SeaJ, (edited ) to gaming in 13-Year-Old Becomes First Person to Beat Tetris on NES

Streamer Blue Scuti has surpassed artificial intelligence by becoming the first known human to crash Tetris

He’d still be the first human even if AI did it first…


A TAS to game crash already existed.

Evkob, avatar

100% just slipped that in there for SEO purposes due to the current trendiness of “AI”.


a feat previously only accomplished by AI.

AI did it first, human came second, so didn’t surpass anything AI.

Kolanaki, avatar

Surpassed all other human attempts at beating it.


Yes, and still this part is false:

has surpassed artificial intelligence

Telorand, to gaming in 13-Year-Old Becomes First Person to Beat Tetris on NES

I just learned about some of the manual techniques pro players have come up with to play Tetris at a high level. It’s not my thing, but along with speedrunning, the level of community-driven ingenuity is inspiring.

numberz, to gaming in 13-Year-Old Becomes First Person to Beat Tetris on NES avatar

I love this game. I didn't think you could actually "beat" it.


Well, you really can’t in a traditional sense. This isnt a victory screen, it’s a kill screen. He got so far into the game it crashed and you can’t continue. There are still more goals that can potentially be reached higher by avoiding the crash.

admin, to gaming in 13-Year-Old Becomes First Person to Beat Tetris on NES avatar

Found a very good video about this.


Great video, thanks for sharing!


That’s impressive seeing how the game breaks and how speedrunners managed to reach it.

Kingsilva, to technology in Google Paid How Much to Be the Default Search Engine?

They played the game of thrones well

luciole, to technology in Google Paid How Much to Be the Default Search Engine? avatar

Yet, in a redacted copy of an internal email chain released on Friday, Jim Kolotouros, the vice president of Android Platform Partnerships, wrote: “Chrome exists to serve Google search, and if it cannot do that because it is regulated to be set by the user, the value of users using Chrome goes to almost zero (for me).”

So Chrome’s whole point is bringing users to Google Search… and Google Search’s whole point is Google Ads. I’m Glad I use Firefox.


Cut the snake by the head.

Problem solved.

In the last update of firefox google was redefaulted as search engine. Wonder if such roll out costs extra?


Was it anything else before?


I dont know if the last update was any bigger update, but at least several updates before my engine was not changed.


I have no damn idea as I see Firefox as a Platform.

abhibeckert, (edited )

Dunno about “the last update” or the current state in each region but as far as I know the default search engine in FireFox has varied over the years and has always depended what country you’re in.

Baidu, Yandex and Yahoo are / have been the default in some countries. They made Bing the default for “1%” of users in a bunch of major countries recently to test the waters (and didn’t take it further than that).

Google blocks traffic from Chinese IP addresses as a protest against censorship there, so nobody has Google as the default in that country.


And what does that make Android’s whole point? 😉

scroll_responsibly, to technology in Google Paid How Much to Be the Default Search Engine? avatar

For anyone who doesn’t click the link, Google paid $26.3 billion.

skip0110, to technology in Google Paid How Much to Be the Default Search Engine? avatar

5.25 billion smartphone users, so they are paying about $5 per user. If you switch the default from Google, you are taking $5 from them!


TBH, 26.3 billion dollars are just a drop in the bucket for Google. That bucket of course filled with the money they got with industrial scale spying, cross-site tracking, denial of control, forced ads, destruction of competition, among countless dirty tricks they play on regular netizens.


They made a $40b profit last year. More than half their profits is a “drop in the bucket”?!


I actually use Bing so that I get Microsoft Rewards points, meaning I gain money by not using Google.

But I understand privacy homies going DuckDuckGo or something else.

raoul, to technology in Google Paid How Much to Be the Default Search Engine?

The report, shared with The Register, estimates that Google’s payout accounts for 14% to 16% of Apple’s annual operating profits [in 2021].

What?!? That’s huge

kittenroar, to technology in So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off

Oh, no! Billionaires with short term, selfish thinking might lose money! What a tragedy.

explodicle, to technology in So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off

Rather than debate every new technology for energy worthiness on a case-by-case basis up front, it would be more productive to direct our efforts towards better policy that internalizes the cost of pollution.

“These new-fangled ‘lasers’ don’t even do anything useful for the energy they consume!”

lvxferre, to technology in So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off avatar

Okay… let’s call wine “wine” and bread “bread”: the acronym “AI” is mostly an advertisement stunt.

This is not artificial intelligence; and even if it was, “AI” is used for a bag of a thousand cats - game mob pathfinding, chess engines, swarm heuristic methods, so goes on.

What the article is talking about is far more specific, it’s what the industry calls "machine learning"¹.

So the text is saying that machine learning is costly. No surprise - it’s a relatively new tech, and even the state of art is still damn coarse². Over time those technologies will get further refined, under different models; cost of operation is bound to reduce over time. Microsoft and the likes aren’t playing the short game, they’re looking for long-term return of investment.

  1. I’d go a step further and claim here that “model-based generation” is more accurate. But that’s me.
  2. LLMs are a good example of that; GPT-4 has ~210¹² parameters. If you equate each to a neuron (kind of a sloppy comparison, but whatever), it’s more than an order of magnitude larger than the ~110¹¹ neurons in a human brain. It’s basically brute force.
interolivary, avatar

The comparison of GPT parameters to neurons really is kinda sloppy, since they’re not at all comparable. To start with, “parameters” encompasses both weights (ie. the “importance” of a connection between any two neurons) and biases (sort of the starting value of an individual neuron, which then biases the activation function) so it doesn’t tell you anything about the number of neurons, and secondly biological neurons have way more dynamic behavior than what current “static” NNs like GPT use so it wouldn’t really be surprising if you needed much more of them to mimic the behavior of meatbag neurons. Also, LLM architecture is incredibly weird so the whole concept of neurons isn’t as relevant as it is in more traditional networks (although they do have neurons in their layers)

lvxferre, avatar

Another sloppiness that I didn’t mention is that a lot of human neurons are there for things that have nothing to do with either reasoning or language; making your heart beat, transmitting pain, so goes on. However I think that the comparison is still useful in this context - it shows how big those LLMs are, even in comparison with a system created out of messy natural selection. The process behind the LLMs seems inefficient.

interolivary, avatar

I wouldn’t discount natural selection as messy. The reason why LLMs are as inefficient as they are in comparison to their complexity is exactly because they were designed by us meatbags; evolutionary processes can result in some astonishingly efficient solutions, although by no means “perfect”. I’ve done research in evolutionary computation and while it does have its problems – results can be unpredictable, it’s ridiculously hard to design a good fitness function, designing a “digital DNA” that mimics the best parts of actual DNA is nontrivial to say the least etc etc – I think it might be at least part of the solution to building, or rather growing, better neural networks / AI architectures.

lvxferre, avatar

It’s less about “discounting” it and more about acknowledging that the human brain is not so efficient as people might think. As such, LLMs using an order of magnitude more parameters than the number of cells in a brain hints that LLMs are far less efficient than language models could be.

I’m aware that evolutionary algorithms can yield useful results.

interolivary, avatar

But the point is that not only is the human brain actually remarkably efficient for what it is, and that you’re still confusing parameter count and neuron count. The parameter count is essentially the number of connections between neurons plus the count of neurons in a network.

If I recall correctly the average human brain has something like 80 billion neurons, and each neuron can have anywhere from 1 000 to 10 000 connections. This means that in neural net technology terms, we meatbags have brains with trillions of parameters. I just meant that it wouldn’t be surprising if an “artifial brain” needed more neurons to do (a part of) the same thing as our brains do since they’re vastly simpler


But ML is being used in the industry in tons of places, and it’s definitely cost effective. There’s simple models that take the input of machinery sensors and detect when something is faulty or needs repairing, not just malfunctioning parts but worn out parts too. It’s used heavily in image processing, tiktok is used by a lot of people and the silly AR thingies use image recognition and tracking in real time through your phone. I’m not saying that this features created revenue directly, but they do get viral and attract users, so yeah. Image processing is also used in almost any supermarket to control the amount of people in the store, at least since covid I see a dynamically updated counter in every supermarket I visit.

It is also used in time estimations, how much traffic influences a trip is not manually set at all, it gets updated dynamically with real time data, through trained models.

It is also used in language models, for real usages like translation, recommendation engines (search engines, store product recommendation…).

The article is talking about generative models, more specifically, text prediction engines (ChatGPT, Copilot). ChatGPT is a chatbot, and I don’t see a good way to monetise it while keeping it free to use, and Copilot is a silly idea to me as a programmer since it feels very dangerous and not very practical. And again, not something I would pay for, so meh.

lvxferre, (edited ) avatar

But (+> contradiction) ML is being used in the industry in tons of places […] store product recommendation…).

By context it’s rather clear which type of machine learning I’m talking about, given the OP. I’m not talking about the simple models that you’re talking about and that, as you said, already found economically viable applications.

Past that “it’s generative models, not machine learning” is on the same level as “it’s a cat, not a mammal”. One is a subset of the other, and by calling it “machine learning” my point was to highlight that it is not a “toothed and furry chicken” as the term AI implies.

The article is talking about generative models

I’m aware, as footnote #1 shows.


By context it’s rather clear which type of machine learning I’m talking about

Eh, it was to you and me, but we are not in a specialised community. This is a general one about technology, and since people tend to misunderstand stuff I prefer to specify. I get that you then wrote footnote #1, but why write statements like this one:

So the text is saying that machine learning is costly. No surprise - it’s a relatively new tech, and even the state of art is still damn coarse²

I know which branch of ML you are talking about, but in written form on a public forum that people might use as a reference, I’d prefer to be more specific. Yeah you then mention LLMs as an example, but the new ones are basically those, there’s several branches with plenty maturity.

“it’s generative models, not machine learning”

IDK why you are quoting me on that, I never said that. I’d just want people to specify more. I only mentioned several branches of machine learning, and generative models are one of them.

Also, what’s that about contradiction? In the first paragraph I was mentioning the machinery industry, since I talk about machines. Then I talked about language models and some of their applications, I don’t get why that contradicts anything. Store product recommendations are done with supervised ML models that track your clicks, views, and past purchases to generate an interest model about you, and it’s combined with the purchases people with similar likes that you do do to generate a recommendation list. This is ML too.

Dunno, you read as quite angry, misquoting me and all.

ParsnipWitch, to technology in So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off

Good, we as a society aren’t ready for these kind of tools. AI would further increase the divide between people. One of the reasons is that it costs too much to run it.

Everyone who can’t afford the hardware would be dependent on AI owned by corporations. And most people can’t even afford those fees. Since we build our society around (materialistic) “productivity”, I am sure AI would escalate how we treat people and whole countries who fall off the capitalism train. I hope the hype dies.

Dr_Cog, avatar

Ok, but AI isn’t going away. So if these companies stop serving open access, the ONLY people that will use them will be the people who can afford the server/processing time.

This article isn’t about usefulness of the models to normal people. It’s about profitability of the models to the corporations that serve them.

java, to technology in So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off

This is how investments in new technologies work. That’s such a non-story.

Sharpiemarker, to technology in So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off


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