sqgl, (edited ) to science in The brain makes a lot of waste. Now scientists think they know where it goes

RadioLab covered the dawning of the (serendipitous) discovery a few years ago called: “bringing back gamma”.

averyminya, to science in The brain makes a lot of waste. Now scientists think they know where it goes

This just in: brain sleeve found filled with microplastics preventing washed amyloid fluid from draining.

Seriously though, this seems like a significant discovery!

Zaktor, to politics in At the border, migrants ‘wait and see’ as encounters with Border Patrol dip 40%

How much of this is not-crossing without an asylum option available and how much is not actively seeking out Border Patrol agents in order to surrender?

Cruxifux, to world in Israeli Supreme Court rules that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men

Okay, I don’t really understand but if I’m wrong let me know.

So I’d assume ultra orthodox, from context, would be the most likely to be Zionist, based on the history of why Israel was created in the first place.

and they’ve been exempt from mandatory military service, which has mostly been used in the Israel-Palestine conflict, up until now?

And this is destabilizing the current regime?

If I’m understanding this correctly this is fucking insane.


So I’d assume ultra orthodox, from context, would be the most likely to be Zionist, based on the history of why Israel was created in the first place.

Israeli ultra-orthodox are kind of ambivalent about Zionism, despite living in Israel. Boy, do they hate non-Jewish minorities though.


I feel like being ground zero and ambivalent and anti non Jewish minorities are all things that I dislike about zionists, so basically same level of complicity to me. The whole dodging mandatory military service thing to help enforce a genocide thing is like… I don’t understand which side of that unholy union I dislike yes but the amount is so high that it’s probably irrelevant

jarfil, to science in The brain makes a lot of waste. Now scientists think they know where it goes

Would be quite a plot twist if it resulted that the whole “seizures cure” spiel from electroshock therapy, resulted in it being “electrical waves help the brain to clean itself”, and have nothing to do with brain-destroying seizures.

Mouselemming, to world in Israeli Supreme Court rules that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men

I don’t know enough to say this but I can ask it: If being ultra-orthodox exempts you from service, doesn’t that provide an incentive to become ultra-orthodox? So will this cause more people to fall out of ultraorthodoxy? Or is there no joining involved, just being born into it?


Anyone with a Jewish mother is considered a Jew and can choose to life the religion to that extent. However i am quite sure you will need to have made the decision and devoted your time to the necessary studies years before military service for the exemption to be granted.

Think of it this way. Any christian can decide to move to a monastery as a priest or nun. But if he wants to do that not to get drafted he should do that a bit earlier than the draft date.


I expect a lot were raised as such by their parents/community, which isolates them from society as a whole. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out once they get exposure to other mindsets. And gurls.

Weirdmusic, to world in Israeli Supreme Court rules that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men avatar

Well, this’ll throw a spanner in the works. To be clear: it’s the ulta-orthodox that have been responsible for the worst of the so called “settlers” (displacement of Palestinian people’s from their homes) and are rabid supporters of the rightwing Government. They are always in favour of military intervention regardless of outcomes, probably because none of them have to serve in the military.


I always thought ultra orthodox Jews = hasidic Jews, aren’t they against Israel as a country and are anti-zionists?

aleph, (edited ) avatar

It’s quite a bit more complicated than that. Firstly, ultra-orthodox Jews (a.k.a Haredim) are mostly non-zionist. They also only make up roughly 33% of Israeli settlers.

Traditionally, the Haredim have voted for their own center-right Haredi parties, but a minority (especially the younger generation) are now drifting further rightward towards the nationalist Religious Zionist party of Ben Gvir and Smotrich that is particularly popular amongst the settlers. Despite this recent trend, though, the majority of Haredim remain Anti-Zionist.

It’s this stance, combined with the facts that Haredi men have been able to avoid military service and have relied heavily on social security to fund their living costs, that has caused a lot of resentment towards them from the majority of Israeli society. As the article above notes, this removal of their military service exemption has overwhelming support amongst the general population.

But you’re definitely right in saying that this throws a spanner in the works, albeit mostly for Netanyahu. His brittle coalition relies heavily on support from the two main Haredi parties in the Knesset. This new policy could backfire on him.

Weirdmusic, avatar

That’s a really good summary of the facts. Thank you so much

SomeoneSomewhere, to world in Israeli Supreme Court rules that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men

I didn’t realise it was possible to hate every side of an argument this strongly.


I feel the same way about arguments between big corporations.

magnetosphere, to world in Israeli Supreme Court rules that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men avatar

“Welcome to the party, pal.” - John McClane, Die Hard (1988)


Still the best Christmas movie ever made

FuglyDuck, avatar

This is my go to when people are over around that time of year and want to watch a “Christmas classic”

Usually they’re something depressing like It’s a Wonderful Life or something straight up annoying, like The Grinch.

(Can I just say it- the Who’s of Whoville are shitty neighbors.)

A runner up is Home Alone.

Etterra, to world in Israeli Supreme Court rules that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men

The best part is how this might finally get Netanyahu out of office. He kicked off the war genocide to appease the ultra conservatives, which he needs to hold his government together. If said UCs get hoisted by their own petard, they’ll blame him.

tal, (edited ) to world in Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it avatar

Hidalgo, who is against countries bringing their own units, stressed earlier this year that Paris organizers would not change course.

“I think we have to trust science on two counts,” she said. “The first is what scientists are telling us about the fact that we are on the brink of a precipice. And secondly, we have to trust the scientists when they help us to construct buildings in a sober way that allows us to make do without air conditioning.”

France has the highest percentage of nuclear power of any power grid in the world and its electricity is generated emitting a very low level of carbon dioxide.…/carbon-intensity-electricity

According to this, France emits about a seventh the carbon dioxide per unit of power generated as the US does. We can use seven times as much electricity in Paris as back in the US and still have about the same carbon dioxide emissions.


Just because it is less damaging in France doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a carbon impact.


Life has a carbon impact. Forcing this burden disproportionately on athletes while spectators (not to mention corrupt IOC officials) enjoy hotels with AC is ridiculous.


Kinda seems like we should just listen to the French then

GBU_28, to world in Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it

If, as one of the quotes stated, they are worried about being “on a precipice”, maybe worry about the fact that you are doing tons of construction for games facilities, and athletes and staff are flying in from all over the world.

That massively dwarfs the ac the athletes want, I’m sure by several orders of magnitude.

Raiderkev, to world in Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it

If Paris wants to make an impact, They can ban Bitcoin and AI which is burning an incredible amount of energy. Otherwise let them have their air conditioners. This is stupid.

Allonzee, to world in Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it

What a lovely metaphor for the self-created doom our species is sleep walking towards.

ms_lane, to world in Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it

the Athletes’ Village will be cooled by a system of water pipes running beneath the floorboards.

Cool, like underfloor heating but in reverse. If it works well, of course.

Officials aim to keep the rooms at between 73 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit

Nice 26c is fine.

Officials … will also provide fans.

oh, so it doesn’t work…


No no, they’ll provide FANS to serve as butlers. Fetch the odd cool drink, ice cream or condoms. That sort of thing


Idk if they tested enough to work out if it will be able to keep up with all the screwing they will happen


26C is way too hot for me to sleep properly.

Imagine training your whole life for one Olympics where you’re at peak performance, then having it fucked up because organisers decided to do this performative nonsense.

No wonder half the teams are bringing air con.


Underfloor heating is great. Underfloor cooling without some form of dehydration will lead to condensation, moisture, and mould.


Not to mention, hot air rises up from the floor. Cold air…doesn’t.


Therefore they need ventilators


Or run the piping in the ceiling?


Indirectly they are, since they’re multistory buildings.

RIP to the top floor.


Why would having fans means it doesn’t work? I use fans along with AC to make the cold air distribution faster, doesn’t mean my AC is not working.


If you’re running an AC and the room is still at 24°C+ I would say it’s not working.


If the AC was set to 26 °C, you’re expecting the temp to be below 24 °C? What are you even talking about?


You’re not wrong, but if you’re setting to 26c and still need a fan, you should just set it lower.

I personally run 27c in summer and don’t need an additional fan.


Yeah, but we’re talking about an underfloor cooling system here. They don’t really have a way to distribute the cold air like air-conditioning systems do. So in the Olympic village’s case, a fan should be needed.


I disagree, a fan is way more economical and ecological than the AC.

So you should put the fan first and if the fan is not enough then you put the AC on. Especially if it’s a ceiling fan that is almost completely quiet.


79f is not exactly chilly, circulating air makes it feel more comfortable.


It’s not exactly hot either though, after being in 35+c sun, it’s pretty chill.

For reference, my aircon is set to 27c in summer (still comfortable, but cost effective) and 18c in winter (WHO minimum recommended house temp, any less is a health hazard - also for cost effectiveness - electricity is expensive)


I hear you, but 79 is “hot” if you are used to be in 70 degree ac. They will get used to it of course but athletes don’t want to have to get used to it.

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