
scrubbles, to games in Let’s Skip The Dragon Age: The Veilguard Vs. Baldur’s Gate 3 Comparisons, Yeah?
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I agree. They’re two different games. Both fantasy sure, but they really are apples to oranges.

I for one judge any game mostly on two factors. One, did I have fun. Two, what was the cost per hour to play? Beyond that, it’s hard to compare two completely separate games.


I think it would be totally fair to compare the new Dragon Age to DA: Origins, in the context of talking about all of the depth of writing and roleplay that will be lost (as it looks like they’re going a very different direction for the series). The new game looks fundamentally worse as a work of art compared to the original.

In that conversation, I think it’s reasonable to bring up the fact that a game came out last year which copied the DA:O formula in every way, and became the bestselling fantasy RPG of the last decade.

One could absolutely ask what BioWare is thinking straying so far from the original, successful, formula. The answer of course is valuing short-term profit over the creating of something that will stand the test of time.


One could absolutely ask what BioWare is thinking straying so far from the original, successful, formula. The answer of course is valuing short-term profit over the creating of something that will stand the test of time.

“SoulsLike games sells well, let’s make dragon age a souls like” is what they thought


Baldurs Gate 3 did not copy the Dragon Age formula, Dragon Age did not create it in the first place.


DAO presented a very specific iteration of the cRPG formula, and that iteration is the closest I’ve seen to BG3.

I’m not criticizing BG3. I think it’s awesome that Larian structured the game so much around the same skeletal structure as DAO.


Oh I understand now, thanks for clarifying.

Aurenkin, to games in Let’s Skip The Dragon Age: The Veilguard Vs. Baldur’s Gate 3 Comparisons, Yeah?

Maybe I’m in the minority or I’m just missing something but I don’t really understand the whole thing of gatekeeping which games people can compare to which other games. Yes they are different types of games but so what? You can meaningfully compare even BG3 to CoD just based on the fact that they are both games that cost money and provide some entertainment.

Maybe I’m just missing the point.


Games are art. Just because two musicians make different genres of music, doesn’t mean I can’t compare them. Especially when it’s clear that one is making a certain genre because they know it will sell well, and the other is making the music they are passionate about making.


I think you can compare whatever you want. The farther apart the two things are though – apples to oranges – the more the comparison becomes a matter of your taste and opinion rather than a critical, objective comparison.


I would say almost all comparison is subjective unless you are comparing something like price or the presence/absence of a feature like multiplayer.


Don’t give gatekeepers the benefit of the doubt. If they don’t want to see opinion articles about games, they can block the community.


Game journalism is a marketing tool. When pieces come out preemptively defending a product (any product) from some specific criticism, it’s because the company is both confident that those criticisms will be levied, and that they won’t shake out favourably.

That’s it, that’s the whole reasoning.

They know they won’t come out looking in any way comparable in terms of scope, quality, etc, and they’re putting their hands forward through their connections with the press, hoping at least some people will buy this obvious attempt at ass covering and refrain from publicly criticising their product.


I think it’s like 70% that and 30% that all games journalists are also fans (this maybe isn’t true of, say, political journalists) who are always walking an ethical line between saying the truth and geeking out about getting status, access, power and free stuff from these companies. So it also makes them more likely to preemptively defend their golden goose/favorite studios and brands like a kid on a playground, except they might lose kickbacks in the future if they don’t become ardent defenders.

Also, I loved DA:O, and DA2 was OK, I didn’t finish DA:I and I have very very very little interest in this game until I see lots of reviews after its released. Sorry BioWare, but ya basic.

morphballganon, to games in Let’s Skip The Dragon Age: The Veilguard Vs. Baldur’s Gate 3 Comparisons, Yeah?

Predicting the games will have differences does not entitle you to limit other people’s tools of evaluation (comparison is a tool of evaluation).

Potatos_are_not_friends, to gaming in Division 2 Players Really Hate The New Shift To Seasonal Characters

A few years ago, I got this game for $2 and it absolutely scratched my Destiny 2 itch. Even bought the DLC at full price.

Then the usual Ubisoft BS rolled around and I just dropped it.

DebatableRaccoon, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam

And here we go again. Who had ‘paid mods’ on their bingo card this time?

@Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I mean, this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone considering they’ve been doing the whole paid mod thing for a good while now with Skyrim and FO4.


I know. Don’t go forgetting Oblivion now 😉 Luckily, I’m not one of the people stupid enough to buy their defective shovelware anymore.


What I’ve learned from this thread is that bingo spot must be the FREE spot in the middle of every board lol


Pretty much. They’ve done it so many times now that it can’t even be considered a bet to expect it at the release of one of their games.

thingsiplay, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam

I have nothing against supporting paid mods, if the modder wants it to be monetized. It should be the decision of the modder. Not everything must be free of charge. As long as the modder can decide it.


That’s what “buy me a coffee/beer” and commissions are for. Not Todd Howards attempt to skim the mod community.


If Bethesda created a paid mod market where creators could charge for access and Bethesda only took a super nominal amount of those payments to cover transaction fees (say, 2-3%) I would so be in favour of that. I love the idea of passionate creators being rewarded for their work, and frankly it could (and should) create a new employee pipeline for them.

Sadly though, then Bethesda might make 0.01875% less profit this quarter than they did last quarter, which these days is the death knell of the capitalistic venture.


Wait wait wait, someone got a free coffee from OUR game? This should be my coffee, i want coffee too. Tod Howard probably


Howard, “We make money off the game sales and the mods that people make. It just works!”


Exactly. I was extremely disappointed in the community reaction when Steam was going to implement the option for modders to get paid. Instead of focusing on the legitimate issues with the proposal (pay ratios were off, mod dependencies and ripoffs need to be addressed) it boiled down to “rah, I don’t want to pay for things I didn’t used to, rah. Real modders give me stuff for free.”

I think we’re missing out by not having this as an option. Modding can provide a good stepping stone into full game development, and if people can earn money for their work, they can justify spending more time on it or potentially even doing it full time.


I think we’re missing out by not having this as an option. Modding can provide a good stepping stone into full game development, and if people can earn money for their work, they can justify spending more time on it or potentially even doing it full time.

Yes. Those who don’t want to monetize their work (which is actually respectable) would standout even more. In example there could be two versions, one free version and one paid version with a few little extras to support the developers. This is a way to handle paid software even in Open Source, in example on Android where such a payment system is integrated.

There is no need to have an account on a different platform, so I can support the developer, and another account for another platform that wants my bank accounts. I speak about patreon and and the likes. It’s all here, with my Steam account and money from Steam.

Sanctus, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

We didn’t like it last time, and absolutely nothing has changed.

MentalEdge, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


Did the shitstorm that happened last time teach Bethesda nothing?

What am I saying, no, of course it didn’t.


Feels ritualistic at this point.

Bethesda does the thing; gamers and modders do the thing. Bethesda says, “Whoops!” We all laugh.

Only difference this time is it feels like 76 has been out longer than when they usually try this.


Last time Bethesda just moved then out of steam and made money off of them on their own platform.


Bugthesda. Bugthesda never changes.


To be fair, it’s a pretty common play. Company makes unpopular decision, walks it back, tries again a little later once the novelty has worn off and the MSM doesn’t care to pick it up again.

I think this particular move is pretty ballsy with how egregious it is (especially considering that starfield didn’t do anything particularly outstanding to overshadow it), but I don’t doubt they’ll try it again. If people keep buying their games, where’s the risk? At worst they’ll still get a few dollars from those who, for whatever reason, buy it, and then it’s forgotten by the next time a game comes out.


They definitely did learn. They learned that they could charge for mods and people, sadly, will pay. They’ve learned that they can make more money by paywalling what should be essential patches and bugfixes. They learned that the average gamer is willing to be fleeced. They learned that they can run an IP into the ground and still extract maximum cash from it.

They’ve learned. They just didn’t learn the lesson that we here on Lemmy wanted them to learn. That’s a sad fact of being part of a minority community.

heavy, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam

Did someone make paid horse armor yet? Lol

Squirrel, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam
@Squirrel@thelemmy.club avatar

How many times are they going to try this shit?


Every time

ChicoSuave, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam

Ah, the yearly ritual continues. Bethesda makes a game that needs bug fixing, let’s the players fix it with mods, then B tries getting players to pay for the mods in the hopes they can finally charge money for mods that are needed to fix the game.

Classic Todd. Can’t wait until he quits making games. Bethesda might actually use a new game engine besides the Creation Engine.


The Creation Engine is not bad. It’s very purpose built for RPGs and has all the frameworks for worlds, NPC AI behaviour, quests, dialogue trees etc already in it.

It also has in-built support for creating addons, which is why the modding scene is so robust.

You should install the Creation Kit on Steam to check it out.


Hi, Bugthesda employee! Poppa Todd forced you to expand the totes-not-publicity to the fediverse, did he?

@Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar

I’d rather have the easily moddable engine it’s on now than turn their games into cut and paste UE5 clones with no mods.


Personally, I’d rather have games that “just work” like the ones on UE5. I guess I’m weird that way.


Whether a game is buggy or not depends on the competency of the developers building the game, not the engine.

The engine is just a platform, like a canvas to an artist. How effectively it is used depends on the skill of the person using it.


It’s both.

The architectural decisions are at the engine level and that stuff has a massive influence on the likelihood of bugs in the code running in that engine.

For example, traditional Unity (not ECS) runs all game code (so the code provided by those coding the game) in a single thread, which avoids A TON of multi threading bugs (as that’s one of the hardest parts in programming to master) but is very bad for performance in multi-core CPUs. Game programmers can fire up separate threads using the standard libraries of the programming language itself and manage them, but everything in the development framework that’s part of the engine pushes them to use that single-threaded model, so only advanced devs bother and only for very specific things.

Also the choice of programming language forced by the engine itself has a huge impact in the likelihood of bugs, but since I don’t want to start a Holy War I’m not going to star pointing fingers at specific languages and criticizing them ;)


True, resolving bugs depends on how effective debugging tools available to the developers are.

But there is no perfect game engine. All have quirks and bugginess of a game usually just comes down to how willing the team is to find and squash them. That’s why all games need patches after launch.

Language is not really an issue here since the Creation Engine uses Papyrus for all game logic, which is good enough for what it does.


It’s not about debugging tools.

Different, high level software designs (i.e. architectural designs) which are normally imposed by the game engine, have different probabilities of the developers who are making the code for those to produce bugs, because of lots of factors including things like of how they approach error validation and handling in the engine itself and in which domains does the engine leave the most freedom to coders and which ones does it leave less - some things are pretty safe to leave in the hands of even bad developers, others are not.

The example of multi-threading in Unity should’ve been clear: put a game engine that doesn’t impose a single thread pattern in front of somebody with little or no experience in multi-threaded programming and you will have a huge rate of bugs (mainly critical race conditions) and as it so happens most developers out there have little or no experience in multi-threaded programming. Yet multi-threading can yield far more performance in modern CPU since they’re all multi-core. For that specific game engine a software architectural choice was made to go with a structure that is not as performance but significantly less likely to lead to a higher bug rate when used by the average coder, probably because Unity targets less experience coders.

Good Senior Designers and Technical Architects don’t design the high level structure of the software for themselves as coders, they do it for the kind of coders that are likely to be coding for it.

Of course the developers themselves also have different capabilities and hence different baseline rates of creating bugs, hence why I said “both”.

@denshirenji@lemmy.world avatar

I very much agree with what you are saying. If the engine changes we will lose mods, or at the very least there will be significantly fewer. I don’t make a habit of playing many games from 2012… except for Skyrim. I also dont play many games from 2001, except for Morrowind. I will spend hours or even days setting up a modding environment. Please let me have that for future Bethesda titles.

Also people calling us folks that like user-made mods shills, when they are trying to force a shift to the very much corporate owned Unreal Engine is funny.


You very much missed the point of my comment. After the “professional” response the public got when leaving very justified negative feedback on Starfield, I now don’t trust any comment supporting Gamebryo to not be a Bethesda employee. Nor was I advocating for shifting to Unreal, it was the next person who brought up a different engine which I said I’d prefer since it’s reliable. I don’t really care what engine the next Fallout is made with, for example, so long as it isn’t made in Gamebryo by a bunch of hacks.

@denshirenji@lemmy.world avatar

You seem alright and I agree that gamebryo is typically crash heavy. I really didn’t mean it as an attack on you personally and apologize for conflating your opinion with someone else’s.

I do feel very strongly that whatever engine they use should support user generated mods, but let’s be real, I probably won’t have the time to spend on it anyway.

deathmetal27, (edited )

No, I’m saying from having used the Creation Kit and I modding Skyrim and Fallout.

I’m not defending the games or Bethesda. It’s their game design and narrative team’s fault, not the engine’s.

Modders have been familiar with Bethesda’s engines since Morrowind (Netimmerse and then Gamebryo, which form the basis of the Creation Kit), which is why the modders are able to make mods pretty quickly for these games. I’d rather still have the community use this experience with future Bethesda titles for modding than use something like Unreal that does not have the same level of customisation and tools.

@CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

Imo it’s not about having a new engine, it’s that they don’t make enough changes to it and it’s very apparent. On launch, their games are some of the most lackluster games visually. I remember the update from Skyrim to fallout was just that they added god rays to the engine, that was basically the only difference.

Then Fallout 76 came out and not only was it extremely ill equipped for multiplayer and online, but graphically the game suffered.

Then we talk about the quest systems in the engine, and that’s great and all, but the quest systems haven’t been fundamentally updated since Oblivion came out. Go play any other RPG, they’re running circles around Bethesda in quest design.

What’s worse is that Starfield was met with mixed reviews and showcased their inability to modernize their engine with the loading screen problem. So ES6 is set up to make or break Bethesda.


What you described are game design issues. The art is always only as good as the artist who makes it and the Bethesda game design team are not very good (or perhaps Todd is a mediocre director since he is directly responsible for almost all aspects of the game).

If you see how ENB and Sweetfx enhance the visuals you know that the engine is capable of much more. There is a mod called Enderal which is a total conversion of Skyrim that uses the same engine but improves the visual in almost all aspects: better models, better post processing, new game mechanics, etc. There is also a team working on porting Vampire The Masquerade Redemption to the Skyrim engine with all new assets (guns, etc).

So basically Bethesda games being mediocre is due to a mediocre team and direction. Even if they start using Unreal their games will still be mediocre.

Edit: Before someone points it out, I know that ENB is not a part of the Creation Engine, but an external postprocessor that hooks into the DirectX API and modifies the rendered output. I was just saying that Bethesda could use something like this to enhance the lacklustre visuals but they deliberately chose not to perhaps due to their artistic vision for the game.

@CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

This is sort’ve true but post processing isn’t where the game struggles per se. Both Skyrim and Fallout 4 lacked LOD lighting and featured prominent Z-fighting of many textures, that’s an inherent way that the LODs are calculated in the engine.

So most of what I’m talking about like lackluster quest design and poor visuals aren’t unfixable by the engine, but they’re direct results of developing using it. The quest structures are mostly the same as they have been for decades.

And yes, they could easily code something like an ENB mod but they just don’t. They’re so bad at this in fact that they can’t even get proper anti-aliasing working. If I remember right, Fallout used TAA and it was so awful that I preferred a 3rd party FXAA to their solution.

Also to be fair, ENB is similar to other graphics injectors which aren’t new on the block but you dont really want to use an injector so they’d have to code something like an ENB into their DLL and that would affect the engine so they don’t do it. It needs a big update to add stuff like that and this will be the third game they haven’t bothered to significantly change it.


Makes sense. Though I would still rather they not abandon the Creation Engine and improve its underlying technical features. The modding community has more than a decade of experience with its underlying subsystems and what actually contributes to the robust modding scene of Bethesda’s games.


Just call it what it really is: Gamebryo.


Idk, last time they pulled this it was at least a game people liked. What’s their angle here?

Evotech, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam
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Default_Defect, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam
@Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar

The best part is that the free mods will end up being better anyway.

Wooki, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam

It’s not just the fact they are paid but also they removed part of a quest, paywalled it for a lot and you still need to buy the rest of the quest not out yet!

Etterra, to gaming in Starfield’s Paid Mods Ignite A Review Bombing On Steam

It’s like Todd is an infant without object permanence.

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