving goalposts


    No homie, just a consistent application of morals. I’m not going to support bigots who would kill and persecute LGBTQ over people who are more inclusive.

    You’re the one advocating for bigotry not me.


    I’m not debating a genocide apologist. You have no morals.



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  • Catoblepas,

    Gay transgender man here to say ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY DO NOT support genocide in my name. Thousands of children have been murdered. This is a fucking deranged thing to say you’re doing for queer people.

    Also like, a huge portion of the town I grew up in would be fine enacting all kinds of biblical murder-executions on me. I can’t go to public bathrooms in some states. Are you arguing for genociding everyone in those places too?


    What do you think they would do to an openly gay man in Palestine?

    Hint it’s rhymes with whale.


    They would jail you in a New York minute. Is this a society you really wish to support?


    I don’t think that means you should kill thousands of their children because I’m not a fucking psychopath.

    What do you think they would do to an openly gay man in Palestine?

    Hint it’s rhymes with whale.

    Guess what was legal to do to gay men in the US barely over 20 years ago? Can you even name the court case I’m referencing here without me spelling it out for you?

    Would it have been fine to kill thousands of American children over this 20 years ago?


    More whataboutisms but you can’t even come up with a modern example? Are you going to start citing examples from the early 1800s next?

    You are supporting a society that will jail you just for existing over a society that would let you exist in peace.

    What’s next are you going to go full on and vote Trump just to stick it to Biden for supporting Israel?


    So you don’t know what court case it is? Yeah, your comments don’t come across as particularly well read about queer history. Read about Lawrence v Texas. 2003. If you think that’s ancient history that’s a self report babe, some of us were old enough to have a job then.

    Since you didn’t bother reading my last comment, let me say it again but in bigger text so you might see it:

    I can’t go to public bathrooms in some states.

    Not “I don’t feel safe doing it,” it’s literally not legal for me to do it right now, today.

    Now explain to me why the children of Gaza should die for their parents’ beliefs but not the children of Florida or Utah.

    dirtypirate, to world in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

    This is one of the reasons Havana is safe af and San Juan is high crime zone

    safe but tolerates 0 dissent or unsafe and protests in the highway chased the governor off the island (and it's still high crime and fucked)

    mechoman444, to world in Mexico is heading towards its most violent election ever, with 30 candidates murdered, 77 threatened and 11 kidnapped

    So it’s late for me and my brian autocorrect Mexico to America and I was dang but not surprised!

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