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Yep, looks like it was fooled by the fake contour on her right cheek.


I think the play here is to make accusations about laws many on the left don’t give a shit about to bait the “who cares?” responses and then apply that sentiment to the laws Trump has been convicted of or accused of that they hope their base doesn’t give a shit about.


Yep, 4 hours later and it still spoiled it for me.


Marriage rates have already been dropping and divorce is an available option. Removing that out isn’t going to increase people’s confidence about going into marriage.

And as the nightmare stories come out about the guys (and probably some girls, too) who change overnight once the marriage license is official (or annulment period ends or whatever becomes the “now you’re locked in as long as I don’t get caught cheating”), it’ll only go down further.

There will also be a reaction to the women who decide to just stop being loyal once they are done with a marriage but can’t get out.


But if they want to always have chickens to lay eggs…


I assume it’s like the new car smell. Pleasant or not, it’s from inhaling plastic and paint particles and other chemicals as the excesses evaporate and loose pieces come loose and become airborne.

Steam Deck is probably similar. Plastics, anti-corrosion coatings on heat sink fins, trace metals and solder, inks from the PCB, maybe the occasional ion leftover if there’s any micro-arcing.

I’d guess it lasts a long time because the cooling airflow continually erodes whatever is in its path, while new cars don’t have that continuous erosion so eventually all the particles that were going to escape do and the ones left over are more stable.


Maybe your fan is broken. Do you notice any wild performance variations?

Though if you’re used to loud fans by desktop standards, the Steam Deck is pretty quiet compared to that. Like yeah, it’s audible, but I’d describe it as loud as a loud exhale. Some desktop fans were referred to as jet engines from how loud they got.


Rose could have been fine if they didn’t write her character as basically a cop during the introduction, a Mary Sue that figures out the weakness of tech where the start of the conversation was “that tech is impossible” (plus the weakness itself is completely out of left field), spend half of their field trip whining instead of doing their kinda urgent mission, and then the biggest thing she does is prevents a sacrifice that might have actually redeemed the movie somewhat, in a way that would have been physically impossible, given the scene leading up to it (ordered to retreat, she obeys, Finn ignores it and speeds at top speed towards the thing they were retreating from, then she somehow intercepts him from the side and both walk away).

The people that harassed the actor that played her are massive pieces of shit and this by no means justifies their response, but Rose seems like a character designed to draw hate.


It was bad writing pretty much across the board. Poe, Rey, Finn, and Leia got a pass from me mostly based on not being introduced as a barrier to the other characters and having got shit done previously. I felt as negatively about Luke as I did about Rose or Holdo in that movie, worse even because he could have been and done so much more, despite his past (or maybe because of it, ep 8 Luke was just a disappointment compared to his previous versions, like they took his only negative trait from the earlier films, his whining, and made that his main trait, despite him being mostly over it in ep 6).

And I agree that Rose wasn’t a Mary Sue, but figuring out the weakness of hyperspeed tracking based on nothing at all was a Mary Sue moment (and Finn looked just as stupid for enthusiastically guessing where her mind was headed).

And some differences between Poe’s and Holdo’s plans were a) the audience was informed of Poe’s plan (which sounded a lot like a typical Star Wars plan similar to their infiltration of the death star in ep 4) and for all we knew, Holdo had no plan but slowly let her ships get picked off as they ran out of fuel, and b) Poe’s plan made the chase that made up most of the movie more interesting while Holdo’s was a stall and run, which might have been a better plan but was so underwhelming after so much of the movie focused on that stupid chase.

And yeah, misogyny certainly played a role in the vehemence of the reaction and the bullying of the actors. Incels and other flavours of hate have a higher representation than average in a lot of nerdy niches. I just think that the producers chased that controversy rather than it falling upon them and resent that they did that to those actors even knowing how “fans” had reacted to kid Anakin and Jar Jar.


Yeah, it’s like the paradox of tolerance. Or “extreme situations call for extreme measures”.


Treating it as a social contract where tolerance is limited in certain situations is a resolution of the paradox. The paradox itself is just “if you try to tolerate everything, you’ll have to tolerate intolerance” or “you can’t maximize tolerance by tolerating everything”. Though that second one is more of an irony than a paradox.


Might be good for a few laughs if your internet is down and you lost the all the dice from your board games.


And there’s even one new cave variation!


I hope stealth gets a major rework, at least. Or maybe not stealth itself but how the AI handles interacting with it. No NPC should ever guess that it was just the wind when there’s an arrow sticking out of them or their colleague is lying dead in plain view (or even just doesn’t respond when they call to them).

They should use strategies and tactics that work against stealth. Patrols (including their own stealth patrols sometimes), roll calls, better lighting, positioning of guards to cut off entrance points, traps (and not just the dungeon traps, but NPCs setting new traps when they suspect stealth, where the trap could be as simple as a trip wire attached to metal rings that will jingle if someone disturbs them), spells that locate nearby people, using senses other than sight and hearing, dark vision. Sometimes stealth missions should be forced to end and come back later because the residents realize someone is trying to sneak around and kill or rob them and go on high alert with effective tools to negate stealth. Just sometimes, sometimes it should work like it does in Skyrim where a guard just doesn’t want to deal with whatever is shooting arrows at him and maybe just yells threats instead of using a stealth counter (just get rid of that memory of a goldfish thing).

I mean, stealth is fun, but it’s not as fun when every single character I make ends up becoming some kind of a stealth archer because the NPCs are effective at generating opposition to everything but that.


I read about a military AI that would put its objectives before anything else (like casualties) and do things like select nuclear strikes for all missions that involved destruction of targets. So they adjusted it to allow a human operator to veto strategies, in the simulation this was done via a communications tower. The AI apparently figured out that it could pick the strategy it wanted without veto if it just destroyed the communications tower before it made that selection.

Though take it with a grain of salt because the military denied the story was accurate. Which could mean it wasn’t true or it could mean they didn’t want the public to believe it was true. Though it does sound a bit too human-like for it to pass my sniff test (an AI wouldn’t really care that its strategies get vetoed), but it’s an amusing anecdote.


We should do a workshop for that, it sounds like my kind of week.

How does mid 2031 sound? You’re probably busy then. Yeah, I’m just going to assume you’re busy that mid-year and hope someone else reschedules and runs the workshop with a bunch of other people that aren’t me and that they figure out a great week so that I can one day read about sloth week having just passed and briefly consider trying to catch it next year because it sounds like my kind of week (assuming I can just passively experience it).


Business majors confused that the things they were taught in school are failing to generate piles of cash.


More about monetizing everything, preferring services over products, designing for maximum profit, making anti-piracy a higher priority than performance (when pirates just remove that part entirely and end up with a better experience than paying customers), etc… they aren’t necessarily trained to produce bad content, but the bigger publically traded studios generally seem to be going down the enshitification path while smaller studios or teams continue to put out fun games that don’t just feel like a money sucking machine with a video game mask on.


Maybe they just thought they had a monopoly.


I hate people who decide after dealing with the first problem caused by a lack of a rule that hasn’t existed for however long things were going on before the problem that it calls for a very general rule to prevent it from ever happening again. And somehow these assholes often end up in positions where they can set rules like that.

Zero tolerance policies in schools are another example. Suspending a kid for making finger guns isn’t going to prevent school shootings. Banning nicknames isn’t going to prevent anyone from ever insulting someone. It’s just lazy and comes from a desire to reduce complex situations that require thought and maybe complex solutions to simple situations that don’t require much thought and have a simple solution.


General rules aren’t great when they end up banning benign things along with bad things because they are too broad. Like no nicknames vs don’t keep using a nickname if the person asks you to stop.


How many fishing fleets will they attack (and fail to do much damage to) because the Kamchatka thinks they are Ukrainian torpedo boats?


Another bash.org memory (paraphrasing)…

User: I just downloaded a song on Napster and when it finished, I noticed the guy I downloaded it from was now downloading it from me

User: I sent him a message saying I just got that song from him

User: He said, “I know, I’m getting my song back asshole”


Nice yeah! I should have guessed that someone saved a copy of bash.


I used to do that and liked it, but dropped the habit somewhere along the way. It doesn’t even feel that bad after the initial shock passes. It’s even pleasant, and then when you get out, the water is cooler so won’t evaporate as readily, do it’s not just that you’re more used to the cooler temperature, but it also doesn’t get as cold because evaporation takes away more heat than the higher temperature water provides.

Also, use your hands as squeegees before you get out of the shower area and your towels won’t go stinky as quickly (because they dry out quicker due to not needing to absorb as much water).

Buddahriffic, (edited )

Hmm I need to see gungan eyes that aren’t Jar Jar’s to be sure, but that might be another piece of evidence for Jar Jar originally was intended to be Darth Plaguis.

Edit: inconclusive. His eyes are different from other gungan eyes, but they all do have eyes that would fit the Sith eyes meme. And Boss Nass also has unique eyes vs other gungan, and his eyes look the most evil out of his, Jar Jar’s and other gungan eyes I looked at. If it is evidence, it is very weak.


He did have more planned out than they did for any of the sequels. His emotional dialogue sucked but he did create an overall coherent storyline. And Jar Jar’s actor claims that the plans for Jar Jar did change after Lucas saw how unpopular he was.

Maybe the plan was just for Jar Jar to be force sensitive, which would explain some of the coincidences with his character. Except for the clumsiness, which doesn’t really fit with any force sensitive user. Unless it was an act.

But, one scene in TPM doesn’t fit with him being a secret Sith: when he gets his hand stuck right before Anakin does a test fire of his pod racer. Padme was the only one to even notice and it seemed like a dumb gamble to come close to dying to give further evidence to one character that he was a bumbling idiot when they all already thought that.

Also if Qui Gon had no trouble using the force to influence Boss Nass, why wouldn’t Jar Jar do the same? Unless leaving the Gungan city itself was suspicious and he needed an excuse to be away.

I used to be convinced about this, but at this point I don’t think there’s any way to know unless Lucas himself comes out and says it. The evidence is too ambiguous and the change to Jar Jar’s character could have just been “move him to the background”.


Yeah, he was a highly competent kind of clumsy, other than that scene I mentioned above. Which calls into question why he was kicked out of his hometown for clumsiness (assuming he was honest with that answer).

A lightsaber duel between Jar Jar and Yoda would have been pretty cool to watch, likely much better than the brief one with Dooku. It would have been more like the fights in Clone Wars, just with a more realistic style. The duel that made it into that movie was just disappointing, Yoda just shows that he can be a lot more nimble and mobile than he seems and then Dooku decides to do something else and Yoda just allows it instead of keeping the attack pressed so he didn’t have a chance to drop the ceiling on the unconscious Jedi. They should have at least had him do that more suddenly rather than stop to announce he’s decided the duel was a draw. But I digress.

Whatever the original plan was for Jar Jar, I resent the “fans” that had such a strongly negative emotional reaction to the character, as well as the ones that bullied the kid who played Anakin. Same with the ones who reacted like that to the actor that played Rose. Sure, I didn’t like her character very much either but it’s not the actor’s fault, it’s the writing and directing. Plus it’s just a story, you can critique the art but making it personal with those who created it is just insane.


And that there’s plenty of people perfectly willing to create cool stuff without any expectation of making money from it but just because they like creating and sharing their creations for others to enjoy.


Would have been nicer IMO if it was a checkbox to enable or disable cross platform support for your mod. Kinda annoying to be held back by consoles even if you don’t care to support them. I wonder if this is another drawback of the series S existing (probably not, but maybe).

Edit: this might actually be what they are saying, as mentioned in other comments.


There will be a point where APUs will make dGPUs obsolete. Their advantages are huge and it’s just the raw power and bandwidth that needs to catch up. Things like lower latency between CPU and GPU, and the big one: being able to use a shared address space. I don’t think even today’s APUs generally do that and instead set aside some system RAM to act as video RAM, but that setup involves a lot of copying data back and forth between video memory and system memory. If they both can just access the same memory space, that no longer needs to happen at all.

So it’s just a matter of fitting more compute cores on that package (which isn’t limited by chip size with chiplets) and scaling up the memory bandwidth until those advantages above reach parity with a dGPU.

“It’s Like a Cult”: Breaking Free from the Far Right | The Walrus (thewalrus.ca)

Beyond his job as a freelance process server in Toronto, thirty-five-year-old Josh Chernofsky didn’t have much going on in the spring of 2019. But over time, he’d developed a rapport with one of the security guards at the University Avenue courthouses. They’d chat about this and that, often about security work; Chernofsky...


I’ve also heard cases where someone clearly states they aren’t interested in the religious spiel but still willing to engage with them about other things and them willing to go along with it. Figured it was more of a long con thing, like be friendly now and maybe in a few weeks they’ll be more open to joining the cult, but maybe it’s just them feeling starved for positive human interaction that isn’t just about the cult.


Just make sure you gear up before you go to HR. They are there to protect the company, not the employee, and you wouldn’t believe the size of the axe they use to do this.


Yeah, that other Homer who was in the “No Homers Allowed” club might still make a comeback.


India has a large vegetarian population that doesn’t try to make vegetable versions of dishes that are mostly meat, so I suggest looking at Indian cuisine for meat-free recipe ideas.


I wasn’t going to downvote until I saw the attempt at reverse psychology. Just make your point, don’t try to manipulate the results.


What’s the gender of a bucket of fluid?


Our breeding and use of cows doesn’t give them any pressure to be smart. So their level of stupidity is at least partially the fault of humans.


Yes, that’s true, but all I’m saying is that animal husbandry changes what traits are selected for and intelligence isn’t one of them that we’re selecting for.


So you’re saying that if he had lived longer, he would have regained full use of his body?


It wouldn’t be hard to take that and present it as Trump was just trying to stop it.


On that note, everyone in the US should be preparing to live through a civil war. Hopefully it won’t go that far, but realistically it all depends on who supports it and how willing they are to risk their future on that gambit. I wouldn’t be surprised to see either an insurrection fizzle out quickly or one gain fast momentum and become asymmetric warfare at first, followed by the real hardware getting used as parts of the military split into factions.


And winamp for audio.


I didn’t expect to click on a VLC appreciation thread agreeing that it’s awesome only to end up maybe switching to MPV based on the comments, but such is life I guess.

I will remember it just like I will remember winamp, as one of the greats of its time.


Oh that’s nice that they allow that. I really hate in games where I go from dominating everyone that dares oppose me to a cutscene where my character gives up because a few people are pointing guns at me. Two minutes ago more people were not just pointing their guns at me but also shooting them.


What’s the point in even involving a report, then? Why not just auto flag any post with a bad word or just block it from being posted in the first place?

Not saying any of that is a good idea, just following that logic a bit. Censoring words is fucking useless IMO.


Assuming they actually are and aren’t just playing an openly trans character.


Can you give more detail about why you don’t like duolingo and why you do like genki?

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