pyromaniac_donkey, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding




Zealousideal_Fox900, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding


fne8w2ah, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

The power of open source!

SoleInvictus, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

Oh man, this is so beautiful to see. Unity can get fucked.

BURN, to games in Microsoft - keep your filthy hands off Valve, leak shows MSFT would buy Valve

There’s no chance GabeN sells Steam. It prints money and only looks to increase their profitability over the coming years.

Microsoft can’t buy them anyways at this point I think. The regulatory bodies didn’t like ActiBlizzard, and this would be similar scale, if not larger


I do worry about what might happen when he gets too old/decides to step down though.

If Microsoft did somehow end up buying them I might have to just nope out of gaming altogether. Or just take to the high seas I guess.


I have to imagine he has something planned (inb4 GabeN AI Overlord) for after he’s gone.

He’s a bit crazy about prepping for disaster iirc. He lives in New Zealand now and has since the Covid outbreak. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a very long document that lays out a lot of rules for if he’s gone and Steam is to continue

Sabata11792, avatar

Do we get a free copy of the new Gaben AI wiafu?



RoyaltyInTraining, avatar

In the immortal words of Cave Johnson:

Brain mapping, artificial inteligence - we should’ve been working on it thirty years ago


Holy shit, what if Cave was based on Gabe


Pretty sure he’s back living in the US, so he can actually work at the valve offices


At that point I’ll probably too old and have lost interest in gaming anyway, so I’ll just let the next generation of gamers figure it out themselves. Kinda like boomers leaving us to deal with high property price problem because it’s no longer their concern anymore.


Nah it’s still their concern too. They’re mostly just on the beneficial side of it.

HKayn, avatar

You do know that stores other than Steam exist, right?

And no, I’m not talking about the EGS.


GOG is missing a good portion of major games. Outside of that most of the options are much worse


Also they seem really averse to Linux for some reason.

brawleryukon, avatar

Probably the miniscule market share coupled with the increased vocality of its userbase.

Supporting Linux will not bring them a significant uptick in revenue but will increase their customer support load.


Nothing else comes close to steam in terms of market share.

HKayn, avatar

Isn’t that a bad thing?

Neato, avatar

Amazon kinda exists?


Yeah but just the amount of games I own on Steam already (not to mention the Steam Deck), if all that ended up getting enshittified by Microsoft it’d be like having to start over from scratch pretty much.

HKayn, avatar

Which is why I buy as many games as I can from stores like GOG, that actually let me keep them no matter what.

brawleryukon, avatar

EGS is really the only thing remotely close to what Steam does, though.

GOG will always be an afterthought as long as they have their DRM-free policy in place. They’re super cool, but they’re a niche and will never grow beyond that without losing what makes them cool.

Origin (or whatever EA’s calling their store now) gave up pursuing third-party sales years ago. They still do it, but they clearly have no interest in actually making a go of becoming an actual competitor to Steam.

The Windows Store is terrible for a number of different reasons, even if it’s better than Microsoft’s previous attempts at getting into this space (coughGWFLcough). EGS is more likely to overtake Steam than Windows Store is to even rival EGS.

Uplay (or, again, whatever Ubisoft is calling their store these days) is like Origin - I don’t even know for sure if Ubi is doing third-party sales, but if so, it’s very much an afterthought for them.

And then everyone else just sells Steam keys. They’re not in the same market as the others, so don’t really fit into this conversation. If you’re 100% reliant on the store you’re “competing” with, you’re not competing with them.

HKayn, avatar

A lot of games on Steam are DRM-free, but not (yet) on GOG. GOG isn’t an afterthought just because of their DRM-free policy, it’s also because they’re so small.


What else lets me easily play games on Linux, on my couch, without touching a keyboard or mouse?

Neato, avatar

The regulatory bodies didn’t like ActiBlizzard,

But they did allow it, unfortunately. And MS could simply argue that it already has dominance in the PC space as 96% of PC gamers are Windows users. So owning Steam is just buying 1 out of many stores (here they tout Epic, Amazon, etc).
I mean it's a bad argument but MS made a lot of bad arguments to get their way and they seemingly worked.

lorty, avatar

Activision-Blizzard-King isn’t a dominant company in any segment. You can’t say the same for steam. Regulators would have a much easier time blocking such an acquisition.


Plus, at least from my perspective, Activision-Blizzard was already bad enough that if MS made it worse, it wouldn’t affect me because they were already bad enough that I’d swore off their games. MS owning them was an improvement or at worst more of the same.

That’s absolutely not the case for Valve. They are one of the few large companies that I respect plus they are playing a big role in breaking the windows stranglehold over OSes when you like to play games.

The level of popular opposition to MS acquiring Valve would be on a whole other level than the opposition to the blizzard acquisition. It might even rival the opposition to Nvidia acquiring ARM.

Neato, avatar

CoD is dominant fps. It's why they made the concession about it


The regulatory bodies hand waved actiblizzard through. Let’s not pretend anything else happened there. Microsoft can do whatever they want and no one is gonna stop them. Same as every other big company.

The only thing stopping Ms. is that valve is a privately owned company. But everyone has a price.

lorty, avatar

The same regulatory bodies that sued to block the deal without any convincing case “handwaved” it?


Yes, that is just how the American system works. The actual body here is the doj. The ftc tried to sue and was slapped back immediately. This was the ftc trying to show claws and the actual ruling body saying no, you have no power and Microsoft can do what they want.

It was a huge loss for the ftc that has been trying, and failing to fight big tech

WindowsEnjoyer, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

This is the way!

mrsgreenpotato, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

That’s impressive and amazing. Let’s hope they will put it to good use and speed up the development.

elscallr, avatar

Unity’s recent fuck up is a massive boon for them, I really hope they can capitalize on it. This is one of those moments that only happens once, if they push their development and marketing over the next 12 to 18 months they can snag a really significant share of the market and use it to vault themselves to the next go-to engine.

Moonrise2473, to gaming in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

I love how unity went from “we have a tech that can distinguish pirated copies with 100% accuracy, and also we exploit android and iOS sandboxing with 0-days to track reinstalls without fail, trust our numbers” to “we have no idea about the install numbers, you need to tell us”

They can’t be trusted.

blindsight, to gaming in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

This is really exciting to see. Enshittification is generating increasing backlash against incumbent monopolies, and encouraging more movement toward sustainable open source software.

See Blender, too.

brunofin, to gaming in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

That’s pretty cool and I am actually a little excited to try and learn it just for fun. I did very little unity before and godot sounds very interesting

pgetsos, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

Just started lessons myself for it. Looks easy enough for basic gesture like the one I want to do!

weeahnn, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

Very nice. This money will enable them to make it better. One day when I might start learning how to make games I hope that Godot will be one of the best choices out there.

MarcomachtKuchen, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

This is great news! Can anyone explain me how the engine Managed to get 25k BEFORE the the unity Desaster? It seems like a really high number without mayor Investors


This isn't that strange for a number of open source projects. I don't know Godot's specifics, but lots of folks are willing to toss a few bucks via patreon or other sources. They keep a list of donors who don't mind being named in the source code, and it includes a few companies that make monthly donations. I'm sure they get a number of grants like this one from Epic.

There's a number of mastodon servers where people pay donate monthly to them.


Man People can be so awesome. All the Bad news makes me forget that way to often

nanoUFO, avatar

It has corporate investors/sponsors at the gold level one of them being gambling service and the rest being mostly mobile devs. The pateron hasn’t really gone up since last year.

Buffalox, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

My wife has a few things on YouTube she made with Godot, and she has noticed a significant increase in traffic, since Unity made their blunder.

Godot really deserves their increased popularity and donations, it’s absolutely amazing what they have achieved as a true Open Source project that is absolutely 100% free to use, and gives 100% control to game developers.

TrismegistusMx, to games in Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

I have big hopes for an open source future.

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