peter, to technology in What's behind the tech industry's mass layoffs in 2024? : NPR avatar

The mindset in tech for years now has been “growth at all costs”, what we’re seeing is the effects of that cost

Dhar, to technology in What's behind the tech industry's mass layoffs in 2024? : NPR

Incompetent management


The (non-founder) C-suite seems to think that people hate them for laying off other staff. People hate them because the C-suite doesn’t have to face the consequences of their incompetence. It’s the regular staff that does. CEOs instead get golden parachutes for running companies into the ground.



flumph, avatar

Yeah. I worked for a SaaS company that had two rounds of layoffs because they hired C-suite executives who were better at talking than building software or running product teams.

One was let go in the layoffs – but given a book of clients to start a competing business. The other is still there holding pointless meetings that keep people from getting work done.

fubo, to world in Poland's new government deprograms its once far-right public media

Every time I read the name “Donald Tusk” I imagine a walrus in Donald Duck’s sailor suit.

Sure is a better image than the Donald we got over here.


I get a mental image of The Bad Donald crossed with Rick & Morty’s Elon Tusk.

FaceDeer, to world in Poland's new government deprograms its once far-right public media avatar

Nice to hear some solidly good news like this.

FaizalR, to world in Poland's new government deprograms its once far-right public media

Good luck to the Polish.


Good luck to all Europe… we’re doomed!


How? Stop being so negative

boredtortoise, to world in Poland's new government deprograms its once far-right public media
ahriboy, to world in Poland's new government deprograms its once far-right public media avatar

PiS got PiSSED OFF. Even today all newscasts in Poland are still called “Dziennik” by older people, including Wiadomosci.


No way, that’s nuts

But, like, what is that and who is that

Mango, to games in What layoffs in the video game industry mean for developers and the games we love

All those dudes will now be more inclined to make actually decent games that don’t need publisher budget!

swade2569, to world in Ex-FBI source charged with Biden lies is tied to Russian intelligence, prosecutors say avatar

Will wonders never cease.

yeather, to world in Ex-FBI source charged with Biden lies is tied to Russian intelligence, prosecutors say

“We investigated ourselves, and found the guy involved with exposing potential corruption of our new boss was totally lying and had ties to our enemies.”

TokenBoomer, to world in Ex-FBI source charged with Biden lies is tied to Russian intelligence, prosecutors say

A duel US and Israeli citizen has “extensive” ties to Russian intelligence? How many more just like him in the FBI and government?

gregorum, to world in Ex-FBI source charged with Biden lies is tied to Russian intelligence, prosecutors say

And now, even though the Democrats have a slam dunk against the Republicans (ONCE AGAIN!), they will do absolutely fucking nothing with it, because they’re fucking goddamn pussies.

Fal, avatar

What does this even mean? What do you propose?

snooggums, avatar

Rant and rave in a way that gets the notice of the press I stead of taking the high road and being ignored.

Dems need some fucking spines to show they will do anything to stand up to Republicans.


Almost like it’s intentional, eh?


Uh huh. Whatever you say bud 🙄

andrewrgross, to world in Ex-FBI source charged with Biden lies is tied to Russian intelligence, prosecutors say

I feel like there’s a real focus on the forest instead of the trees.

What exactly does this tell us?

Republicans in congress relied on obviously uncredible evidence in their pursuit to prove a crime that they wanted to prosecute regardless of whether it happened. A professional international shill shilled professionally, internationally.

Russia and other countries tell people to say and do things to spread propaganda and misinformation to influence politics in the US.

Sadly, none of this, we must acknowledge is new information. And honestly, it’s so terribly pervasive. The bad guys do this stuff, but most of the “good guys” kinda do too, just usually with a bit more restraint. So what do we do with this?

I think the main issue, the reason we should be pissed off when we learn that a guy lied to law enforcement to try and convince the media and the public that a political rival is a double-crossing criminal, is that we don’t want our system of government constantly being manipulated by unscrupulous manipulative assholes.

And so we should turn our attention to REAL democratic reforms. Ranked choice voting. Ending the electoral college. Curtailing political gerrymandering. Converting our two-party duopololy system into an actual multi-party system.

There’s no real use in being mad in the folks who do all this stuff. We need to just stop expecting otherwise and make systems that don’t reward this kind of outlandish bullshit.

BaroqueInMind, avatar

And so we should turn our attention to REAL democratic reforms. Ranked choice voting. Ending the electoral college. Curtailing political gerrymandering. Converting our two-party duopololy system into an actual multi-party system.

Not to sound nihilistic or defeatist, but the odds of any of that federally passing within our lifetime has the same odds of Congress deleting the Second Amendment.

Maybe state governments can be swayed to add these amazing ideas, but good luck telling rural MAGA retards that is all actually in their best interest to add these concepts into local government.


I think you pointed the way forward and didn’t realize how significant it is: states and cities.

What states and cities do has the power to change a lot about how we send to make federal laws. It’s not a pipe dream to imagine that an embrace of these ideas at a state level could happen and then bring that change to the national level. I already live in a city with ranked choice voting, in a state where access to vote is pretty solid. I’m going to keep pushing for more.


I’m not so sure the second amendment is going to survive the Millennials and Gen Z. If enough people get on board to replace it or repeal it then that’s it. It’s gone. And the last time I looked, common sense gun regulations like registry and universal background check have 80% approval rates. Go long enough without any compromise with those kinds of numbers and the rubber band effect comes into play.

You only need 38 states. So the super deep red states aren’t enough to stop it. Once the moderates are against it, it will be over. And we’ve been running active shooter drills in schools like that’s not going prejudice those kids against guns…

BaroqueInMind, avatar

I'm a progressive liberal, and a minority who's immigrant parents barely escaped from a fascist religious country with a helpless and disarmed population unable to fight back against the status-quo running the government.

I also have many gay and trans friends who live in opressive bleak conditions every single day and cannot trust law enforcement to fairly help them.

NO matter what happens, I will always vote in favor of less gun control, because hoping the fucking cops/military won't be full of racist/bigoted/MAGA-Trumper/fascist/religious nutjobs not intent on fucking you over is a really really stupid thing.

You are responsible for your own families well being. If you feel safe thinking you live in a fucking fairy tale utopia and most western societies are not at one catastrophic event from collapsing, you are delusional.


And how many kids is your security blanket worth? Because I’m sorry but if someone wants you dead, a gun is not going to stop it. It can help if you’re being robbed, or something sure. But if they came for you? Statistics say they’re likely to be killing you with your own gun.

Especially in the world of bad cops and hate groups. Unless you’re living in a patrol base with the rest of your militia you aren’t going to stop a group of bigots or cops from killing you. That’s some Hollywood bullshit.

And thinking an armed populace is any kind of threat to a modern military? That’s ridiculous. This isn’t 1792, and the whiskey rebellion didn’t work then either.

Your route to safety is putting the work in to fight politically.

BaroqueInMind, avatar

Appealing to the safety of children is what Republicans do to trick voters to join them. You are attempting to do the same here and have a inauthentic argument; unless you have a plan to guarantee to get rid of all weapons, people are going to kill other people including kids. I don't know if you are aware of this, but criminals and insane people don't follow the laws and will still stay armed.

And thinking an armed populace is any kind of threat to a modern military? That’s ridiculous.

Vietnam. Afghanistan. We can keep going...


Vietnam and Afghanistan both had large external forces funding, sheltering, and equipping people. So are you relying on Canada or Mexico?

And just because the GOP operates in bad faith does not mean it’s always a bad argument. Guns are the biggest killer of children and young adults.

BaroqueInMind, avatar

So are you relying on Canada or Mexico?

I don't know if you are purposely omitting GOPs primary benefactor Russia because you are obtuse or because you are purposely trying subvert the discussion in a malicious way to attempt at an argument; and if you think Russia won't do everything in its power to support the Christofacist/MAGA/GOP/Nazi/KKK population with their US Civil War 2, then you are indeed fucking dumb.

Guns are the biggest killer of children and young adults.

This seems so far the most intelligent point you have made so far where I agree with you, but unlikely a concept you have independently considered and likely were told to think this way by someone smarter than you.

Non-sequiturs against you aside, you cannot realistically think you can disarm the entire population of the United States without Trump-level door-to-door military style invasive home inspections? Criminals and crazies will still shoot up innocent people, and if Uvalde, TX hasn't convinced you cops are unreliable for your personal safety, continue living in your fantasy.


The CDC’s WISQARS is free for everyone to use. And I Omitted Russia because funding alone isn’t enough. You have to be able to get out of the borders. Somewhere you can’t be touched. Counter insurgency against an enemy that is merely funded is a solved issue.

If two thirds of the country votes to get rid of the second amendment there will not be popular support for an insurgency either. This isn’t some NRA wet dream where the Democrats suddenly turn into totalitarians.

So in your scenario (which I admit is likely) Russia and China heavily fund militia groups. But neither Mexico or Canada wants any part in it so they don’t have anywhere to go to avoid catching drone fired missiles in the middle of the night. And the majority of the country cheers the morning news because they don’t see the militias as American after they attacked the duly elected government.

Contrary to what you think, guns, politics, and insurgencies are all things I have experience and studies in. Another thing we’ve seen in the 21st century? As long as the Army stays out of the conflict, revolution by the masses walking in the street is far more effective than armed insurrection. And it would take a long time to bring the American military around to the point it could shoot at protesting crowds again.

BaroqueInMind, avatar

Everything you have said here makes logical, coherent sense and have completely changed my mind to agree with you.


Hold on I need to make screen shot. It’s going to come in handy when I run for President of the Internet.


All good points except the Ranked Choice.

It's somewhat of a poison pill.

On the surface, Ranked Choice looks like it would be a good idea, but when you break it down, it has some fundamental problems that are just as bad for democracy as First Past the Post.

This video is a great watch on the subject, it goes through all the problems in great detail, but the TLRW is thus, Ranked Choice is a flawed system, fatally so.

If you want to steal an election but make it look legit, Ranked Choice is your number one voting system. If you want viable third parties, Ranked Choice is not the voting system for you. It actually punishes viable third parties harder than FPtP.

A far better system in every way is STAR.


I’ll take a look, thanks!


It is a great video on the matter. The people at know their stuff!

Treczoks, to world in Ex-FBI source charged with Biden lies is tied to Russian intelligence, prosecutors say

Who would have thought that something that works for Trump has Russian roots? Surprise, Surprise. Not.


Not anyone who watched Trump pardon all the people charged with crimes pertaining to Russia.

Oh and the money launderer… And the missuse of campaign funds guy.

Wait… This sounds like the crimes of someone we know…

JustZ, (edited ) to world in Ex-FBI source charged with Biden lies is tied to Russian intelligence, prosecutors say avatar

“Oh there’s a fuckin surprise.” - My Cousin Vinny

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