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To be fair, it’s a pretty common play. Company makes unpopular decision, walks it back, tries again a little later once the novelty has worn off and the MSM doesn’t care to pick it up again.

I think this particular move is pretty ballsy with how egregious it is (especially considering that starfield didn’t do anything particularly outstanding to overshadow it), but I don’t doubt they’ll try it again. If people keep buying their games, where’s the risk? At worst they’ll still get a few dollars from those who, for whatever reason, buy it, and then it’s forgotten by the next time a game comes out.


I remember trying out the beginner mode on DotA a few years ago. Good idea in theory, but in practice I made a single mistake and was blamed for the loss of the entire game. They probably weren’t wrong that I tipped the balance towards the enemy side, but it would’ve been nice to get some pointers or guidance instead of just “GG Harpy”. Made me not want to touch the game again.


Nobody would want to get into a game that requires hundreds of hours of homework before they can finally start to become good at the game.

This is a huge issue I have with a lot of established online games. A lot of the advice is just “watch this video, follow this guide, use this meta build or we’re not going to play with you.” I play games to have fun learning mechanics, experimenting with builds, and organically exploring the world. I may eventually use guides to get caught up, but the game has to be fun at its core before then. At least in smash, you’re the only one who has to worry about your performance.


It’s also really easy to lock yourself out of questlines by completing seemingly unrelated objectives. I get that being inscrutable is kind of a hallmark of these games, but I found myself unable to dig into some of the plotlines that really intrigued me.


I spent way too long looking at the suit like “it doesn’t look remotely the same” before i registered the balaclava.


God damn it’s so stupid that we fill plans front to back just so people can feel special about sitting down first.


Out of curiosity, what would you consider “too cold to go out”? Not really about the metric/celcius system, but 0c is light jacket weather for me.


Why do game makers need to be the responsible party? I’ve never played a game that didn’t let you block and/or mute people you’re playing with. That doesn’t make assholes disappear but it stops the problem from impacting you. Why add a middleman to the equation?

Because the devs/mods have the power to at least attempt to remove the person from the game before anyone else has to suffer their comments.

It’s much simpler to let players decide what they will tolerate on their own.

It’s pretty simple to enable mod actions, too. Game devs make a list of rules about what you can and can’t say. You agree to those rules when you start playing the game. Breaking the rules earns you a punishment. If you don’t like it, you don’t play the game. If the rules are unfairly restrictive then people won’t play the game and it will fail. This is how internet moderation has worked since forever.


I understand your passion, but I cannot trust any entity to use that amount of personal data responsibly.


I cannot get behind the sentiment of “online communication is awful so we shouldn’t even attempt to do anything about it.” Yeah at some point you have to learn to shake it off to protect yourself, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make any effort to moderate online spaces as well. Don’t give assholes quarter in your game if you want to retain your community.

You can’t remove the suck from people, but you can remove the people from your community.


Well yeah, that’s why part of Riot’s solution seems to be adding more mods. I’d be more understanding if Riot didn’t have the resources to add more paid mod support, but I truly don’t think that’s the case. So yeah, pay more mods and use more advanced technology to flag communication, I think that’s an attainable goal.

I’m not saying that people shouldn’t still protect themselves by blocking harassment, but I believe it’s perfectly within devs’ abilities to at least attempt to remove the most heinous bullies from the game.


Moderators will never be able to fully eliminate this problem because it is an inherent part of the behavior of a subset of humanity and humans are involved in the activities where this harassment takes place

I’m not suggesting they can, I don’t think anyone is.

If you expect every person you meet, online or in person, to respect the rules you are going to be disappointed

I don’t, but I expect if someone starts yelling rape threats at a restaurant that they’ll be kicked out, rather than the waiter saying “well why didn’t you just move to another table?” The rules are there for a reason, there should be consequences if they are broken.


I’m confused, isn’t the article talking about the solution?


Windows into I went to college for development and decided to check out this Linux thing. At the time, I wanted something as different from Windows as possible, so I went with Ubuntu with Gnome 3 (I know) for about a year. Tried out Fedora, couldn’t get my sound to work and accidentally uninstalled the desktop environment trying to fix it, slunk back to Ubuntu, tried out a Debian briefly, and eventually ended up on Linux Mint with Cinnamon and KDE.

At one time I really wanted to try a bunch of stuff and probably would’ve hopped a lot more if Fedora didn’t shatter my confidence, but nowadays I want as little disruption between machines as possible. I have to use Windows for work, so I keep my Linux setup pretty vanilla so I don’t miss features between the two very much. I’ll probably still play with other distros every now and then on old laptops, but I’ve fallen into a “if it ain’t broke” mindset with my daily machines.


You might still try using Proton or Lutris to run it. It may be a pain to get working, but hopefully someone out there has a guide for the mod manager you’re using.


Really hoping that we see more stuff like Second Wind, though that took some real name recognition (and I suspect some pre-planning) to pull off.


As a huge fan of these games… absolutely. I keep coming back because I love the characters so much and the story arcs within each game can be fairly satisfying, but the overarching plot is a complete mess.


Proton is a godsend. Some games can be a little unstable, but I’ve yet to find one that doesn’t work at all. Even was able to install and mod a game from 2000. For what doesn’t work on Proton, Lutris can hopefully handle. Takes a little doing sometimes but I got Battlenet/WoW working almost prefectly with CurseForge.

Nvidia drivers are a huge pain in the ass, though, and haven’t played nice with Wayland in my experience.


I love that there’s something in our monkey brain that is just enamored with moving water.


Sexual assault can happen to men and boys. Sure, some of them may be “fine” with what happened, but this mentality makes it incredibly difficult for male victims of sexual assault to come forward and get help when they need it. The damage isn’t always apparent right away, either.


I also recommend trying out FreeCAD and seeing which clicks with you. I found FreeCAD’s sketch system more intuitive, though you have to be pretty careful about your order of operations while building your hierarchy.


I feel this so hard! Sometimes I wanna be a little quiet, mysterious, wait for them to come to you. But someone says anything that remotely interests me and I’m suddenly jabbering like a turkey.


Any advice for a person who doesn’t really like the mushy texture of beans or chickpeas? I love hummus but I can’t do whole chickpeas.

Theharpyeagle, (edited )

Jesus, it’s way more dehumanizing to be thought of only in relation to checks notes Large Gametes than it is to simply accept that people of the same gender can be born with different bits.


Whoa the crossed eyes thing is wild. The human body is weird.


Changed Fibonacci - costs $8 instead of $7, because Fibonacci


The nerfs to vampire and campfire (bars) hurt, but they make sense. On the other hand (heh), blue seals actually feel worth it now.

The free uncommon/rare/enhanced jokers are huge too.


I LOVE posy, just a dude talking about whatever catches his fancy and making beautiful videos about them.


I’d put him on there, he’s done so much to educate people about life in space and is always happy to address questions and run experiments for curious kids, even if they seem trivial.


Zack Freeman has been a recent favorite, doing the hard science so we don’t have to buy beef jerky filament.


Grady Hillhouse of Practical Engineering. He provides so much insight to the constructed world around us and, more recently, has done a ton of work to digest complex reports to, as he puts it, “elevate the discussion” around manmade disasters so that the layman can have a more informed opinion.

Pannenkoek as well. He’s pretty niche, making videos almost exclusively about Mario 64, but he has an incredible talent for teaching complex technical concepts in an understandable way. It’s often really hard for people that freakin smart to turn around and explain their knowledge to a layman, but Pannen puts a ton of work into visuals and examples to make sense of some really comprehensive stuff.

Rebecca Sugar, creator of Steven Universe. They’ve always had a mission to reach queer kids and have taken inspiration from Mr. Rogers to help children love and accept themselves. Over the course of their career, they’ve really come out of their shell and fought for representation in cartoons, driving the whole medium forward while supporting their peers across the animation industry. They’ve been pretty quiet online since the end of Steven Universe, but it’s because they’re out there in person at LGBTQ+ youth centers teaching kids how to understand and express themselves. I didn’t know what it meant to have a role model until I started following their career.


Unfortunately, mosquitoes are also pretty important pollinators (they only consume blood when laying eggs), and goodness knows we can’t really afford to lose more of those.

Theharpyeagle, (edited )

Everyone and their mother is playing Balatro, and for good reason. Super fun deck builder based on a normal playing card deck and poker hands. Great music and visuals, too.

Also, check out Inscryption. Truth be told, it’s not really a true roguelike deckbuilder, rather it uses the genre as a storytelling medium. Still, really fun game with solid core gameplay and an engaging story. There’s also DLC that lets you play more of the deckbuilder part indefinitely.


Yeah, this same article can be written for Mini Golf games, or shmups, or visual novels, or any other genre that’s relatively easy to develop for. Once one gets popular, others will jump on because the barrier to entry is fairly low. Lots will be low effort clones, but some will really try to build something new.


Sloppy joes are great, just make sure to have a hearty, toasted bun so they don’t get too sloppy.

Honestly it’s been a few years since I had one, know what I’m making next week.


What is the practical difference between Arch and Debian based systems? Like what can you actually do on one that you can’t on the other?


Thank you for this comprehensive writeup! I’m a big Mint user and like not having to mess too much with the OS itself, but I’ve run into a few issues where the stable release of something doesn’t have newer features I want. I might try Arch out on a spare laptop.


Seriously, music is as much free speech as any spoken or written word and can be incredibly powerful. Banning it shows an absurd amount of fear and hatred for any sense of individuality.


What civil rights advancements have been won with this strategy?


Just wait until they hear about bees!

Theharpyeagle, (edited )

I’m no expert, but here’s a Wikipedia page about it:

And a more in-depth/easy to read article:…/honeybee-genetics-how-do-t…

TL;DR: All fertilized eggs become female bees. Whether a fertilized egg becomes a worker or a queen is based completely on how much royal jelly they are fed by other workers as larvae. Drones (male bees) are born from unfertilized eggs and only contain one set of chromosomes.

Also, there are reptiles that change sex based on the temperature in which their eggs develop. Sex gets weird in the animal kingdom.

Lasse Collin, the other xz maintainer, has acknowledged the backdoor (

They haven’t particularly made a comment on the situation so much as acknowledged it’s happening. They seem to be going with the story that they had nothing to do with it and this is news to them. Hope to hear more from them soon so we can find out more about the situation, how and why this happened, etc....


That’s a heartbreaking read, and I can’t imagine how it feels now to know that someone who finally helped lighten the load may be involved with such an egregious breach of trust and safety.

I think this is why I can’t get behind Linus-style takedowns, even if the prospective maintainer has made bad a mistake. Entitled consumers make things hard enough already with direct access to the developers, they don’t need any help getting burned out.


It depends for me. Sometimes it works first try, sometimes I have to bounce around a few locations before it’ll let me in.


Kelvin actually isn’t written with a degree sign!


This assumes the judge A) understands enough about the technology to question the scope of information requested and B) is acting in good faith. I’d like to believe both, but I’m not confident in either. The article specifically mentions that this possibly breaches 1st and 4th amendment rights, so it’s not certain that the warrant was constitutionally sound.

Letting this pass without pushback would open the door to any such investigation that potentially honey pots people into giving up their information without knowledge or consent. I don’t trust law enforcement with gathering mass information about people to catch one person that may be connected to a crime completely unrelated to the video on question.


I got a Brother embroidery machine only to find that making anything other than the most basic patterns required a very pricey proprietary program. Thankfully I found Ink/Stitch, an open source plug-in for InkScape. It’s still a little rough around the edges, but after getting used to its foibles, it’s very capable with the right amount of elbow grease. The main dev is active and very helpful in their issues.


I have an Nvidia GPU and have had a few issues with crashes on Mint even after manually installing the latest drivers. Is PopOS noticeably more stable? Have you by chance played Helldivers on it?

Also it seems like it’s pretty tightly coupled with Gnome and tweaks, is it still adventageous if you use, say, KDE?

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