pixxelkick, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

My understanding is risk is low on this one as we already have a prepared and tested vaccine, and we have a known medicative treatment.

So it’d suck if it spreads but we at least have the tools to fight it on hand.


Unless a large subset or the population would inexplicably refuse to get vaccinated. 🤷


Oh come on, that would never happen!


Vaccines don’t work when 1/2 the population refuses to take it.

rigatti, avatar

They sure put a damper on the spread of COVID, even with a bunch of idiots refusing to take them.


Covid had a ~5% mortality rate at the peak, H5N1 has a mortality rate of ~56%, a damper won’t be enough


So the ignoreant will perish and the rest of us will pick up after them. Kinda sounds like climate change tbh.


That’s unfortunately not how it works.
The unvaccinated people become mutation factories and create new variants that we don’t have a vaccine for yet, that’s why you need a booster every year.


I don’t really see the issue with getting a booster every year provided the government doesn’t fuck it up. I am already pretty much having to get a Covid and Flu each year this will just be another.

rigatti, avatar

Something makes me think people would be more willing to take vaccines when facing down a life or death coin flip. At that point their “concerns” over long term effects don’t matter as much.


They were facing life or death and they chose horse dewormer…


Yes, they do, wtf. It just may not achieve herd immunity.


The unvaccinated people become mutation factories and create new variants that we don’t have a vaccine for yet, that’s why you need a booster every year.
If you’re vaccinated and surrounded by unvaccinated people. You may as well be unvaccinated.


If you’re vaccinated and surrounded by unvaccinated people. You may as well be unvaccinated.

This is exactly what anti-vax people say. Vaccination helps, regardless.


Are you retarded?
Anti-vax people depend on heard immunity bullshit. My argument is that not enough people are getting vaccinated and you think that means I’m Anti-vax?
Jesus Christ I’m glad stupid isn’t contagious.
Get fucked asswipe.


Getting vaccinated helps and is advisable, regardless of whether a mutation occurs in addition to the target strain.

And yes, anti-vax people say it doesn’t matter if you get vaccinated, just like you. But thanks for proving yourself to be as vapid as them, too.

Treczoks, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

Just wait until enough MAGA heads have drunk raw milk out of pure spite and turn the bird flu into the MAGA Malady pandemic.

The first pandemic caused primarily by human stupidity…


The first pandemic caused primarily by human stupidity…

I was going to bring up the killing of cats right before the Black Plague of the 14th century but some searching online showed me that most historians think it was a factor but not the major factor.

So yeah I got nothing you might be right.


Yep. Cats and the Black Plague. Actually, they were a complicating factor for some. The Christians killed (primarily black) cats, as they deemed them helpers of the devil and therefor complicit in spreading the plague. The Jews, on the other side, kept cats to keep house and storage vermin-free. So the Christians thought the Jews were in league with the devil, so they killed them, too - at least that was one of the “reasons” for pogromes. And it is also a reason why there are way less black cats in Europe than colored ones. It is a crazy topic…

But even if they had not killed those cats, the Black Death would have come. Maybe it would have spread a tad slower, but not much.


Bad things are happening -> a minority caused it. All we have to is eliminate the minority and double down on ideas that failed us.

Guess humans haven’t changed much. On an unrelated note a friend of mine yesterday decided to tell me about the vast conspiracy of trans people to hurt girls and I am reconsidering our relationship.

SlopppyEngineer, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

We turned the meat industry into a disease factory because that’s more efficient, make sure the financial system incentives everybody in the industry to shut up and remain uncooperative with investigations and measures, rolled out the ads for people to travel all around the world so things can spread and have such an unhealthy political climate that even mentioning a risk in drinking raw milk drives up the sale of raw milk. What’s the worst that can happen, right?

H5N1. High five flu. No 1 left alive


Meat industry + destruction of natural habitats forcing wild animals into contact with domesticated animals or directly with humans + general climate change making the spread of diseases more easy…

The rate and intensity of pandemics is increasing and we are doing barely anything to address the root causes. Because that would mean to reduce some individuals profits and make some small adjustments to our consumption routines, while restoring nature that is sustaining us. And that is out of the question.


The rate and intensity of pandemics is increasing

And as usual, this was predicted, warned about, is happening and stubbornly ignored. One of those many cans kicked down the road until the pile is too big to kick and starts to blocks the road.


The rate and intensity of pandemics is increasing

Is it? I really don’t want to sound like I am downplaying this but is it increasing? People would get shit like polio and smallpox. We have had three pandemics in my life and two of them were isolated to 1-3 countries. Ebola and Sars.


pandemic != endemic.

Polio and smallpox were endemic. They were pretty bad, but as slowly evolving diseases once we got the vaccines down, we got them under control. Pandemics are new diseases w.o. efficient resistance / medical treatments or prevention

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic avatar

Well, if this was 2018 or lower, I’d not be super worried. Post 2020 though…this is terrifying…

Burn_The_Right, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

I feel dirty admitting this, but this time I’m on the side of disinformation. More lives will be saved by saving our nation from the fascists. This time, I won’t be trying to talk any sense into them. I want them to ignore the science and distrust medicine.

Our nation’s most vulnerable groups as well as our planet’s normal (non-conservative) people are on the verge of being permanently oppressed and/or exterminated. If stepping aside and allowing the oppressors to kill themselves will prevent that outcome, then we need to grow a spine and do exactly that. Let’s encourage them to shrink their voting base while voting is still relevant.


The thing about disease is that it spreads.

There are people today dealing with serious complications of COVID even years later who were infected by stupid people doing stupid selfish things.

Everyone suffers if morons become willing petri dishes.


The thing about fascists is, they will kill and oppress more of us than a poorly managed disease. And it will be permanent.


I thought human to human transfer was very rare for this one.


So far. But the thing with viruses is they are susceptible to mutations.

We’re already seeing it jump across several mammalian lines. Probably only a matter of time.


Well the jokes on the virus since global warming is going to take me out before that happens.


Then it could never be a pandemic

Tattorack, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic avatar

Please not another one…


If it wasn’t for everyone dying and the schools closing another lockdown wouldn’t bother me much. Work from home for the most part, only drive in when I have to, no traffic when I do, see a lot more wildlife in my city, wear a mask so I don’t have to smell stuff and people, no one hugging me besides my family.

rbesfe, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

“experts warn of potential” is journalist speak for “I didn’t actually read the paper”

shortwavesurfer, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

Plandemic 2 here we come. Never let a good opportunity to impose tyranny go to waste.


Can I have your vaccine, since you don’t want it? Also, can you please let your friends know that Bill Gates made this one too? I think it has 6G trackers in it this time.

itsonlygeorge, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

Pandemic 2: Electric Bird Flu Boogaloo




Sponsored by Red Bull?

Etterra, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

Oh boy, time to risk us all again. At least it’ll help cull the antivaxers out a little.

Luftruessel, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

Ah shit, here we go again

KoboldCoterie, avatar

We had one pandemic, yes…

But what about second pandemic?


Not until you finish the first one!

jupyter_rain, avatar

Alternative: “But we already have pandemic at home”.

amio, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

Well, surely we'll take the news of an incoming infectious disease with enormous spreading potential seriously this time(!)


Russian and US propagandists are already on the loose, preparing to get people in the target countries not to follow practices like WFO or wearing masks in croweded places.

mlg, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch avatar

She is the reason Trump won and Bernie simultaneously got axed.

The voter turnout was poor and I’m convinced it’s gonna be even more atrocious this year.


The only reason Bernie was axed was because the DNC axed him. Bernie is too progressive for democrats.



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  • FreakinSteve,

    Fuck right off with your goddamn ‘Bernie bro’ bullshit. Getting pretty real sick of you fucking retards being completely incapable of taking responsibility for your shitty, pathetic candidate that NOBODY wanted.


    Literally a majority of voters voted for her. You ate the propaganda that Putin laid out for you.


    A majority voted for Biden and they didnt want him either. You swung, you missed.


    Nice delusion haha

    When the facts contradict, ignore the facts lol


    Trump won 2016. She was beaten by trump. Those are the facts.


    You said no one wanted Clinton. Literally a majority of voters wanted her. You’re in a bubble.


    You sadly cannot make the distinction between “wanted by the majority” and “having her be forced upon the majority”. Sone of us have been around long enough to know her history. A very small minority if Democrat voters thought she was a good candidate.

    Also, she lost to trump.


    No one rounded up voters at gunpoint and forced them to go to the polls and mark Hillary Clinton for President lol.

    You are in a bubble.



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  • FreakinSteve,

    See how fucking stupid tht sounds when you repeat it ad nauseum?


    Truth hurts, I know.



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  • jordanlund, avatar

    Temp banned for trolling.


    ROFL you must be a Russian troll. She literally came across as one of the evil characters from a Disney movie…

    Bernie didn’t do shit except campaign for and support her after she threw him under a bus to buy the nomination.



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  • jordanlund, avatar

    Clinton fucked up three ways that cost her the election:

    1. She told coal workers in Ohio and West Virginia that she wanted to put them out of work. Which caught the ear of Pennsylvania which is, you know, in between Ohio and West Virginia.

    Her attempt to walk it back was insincere and cost her PA.

    1. She completely and utterly failed to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, assuming she’d win them by default

    Those three states cost her the election.


    That would be some of the many reasons, yes.

    xmunk, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    Can she like… stop being a public figure?

    return2ozma, avatar

    I wish. She gave us Trump. Irony.

    disguy_ovahea, (edited )

    The DNC screwing Bernie and voter abstention gave us Trump.

    return2ozma, avatar

    Bill Clinton encouraged Donald Trump to run for President during a phone call before he decided to run for president…/100233/

    How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately “elevated” Donald Trump with its “pied piper” strategy…/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentio…

    They Always Wanted Trump. Inside Team Clinton’s year-long struggle to find a strategy against the opponent they were most eager to face.…/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-…

    disguy_ovahea, (edited )

    Edit: Due to the vague implications of the above comments, I was under the impression that the claim was Clintons’ intention to get Trump elected. Many, many comments later, it was explained that the more rational claim of encouraging Trump to run was because they thought he’d be an easy opponent to beat. Maybe people should say what they mean, rather leaving vague, incomplete, bait comments for others to determine their own interpretations of insinuation.

    return2ozma, avatar
    disguy_ovahea, (edited )

    I’m aware they were friends. Bill and Trump hung out in the same circles, including Epstein’s island. I still don’t believe your conspiracy theory.

    The Clintons are capitalist conservatives posing as Democrats.

    Trump is an authoritarian dictator Russian puppet.

    They want to fuck this nation in entirely different positions.

    return2ozma, avatar

    It’s well known…

    Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC…/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774/

    By Donna Brazile, the former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee.

    disguy_ovahea, (edited )

    Yes. It’s well known that Hillary worked with Debbie Wasserman Schultz to keep Bernie out of the spotlight. Her goal was to force a win of the primary, not give the election to Trump.

    It’s the ethical responsibility of the convention, not the candidate, to ensure an impartial primary. It’s a candidate’s job to self-advocate. It’s the convention’s job to keep it fair and balanced.

    Hillary was a disappointment. Debbie was a failure.


    It was the Hillary campaign’s decision to help elevate Trump to the nomination and give him as much media exposure as possible, thinking that it would make it easy for her to win.

    It was also them that ran one of the worst presidential campaigns in history, including telling people not to vote for her and neglecting to campaign in key swing states out of pure arrogant hubris.

    Inescapable conclusion to anyone who isn’t a Hillary stan or otherwise a blind Dem party loyalist:

    Hillary and her campaign are more culpable for Trump infesting the white house than anyone else outside of the far right echo chamber and foreign agents.


    So you reject the verified conspiracy of Debbie Wasserman Schultz intentionally shielding Bernie from the media prior to the primary, as well as the proof of exceptionally low Democratic voter turnout, in favor of a theory that claims the Clintons wanted a Russian conspiring real estate fraud to be President over Hillary.

    Do you get enough sun in your rabbit hole?

    Hominine, avatar

    How many millions of votes did Bernie lose the primary to Clinton by? Five?

    I remember turning out for him, only to find reality drowned out by the online noise (read: misogyny) that still reverberates to this day. At the polling places? Crickets. The American public reaped what it sowed, and watching these conspiracy artists attempt to re-write history is little more than them climbing back into the hamster wheel. Vote.


    Thank you for your sane and rational response. Between Ozma, VikingHippie, and Anticolonialist, I feel like the only orderly working the night shift at the asylum.


    Return2ozma: provides tons of mainstream sources demonstrating actual things that objectively happened according to people who have no reason to make it up

    This guy over here: “I still don’t believe your conspiracy theory” 🤦


    None of those sources substantiate why they would want him to win. I completely agree that Hillary leveraged Debbie to keep Bernie out of the spotlight to force a win of the primary. I’d also believe it’s possible that Bill tried to convince Trump to run in order to ease Hillary’s win in the Presidential election.

    Claiming that their goal was getting Trump elected is off the reservation cuckoobananas.


    None of those sources substantiate why they would want him to win.

    Nobody’s saying that the Hillary campaign wanted Trump to be president. As for why they wanted him to be the nominee, there’s no way that none of the sources say why.

    Especially since the Dem party leadership apparently learned nothing and are still using the same pied piper strategy to support far right candidates in Republican primaries for the exact same reason.


    Excellent. That’s honestly how all of the implications read in Ozma’s, Anticolonialist’s, and your comments. Not a single one of you completed your thoughts, leaving open inference that I perceived as motive to get Trump elected. I’m glad you hear that’s not your claim.

    I can see how they’d ply Trump to run, and perceive him as an easy target in the election.

    That doesn’t change the source of the failure. No matter how much pressure Hillary put on Debbie, it was Debbie’s job to remain impartial. It’s a candidate’s job to try to gain favor from the convention, just as it’s the convention’s job to remain impartial.

    The blame for Trump’s presidency still falls on the shoulders of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the abstaining voters.


    It’s a candidate’s job to try to gain favor from the convention, just as it’s the convention’s job to remain impartial.

    “No you don’t understand, political candidates are supposed to be slimy and dishonest!”

    Your insufferable attitude aside, that’s an insane position to take and it’s ridiculous you said that without providing anything to defend it like it’s common knowledge or something to be desired in a presidential candidate - especially after you were so anal about things that were explicitly spelled out for you and which you still struggled to understand

    disguy_ovahea, (edited )

    It’s the job of a candidate to self-advocate in every avenue. It’s the job of the committee to ensure a fair and impartial primary. Which one failed to do their job?

    I assume you also blame Netanyahu for taking your tax dollars instead of the government for providing them?


    You’re not making sense, dude. And your analogy is wack, too.

    It’s their job to break the rules/cheat? Is it a sportsball player’s job to try and break their rivals’ legs?

    Do you blame workers when they lose their jobs when factory jobs are shipped overseas?

    I’d be happy to place some blame on lazy/disinterested citizens, complicit corporate media networks, the effect of legalized bribery in politics, but to go the other way and actually say you support candidates doing whatever it takes to win is gross

    disguy_ovahea, (edited )

    Your analogies don’t fit this scenario at all.

    Have you ever worked with a kiss-ass? Someone who constantly sucks up to the boss and is always trying to impress them, even if they’re not the best at their job? Imagine the boss giving that employee preferential treatment over the other employees. More breaks, days off, buys them lunch, etc.

    Who is wrong? The leader or the employee?

    A politician’s job during a campaign is self-promotion. Of course they would try to ply favor from their convention. It’s absolutely expected behavior from a person in that position. It’s the conventions job to say no and keep it fair.

    I’m not saying Hillary was ethical, but that Debbie was responsible.


    They wanted him to win the GOP Primary, not the general election.


    There is evidence that Trump has been to the island on multiple occasions via testimony by Epstein’s brother.

    There is evidence that Clinton rode on Epstein’s Plane to various AIDs relief sites in Africa.

    There is NO evidence that Clinton has ever been to the island.


    The Clinton’s gave us Trump, no one else

    disguy_ovahea, (edited )

    It’s easier to point fingers at her, but it’s not her job to keep the primary impartial. As I said above, it’s a candidate’s job to self advocate. It’s the DNC’s job to keep the primary fair and impartial.

    Hillary was a disappointment. Debbie was a failure.

    I’m guessing you’re blaming her while having abstained from voting in 2016?


    Hillary was a disappointment. Debbie was a failure.

    Debbie was a resounding success. She did the only thing she was there to do.


    Not according to her job description.


    Her duties didn’t change one bit when she left the DNC to work for the Clinton campaign.


    So we agree that she was corrupt. Great. We’re done.


    She typifies party leadership to this day.


    it would’ve been a completely alternative universe if we had Bernie from 2016 until 2024. He’s too good for rotten america


    The silver lining of missing out on 8 years of President Sanders is 10+ years of Senator Sanders.


    Yeah, you purity testing fuckers would currently be calling him names because he dared to compromise with people who only believe 99.95% of what you do.

    Losing was the best thing to happen to Bernie. Now you can sanctify him because he’s not in the limelight.


    I’m beginning to think that Bernie beat you up in high school and took your lunch money.


    I don’t really have much problem with bernie himself, but his followers are a flaming bag of dogshit


    You’re in a bubble.


    The DNC screwing Bernie

    In order to help whom?

    disguy_ovahea, (edited )

    Again, it’s well documented that Debbie was helping Hillary. It’s not Hillary’s job to be impartial, it’s Debbie’s. There’s a reason insurance companies won’t pay the claim if you’re robbed after leaving your doors unlocked. Candidates are expected to ask for preferential treatment. It’s the convention’s job to deny it. This was Debbie’s responsibility, and she failed to execute.


    This was Debbie’s responsibility, and she failed to execute.

    Her responsibility was to throw the primary for Clinton. She did so.


    You fuckers gave us Trump, and might give us Trump again.

    demizerone, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    No one asked to hear from the person that lost a presidential election to Donald Fucking Trump.


    I can’t hear you over all the “He’s probably not that bad.” and “Haha he’ll never win, I’ll vote for him as a joke!”


    No one asked to hear from you either, but here we are.


    So rude!


    I literally pointed what you said about someone else at you. How is it any more rude than you were?

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